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    1. 12-Oct-2016 - Fluttershy, Mickey Mouse Like Thing, Geddy Lee, Boomhauer...

      by , 10-13-2016 at 04:04 AM
      (copied and pasted from the forum topic I unintentionally posted in the Lounge)

      Posted in a rush; just the basics here.

      >Zelda like setting in a basement, chicks running around (I mean baby chickens) and eventually come to a Mickey Mouse like creature suspended above something which I help him/her away from

      >Changes to a junkyard area and Fluttershy as a ten year old or so girl is there, attempting to sell things which I kindly buy. One stand has "NOT my dad's tools", one has cookies and lemonade and one has video game systems including Atari 2600 systems and I believe one of them is a system I modified even though thinking back it isn't.

      >Geddy Lee in a building then out a building and there's a song from some female who may know him and it's about him being on the road, I recall simple one note for so many picking bass parts and her singing it and not much guitar

      >Boomhauer from KotH somehow got my Dad's old beat up Caravan running as he was driving it, I asked him how and got an explanation.
    2. 7 October 2016: Boomhauer?

      by , 10-08-2016 at 02:57 AM
      Somehow I dreamed I was Boomhauer from King of the Hill and I was in a junkyard-like place and someone/something which could move junk cars around was after me. I was scared and tried to hide. That didn't work.

      Note: I think it's feedback to me and it more or less means I should stop thinking like Boomhauer as much E.G. no girl chasing even though I haven't done so I felt as if I was going like that.

      EDIT: Also dreamed of going down to the basement as myself and one or two of the steps was/were missing. I then saw a rat which ran off.

      21 October 2017 Edit: At a later date I had a dream that I feel heavily implied that I shouldn't part out cars.

      Updated 10-21-2017 at 06:56 AM by 61868

      non-lucid , side notes
    3. 17 Sept. 2016 - Moldy Food in Fridge

      by , 09-18-2016 at 03:31 AM
      Dreamed of Roman from Regularcarreviews singing something while I moved through a warehouse of some sort then I saw a man with a refrigerator on a stair. I looked inside and there was expired food in the freezer; I was making notes of what to throw out. I then opened the fridge portion and closed it quickly because it stank so much.
    4. 30 August 2016 - Walter White from Breaking Bad

      by , 08-31-2016 at 02:15 AM
      I dreamed of Walter White and then I dreamed of me being on meth. My eyebrows wouldn't stop making angry motions, I couldn't control them. (Pray for me, I need prayer.) Consciously speaking I'm not even into the stuff and yet what the heck is this dream? Am I subconsciously somehow on it even if I don't know myself? Help, pray!

      After I woke up, later in the afternoon on this day (this isn't in the dream) I saw someone whose right arm was twitching; it was easily noticeable with how far it was twitching. I wondered if he was on meth.

      Updated 08-31-2016 at 10:46 PM by 61868

      non-lucid , side notes
    5. 18/July/2016

      by , 07-18-2016 at 02:37 PM
      >A woman (Caucasian, maybe around the age of 30; she had dark brown hair and IMO was a bit fat but far far off from clinically obese) was talking about keys and something else my Maternal Grandmother had. This woman said something about these possessions similar to "they nearly fell over" (off a table) and was talking about burying the possessions with the ashes?! She gave an explanation to why. I felt disturbed when she said this as it meant we'd have to dig up the grave so I didn't agree to it.

      Later in this same dream with someone else standing near me in the building (My Father, I think) the same woman (who is not my Mother) was outside a window talking to me and I saw a white pickup truck in the street some distance away on the other side of the parking lot. I told her to come in immediately and told her not to question me; I felt as if these men in the truck were coming to beat us and maybe steal something. I said to get vinegar, to spray in their eyes.

      I woke up.
    6. 22 and 23 June 2016 - Grandparents, Cars, Truck Driver

      by , 06-24-2016 at 05:52 AM

      >Dreamed I was in a garage and (the height of myself when I was the age of four) was hugging my Grandma around her leg and she said "It's been a long time" or "It's been a while" (since I did so)

      >Dreamed I saw my Grandfather, who passed away 12 days prior - he was in his house sitting down and may have had his younger (dark) hair too.
      >Grandma was also there - twice? (?)


      Dreamed I saw a bunch of my own cars in a garage, some were Wagons and one was a 1991 Ford Sedan in a creamy color. One was a nicely brown-ish Ford with what would have been a hood emblem in the front as a badging like a 1985 Caprice would have.

      While still in the garage, talked with a man in a Semi truck while I was probably sitting in the passenger seat (the perspective was in the cab) The truck driver had dark hair and glasses and wasn't overly fat but was more on the heavy set side (225 pounds maybe?) and he may have been wearing a green T shirt with some lettering on it. I think the subject was about how he died by the right side of his face being ground while his head was outside the Semi window (But how would that happen unless his head was sideways since I'm in America and the driver's side is on the left?) but he didn't notice it at first, then he parked the truck in a Walmart parking lot and fell over.

      The last one may have something to do with my Grandfather as he was a truck driver for many years.

      Updated 06-24-2016 at 05:56 AM by 61868

      non-lucid , side notes
    7. Various, between 22-26 May 2016

      by , 05-27-2016 at 02:54 AM
      On one night:

      >Reading a book;
      >A big bird (not the one from Sesame Street) that could eat other birds.

