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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      @Xanous - Cool, thanks for the tips on the exit. I like that idea of focusing on nothing but getting my feet to the floor by all means necessary. It makes sense that fully standing up from there would be an easy transition for the mind to make from that point.

      And you're 100% right. I need to get on the ball and post my menthol experiences in that thread. I've tried it a bunch of times now and like it quite a lot as a lucid aid. Thanks for reminding me to do that.

      @dreamenaider - Ha ha, thanks a lot, man! Congratulations on the pending little one!! That's great. As the months and years go by, I bet you'll have lots of appearances of your own kid(s) in your dreams. I hope that your dream-children are way less accident-prone than mine! Thanks for reading!
    2. dreamenaider's Avatar
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      lol i can be a bit of a dream dork in my dreams too. props on how you gained lucidity again. i got a kid on the way and i think if something like that happend to them i would feel so bad and probly wake up. im happy for you that you were able to take controle of that and reallize it was a dream. i enjoyed the read.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
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      Thanks, dude!!

      And hey, I don't suppose you have a gray shirt w/ a logo that has... I dunno, yellow letters maybe on the top?
      Yeah I thought about that. I have some gray shirts but none have yellow on them. I was hoping you pulled some rl info there.

      I do need to get a feel for how you do a proper DEILD roll. It had been months since my prior (partial and mostly failed) OBE-style maneuver. Are you just sort of... rolling without using your muscles, I guess? I was laying there with my brain half-working, trying to remember how to do stuff I hadn't thought seriously about in months. The last time I tried, I imagined new copies of my arms, head, and torso, if that makes sense.
      At first it took a lot of effort but I hardly think about it most of the time now. I just get up. But if I have a hard time, I just imagine my feet floating up and over the side of the bed until I can feel the floor. It sort of feels like my legs detach and stretch like taffy. There is something about feeling my feet on the floor while laying in bed that automatically and instantly transfers me to standing. The feeling is such an oxymoron that it tricks my mind and takes the focus off my semi-paralyzed body laying in bed to thinking about standing. If that makes sense. So I guess it is like moving without using your muscles. It seems the more you try to think of it in physical terms the more stuck you get. Sometimes, if you try to force it, you think you managed to move a limb only to realize it is suddenly back to were it started. So never struggle or fight it. Just relax and flow. BTW I never roll any more. I got tired of face planting on the floor (in the dream).

      BTW you should totally post this here: http://www.dreamviews.com/research/1...-enhancer.html
      Updated 02-24-2013 at 01:57 AM by Xanous
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by BrandonBoss
      Nice long lucid! Haha. Wives are lucidity thieves in dreams.
      Thanks, Brandon, much appreciated! Yeah, wives and kids, man... they are really hard to ignore. In this case, Wife's DC was actually trying to be cooperative and let me go do some LD tasks until my subC started playing dress-up. Blame it on the menthol!!

      Quote Originally Posted by BrandonBoss
      Nice part with xanous in the end too, that is pretty awesome. Really enjoyed reading. I am amused.
      Yeah, that was cool! I realized in the last day or so that I've been trying since October on and off to encounter DV members in an LD. Hopefully I can get a bit more stability going next time. I was also pleased with how the handshake trick worked out as a summon tech. I think that's got promise for down the line.

      Anyway, I'm really glad that you liked it. Thanks for the comment! Also... Galantamine!!
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Ah wow! HA! That was a good one man. I don't even know how to respond to that one. It looks like you were all set up for OBE DEILD. That's really exciting.
      Thanks, dude!!

      And hey, I don't suppose you have a gray shirt w/ a logo that has... I dunno, yellow letters maybe on the top?

      I do need to get a feel for how you do a proper DEILD roll. It had been months since my prior (partial and mostly failed) OBE-style maneuver. Are you just sort of... rolling without using your muscles, I guess? I was laying there with my brain half-working, trying to remember how to do stuff I hadn't thought seriously about in months. The last time I tried, I imagined new copies of my arms, head, and torso, if that makes sense.
      Updated 02-23-2013 at 11:44 PM by CanisLucidus
    6. Sensei's Avatar
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      Nice long lucid! Haha. Wives are lucidity thieves in dreams.

      Nice part with xanous in the end too, that is pretty awesome. Really enjoyed reading. I am amused.

