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    1. another short lucid

      by , 07-29-2014 at 08:21 PM
      Dream 1:
      I thought I was hallucinating when I saw my brother vanish before my eyes, I was told that I was crazy. Should have realized I was dreaming

      Dream 2:
      I was fucking a beautiful DC when she turned into Reggie Watts and I was like, Oh shit, that usually doesn't happen unless I'm dreaming. I left the room and flew a little bit, everything was really dark and I could tell that I was going to wake up soon. I could feel the adrenaline that I always get in the morning. I decided to try some stuff while I was still in the dream so I made a bunch of flower pots and glass cups fly into the air. It all hovered in front of me for a few seconds before I let it fall to the ground and shatter all over the place. Done with that. I walked into the living room and noticed I was chewing on some old gum, it tasted like someone had been chewing on it for a few hours, gross. I saw my mom sitting in a chair. I asked her if she had anything that she wanted me to know and she told me that Jessica (my sister) was in danger and that she was guarding her because she had been hanging out with some bad girls that fancied a little meth. I asked her what she was talking about and the DC started to act crazy, erratic, a little bit scary. I tried to make her slow down, then speed up, then slow down. None of it worked :'( I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    2. The Tasks

      by , 07-28-2014 at 04:44 PM
      fragment 1:

      Very weird dream. Was a combination of dota and some very weird physics. Reminded me of NREM memory consolidation dreams.

      dream 1:

      I had deild'd from a previous dream where I was not lucid at all. It started at the same place as the other dream, my friend's apartment, and I was only semi-lucid. My buddy went outside with his roommate to meet some girl and he said to not worry because he would leave the oxygen on so I could breathe. I thought, ha that's ridiculous I don't need to breathe this is just a dream. Then I became fully lucid and was like OH YEA this is just a dream! So I floated upwards and went through the wall to get outside and flew up into the sky a little before remembering what I wanted to do. I remembered my three step task - time control->elemental manipulation->gravity change. I imagined everybody slowing down, they did. The world turned sepia colored while everybody was moving slowly. The color returned to normal when I returned time to normal. I then tried to make fire come out of my hands, I didn't see any flames but I saw the person I was aiming at catch on fire. Instead of hurting the guy, this imbued him with the element. I shot two other people with lightning, they became imbued with that element as well. My elements changed the DCs into these cute little pandas with super powers. They started to battle each other with their new lightning/fire powers. I raised my hands and shot them all with water, I win.

      The next thing I knew I had to do was change gravity, something I had struggled a lot with the last times that I tried. Unsure of myself, I attempted to lift up a large piece of cement and make it stick to the wall. It just fell down to the ground, didn't work. Then I looked at these Hawaiian dancers that had appeared behind me and I yelled, "gravity change!" The Hawaiian lady fell onto the wall, then got up and started walking on it.
      I thought that was pretty cool so I decided to try it on myself. I jumped onto the wall and stood there for a couple seconds before I looked down at the ground and fell face first into the cement. Woke up.

      Dream 2:

      I was at my parents' house in this dream, having a party in the living room. A girl was talking to me when out of nowhere she pulled this delicious looking sandwich out of her pocket and said that I should eat it. I told her NO THANKS but then she said to me, "You know this is just a dream right?" I thought OH SHIT she's right. So I made a piece of paper fly up into my hands, just to be sure. Then I ate that delicious sandwich and it tasted magnificent!

      Then I tried to slow down time, wouldn't work. Everybody was doing too much stuff. So I tried to speed it up instead and the people started moving at super speed. I returned time to normal and tried to make flames come out of my hands. Didn't work at first, tried again. Dim flames came out and I set a DC's hair on fire then it melted and turned their scalp into obsidian. Then I thought, okay gravity, I can do this! I pointed at random people while yelling, "gravity!" They looked at me like I was crazy and it didn't work. I must have tried it 6 or 7 times before I finally pointed at this little kid, yelled gravity, and he fell across the room. He collapsed onto the wall and then stood up on it and started walking around like everything was normal. I felt like trying something a little more difficult just for fun so I made everybody in the room and all the furniture fly into the air for a few seconds. Content with the competition work I had done, I thought it was time to try to get some hot DC sex. I tried that for awhile before I woke up.