      26 May:

      A prayer showed up, but I changed it.
      Tags: bird, book, prayer
    8. 21 May 2016 - Undertale

      by , 05-21-2016 at 02:18 PM
      >Dreamed the fridge door was open and my dog (who died in 2014) was eating cheese from one of the two 7 oz. blocks I still have in there, and I had to cut off the parts she bit.

      >I recall hearing the "Hopes and Dreams" music.

      Updated 05-22-2016 at 03:32 AM by 61868

    9. 19 May 2016

      by , 05-19-2016 at 01:16 PM
      >Was in a grocery store and picked up some Pepsi or other type of drink in a blue flask-shaped container and asked about it. It was $2x.xx which was surprising to me so I put it back. Then I went down the aisle and that led to a bookstore, where I saw some really weird art of a hose attached to a fat guy's stomach. Then, the next door (that I saw at least) led to a junkyard. Then, I wasn't seeing through my own eyes. The two people traveling through the junkyard, one who I was seeing through, were wondering how to get out of a series of junkyards. One of them was getting angry and the other one, who I was seeing through, put his hands around the other man's waist as if it was around his shoulders and said "If you don't get a hold of your anger and (what was said here?) you'll be swept away" and I woke.
    10. 17 May 2016 - Driving Grandpa's Truck

      by , 05-17-2016 at 02:46 PM
      Dreamed that Grandpa's 1940s Dodge was running and I was driving it, even with its manual transmission.
      Tags: driving, truck
    11. 15 May 2016 - Music

      by , 05-15-2016 at 12:57 PM
      >Dreamed of playing a few Seasick Steve songs which I picked up easily ("Back In The Doghouse" is one)

      >Later, dreamed I had made an appointment to meeting Jake (a musician I know) in a garage to play drums for songs at 4:05 in the afternoon. I was outside the garage and left because I had recalled I'd only practiced the songs once beforehand and didn't think I was up to it.
    12. 9 May 2016 -

      by , 05-09-2016 at 02:26 PM
      Dreamed of a deep cavern and there was a monster there. Later found that people on an expedition found it too. Many people died as a result and deep in the cave the leader who was in his 60s and had a beard then walled up the place where the monster was, yet later as I was hearing his thoughts was thinking to put even more walls up because the monster could get out in other ways.

      Dreamed of a collection of video games and DVDs that wasn't organized, some of them included Gamecube games I once had. Briefly thought of Mike Matei. Saw a DVD which was "30 Ways Indiana Jones Could Improve" or something similar, then saw video of him and kids on a wooden raft in a lava river - which sunk of course and they all died.

      Dreamed that Grandfather's 1941 Dodge truck was outside and I was putting it back together to some degree and I saw results from when it was attacked by some monster that waved at a group of people then attacked. At least one man survived by hiding inside either the back of the cab (which is funny because the cab doesn't have a back seat IRL) or by hiding inside a cabin that was installed on the back bed, but which wasn't there in-dream.

      Dreamed a man I'm acquainted with, Bob who has a junkyard, was cleaning up the place albeit by burning the tires. Then, it was a place where people could buy stuff and it looked like a department store with things from 20-30 years ago and someone said to "Snails", a character from MLP:FIM, "...find a cereal box from 20 years ago your Mom wrote your name on." and I saw a thought of him hugging that box (he didn't find it outside the thought.) I picked up a bottle that was supposed to be some sort of bear repellent (why did I say "bear" in here, I don't recall that?) it was a blue bottle and it was good against things which they had three images of including something on the lawn and porn too, though they had no graphic image for porn on the label. Instructions were to "just put the logo on your lawn" and it would be 10x better than... Something.

      Updated 05-09-2016 at 02:33 PM by 61868

    13. 8 May 2016

      by , 05-08-2016 at 06:09 PM
      Dreamed I had long hair going to my shoulders.
      Tags: long hair
    14. 6 May 2016: Chris Ballew

      by , 05-08-2016 at 04:51 AM
      Dreamed Chris Ballew was climbing a face of a mountain with a native of the land. Literally the part that Chris was climbing, was a human face in shape. He got to the top with help while I was seeing from his perspective, then at the top for some reason a tornado and suburban area comes to mind.
    15. 5 May 2016

      by , 05-05-2016 at 12:34 PM
      Was driving a Sandcrawler (the thing in Star Wars which the Jawas drove) at about 142 MPH up to Clarion, PA for a reunion. I don't know why I'm even speaking like this, where's the recollection of the reunion and why did I post the location? Do I remember the location? After that there was a Nazi type party elected and a woman judge in a NYC Square, and then an innocent Japanese woman came up and the judge, saying she recalled atrocities in Japan, embedded an ax in the Japanese woman's skull. The Japanese woman turned towards me/the camera, her face turned pale like a soda bottle emptying, and the crowd around didn't like what happened. A muscular man was mad then and took a blunt but round piece of metal, put it behind the judge's head and bashed the front of her face in then left. I then recall (as it would happen in time, but...) Vinyl Scratch and Derpy Hooves being nearby; Derpy flew over a road as I thought "We love you, Derpy, because we are you..." and Vinyl was already on the side of the road this execution went on, though she didn't know about it because it was up some stairs. Derpy may have met Vinyl and been given something or may have given something to Vinyl.
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