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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    An Argonaut of the dream world, the Oneironaut. Every night a journey, every dream an adventure, every moment a treasure.

    1. #247 - A man shot dead / Beating up a dinosaur

      by , 06-12-2016 at 09:42 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      These 2 dreams are from about 4-5 days ago, I had a pretty hectic week and kept losing the time I needed to write them up.

      Dream 1 - A man shot dead
      I'm in a courtyard, there's a few buildings around it and it's a nice sunny day. I'm confronted by a man in a suit wielding a gun, he isn't a bad person though. He opens fire on me from the other side of the court, I start doing cartwheels, flips and all sorts of crazy evasive manoeuvres. I'm somehow dodging every single bullet, I remember thinking how lucky I was and how unlikely this is. Another man shows up, similar attire but maybe wearing a red tie and he gives of the impression that he's evil. He starts shooting at both me and the other guy, but I don't get hit. He lands 7 solid chest shots in the first suited man, the guy is lying on the ground bleeding out. I'm not sure but I may have beaten up the second shooter or he just disappeared. I go to the dying man, I feel so sorry for him... He's going to die and there's nothing that can be done to save him. "I know how you feel man, getting shot feels fuckin' horrible" I say. The feeling of what it feels like to be shot, the pressure, the cold, the hole oozing out blood.. It all flashes through my mind in a memory, I've experienced this myself in dreams and now I'm watching it happen to someone else. "Keep fighting man, that's what life is, make the world feel your will to live until the very last moment!" The guy goes limp 2 seconds later, the light fading from his eyes.

      Dream 2 - Beating up a dinosaur
      It's probably the Jurassic time period, I'm in a dense forest sitting the upper boughs of a tree with a brontosaurus next to me. I'm not sure how it was in the tree with me, since they're huge.. But it was just chilling next to me, it was both big and small at the same time. The context is that we're hiding from predators, but I'm new to this (I assume I've just travelled here through time maybe). The brontosaurus is teaching me how to hide and I'm following its example, copying the way he camouflages himself by staying still. We hear a carnivorous dinosaur on ground hunting, it doesn't know we're hear so we're safe. But then.. I snap a twig or something by wriggling to get a better view of it. Oh shit... I have to make a run for it, god damn it. I jump up and land on the ground, immediately bolting off in a sprint. I end up in a bigger more open area, I get the impression there are walls around somewhere.. Almost as if it's all just one HUGE cage. I decide to fight the predator back, it looks a bit like a tyrannosaurus. As I'm running I grab a vine and swing up, as the momentum brings me to peak height I prepare to swing back. Gravity pulls me down and I arc towards the predator. I kick it right in its face and jump off. I then do some CRAZY acrobatic kicks and beat the living crap out of it.
    2. #136 - Dino dog / Library girls are the best / Evil monsters / Robo heroes

      by , 10-22-2015 at 11:01 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream 1 - Dino dog
      I really wish I tried harder to recall this, I feel like I forgot the best part of the dream . The only part I remember is the end where the adventure seemed to have finished. I'm in my parents house in the main lounge, it looks nearly identical except that the draws are on the wrong part of the room. There's a creature walking around casually being interested in stuff. It looks like a dog, but it's red and has more scaly skin and no fur. It has these long spikes arching back (about the length of a hand) that protrude from all around the circumference of its neck. Its snout is slightly longer and more point than you would expect, but only slightly. I remember opening up the draws and pulling out an African drum. It looks really primitive/incomplete, the hide stretched over the top is loose and only slightly held in place by some strings. I wonder how it makes a sound if the hide isn't stretched properly. I hold it and tap the top, discovering there's a slight wooden panel that covers 1/3 of the opening. It seems like you're meant to tap that and it makes a sound. Such a weird design. I strut around tapping it to some random beat and waltz in the study room where someone (likely my dad) is sitting doing work in front of the computer. The dinosaur looking dog is next to him just standing, it looks at me as I enter.

      I think there was some kind of tension between me and the other strange creatures that were in this dream (though unmentioned because I only remember the end of the dream) which made me feel like the dog was supposed to be dangerous, but it was strangely docile.