      Dream 3

      I was in a post apocalyptic zombie world, traveling with a few survivors. Our car broke down at a dead end where one side was the ocean, another was a cliff wall, and a third was a tremendous staircase that led up to a mega-mansion filled with hundreds of zombies. I grabbed a couple long knives and walked up the staircase with the group, clearing a path along the way. By the time we had gotten inside, half of our group was dead. We crept around the corridors, silently assassinating any zombie that we ran across. The last survivor that was with me started to go a little bit crazy and he ran off deep into the mansion. I thought, screw this, I'm not doing this alone. So I left the house and came across some intelligent zombies with whom I sat down and had a nice cup of coffee and a long chat with. We discussed the nature of existence and self and stuff like that before some dumb zombie came along and I tried to murder her. I felt bad for trying to do so and left down the road to find some more survivors. Woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Dream energy work

      by , 04-23-2014 at 05:46 PM
      Was at a cabin in the mountains with my parents, my dad's relatives, and some random people. My dad demanded that I clean all the dogs that were there. I guess that made me a little bit lucid because I grabbed some random DC lady and dragged her downstairs for some fun time. Then I became a little more lucid and remembered what I wanted to do. I dropped the DC lady like a bag of luggage and stared into a mirror. I looked normal. I began the energy work, feeling it flow through the ground, up through my body, my spine, and out my head. I guess I expected to see some visual representation of it but I didn't. It started out very weak feeling too. I noticed my head was missing in the mirror. I decided to go walk through the winter forest outside. As I stepped outside I said that it would not be cold, but it would be warm. The snow was slightly warm and the temperature was probably 75F with a cool breeze. Was a really strange sensation, feeling warm snow beneath my feet with that familiar crunch that happens when stepping on it. I kept doing the energy work as I walked through the forest, amplifying it. I started to feel compassion swell up in my chest, at this point I saw little rainbows appear all over. Heh. They disappeared after a few seconds but the snow began sparkling with several different colors. I kept amplifying the feeling as I walked down towards a frozen lake, felt wonderful. I woke up, was determined to DEILD even though I felt like jumping out of bed and running a marathon. I patiently waited for the next dream to start.

      I was at my parents' house and I said, "that was quicker than I had expected". I walked outside with a big smile on my little dream face, I still felt the afterglow of the energy work. I tried to walk through a fence. Struggled a little bit but then I imagined I was transparent and I slipped right through. Woke up again. DEILD'd same thing.

      I was now a child at an elementary school cafeteria, hanging out with childhood friends. Some angry bully came along and tried to mess with them so I got up and gave him a big hug filled with love and he walked away with a smile on his face. I sat there for a couple minutes, half listening to them talk about taking actual measurements of the brain's activity during deep meditation. I was really just enjoying the feeling of contentment and joy that I was experiencing. I suddenly saw the recurring dream girl DC that I always seem to love. I walked over to her and touched her face. I remembered her face this time when I woke up. Sort of. I really want to do this again.
      lucid , memorable
    4. The Following...

      by , 04-22-2014 at 11:01 PM
      I had infiltrated Joe Carroll's cult and the entire group had just lost their home. So we went off looking for a new place to live. We came across this giant ranch-community that looked abandoned. It had high stone walls and a wooden gate. I remember thinking that it looked like a castle and that most castles were actually made of wood and then painted to look like stone. But this was actually stone, probably expensive and difficult to build. Joe, leading the group, declared that this would be our new home and he walked in through the gates first. Immediately these people from another cult walked out of the many houses. They were pissed and started attacking us. We had a long battle. I hacked the crazed cult members to pieces with my sword and most of the people in my cult just threw stones, I don't know why. I felt like I had killed dozens by the time it got dark and we all went to rest for the night.