    7. Xanous's Avatar
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      Ah wow! HA! That was a good one man. I don't even know how to respond to that one. It looks like you were all set up for OBE DEILD. That's really exciting.
    8. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      You're very welcome. It's interesting that you compare it to meditation, because I was actually just having this discussion with my dad yesterday. I was talking to him about letting go of perception in dreams and how paying too close attention to your visuals can become a crutch, and he compared it to using a mantra while trying to enter a meditative state. I had been discussing the whole hippocampus-visual cortex thing with him and he thought it was pretty interesting because of this, since it's really just becoming aware of your inner workings without having to use the senses you're limited to while awake, which of course is really the whole point of meditation (if sometimes used for a different goal). But even that just goes back to the whole thing about meditating beyond the dream world and moving into the white light experience. It's all just nonsense that tries to conceal what's really going, you know?

      But just like mantras, any crutch that you can use to make progress is just fine as long as you don't become dependent on it. The way you focused on the dream as a whole is a pretty nice step, and you could definitely use that to move forward. If you're able to use that to phase through walls more then by all means, do it - the more you experience success the more your mind will realize that there's nothing to worry about. And then you'll be pretty much good to go!
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Heavy duty, Aly. Thanks so much. That's great stuff.

      Yes, it's just like you say. I think that in the first two attempts I was definitely doing it like, "Okay! You... disappear!! You are not there! Please!" That really doesn't work. What was different in the final attempt is that I focused my mind solely on the fact that everything was a dream, not the wall specifically. Everything.

      I think that in an indirect way, this allowed me to do it right. By focusing on everything being a dream, that allowed me to not focus on the wall. Thoughts of "whoa... this is all one big dream scene" crowded out the idea that this was a chunk of sheet rock, okay, here are some studs, some brick behind that, etc.

      It sort of reminds me of meditation. The goal of meditation is to clear your mind of all thought and simply be. But focusing on something like breathing gives my mind a ball of yarn to play with so that I can successfully meditate. You know what I mean? The act of not thinking of a particular thing is very hard for me without the selection of a good substitute.

      I think that focusing only on the goal and the act of walking is the way to crowd out the other, limiting nonsense like dream walls. It's not even walking through something. It's just walking -- point A to point B!

      Thanks again for this great material. This'll be perfect to revisit during a WBTB!
    10. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Think about it like that while you're awake, yes. When you're in the dream, just don't think of it at all, especially as you're walking through it. I understand that this is hard to do without practice, but just take it at a nice pace and don't rush yourself, just know that the more you get to try it the easier it'll get. Even if you fail, you'll get more perspective on how to do it right the next time. It took me several lucids to figure this stuff out on my own, and I didn't even think about it that much when I was awake, I just kept trying something new and expanding on old attempts whenever I became lucid.

      You know how when you first start becoming lucid you get really excited and often wake yourself up? It's an important lucid dreaming skill to be able to drop this sudden burst of awareness and become lucid passively, as everyone knows. Think of it exactly the same way with this. You've taken that step already, but now you need to learn to drop your awareness of walls in the same way. When you become lucid, don't think about the fact that you're going to pass through the walls. There are no walls, just go wherever you want to without hesitation because you already can.

      And I feel I should note that when you get this down well you can easily make those walls solid again and drop that perception whenever you want, you don't have to stick with one or the other. You just have to make sure you're good enough at not perceiving them first, because obviously you can perceive them AS being there just fine. You've been trained for that your whole life, but now you have to forget everything that the real world has taught you to survive, because this isn't the real world.
      Updated 02-22-2013 at 03:54 AM by Alyzarin
    11. Xanous's Avatar
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      Would it help to think of it as something that like a hologram? Because really it sort of is... Simulated at least.
    12. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Alright, that's a step forward! I do have a question, though.

      I walk up to a wall that leads outside, imagining that it's not really there. But when I try to walk through it, it stops me. This time I imagine the house having that entire section of wall missing, but my phase attempt is still a failure.

      I take a few steps back and make one final run-up, focusing my mind on the fact that none of this exists... and pop right through the wall to the outside!
      When you use words like this, it makes me think that you're actively trying to make this happen. Are you? Because if so, you're already setting yourself up for problems! Don't forget that it's not just that anything you think of can exist, but that anything you think of does exist. Going back to the 3D modeler analogy, think of it like objects an elements. That wall is an object, and the second you think about that wall, in any context, your mind will be rendering it. That means that when you focus on the wall not being there, you're making it be there! Now, beyond that, you've got the element "not really there" set on this object. This is just going to confuse your mind, and leave you in this kind of strange state where it may or may not work, or may just kind of work like what happened with the glass. But can you really blame your mind for not knowing how to realistically simulate the experience of walking through a wall that's not really there?

