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    1. Telekinesis and Demons

      by , 10-25-2012 at 08:49 PM
      Three nights ago I had another lucid dream. I typically have one or two a week. This was my second. I was riding in a car with some friends and I was in the back seat. I looked out the rear window and saw this huge semi truck barreling down on us. For some reason it swerved off the road and crashed into a ditch flipping towards us end over end. Right before it crushed us I threw up my hands to stop it thinking "I hope this is a dream so this works". I held the truck in mid air with telekinesis and threw it off to the side of the road. This is the largest object I have tried telekinesis on. I just started researching different things to do while lucid dreaming last week. I already know how to fly and that was about as far as i had taken things until i looked up some dudes youtube video with different ideas. I tried telekinesis the next lucid dream i had and was successful in moving small objects, but this was a huge step forward from that for me. Anyway, I realized that since I could toss the truck then I must be dreaming and became truly lucid. I flew out of the car and to some major city... maybe New York? As I was flying I became curious to find out if i could use my telekinesis while i was flying. I was successful and started tossing cars off of the overpasses into the water below. I then decided to try something else that was "wrong" because I was dreaming. So I decide to try to rob a bank by opening the safe with my mind. I went to a bank and was all the way to the vault when I had the sudden urge to ask this dream character if he was my "spirit guide". I don't know if i really believe in that stuff but I figure it's worth a try anyway and have tried to find mine on several different occasions. I asked him three times as i read i am supposed to and he answered yes, but got this really evil grin on his face. His eyes turned yellow and he became demonic. Also an identical clone of him also with yellow eyes came out of a back room and they approached me. The original one said "You have potential to do great evil" or something similar to that. I freaked out and used telekinesis to smash them together and knock them out. That is the last thing I can remember. Post any comments or remarks especially if you have had any similar experiences with these "demonic" dream characters.