      The next day there was a no-man's land between the area of the ranch we had claimed and the opposing cult's area. I decided to be nice and assassinate the other cult's leader to help Joe Carroll out, even though I was only pretending to be a part of his cult. So I turned ninja and jumped over the railing of this bridge that was now separating our two areas. This was a secret route to get there and it was almost like something that little kids play in with the tubes and the slides and shit. But it was enormous, adult sized. I ran through the tubes and would do front flips into a landing roll to minimize the noise I made. I was so ninja that I had slipped past at least 8 guards simultaneously and they saw/heard nothing.

      I got to the community square and it looked how I imagine a medieval town would look with a well in the center, cobblestone everywhere, thatch roofed houses, a couple stray chickens acting crazy all clucking and throwing feathers everywhere. I dressed up in their clothing to blend in and made my way to the cult leader's home. I slipped in the back door and hid in the shadows, waiting for the guards to leave. When he was alone I walked up to him and he didn't even act scared. What a cocky bitch, he just stared at me with contempt. I calmly walked up to him and slit his throat open, making sure to cut extra deep near the arteries until I saw blood squirt. I felt a sharp pain in my arm at the same time I cut him. I looked down and I was bleeding all over, he had cut open my brachial artery and I was losing blood really fast. I ran away while creating a tourniquet for my arm, to slow the bleeding. Then the dream got boring, I just went back and Joe Carroll was all happy and he announced some nonsense about how cool he is to his cult. Then I woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. An Afternoon Lucid...in Space!!

      by , 04-13-2014 at 01:21 AM
      basic i: Red
      bonus: Blue

      Earliest Part I can remember was in a grocery store. I became lucid and felt like messing with DC's for some reason. So I started walking backwards through the store as the DC's looked at me like I was insane. Then I got on my hands and started walking upside down and backwards through the store and I walked over to one guy and slapped him on the butt. He was a large gentleman, I apologized because he looked quite shocked. I told him, "I would have slapped you on the back but I am upside down as you can clearly see." I then started stealing peoples' shoes with telekinesis. I would make their shoes fly off their feet or make them fly in the air before I steal them. They all started running at me trying to take my shoes but I just laughed at them and ran over to another area of the store. I found Bender and Fry from Futurama there. I jumped into their spaceship (which had a door on the other side of one of those frozen food aisle doors).

      We shot off into space and on the way we somehow split into different spaceships. I suddenly noticed that something was quite strange and noticed that I wasn't moving anymore. We were all getting sucked into a supermassive black hole. This is where it started to get really weird. We didn't get fully pulled into the absolute center. We left our ships and swam through space (towards the black hole) until we got to a membrane that separated the black hole from the rest of the universe? I don't know how to explain it very well. It was as though we were in the middle of this membrane where on one side was the rest of the universe and on the other was past the event horizon. Everything that had come to this point was squished together in this space but it seemed to those that were squished there to be quite normal and nothing looked like it was squished together. We all started exploring this strange place and I asked one space creature why we were here and not getting sucked in further. He told me that nothing could pass the point at which the acceleration due to gravity exceeds the speed of light. I told him that I thought he was wrong and I asked why he said that. He told me that we couldn't travel faster than the speed of light. I responded that I remembered something about changing relativistic mass. He said that was not relevant in this situation.

      I went off to explore some more with Fry, Bender, and The Professor who was now with us. We came to a home of a space cricket that had gotten trapped here too. He peeked his little cricket head out of a pile of space plants. They looked like fried onion rings but were extremely light. I asked him in cricket language how we could get out of here. He said in cricket sounds that I couldn't understand that the black hole was about to collapse in on itself and open a worm hole (Fry translated for me?). We all raced to our ships for some reason. I was swimming through space to get to my ship but it had turned into the size of an apple. Fry's ship had as well. So Fry and I raced to get to another ship. I decided that this was silly and that I had awesome dream powers. So I swam towards the black hole side of the membrane while chanting to myself that it's okay. I was a lil' bit scared. On the other side was a void of nothingness. I woke up.
      memorable , lucid
    6. Nice Dreams

      by , 03-29-2014 at 05:53 PM
      I became lucid outside. Tried to think about what I wanted to do, couldn't remember much so I decided to ask this DC to tell me a secret. The DC turned into a large head of lettuce and just stared at me while smiling. I kept shaking the lettuce head, begging it to tell me some grand secret. The lettuce head looked up at the sun and smiled some more, it looked really content. I didn't understand and so I kept begging it to tell me something but it kept doing the same thing until I woke up.