      The key to it is passivity. You shouldn't be trying to overcome an obstacle that doesn't exist, you should just do what you want to do. Again, just treat it like it's not there at all to begin with, because it's not. You wouldn't be worried about making sure you can walk through an imaginary wall in waking life!

      Great dream though, I love the progress! And the Hulk-jumping, those are so fun.

      And if you can drop caring about a DC of your son, I'll be impressed. I'm a tyrant to my DCs and I still feel bad when I realize I've hurt someone who I care about. It's tough to detach completely!
    13. Xanous's Avatar
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      Your advice about DCs reminded me of this line from Rudyard Kipling:

      "He travels the fastest who travels alone."

      I've gotta keep this in mind for tasks, especially the ones that already have a high degree of difficulty.
      I like it!
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Your advice about DCs reminded me of this line from Rudyard Kipling:

      "He travels the fastest who travels alone."

      I've gotta keep this in mind for tasks, especially the ones that already have a high degree of difficulty.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, no kidding! You're right about those DCs. Man, they really get me though... when they look and act exactly like their real-life counterparts, it is hard not to buy into the illusion. You know it's not them, but it is that image or model of them that you carry around with you when you're away from them. It is so close to the real deal it's scary. Gah!

      And you're right, awareness was plummeting at the end. I still knew that I was dreaming but I had absolutely no emotional detachment from what was happening. Felt super guilty and worried, the whole bit. LOL. This is why I need to just run away next time! I'm sentimental, though, because I took E up to the Aurora with me and it was awesome.

      I love how your getting the hang of phasing. That glass thing was weird though. Oh well. My phases aren't very pretty either.
      Yeah, I'm afraid that it was quite ugly. I think that I effectively erased the wall but still believed in the window. Then when I ran full speed, there was still this sensation of clipping a pane of glass without charging right through the whole thing. Very weird.

      I'm also excited how you changed scenes. It was sort of a small flying jump thing I guess.
      Yeah, this was really old school. It's how I first "flew", just jumping really high around the map. I am not sure why I did it apart from the fact that I knew it would work and wanted to get away from my house. It didn't take me where I wanted to go but I'll definitely keep it in mind for the future, especially for those times where I'm down in the dumps and nothing else is working!
    16. Xanous's Avatar
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      Ah dude you gotta leave those DCs behind lol. Maybe I'm just a bastard but I'm usually like whatever you're not real see ya. Of course that last time I did feel pretty bad for spooking my son. Or was it that I was just afraid that somehow I would wake him in RL. Probably both. I understand though. I think maybe your awareness level went down a bit at the end.

      I love how your getting the hang of phasing. That glass thing was weird though. Oh well. My phases aren't very pretty either.

      I'm also excited how you changed scenes. It was sort of a small flying jump thing I guess. That's what I really need to focus on weather or not I get to were intend. I guess I did alright with that last Colosseum attempt though. Just the dream ended too soon.
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks, glad you liked it! Yeah, the characters were a lot of fun in this one. By that time, the four of us had really been through some stuff. At one point, Mrs. Rearden and I spent probably 10 minutes doing nothing but earnestly trying to get that anorexic kid back on the right track.

      I have no clue who the Dream Coordinator is but man did it get me curious! I feel like the Dream Coordinator should be me! At the time I had this vague idea that he is some denizen of my subconscious that normally lays out dream plots and that I was moving in on his turf. It was really impactful in-dream because even when lucid I find that I'm still very vulnerable to paranoia. And I always have that sense of being in a bit of a foreign land.

      It's fascinating how the mind goes to these kinds of lengths to play tricks like that on itself. Neat stuff. Being human is cool.
    18. Iokheira's Avatar
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      What an awesome and hilarious dream! I love the characters in this one, and all the weird random stuff that dreams shove together. Any guesses on who the Dream Coordinator might be?
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks, Sandman, I appreciate it! Dream meltdowns always do leave me a little bit baffled, but all I can do is try to get lucid and give it another shot. I feel better equipped to handle the gentle "fade to black" situations via DEILD/gladius trick but the full wake-ups right before the alarm clock kind of leave me with no place to go.

      Hopefully your stable phases will rub off on me!
    20. The Sandman's Avatar
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      As Xanous said, nice phase. I'm happy for you. Sorry about the melt-down, but you have a success to build upon. That's great.
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