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    1. Platoon Leader

      by , 10-24-2014 at 06:11 PM
      I was in some building in the tropics, I'm not really sure why or what was in it but I know we angered the (very dangerous) people inside and were trying to escape. At this point I wasn't really the leader, just a part of this small squad we were in. I opened the door to leave the building and these guys jumped out of the bushes with machine guns. My squad opened fire and somehow managed to get out, but I didn't react fast enough so I got driven back into the building. Unfortunately I didn't have a gun, but I did have a couch cushion that could stop bullets. However, eventually they cornered me and I gave up. I said
      "Theres no way I'm going to win just make it quick and shoot me in the head".
      Then I started shaking all over because I was legitimately scared of dying. He raised his gun. I turned towards him and shouted,
      While I was saying that he started laughing and quickly unloaded 5 bullets into my chest, but I stumbled towards him, knocked him over, and ripped off the front half of his head with my teeth. At the same time my squad came back and took out the other guys.
      I'm not sure what happened between there and the next part but this squad was now a platoon, and we were on the beach doing something military. Or maybe we were stranded. I don't know, because this part was a bit fuzzy. I was also the leader of the platoon. For some reason a guy went psycho and turned most of the platoon against me; it was kind of like Lord Of The Flies. Only this time, I shot him and they were all somehow freed from his spell. I had called in backup from the U.S. Navy awhile back, and when I saw a few ships in the distance I thought it was them. Until they started bombarding the beach. It was the Danish Navy and for some reason they wanted to kill us. What they didn't know was that we also had several ships with very high firepower. I think it was like 2 destroyers, a submarine, and some other stuff. Anyways, we boarded our ships and began to leave the bay we were in (we were headed for the Danish fleet). Then we realized it was not the Danish fleet that was bombarding us but a castle they had built on a small island. They had artillery on the ramparts. We went to the island and were working out ways to breach the wall when I woke up.
    2. Small Spaces

      by , 10-23-2014 at 05:27 AM
      I had a dream where I was in some sort of event that involved fitting through extremely and increasingly small spaces. I just remember I would pass through one of these spaces and it would sometimes scrape my skin, and sometimes I could somehow make myself smaller and pass through easily. Eventually I reached the final "doorway". There was a small hole in the wall smaller than a dime. A girl walked up to it, put her eye to it, and got sucked through. I was a little bit apprehensive about doing it at this point. It may sound silly, but have you ever actually been confronted with a situation where you have to squeeze your body through a dime-sized hole? It was intimidating. Anyways, I put my eye to the hole and my body and vision started twisting and swirling as I went through the hole. At that point the dream ended. It was extremely weird though because my vision got distorted the same way my eyes got swirled, and I actually felt my body but it was all swirly. I felt my swirly body.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Cosmic Disaster

      by , 10-01-2014 at 12:15 AM
      It was a dark night, and I had the "blindness" nightmare trend. There were a lot of worried voices and worried-looking people. They all seemed to be filing into a doorway guarded by two soldiers (they were medieval guards, kind of Egyptian looking with spears). I was going with them but then I remembered that I needed something from my tent, either glasses or a flashlight I think. The doorway was carved into stone and it seemed to go underground. I went to my tent, which was right next to the long line of people, but I heard a horrible noise. It was like a dog whistle, and for some reason I knew it was not only coming from the sky but also the cause of people hiding inside this underground bunker or whatever it was. I looked up, and saw all the planets (jupiter was about 1/2 - 3/4 the size of the moon) in alignment in the sky. It may sound cool, but it seemed extremely ominous like there was some evil cosmic disaster going on. I went inside my tent and started searching for whatever the object was. I couldn't see a thing, so I pulled out my flashlight and turned it on but it didn't help at all. I still couldn't find it, so I went up to the doorway and the guards let me go in front of everyone else for some reason. Inside was not a bunker, but a mineshaft going into the darkness. I got on the mine cart and launched off. Let's just say when I came out everything turned really fucking weird... there was something involving a red flying squirrel who spoke english with a mexican accent and a few other weird fragments but the mine cart basically transported me into a different dream.
      Tags: old dream
    4. Tyrannosaurus Hide and Seek

      by , 10-01-2014 at 12:04 AM
      In this dream there was a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex somewhere between 50-150 feet tall hunting me and some other people at some place that looked like a research outpost in the jungle. I know a T-Rex hat big couldn't actually hurt anyone due to sheer unwieldiness but in this dream it definitely could rip people apart as easily as you can walk, and it wanted to. It was kind of like hide and seek in that it was seeking, and we had to hide. It moved so quickly on its massive legs that I knew once it found me there would be no escape. It even came close enough that it could have killed me but then started off in another direction. There was a building that was like the "safe zone" because for some reason it couldn't find people in there even though it had a glass ceiling. Only like 6 people could go there at once though or else it would detect the concentration of people and attack. We had to take turns, because for some reason it seemed like it was hunting in "rounds". Kind of like hide and seek.

      Updated 10-01-2014 at 12:06 AM by 70554

      Tags: old dream
    5. Nightmare Trends

      by , 10-01-2014 at 12:00 AM
      I noticed I have several nightmare trends that are very common in nightmares (although I don't frequently have nightmares). A lot of times there will be several of these all at once.
      1. Thick Air -
      For some reason it is very hard to move. This is usually due to air that seems thick, but I can't actually feel it. I just need to apply more force to get through it. However, I can move at normal speeds, sometimes faster (if I am running than something) once I gather momentum. Almost every time, though, some obstacle ends up in my way and since I have only forward momentum I crash into it or can't avoid it. Imagine running really fast on REALLY slippery ice and trying to navigate around an obstacle. I don't slip or anything, the ice is just an illustration of the feeling, but I can't turn for my life.

      2. Clumsiness -
      With this type I am very clumsy, falling over constantly. Like I will fall over, get up, and fall over again before I can even fully stand up. Or anything regarding being psychotically clumsy.

      3. Blindness -
      I kind of blind. It isn't like looking into the darkness, it is extremely stressful and tiring. It is kind of like squinting constantly, or having a thick shade over your vision. A lot of times I won't be able to see even if I have a very bright light right in front of me. That or I just... can't see things.. I just can't. Not in a way that they seem invisible, but like text that is too small to read.

      4. Left Behind -
      There will be a monster or some reason for everyone to get away really fast and I am not fast enough. I am left alone to face the problem. This more commonly is combined with other ones.

      5. Giants -
      Giant creatures coming after me. The scary part isn't that they are so strong or dangerous, it is that they seem inescapable. It feels like no matter how far you run or where you hide, their long legs and sweeping vision will overtake you. I got a rush when I saw the first Attack on Titan episode because the part where they break into the city gave me this feeling and I felt genuine dread. Unfortunately it was a one-time thing and I can't get that feeling again, which sucks because it was really cool.

      I will update this if I remember/find others.
      nightmare , side notes