      I was watching an old film that a family friend had been in (in the dream). I started talking to his character in the film when I realized that he wasn't that young anymore and I became lucid. I floated off looking for something beautiful and I found this river with lush, green embankments. I plopped down into the river and decided this was as good a place as any to hang out and enjoy being. A feeling of warmth and contentment filled my body as I levitated above the water while slowly floating down the river. There were streams of light shining through cracks in the leaves above. Morning mist rose from the ground and the surrounding plants and grass were illuminated with beauty. It gave a magical feel to the world and I felt like a little kid again when everything looked fresh and new. Up ahead I saw a dark shadow in the water, it was a giant crocodile. I let it bite me to be sure that I couldn't be harmed and smiled. Eventually the river led me to this abandoned home with many windows. I figured it was abandoned because there were vines all over the building and overgrown grass coming through cracks in cement. I floated up, out of the water and through a window. The interior was warm and the sun lit everything up quite nicely. I sat down on a couch and relaxed until I woke up. Wonderful dream.
      lucid , memorable
    7. I love epic long lucid dreams

      by , 03-24-2014 at 05:09 PM
      I was in the basement of a big house in the mountains, laying down with some girl. She suddenly disappeared and I became fully lucid. I floated through the wall and up into the sky. It was almost pitch black outside, no stars or moon. So I waited for the sun to come up and it started to, slowly. I flew towards it as it began to illuminate the landscape with that early morning glow. A small lake came into view and I swooped down and grabbed a fish out of the water then dropped it back in before landing on the shore.

      There were these two Chinese guys that were standing out there like they were confused or something. I thought it would be fun to use them to form an RPG group. So I went over and claimed them as group members in my FF7 game formation. We started to battle monsters and level up while I would sing that battle song from FF7. Eventually during our travels we came across a super market. We went inside and this clerk was being a real dick of a DC and wanted to see their passports. So I magically pulled them out of my back pockets, he was satisfied. As we walked away I stole a bunch of candy and ate it while we walked to the other side of the store to get out. In the parking lot there was a car that I wanted to get into but one of the DCs really wanted to drive and he got into the driver seat immediately. I tried to make another driver wheel form on my side but it wasn't happening. I thought, okay just don't get us into a crash. Woke up because I had to pee really badly. One strange thing I remember about this dream is that it started to fall apart several times but each time I did no stabilization, I simply waited for the dream to become more stable before performing anymore actions and it always re-stabilized.

      This was another mountain dream, but I was with another girl that was from France. We were jogging along the road for a long time when I realized, damn I can really run far and not feel tired or winded or anything. That made me lucid and I took this beautiful girl DC and we went up a hillside and eventually came to a SNL set. After watching a skit I decided to join the cast and mess with them a little bit. I saw next to Kenan Thompson and tried to convince a DC that I had magical powers. I turned his skin super white and then super dark, but the DC said it was just fancy makeup. So I changed his eye color from brown to blue to green and the DC said, "Ha, you can't trick me! Those are fancy lenses". This DC was clearly too clever so I gave up on him and performed in a skit. After the skit I summoned Jennifer Aniston. But I transformed her into the young Jennifer Aniston from the beginning of Friends. Damnnn she was hot. I gently kissed her, teasing to build up tension and then a passionate release. She was probably one of the best dream character kissers that I have come across. The show ended and everybody got up to leave, but I didn't want the fun to end so I took off Jennifer's clothes and bent her over but my dick wouldn't fit inside her I hate when that happens. Then I woke up. I left a ton out because I don't feel like writing it all but these lucid dreams in total lasted over 6 hours, it was glorious.
      lucid , memorable
    8. Strange Dreams

      by , 03-21-2014 at 05:09 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was hanging out with my sister and this guy. The guy started to act crazy. The barrier between his thoughts and actions disappeared, he became unconscious but he still kept acting out whatever his instinctual reactions were. Was terrifying, he was like an animal yet completely unpredictable. He would become conscious/lucid occasionally and he was a really nice guy but that was often short lived as his madness would overtake him quite quickly.

