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    1. sea camel

      by , 08-15-2013 at 08:19 PM
      so in my dream i was at this huge river. it was an activity in the land where i was in my dream, an activity that involved riding an animal that seemed to be like a camel under water. i sat on the animal underwater like riding a horse, and the head of the animal popped up. the head looked like a cross between a deer and an ostrich and a camel, and it was the color of a camel. i rode it down a crowded river (there were other ppl riding and in boats and swimming so it was difficult to navigate at times). i finally got to the end where i was to pick up sierra. weirdly enough, i'm not sure i actually saw her in the dream but i know she absolutely loved the sea animal ride that i took her on.

      then i was in this huge frat house. it was a beautiful house like you would see in a magazine with a large backyard and pool, but there were bottles and random crap everywhere bc they had a lot of parties there. there were huge frat guys there that i apparently knew. one of them was wearing sunglasses in the house. throughout the house, there were dudes passed out randomly from partying.

      me and matt and kiely were on the floor in sleeping bags next to the couch where bryn was watching tv. it was some cartoon that was out of this world. it was like 3d and it was a mish-mash of crazy alien-like images set to techno music. kiely was freaking out bc she thought she was a slut bc of some story she told us about her past. apparently she went into the bathroom with some guy and he said you can have your pants on or off. she chose off. i told her she was just freaking out and shes fine. kiely went to the bathroom, and me and matt wanted to cuddle so we rolled next to the couch so bryn couldnt see. i remember pushing back from the couch so that she couldnt hear either. i remember this part vividly- looking up at the couch from the wood floor and pushing as hard as i could to slide us back. we didn't really get to do anything bc the dream switched or i just dont remember....

      i was outside by the pool. there was some huge hammock device. i was told to swing into the hole that the strings created and onto the large tree. i swang like a park swing a bunch of times, back and forth as hard as i could, and i remember yelling things like "i cant do this!! this is so hard!" and laughing.

      dream switched again. mom found my computer and freaked the fuck out bc she searched history and apparently i have something to hide. she was screaming and furious and i felt dread and fear. i grabbed the laptop from her, and then started to gather all my shit from the frat house. i had to babysit sierra and i only had 2 hours to get there. before leaving, i went to some drawer and found a bunch of stickers and things and went through them for about 15 min it felt like in order to find sierra some cute things. i picked out pumpkin halloween, barbie ish, stars, and other stickers. i remember their images completely clearly, each sheet of stickers was as real as anything.

      i got in my car and raced over to the hymans to see them and then pick up sierra from somewhere. it was the second time we were going to go sea animal riding. i went to the hymans residence, but it was a different house but i knew it was them still. they were nice, but for some reason i couldn't remember their last names and they asked me to find their phone number on my phone just in case of an emergency. for the life of me i couldnt remember their last names, or even first names, and i also couldn't navigate my phone bc it was a whole different interface. they were kind of weirded out by my inability to find them in my phone. they eventually called the sea riding off bc of it, and i felt rejected and tried to change their mind. they tried to distract me by showing me some cat that their friend had created from scratch? it wasn't a real cat it was made from a human. i told them i had heard about it. she said that it did a bunch of tricks. it was a creepy black cat like ricky and its fur was all mangled up like a shitty black haired barbie. it was all contorted and freaky looking. hillary told me she wanted him to do a trick with me. i uncomfortably agreed and the cat came towards me.

      idk what happened after that. i did enjoy the sea animal rides and the animal was so cute that i rode with its little head sticking out of the water so cutely.
      Tags: wtf
      non-lucid , memorable