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    1. My first AP followed by LD's

      by , 04-25-2016 at 08:58 PM
      AP Experience: During the day I decided to try & visualize an AP by starting in my bed & going street by street & house by house to arrive inside my husbands work area so that if I ever was to achieve AP I'd know where I was going in a real time way. I kept telling myself all evening that I would have an AP & LD tonight & I would remember my dreams. I laid down at 2:00 am & kept my eyes closed. I did my meditation by relaxing my body & when I did my breathing exercise I did something different. As I breathed in I said to myself that when I breathe in I'm breathing in AP & LD's & when I breathe out I'm breathing out fear. I'd hold my breath in between. No-one told me to do it this way, I just decided to try it. I kept my eyes closed the whole time & visualized the trip again in my head from my bed all the way to my husbands job & into his work area. My husbands alarm went off at 3:15 & I got up to pee & tried to keep my eyes mostly closed & didn't talk & went straight back to bed. My bathroom is about 10 feet from my side of the bed so it didn't take long. I laid back down & started the exercises over & over & ignoring my husband. Meesha cat has been in our bed all night, even when I was reading before I went to sleep. She was in the middle of the bed. At 4:10 or 4:15 I heard my husbands keys & so did Meesha cuz she went to follow him & then she came back to bed & laid down. (I didn't look at the clock, I asked my husband today what time he left) I just kept on with what I was doing & decided that my husband was no longer a distraction & Meesha seemed all settled so I attempted to bump up my vibrations. And they went from zero to 1000! My whole body vibrated like I had some high tech vibration machine going through my body. It feel like every cell & atom in my body was moving & the sound was a really loud humming & air kind of sound, a whirring sound. Other people describe it as the sound a plane makes. Well, I've only heard that sound on tv but I'd say it was very accurate. It's like my body was going to take off, literally! It was maybe 30 seconds of this & I knew what what was happening. I wasn't afraid & I did not see any entities or anything. I tried to move & couldn't but it was only on my first try. After that I was able to lift my left arm & feel it come up & I could see I had 2 kinds of arms & I could feel the difference so I just went for it & tried to roll off the side of my bed. I immediately remembered I didn't want to go through the floor but briefly it felt like I went down but willed myself back up. It was like the bottom part of me started to go down through the floor but not all of me. I was next to my bed but I didn't feel the floor & I could tell that I couldn't feel things but I'm a well trained monkey & I was afraid of bumping into my bed & in a split second I consciously wanted to float around my bed to get out of my room. But before I did this I looked on my bed to see if Meesha was freaking out or anything but she was just laying there right where she was sound asleep. So I floated around my bed & through my dining room & over my couch & love seat a few times just trying to see the room & feel what was happening. I wanted to go through the door so I could make the journey to my husbands job. But when I got in front of the door I wan't sure if I should try & walk through it or run through it. So I tried to run but I panicked & everything went black for what seemed to be quite a while. I felt disoriented & couldn't figure out where I was. I was so tired but so excited at the same time. I guess I popped back in & then I started a Lucid dream..

      LD: 1 I was asking these women in a college for help. I was explaining all of what just happened to me & asked them if they were lucid dreamers & they said they were & I asked them if they new anything about AP but they didn't answer. I walked around & looked for things that could help me understand where I was. They told me I was in some college in Illinois. I told them I didn't think that this place really exists. I found some brochures that said it was in Illinois & it was a college but the name still made no sense to me. I wish I could remember. The stairways there were really wide & the hallways really tall & long & detailed & everyone was friendly & then one woman was trying to get a little too friendly when we turned a corner & there was a hot tub. I got in it with her but when she leaned in to kiss me I went under the water which woke me right up.... I sat up in bed & remembered everything so I tried to text my husband at work. It was 5:04 am. I ended up talking to my husband & telling him all about the AP & this LD.

      LD 2: I was in an art college of some kind. I was talking to various people. We were sitting in this neat little place where you step down a couple of steps to get to individual tables & from multiple sides you had to step up each way to get out of it. We were discussing art & since I was enjoying this I didn't try to change the scene, I just tried to take in all the things they were talking about & looking at their art and ideas.

      LD 3: I was outside in this vast area where there was just grass seeming to go on forever & there was this thing that I really can't describe accurately but I'll try. It looked like a small hill where a tight low gully was. It was about the size and shape of a small train trestle & you are looking at it from the side & where the track would be there was a space filled with a multidimensional space where artists were creating computer art that went from one side to the other. The goal was to make something unique fill that space. Each piece started from the left & pix elated across to the other side. Like I said it's hard to describe because it was very complicated. I didn't want to try to change the scene yet again because this just seemed more cool than something I could create. It was so colorful. It was like a big computer program that displayed art.

      Explanation of Details- I had some other dream fragments but I let them go because I seem to be so overwhelmed w/ the AP experience.... Quite a while back I used to be terrified by SP & I saw entities. I used to pray every night because I was being attacked in my sleep but I didn't know anything about LD's or AP back then. I wish I had so I wouldn't have been afraid. Eventually they stopped & I stumbled upon LD'ing later. Therefore I wasn't afraid when I had this experience today. It was definitely not something that a person could experience in any kind of a dream. No way. Not possible. This was a real time event.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown

      Updated 04-25-2016 at 09:47 PM by 90317

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , memorable