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    1. Competition Night 5, it was a long long night ;)

      by , 08-22-2015 at 12:15 PM
      NLD LD Comments/Thoughts

      Bedtime: 1 am

      Sit with a Friend A in a Transporter on the backseats. my phone is sticked on the left site over the window and i/we watch someting. A girl come by and asks something i dont remember (where is the market or something) i tell her and she goes again. we keep watching. slowly someone approaches the Transporter and opens the left backdoor and divert our attention to him while someone else opens the right frontdoor and takes something. i notice this and get out of the car and see whats happening. it is a turkish man with 2 children. he says he was just asking something/looking something and put it back. they go and i get in the car again. I tell A where the charger cabel is and that if he want to he can use it and put it afterwarts in the shotgun seat or backseat. The girl is coming back and asks me on which booth i am working and i answer her at the organic sausage booth. she smiles and tells me that we probable might see each other again. now i am alone in the car and i look out of the window and see some feet away a lantern. on this lantern a companioned couple is sitting up on the lantern. i look at them some time and then they seem to want to go down. she pushes him and he falls down and lands on his head but have enough momentum that he turns 180° and lands on his feet unharmed. [sure this makes sense...] she jumps down. a female friend of mine J comes back and there is a transition and we are in a bed together in a room. we kiss eachother and stand up. she jumps up to me and wraps her arms and legs around me and i kiss her again and go with her out of the room. she leaves to the toilet and i go to two friends L and A. L says schelmak or something to me and i answer sholva kre (stargate). he smiles because he seemed to mean something different. on the right site there is "nature" some trees i think a lake or something. transition and i am in the city at "ständeplatz" [a traffic tram station] and i am waiting for J i go the street down and a bus drives towards me and another friend is sitting in there and he saw me. i think about to wait for him so i can say hi but actualy i want to the girl so i keep going. wake up/dont remember

      WBTB and WILD attempt:
      i forget some of the beginning. I am in my room and lucid. i walk around and after some time a girl is in my room i go to her
      Spoiler for sexstuff:
      but then my vision gets
      black and i try to DEILD. i fail and land in a NLD.
      I am in the Microbiologie Department and enter the lab. my chef [from biochemistry] is sitting at my place and talks to a postdoc. As i come near he stands up and wants to go. i ask him if he wants to see my new results that he might be interestet in. he says yes and i turn on my laptop. that needs some time. he is waiting. i see the desktop and someone come to me and ask if i didnt do anything yet today because its still the desktop and nothing else. i tell him i just booted the laptop. i search the file. now there is a screen plugged in. its a really old CRT screen and stands crooked. i have problems in finding the files i am searching for and try to set the screen straight. my chef [now the chef of the microbiology] gets angry and screams a little bit around and i keep searching. a videogame pops up some times and i have still my problems. but then i remember where to find the documents and tell him i found it sit i will show you. i open the folder but again the game is poping up. i close it with Cntrol F4 and show him the results. he excuses himself for getting angry. next to me J is sitting and working on a gel image. she has two bands and thinks about but 2 proteins in one lane so she gets the desired bands [what would be manipulation of results...] i say something to her i dont remember and leave the room. i head right and on the end of the hallway there is a woman. i come near and she is barefeet what makes me wonder. i look shortly out of the window and turn around. while moving back i get a feeling i might dream and do a nosepinch
      and get lucid. i leave the hallway thru a door and am in the "lounge" of the institute. i go left and some stairs up there stands a girl. i approach her and asks her if i migh kiss her. she asks if i want to and i give her a second look and see that she has a burning scar on her chest and is not that attractive. i say nah and keep going. she goes the stairs down and i shouts "i will summon myself a perfect redhead girl right there". i go to a little waiting area with chairs and so on and want to summon the mentioned girl behind me but it gets black again...