      Dream 2:

      I did a WILD into this dream. Watched the dream successfully form. I was in a car with these two guys, but I was another person. I noticed that there was already a clear storyline going on, so I decided to play along for a bit to see what happened. We arrived at our destination and I found out we were all detectives. Two more detectives approached and gave us each 20,000$. It was dirty money which I gladly pocketed. Lost lucidity around this point. We were going to go to a gambling den to steal some money. They were all supposed to go in first and I was going to be the getaway car. I had to piss so I went inside and ran into Andy Warhol. He asked me some weird question about people being clowns. I told him that he was a clown and so was I. His brain just about exploded and I walked away. I wandered around trying to get to the bathroom but there were so many people blocking the way it was tough. Then I woke up.

      Dream 3:

      I was supposed to meet some girl but it ended up being this creepy guy instead. He wanted to be my pet or something? I don't know I think he also wanted to rape me. It turned out he was actually a space-flea in human form and I started to run away from him. I became lucid and started flying away. He jumped really high and I kept flying higher but I couldn't get into my super flying speed. So he stayed on my tail. Some random DC was running after me too, trying to help. He told me that he found a way to banish the flea and that I had to find his true colors. So I guessed red-blue. I somehow ended up back in a house. I was still afraid that creepy flea DC was chasing me so I phased through the wall and started flying away again. Woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    9. My Minions!!! and a sex dream

      by , 03-20-2014 at 03:29 PM
      Long Fragment 1:

      I don't remember most of the beginning, I just remember that it was epic long. Earliest I remember I was in a school yard, hanging out with some kids from high school. One guy died and we buried him in a water grave in a green couch. A lot missing here, next part I remember I was at some camp in the mountains. Snow everywhere. I wandered around until I found these dreamers playing some magic game. The main girl that was hosting it had her husband, David Duchovny, get captured by some evil dude and frozen. He was kept barely alive by strong electromagnetic fields? I Don't know. We played this game for awhile, showing off our magic abilites when I became lucid. I left and ran to the green couch and took the dead guy's clothes, his body was now gone. I threw them on the ground and summoned a golem to be my pet. The earth filled the clothes and turned into my little summoned minion. I went back to my cabin as this little guy followed me around. There was this guy that came into it and started talking to me. I decided to show him some cool dream powers so I made flame erupt from my hand. He thought that was pretty awesome. It started to hurt after a minute though and I got blisters all over my hand. I placed my other hand over my injured hand and felt the Om sound go all throughout my body, into my hand and it healed. Then I walked around the dream world with this guy as he...dream interviewed me? Eventually he told me that his intentions were evil and he was just stealing information from me for I don't even know what. So I summoned a few more minions from the earth. 2 Skeletons and 2 golems. They grabbed onto each of his limbs and squeezed really tightly until he exploded. Blood and guts went everywhere, was awesome! I led my minions over to a group of people and decided to steal this beautiful girl. I pulled her aside and saw this guy and decided to make them fall in love in the dream. Instead this hot pink alien pig with strange flesh-hair jumped in front of me and scared me a little. I lost lucidity and thought I had to take a dog out to use the bathroom. Woke up.

      fragment 2:

      New dream started in mountains again. Was lucid from the start, There was some battle going on where this lady would place buildings and summon creatures to battle an army of darkness. I decided that looked like fun and that I should join in. I summoned an army of skeletons and zombies to fight for me. Then I went off to battle, watching my army hack apart foes while I sat off in the distance atop my giant tiger and shot them with a crossbow. Got bored with that after awhile and decided to betray the main lady. I sent my horde of minions to destroy her basecamp and all her allies swarmed me, they didn't like that. I lost my army and some guy grabbed my arm. He started to cut into it with a small chainsaw, saying that I was his slave and I had been naughty or something. I made my arm invincible. He couldn't cut the arm off but what he had already cut into hurt like hell. The lady that I had betrayed came to my rescue and said that it was her fault. I said, "Yea, Yea it's her fault!" Woke up, FA

      Dream 1:

      I went outside my room and my parents were there for some reason. I told them I had this dream where a guy tried to cut off my arm while saying that I had been a bad slave because I was just mooching off him. I woke up.

