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    Wandering in Dream Debris.

    Euphoria, Obliviousness to Lucidity, and a Touch of Chaos

    by , 01-20-2011 at 08:40 AM (750 Views)
    I'm at my sister's house, who lives in a different state, and I'm just sitting there wondering how I got there. We talk for a bit and she explains that I came down to visit, so I accept the idea, totally oblivious and non lucid.

    While she's talking I close my eyes for a moment and I start to hear music, beautiful music that I've never heard of before. I start to wonder... "Where is this sound coming from?" The longer I kept my eyes closed the further my sister's voice would become like she was fading away as the music got louder. I try to figure out how this is happening and the only thing I can come up with is "Oh I must be stoned." So oblivious to the dream signs again, I accept the idea that I'm hearing music because I'm stoned. Then as I accepted that I began to feel very very high, in fact other dreams I've had where I was high the feeling was never quite like a real life cannabis high, it always felt fake or wrong. This was totally accurate though, I was totally convinced that I was stoned and creating original music from the depths of my mind with the help of some green. (I guess I was partially right)

    As I give in I feel this total sense of euphoria as the music completely engulfs me. All I can remember is how beautiful it sounded. But I remember, oh wait I'm in a conversation, I'm so rude! So I begin to open my eyes and I'm somewhere new! I'm in my dad's drive way, how odd. I'm laying down too... with blankets and a pillow, right on top of the asphalt.

    Quickly none of that matters though, maybe if I stayed on that thought and tried to figure out all these odd occurrences I could've become lucid, but I was just too distracted by the beauty that took over my vision. I'm staring up at the sky as I lay down on the asphalt and I see a tree above me and in between the patches of leaves there's streams of sunlight coming down. Although I wasn't lucid, the vividness was on par of my lucid dreams. The sunlight streaming down was just so beautiful and when I stared at it long enough the holes between the patches of leaves became amazing blooming indigo, fuschia, orchid, turquoise, burnt orange and crimson flowers. I was totally stunned by the intricacy of it all that I didn't notice the music had stopped.

    Suddenly I see the sun setting rapidly and the shadows began to chase down all the light. I get up quickly to retreat to my father's home down the drive way. I pick up my blanket and pillow and almost sprint down, for some reason there's a sense of terror because the darkness is coming on way too fast. Before I can get to the house though, I see a strange thing floating in the sky, it looks like plastic bags or something. I stop wondering what I'm looking at, when I start to see a plane flying some 100 feet above the fence near my father's house. I panic at how close to the ground it is and I know it's going to crash soon. Will it hit me? Will the explosion be close? I watch it fly over me and across the street as it crashes immediately into a neighbors house. I try to run wondering when or if the impact or force of the explosion will hit me, but it never does. I look back and there's nearly no debris, but I see the family coming out of their rooms to find a giant plane in their house with little fire.

    My father and brother come out and I explain what happened, but they're very nonchalant about the whole thing and invite me inside. As I look back on the wreckage one more time I try to decipher why all these strange events were happening and before I had the chance to become lucid, my alarm goes off.

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    Updated 02-06-2011 at 08:34 PM by 37090

    non-lucid , memorable