      Dream 2 -Library girls are the best
      I can't remember how I came to be in the library or what we were doing there. I was with 2 (cute) girls that I think I may have been studying with. I remember there being a table but now we were obviously on the ground. I had my black bag in front of me spoon-feeding the front pouch all the pencils, pens etc that I seem to have in abundance (this is pretty true in RL ). The girls seem to have finished and are waiting on me, they're lying down next to each other about a hands width away on my left.
      "Maybe we should kiss and touch" one mentions to the other. Instantly the attention of about 4 nearby girls is garnered, this makes me chuckle a bit as I seem to know that the 2 girls are just playing a prank.
      "If you put your head here and do this, it'll help too" they say to me, indicating me to rest my head on the lower part of their stomach. I ignore her as I know she's just teasing me ^_^
      "I heard that if you rub your breast while doing this with your mouth (tongue swirling motion) it will ????" one of the girl says playfully to the other (the last part was some generic benefit like good skin or something O_O). I'm still stowing pencils away, so many pencils... I start fiddling around in my bag looking for my hearing aids container, I get them and put them on. As I do this I glance to my right and wow, the four girls that were paying attention to my friends were leaning against a white-metallic book shelf and were each rubbing one breast while swirling their tongue around. Haha! I'm surprised they fell for it . After seeing them succeed I kind of just bow my head and rest it on the lower part of one of the girls' stomachs. It was like a sign of respect for them manipulating the other girls which I found impressive. The 2 girls were still lying flat on their back next to each other and now I had my head lying on them ^_^. The whole scene feels comedic and quite light. They tell me that if I rub my head a certain way and nuzzle their pants down a bit then it'll also have a good effect (it wasn't sexual though). I comply in a 'what hell am I doing' kind of way, just going with the flow. The girl closest to me I manage to get her pants down about 2 inches and expose her panties, they're blue.
      "Geeze I only have one colour" she says kind of playfully (she probably meant to say she only had those panties and nothing else)
      "Damn!" I respond, jokingly insinuating that she should get more colour variety. She cracks up laughing (in the dream with the slight-comedic atmosphere and non-sexual nature (yet growing sexual undertone) of everything it was just somehow really hilarious). This dream felt so weird to recap O_O

      Dream 3 - Evil Monsters
      Everything is grey: the atmosphere, the weather, the road I was walking on, the monsters. Everything was just somehow tinged in evil grey murkiness. This was some kind of adventure world. There were green trees off the road but even they seemed to be swallowed by the evil atmosphere. I think I was fighting some monsters earlier on, but now I was strolling down the road in the rain. I was with another person whom I didn't really want to be stuck with. He had forced a grey monster that somewhat resembled a zebra (though more hunched and slightly shorter) to lead us somewhere. The road we were walking was gravelly and had been worn down by cars, although it felt like cars weren't a part of this world. There's a bridge up ahead that goes over the road (about 10 metres high). I'm a bit ahead of the others, the zebra creature is behind me. I pass under the bridge, next is the zebra but as it's about to go under it perks up as blood splashes onto its back. It dashes beneath the bridge and cowers in fear, hoping that whatever it was will leave it alone. A huge creature suddenly drops from the bridge, "RUN!".
      Sprinting away we manage to escape somehow (we honestly ran for like 20 metres so it doesn't make sense). I also remember the zebra thing getting squished and its body was split in half but that seems to have not happened when I next look at it. We're at a bend in the road and continue walking now. To the right of the road there's more trees, but to the left there's a sudden drop into a valley with a river passing through it. There's a sudden scream and it's ear-piercingly loud. Whatever it is must be REALLY powerful, we absolutely do not want to cross paths with it. I goof up somehow, slipping down the cliff face leading into the valley, I manage to stop the fall about 20 metres down by grabbing branches and clawing at the dirt. Uh oh, I hope that monster thing doesn't get us. My partner said "was that a doll?" which made no sense since it was a monster.

