#113 - dinosaur hunt
, 09-13-2015 at 01:52 AM (620 Views)
Black: non-dream
Blue: non-lucid
Red: lucid
Dream - Dinosaur Hunt
I remember running REALLY fast, I think I had a companion (whom might have been some sort of monster, if you've seen 'Ushio to Tora (TV)' then it was almost like that). It was night time, and as I was running I met a large horned wolf running along a road. The context of the dream was somewhat important to our interaction... I think we were hunting, there were other creatures that you had to make sure didn't catch you though. The wolf's name was 'Elbite' I think, he didn't want to team up with anyone which was the usual thing to do I think. Anyways, we part ways and me and my companion dart off down through some bushes off-road.
A little while later we chance upon the wolf again, it's day time now I think. We're hunting again and this time the wolf is way bigger. The wolf is running away from something this time and I decide to find out what's chasing him. We dart off to the right into a splay of tall evergreen pine trees. The ground was brown with pine needles and the trunks of the trees were pretty thick (maybe 2-3 people needed to wrap around its girth). The monster chasing Elbite was a giant red T-rex that had a claw which it could propel forward to catch its prey. Things in this world were a little more advanced in evolution apparently. Elbite was playing hooky, dodging around all the trees as the T-rex gave chase, occasionally shooting its claw which would slam into the trees. I watched and stayed out of the way as Elbite seemed to barely evade the attacks, but it dawned on me what he was really doing when I saw the state of the T-rex's claw... It was battered and bruised, bloody and bent. Around this time the T-rex noticed me and I decided to hide behind a tree. Things were pretty fuzzy as well. The T-rex was more of a woman now, glowing white, I was still caught up in the previous run and hide scenario so I didn't notice the change (wish I had, wanted to get lucid). She approached the tree and I knew she was coming. She came around the tree and glanced down at me.. Her skin was fair, her hair snow white. A bright glow seemed to emanate from her and the gaze of her blue eyes was gentle. I was confused because she was human-size. I had thought for sure she was huge.. My befuddled mind found it was an irregularity which caused her to begin growing. I'm absolutely sure that if I had stayed in the dream longer then I would have noticed that I had been dreaming. But as it happened I pretty much just woke up as it was all changing...
Elbite was pretty cool, if that really was his name. A better description: he was a large black wolf with two horns protruding from his head. He had red eyes and seemed really smart.
The woman too was pretty interesting, I don't often have such profound dream characters which stick in my mind the way they did.