      Chained DEILD:

      Spoiler for Epic Sex Dream:
      lucid , memorable
    10. I don't even know what to call this mess of Dreams

      by , 03-18-2014 at 08:38 PM
      These were all much clearer when I woke up but I didn't have time to write it up, so now they have become fragments!

      fragment 1:

      I was in some dystopian future where the world was ruled by a small group of druids. They would influence the world through sound somehow. I just remember that they thought they were so cool in their hooded robes and with their enigmatic ways.

      fragment 2:

      Was hanging out with Don Draper, been watching too much mad men

      Dream 1:

      There was a high school reunion that was taking place in the library of my old high school. I was meeting people I haven't seen in years and clowning around, making people laugh. Then I saw one of my best buddies and I followed him outside. I was suddenly in the mountains outside a cabin. I said, "Wait a minute! We were just in a high school, how are we hundreds of miles away now?!" Then I became lucid. I spent a couple minutes trying to remember what I was supposed to do for the tasks and I got worried that the dream would start to destabilize but then I remembered something about teleporting to a world from a movie or book and I couldn't remember any for a second and then I thought Harry Potter! So I closed my eyes and imagined Hermione's pretty little face. Didn't work, damnit. I ended up in some ancient forest instead.

      So I started to run through the forest and I came upon a little village that was built in the trees and immediately I realized, I'm in the Star Wars Ewok Village!! I was super excited. So I flew up to the little huts surrounding the trees and landed on a bridge. There was nobody up there so I tried to make someone appear. I saw a little furry guy and I went over to talk to him but then I heard this really loud noise that sounded like somebody started to take a shower. Dream froze like video games used to do back in the day on the old consoles. I could still see the image of the dream but everything was frozen. It slowly faded away to black as I struggled to stay in the dream.

      fragment 3:

      I was in a town, hanging out with this girl I'm friends with. I don't remember how I became lucid, I just remember that I was and I decided to fly around looking for something cool to do. I looked down and saw this old civil war part of town that was cut off and preserved. I don't remember what happened here, a lot missing. Next part I remember, I was taking the girl and some older lady on a journey to show off my dream powers. For some reason I also feel like we were running from something. I drew a rectangle on a wall with chalk that I pulled out of my pocket and turned it into a door, then opened it. I told them to go in so we could teleport. I made them hold onto me so that I wouldn't lose them through the teleportation process. Once I went through the door I found a wall blocking me, I turned around and the door I used to get in was now gone. We were trapped in a 3'x3'x7' room. Claustrophobia started to set in, so I quickly tried to teleport us out of there. We ended up back in the street. The older lady disappeared, lost her :'(

      The girl's brother appeared and tried to take her away. I lost them in the crowd.

      Dream 2:

      I started in a cafeteria, the girl from the previous dream was there with her brother, sitting at a table. I remembered the previous dream and became lucid. I immediately asked the DC's to show me to the smartest of them. They all looked at this guy in the corner of the room. I walked over to him and turned him into an enormous head to make sure that he was really smart enough to answer my question adequately. I asked him what his dreams were like and he told me that he wasn't even sure if they were his dreams, if he was actually the dreamer or just another part of the dream. I thought for a minute about how I kind of feel the same way. I then decided to mess with the DC's a little bit and so I made a very loud sound and kept making it louder until the glass exploded, I don't think I get points for that but it was pretty damn cool. I made the glass shards fly into the room and swirl above the heads of the DC's. Then I woke up.
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    11. Lava fight and a Resurrection ship?

      by , 03-17-2014 at 05:41 PM
      I was playing some kind of death game with a few people. At first it started out as getting an opponents gamepiece into a pit of lava and then they would lose, then it turned into having to grapple with them to throw them into the pit of lava and then they had to crawl out before they died. My father showed up and a frenemy from back in the day decided that he was going to murder my father by putting his game piece into the pit, which would kill him in real life. So I threw this guy into the pit and then covered it with debris so that he couldn't escape.