      Dream 4 - Robo heroes
      Me and some other people, not really sure how many but I think it's mostly girls, enter a classroom. There are 2 other girls already in here who we don't know. We introduce ourselves and conversation happens while I decide to go off and do my own thing. I walk into the neighbouring room through a side door and there's a bunch of people doing horticulture-related stuff. They must be in a club, they manage the schools gardens. I strike up conversation with a girl who seems to be the club leader, she's just shoveling compost into a bucket. It's pretty weird that she's doing this in the classroom. I mention how impressive their garden is which you can see through the windows, it's HUGE. There are heaps of potted plants and the whole thing is beautiful and green with lots of various plant species.
      I haven't got a clue what or how I get into this next situation but I seem to be on the run. I don't have a drivers license like other robo heroes (which is what I am now apparently, as part of some hero academy) because I skipped classes and couldn't be bothered. There is another hero who I think must be my rival, he's got a license though. I run into a basement and hide. It's blue and has a little room to the side which is small but I manage to hide my frame enough to buy some time. The people looking for me come in slowly, I know that it's only a matter of time, they're programmed like a game to explore the route to a certain extent so that you can't hide in here forever. Surely enough, they spot me and the chase begins again. I think I'm some kind of blue robot hero with quite thick blocky robot parts. I can't seem to remember how to equip my weapons either. This is starting to feel a little like a video game. I run around a bit more before ending up in the same situation in another basement, this time with my rival present. He's captured me I think, he has weapons and I can't equip mine so I can't do anything. He's standing in the side room, the search party will be here soon though the rival hasn't alerted them to my presence. There's some sort of camaraderie between us. I realize I don't even know how to pick up a weapon either. It also feels like at some point I'm playing with a toy figurine (like a transformer) and I put a weapon into its hand, some kind of robot arm with a stick on it. My rival lets me go, I push him out of the side room so I can hide there, telling him to go outside hoping he'll send the search party in a different direction. They come down to the basement anyways and eventually I have to make a break and run for it again. I push past them up the stairs and out into the open. This time they REALLY don't want to lose me. They've called in back up, I think I can hear the sound of a helicopter in the distance. A flash car pulls up and 2 heroes (not overly robotic, more like a power-ranger suit tbh) jump out and run after me. I run really fast and then decide to double back, heading towards the car. I punch in the drivers seat window and open the door. Grabbing the hero driver I throw him onto the ground. I think someone says some like "Luke Skywalker can't driver either because he missed the driving lessons". I'm about to jump into the car and hopefully wing it with my non-existent driving skills but the dream ends.

      Bahaha hope you enjoyed reading this 1'847 word long dream recap
    3. #113 - dinosaur hunt

      by , 09-13-2015 at 01:52 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream - Dinosaur Hunt
      I remember running REALLY fast, I think I had a companion (whom might have been some sort of monster, if you've seen 'Ushio to Tora (TV)' then it was almost like that). It was night time, and as I was running I met a large horned wolf running along a road. The context of the dream was somewhat important to our interaction... I think we were hunting, there were other creatures that you had to make sure didn't catch you though. The wolf's name was 'Elbite' I think, he didn't want to team up with anyone which was the usual thing to do I think. Anyways, we part ways and me and my companion dart off down through some bushes off-road.

      A little while later we chance upon the wolf again, it's day time now I think. We're hunting again and this time the wolf is way bigger. The wolf is running away from something this time and I decide to find out what's chasing him. We dart off to the right into a splay of tall evergreen pine trees. The ground was brown with pine needles and the trunks of the trees were pretty thick (maybe 2-3 people needed to wrap around its girth). The monster chasing Elbite was a giant red T-rex that had a claw which it could propel forward to catch its prey. Things in this world were a little more advanced in evolution apparently. Elbite was playing hooky, dodging around all the trees as the T-rex gave chase, occasionally shooting its claw which would slam into the trees. I watched and stayed out of the way as Elbite seemed to barely evade the attacks, but it dawned on me what he was really doing when I saw the state of the T-rex's claw... It was battered and bruised, bloody and bent. Around this time the T-rex noticed me and I decided to hide behind a tree. Things were pretty fuzzy as well. The T-rex was more of a woman now, glowing white, I was still caught up in the previous run and hide scenario so I didn't notice the change (wish I had, wanted to get lucid ). She approached the tree and I knew she was coming. She came around the tree and glanced down at me.. Her skin was fair, her hair snow white. A bright glow seemed to emanate from her and the gaze of her blue eyes was gentle. I was confused because she was human-size. I had thought for sure she was huge.. My befuddled mind found it was an irregularity which caused her to begin growing. I'm absolutely sure that if I had stayed in the dream longer then I would have noticed that I had been dreaming. But as it happened I pretty much just woke up as it was all changing...

      Elbite was pretty cool, if that really was his name. A better description: he was a large black wolf with two horns protruding from his head. He had red eyes and seemed really smart.
      The woman too was pretty interesting, I don't often have such profound dream characters which stick in my mind the way they did.