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    My brain and I

    The Conspiracy...

    by , 01-12-2012 at 08:49 AM (472 Views)
    24th of May, 2010

    Started of riding my bike at night time looking for a carpark. Eventually I noticed some seedy guy and, naturally, decided to get off and follow him down some stairs. We found ourselves at this indoor McDonalds and I was looking for some hot-cakes but they were all out. Wandered around for a bit nd noticed a cafe of sorts which had this amazing looking fruit salad iced crush drink...thing. I still want to eat it to this day; it looked so damn groovy.

    Somehow I ended up in this rich guy's house with a whole bunch of others. He had this amazing home theatre system and bar set up. At this point we were all employees working on some kind of event.
    We walked into the freezer and opened up a panel that lead us into this HUGE hanger filled with weapons and missiles and storage crates on conveyer belts. Jeremy, my current boss, was suddenly the owner and was running around like a mad man trying to sort out the fact that the ice in the freezer was thawing because we were in there. He started crying.

    Then I woke up and had a laugh to myself.

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    Updated 01-12-2012 at 01:37 PM by 52392

    Tags: ice, mcdonald's