      Suddenly a giant alien ship appeared in the sky, I called it the resurrection ship in the dream and awaited for them to revive the guy. Instead it fired thousands of missiles towards the house we were all in. I became lucid and slowed down time, it worked, my father was running away at super slow speed and the missiles were all spinning really slowly until they stopped. I walked over to a christmas tree that appeared and tried to move the fire of the candles that were all over it, didn't work. So I made flames pout out of my hands, setting the tree ablaze. I walked over to where that guy was buried in his lava pit and set the debris on top of it on fire because he was now hiding in it now and I wanted to mess with him a little more. I then tried to teleport onto the alien ship by closing my eyes. But I couldn't open them once I closed them.

      Everything was black, tried to DEILD and ended up at some house, watching don draper and his little girl play some board game. My eyes were closed in this new dream and I was watching them through my eyelids. I tried to open them and ended up opening my actual eyes.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Afternoon Naps Rule

      by , 03-16-2014 at 12:22 AM
      It was very late at night and I was looking for something in my car when I realized how amazing I felt. I suddenly remembered that I was just about to take a nap maybe 10 minutes ago and now I'm outside and it's nearly pitch black, didn't make sense. I tried to make a bush move, didn't work, tried again, a bush flew into the air. Dream immediately started to fade to black so I stabilized and things got a little brighter. I tried to fly high up into the sky but I started to sink after I got about 20 feet in the air. Decided it would be better to take a car. I jumped on top of my car and commanded it to move with my mind. It started racing down the street. I tried to make time slow down and noticed the car moving a lot slower and then I made it move faster but I had no point of reference to know if time was actually slower or if I was simply making the car change speed so I decided to drive to a more populated area. My car tore through trees, bricks, and metal as though they were made of paper as I raced towards town. Woke up.
    13. RPGs, Missed Lucids, and False Awakenings

      by , 03-12-2014 at 06:03 PM
      Dream 1

      I was in a town when I became spontaneously lucid. I grabbed a beautiful woman that I was talking to and took her flying over the ocean, but I couldn't fly that well. Ended up flying under a pier and the woman turned into a bird. Large waves came, bird flew away, I woke up.

      Dream 2

      False awakening, dreamed that I wrote down a very early morning dream where I was lucid, don't remember that dream sadly

      Dream 3

      Got into a battle in this dark side of town. There was one closet that had a zombie warrior inside of it, didn't want to open it so I kept exploring. I found something even worse, a chest that was shaking because a demon warlord was trying to break free. I opened the chest and ran like hell. He chased me for a couple minutes before I woke up.

      Dream 4

      Another false awakening where I was in the bathroom peeing. The toilet moved and I thought that was pretty damn weird. Ignored it and went back to bed anyways.

      Dream 5

      Back in the battle with the demon warlord, but this time it was just a game and it was paused. My mom was playing it for some reason but she gave me the controller and I was supposed to do an infinite combo to kill him. I failed and only did one hit on him and then got destroyed.

      Dream 6

      My sisters cats had escaped to the outside. I kept catching them and bringing them back inside but they started to walk through the wall to get outside. Then they started replicating so there were 3, then 4 of them. Then 3, 4 of the same dog. Had to decide which was the real one. Decided that one of them, JUST ONE of them was a clone. Talk about the worst ways I've missed becoming lucid.

      Dream 7

      Ninja Dream! I was exploring an abandoned taco bell when I went under a table to get to a secret area. There was a back room filled with ancient beings with mysterious powers. They really hated cell phones, they would hiss at anybody that had a cell phone out. Night had fallen and ninjas began attacking, so I took my ninja team that appeared and we battled them on buildings and in secret rooms. After a long, drawn out battle, the sun rose and the ninjas went back to their houses. I went looking for them so that we could continue our fun but I found they were just neighbor children that had to go to school. Damn.
    14. Knights, Dragons, and Gunz

      by , 03-09-2014 at 06:34 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was a dragon trying to terrorize a village. I was actually a reincarnation of an older dragon that protected the village but I knew that I had to let myself be defeated in order to get closer to the village. So I let this knight slowly hack at my wings until they were completely cut off.

