• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Thank you CL! Yes so last night(not the dream above) I woke up earlier like normal and did drink more water (before I would just wet my throat if anything) so I probably got a little lucky with the timing/amount of water. Since I usually sleep 8 hours, it seemed to still be early enough to get back to sleep BUT shortening the time doing anything must have helped get to sleep as well(which can be an issue if I try do too long of a wbtb which is why I normally save my real tries for the weekend). So first full awakening=urge to go to bathroom-done, drink some water, go straight back to bed, some quick mantras: "Next time I see (deceased father in law), aha I am dreaming!" (6-8 times fairly quickly) "Next time I see Girl Friday, aha I am dreaming!" It is after this that I do my quick version of the SSILD cycles(all three senses in each breath) that I can complete in 2-3 minutes (I actually keep doing my version of the cycles longer if trying to WILD and use it as my anchor and to keep me from focusing on the HI's as seems to be most commonly recommended).
      Updated 11-19-2013 at 01:20 AM by fogelbise
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Hey, two very good ideas there!

      First of all, that WBTB after 6 hours sounds like a good time indeed for it, so long as you can get back to sleep! How do you wake yourself up for it? I find that I can wake myself up in the 3-5 hour range by drinking just the right amount of pee water but I wonder if I could figure something out for 6 hours. I guess there's always the idea of just drinking more water once I wake up. I'd be interested in the method you used though.

      Another reason this sounds good is that I can think of a lot of mornings where something spontaneously woke me up kind of later than traditional WBTB and I had an LD after going back to sleep. The trick is that after 6 hours of sleep I am sometimes "up", so I'd have to watch that.

      Your dream incubation idea sounds great too! I have never had a solid track record on dream incubation so this idea is really intriguing to me. Would you mind laying out how you structure your mantra? And then you just make it part of your post-SSILD phase where you're falling back to sleep? I'd love to get better at dream incubation, particularly the incubation of dreamsigns.
    3. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Thank you CL! And you have helped me get to where I am at...especially reading different tips from you in my DJ and others along with the podcasts. Hey, I tried a few new things the last few nights and am wondering if you have any pointers (if you see this). One thing I was trying for weekdays(when I am normally concerned about losing sleep) was to hit my wbtb later than the standard 4.5 hours, this time about 6 hours in with a short wbtb and I got lucid again (only posted it in the "your dream in one sentence thread"). The other thing I am doing is a mantra involving some dream signs that are not super common but are quite reliable normally for making me lucid and it had the effect of putting those 2 dream signs into 2 dreams last night (one each). I got lucid on one of them but I think it had more to do with it being later in the morning where waking life memories are starting to filter in. I found it quite odd that the first one didn't trigger lucidity but it was earlier in the night.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Congrats, fogelbise! You've just been killing it recently with all these lucids. That's some great dream control too. Your summoning sounded completely effortless. I could use that if I'm going to get any more of these Tasks of the Year!

      Great job getting to the moon, too, not to mention your encounter with the ladies in dream #2! Your dream work just seems so on point right now. Keep it up!
    5. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Thanks CL! The roller coaster WILD was so much more fun than a real coaster! The closest thing to it is the front seat on a really good coaster since it was just me swooping around and letting go to fly!!..can't do that IWL! Girl Friday was weird in the end...may have bled over into my dild last night with another weird kiss by the end...haven't posted it yet...got to flush that from my mind.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Congratulations on the lucids! That rollercoaster experience sounds super cool. I have only had a very brief coaster experience myself (which was cool in its own right) so I'd really like to try something like this myself.
    7. fogelbise's Avatar
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      You give me too much credit. Thank you again! One of the keys for me was taking the pressure off of myself on the last night of the Scionox's competition...definitely doing what I need to do to give myself the best chances to LD but kind of thinking "If it happens, it happens, if not no big deal."
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Such great stuff, man! The moon rock surgery (possibly the most insanely advanced LD goal I've heard of) will have to wait for another night.

