Dream Bits: Scouting with Tom, Melody's Married, Bonnie's Relatives Turn to Dead Pat Q.
, 02-24-2015 at 08:27 PM (568 Views)
06-25-2014 -- Tom D. has given me a call on my cell phone or something, which has somehow transported me to him over in Tarpon Springs, where he is explaining that they have some sort of big Boy Scout event going on in a couple of weeks, and he thinks I ought to find my old uniform and attend, and that I ought to speak to Carl about more information. Which leads to me being in the car with Carl, who is driving me back to a cross between the Hickory House and Rosemary's place. Everybody seems to expect me to attend, and Cheryl has even gone through my room and found my old Cadet uniform and washed and ironed it for me. But the Cadets are not the Boy Scouts, even if they are similar, and I do not know if I would be welcome to attend even if I wanted to, and am not sure I want to. I am trying to explain this to everybody as I find myself on a freeway interchange right outside of Downtown Orlando, perhaps the same one that I will find myself on in another dream, tomorrow.
06-26-2014 -- I am in the Hickory House, and Melody is in the kitchen, cooking a meal. The Christmas decorations are up, and she seems to have friends over. Meanwhile, I am trying to wash some dishes, but have somehow managed to minorly flood the floor. I am trying to sweep up some of the dirt and clean things up, and am just about to start doing some mopping. Meanwhile, some of Melody's guests are heading to the garage and out into the side yard, and as they are passing through the kitchen I am warning them to be careful and watch their steps. Meanwhile, mom is saying something about Melody's second husband, and I start sputtering about "Melody's married? Why wasn't I ever told? Why don't I know about this?" I find I have no idea what is going on, or why I am here, or anything, really. My mind is quite foggy and I can't seem to figure out anything ... not even why I am standing on this corner (or where it is) with Kevin and Irene. I am just hoping we are about to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory.
06-26-2014 -- I am at an airport and I find that I am helping Bonnie and the kids to get on an airplane, but as I reach out to give Celina a hand, somebody else grabs at my shoulder to try and keep me from touching the kid. It turns out to be a relative of theirs that doesn't know that I am a friend of the family. Bonnie is about to get upset with them, but I point out to her that they don't know me from Adam, and just saw a (to them) stranger grabbing one of the kids. Grabbing me in return seems kind of reasonable in the circumstances. Meanwhile, Bonnie is turning into Pat Q, and seems to be trying to set me up with the relative. I seem to be helping Pat settle into a hotel room, while she keeps pushing me about getting together with the other (attractive) woman, while I am really trying to read a magazine. This leads to me kind of waking up and starting to explain (to what is still Pat) about this dream that I am having, and how my friend Pat (who died a couple of months ago) is trying to set me up with people, and it is all just very strange. In the meanwhile, I am trying to dust off a cross between my laptop and my DVD recorder, which is really filthy, but I have to manage to avoid all the spiders that are jumping off the thing and on to me. [By the way, my friend Pat is still alive.]