      i try to fall asleep again with counting in the hope for higher awarness into the dream
      i am in a hospital. i leave my room and go into another room where i grease myself some sandwiches. a girl with tattoos on her legs comes in and flirts with me and goes again. i take the plate and go back to my room. i want to eat the sandwiches as a doc comes in and tells me i am not allowed to eat my own food. he takes the plate away but eats the rice on the plate. i say its nice that atleast he might eat my food and ask him how its taste. he says its okay but not good. he leaves and i pour some water of a thermos bottle into my glas. Transition and i am at my old home where we lived before my parents broke up. i am alone and in the living room. interestingly everything seems pretty realistic and as it was then. normaly there always looks something different than IWL i sit on the couch and watch TV. i ate a snickers i think because there is the wrapping lying on the table. i want to eat more and i go to the kitchen. i dont want to miss the thing i watching but i think i could wind it back later when i come back from the kitchen. in the kitchen there is some cut watermelon and i have the feeling my roomate R did this and i wonder why he cut so much of it when he is not even here. i take a piece and keep going to the cupboard and look insight. there are like 10 boxes of ricewaffels with choclate. i again dont get it why we need so much of it. but i think i smoked some weet after a long time and now i can finally run free on my munshies. i look out of the window and see some houses and they are very sharp and vivid and i wonder how long i didnt notice them.
      i turn around still chewing and get the urge to do a nosepinch. this one is positiv but i am not sure what it means because i have something in my mouth. i count my fingers and yes lucid. i take another piece of the melon and move to the livingroom. there comes out music out of the tv now and i think about if i stop and listen but i dont want to wait so i open the balcony and jump and fly away on a near parking lot. i rub my hands and they are sticky from the watermelon. i think this is a good sign and the dream is stable. i want to summon glasses just like that in my hands and imagine to put them on my nose but there where no glasses in my hand and that dont feel right. i try now to summon them out of my pocket but my hand is to fast in the pocket befor i could realy incubate the tought. so i dont find anything. then i think right my glasses are behind me on the ground i sure lost them when i landed from flying. i turn around and there they are. i pick them up and put them on. but i cant notice an effect because in the same moment a foreign guy with his bike stops right next to me and want to know the way to somewhere. he mixes some languages and i dont understand him. i dont want to understand him neither and interrupt him while he talks and say i dont know i dont care i dont have time...i wants to fly away again so he stops annoying me but then he turns around and drives away. i am alone again and want to summon my redhead beauty now. i think that from behind she will approach me and as i turn around there is a redheaded nice girl. i am suprised a little because i notice that i had no image in my head just the words redhead beauty and find it interesting what my mind made of it. i move towards her and she drifts away from me. i say hey dont run away and she smiles and come closer. i take her hand and we walk together. i start to let one stone levitate. then two at the same time. as i want to let 3 stones levitate i dont find anymore... i tell her hey look what i can and let one stone fly far away from us and back again. i look behind and there is a backpack which i let levitate for a short periode of time. we keep going and again everything gets black. i am too excited to DEILD

      last NLD at the morning:
      i am in a apartement and there where some guys eating something in the kitchen. they leave and Farin urlaub [a german musican] is there now. he has strong eye circles and looks wasted. he goes into the kitchen and complains about the fact that its dirty. i tell him it wasnt me. there is nothing good to eat anymore. i propose him that i might go to store and buy some food for him and he gives me 50€. i tell him he will get the exchange for sure back. i want to leave but turn around again and ask him what he wants to eat and tell him that i normaly like cooking but i dont think that i want to cook today anymore. he says he just dont care at all what i buy and i tell him "hey when you dont care i will buy the most discusting thing you can buy to eat" and i ask him if he dont eat something like meat or have some allergies. he tells me that he cant dring afri cola. i dont get it first and he points to a bottle. because there is something [name] in it he tolerate. i say okay and turn around and wanne go. i feel that i need to take a piss and on the way to the toilet i do a RC [i often dream that i need to go or search a toilet finaly first time getting lucid because of the dreamsign] i am lucid but still decide to first go to the toilett and then i can start doing my lucid buisness.... after pissing i feel the urge do brush my teeth *facepalm* i do so and recognize that the sound sounds exactly like my el. toothbrush but its a different system and it feels odd in my mouth. i spit and want to wash the brushead but it gets more and more dark red... i wake up and for good for this night

      Updated 08-22-2015 at 12:30 PM by 87116

      lucid , non-lucid