      Your success is seriously inspirational... man, am I ready to have an LD tonight!
    9. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Thank you CL and thank you for the idea of combining my goal to look at the planet with my other goal...it put it more firmly in my mind since I imagined doing both in the same dream even though I only did the planet one(along with some other fun), my god was it fantastic!! Your reminders about stabilizing are paying dividends in longer LDs lately. Thanks again CL!!
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Beautiful!! I love that scene of you flying over the planet, looking down! So awesome!

      What makes that kind of experience even more powerful is that the emotions are allowed to run wild in dreams in a way they wouldn't in waking life. Your brain would have probably dampened that sense of awe, worries about "oops, better make sure I don't get all weepy!", etc. =) You just get the raw emotional experience of seeing something unparalleled in waking life.

      Congratulations, too, on Task of the Month! I'm really impressed. I haven't tried that one yet but man that sounded challenging to me from reading the description. Great job!
    11. fogelbise's Avatar
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      I had another nice one...so vivid. A wild, later turned FA then caught FA. (RC'd several times before typing this up)
      Going back to bed "next time I see, I'm dreaming!"
    12. FryingMan's Avatar
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      Flying, girls, yup a magical night alright!
    13. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Thank you CL! I could have sworn I responded to you...weird. The idea of continuing to swim a while to stabilize and rub my hands together came from some of your posts. I really wonder how many false awakenings I am missing...gotta always remember to RC every time I get up...sometimes I get lazy thinking to myself all groggy "yeah...I'm awake" and skip the RC.
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Great LD series! I really like your idea with an island. I'd have never anticipated needing to have a tech in mind for handling an ocean swinning scene, but it's a great scenario to be prepped for!
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Hey, thanks for the kind words, fogelbise! I appreciate that!

      Your theory about WILD vs DILD makes a lot of sense to me. Daniel Love made the observation that in a WILD, you're taking your awareness and watching the dream get built up. Therefore it's normal to work the hardest at enhancing and stabilizing the dream. Likewise he says that in a DILD, you are in the fully-formed dream and watching your awareness form. So presence of mind and hanging on to lucidity are liable to be the biggest challenges.

      I am sure there are lots of exceptions to this principle but as an idea it's very interesting.

      I bet you are going to love space! I've only been a couple of times, but it was awesome each time. One thing that really helped was having a Task of the Month that was space-related to get it really cemented in my mind that I had to do it. Nothing like making it your focus!
    16. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Thank you CL! It is always good to see you around the forums. I tend to keep an eye out for you to see what I can learn from your various great tips and posts. That was quite a fun experience. I think I would have been scared out of my mind if I hadn't entered the experience consciously or had the vibrations letting me know that I was almost there. I would love to truly explore space. I have in the past shot up and flew around what I assumed was earth (like in the original superman movie when he was turning back time) but it was quite a blur. I would love to shoot up there and just look back down at earth or go further if I could just keep calm enough and not go running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I did have a little longer and more stable one fairly recently, so hopefully I will build on that, but that was a DILD. I am working on the theory that my DILD's are a little more stable because I am more deeply asleep...whereas the WILDs I still retain too much awareness of my sleeping body perhaps...slowing down and using your stabilization methods should solve that I think as well as finding ways to get to sleep quicker and have less time laying awake...but not sure about that.
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      I like the way that LD had you taking off like a rocket from the first moment and pretty much never let up. I love the glowing hands and the way you quickly shot up all the way to the clouds. Ever tried to keep going and visit space?

      They don't have to be long to be cool experiences! Congratulations!
    18. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Sorry...quite a few voice transcribing "typos" in there. TV at the end should read DV.
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Nice LD, congratulations! Seeing your father in law sounds really cool. Very close call on the reality checks but the good ol nose pinch came through for you in the end! Great job not giving up after a single (or even double!) RC failure.
    20. fogelbise's Avatar
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      I think that I mostly just lucked out and stumbled into it. I am also not sure how soon I would be able to duplicate it since it seems to be something that can take a lot of practice to get there intentionally as
      Sageous mentioned. If anything helped nudge the luck my way, it could have been SSILD or my now more frequent attempts to WILD (I used to stay away from going for WILDs but I am attempting to make it a regular part of my bag of tools).
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