      Dream 2:

      I was part of a group of knights that were battling dark knights. It was very RPGesque, every time we'd beat a stage of dark knights we would get the option of taking their armor or weapons to upgrade our own before we continued on our quest. Pretty fun time.

      Dream 3:

      Playing some kind of shooter game in this dream. We were sort of like futuristic gladiators that were enslaved by the government. They put us on opposing teams in an arena where one team was on a track, trying to escort these supplies to the end. While the other team was off in the distance trying to shoot us. First time around we made it fine, then we realized we had to keep going around in circles until one team was completely dead. The other team charged us with impossible weapons (20 foot long chainsaws, power drills the size of cars). I took a screw driver and stabbed them all in the head repeatedly. I supposed I became semi-lucid when I stabbed them multiple times in the face and they wouldn't die. My team won and we were freed.

      Dream 4:

      Combination of the games Gunz & Gunz 2. Was just hanging out in an arena talking to people because nobody wanted to fight.

      Updated 03-09-2014 at 06:38 PM by 66732

      Tags: dragons, gunz, knights, rpg
    15. Island Resort

      by , 03-08-2014 at 07:57 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was on an island resort with my father. I went for a run through the tropical forest outside and there were people from my high school running there too. I tried to avoid the people I didn't want to talk to. I remember that it was quite beautiful though; there was mist rising up from the ground, light pouring through the cracks in the trees, lush plant-life everywhere. The trail was a giant circle, I thought that was pretty weird and that there had to be more to the island than this giant circle. I grew tired of running and decided to go back inside the resort.

      The inside was now a giant, circular, track of lockers, high school style. There were also vending machines for weed. They said it was legal on their island now, to attract tourists. The owner of the island was some angry little woman that barely reached my waist. She got angry at the manager of the resort for making it legal because professional sports athletes wouldn't be allowed to go there now. Dream kept getting weirder.

      I went outside to this enormous beach area that had scattered palm trees and groups of people doing fun little events. I decided to go flying by using a parachute. I strapped it on and the wind took me up into the air like I was a kite. I had to navigate to channels of wind to stay up so that I could explore more of the island. After going on a little bit of a flying island adventure I decided I was done and I went back to the resort. I suddenly had an enormous pike in my hands, naturally I gutted it and prepared fillets, not sure why. Then these kids from my high school appeared and wanted me to take them flying too. Didn't work as well because they added too much weight. They started to get upset that they weren't going very high. I looked to the shore and saw giant 20 foot waves coming in and thought, ooooo that looks like good wind. Sure enough it sent us soaring. I looked to the shore again and saw these 100 foot walls of water coming towards us. I became lucid and tried to fly away from the island but the parachute and these 2 DCs were weighing me down. Black clouds began creeping along the island's ground. I could hear thunder. I woke up.

      Dream 2:

      I was at my parents' house, talking to my parents when I noticed that my dad was black. I became lucid and asked him, "Why are you black in this dream, dad?" He said something about having revitiligo, I thought it was hilarious in the dream. I woke up and thought, what the hell was that about.

      Fragment 1:

      On another island with my family and a witch. I don't remember most of the beginning of the dream. I just remember that there were these snakes biting me, hanging onto my skin and that reminded me of another dream I had earlier this month. They made a popping noise when I would pull them off, sometimes their bodies would come off and their heads would stay. It hurt. That made me lucid and I sought out the witch as my family left.

      It was nighttime and the moon lit up the island with a blueish hue. The witch was at a cliff edge, staring longingly towards the ocean. I asked her to teach me her powers. She just kept staring for a minute and then looked at me and said that I could control those snakes if they appeared again. She made several snakes appear and told me to control them now, stop them from biting me. I made them fight each other but then I noticed the witch was holding a cute little kitten and the snakes started to attack me. She made them disappear and I realized that I lose control if i lose focus. I feel like she taught me a couple more things but I can't remember them. I followed her around for awhile and eventually asked her if it was possible to stop mutations. She told me that it was impossible, that no magic could do such a thing. I felt a little bit disheartened at her response. She gave me a big hug and told me not to worry, that I was only at the beginning of this journey. I woke up feeling a lot better.
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