Non-Lucid Dreams
08-11-2016 -- Didn't feel like writing this down, so am typing directly, at the end of the night, so bits may have been forgotten. Dream started with me working a security post that felt pretty much like an OPC site, but the dream started right when I was about finished with my shift. Unfortunately, or perhaps otherwise, I was then supposed to move right on to a shift at HOI, except that instead of being in the showroom, I am working a security shift at the employee gate, out back. I am walked in to meet the person I am relieving, and somehow have to explain why I haven't written out a security report for the evening, instead of the person I am relieving having one for me. The guy seems to very quickly change from a guard to one of the mechanics, and is kind of walking me around the property, while I explain that I've actually worked here before, just not concentrating on this area. I explain about having to go out at about six in the morning and unlocking the gate so it is ready for the employees, at least a few times in the past. I should have jotted notes down right when I woke up, because most of the dream has faded now. I know after a bit of walking around, a female employee gives me some kind of drink. Something that may be somewhat alcoholic, and I find it also has some pills in it. I don't know what they are, but am not interested in taking any sort of pills, so I am avoiding drinking it. There is also a place where somebody is backing up a truck, and I am trying to get out of the way, but I can't move fast enough, and the truck is getting closer and closer, and I look like I am about to get squished, until someone else gets the driver's attention and gets him to stop. At another point, I am looking out the gate, at the fence next to the I-5, where there is a cat chasing balls or something, and it's kind of cute and kind of fun, but nothing too terribly special. There's also a bit where I am thinking to myself that I ought to put in another application to work directly with them again, and use Ray Beshoff as a reference, and maybe this time not bring in my computer until the staff has left for the evening again, to avoid any problems. There were more bits, but I can no longer remember them, so this will have to do. Idiot!
07-26-2016 -- Another strange dream back at the AC. Somehow I'm going in for an evening of entertainment at the Club, which I imagine has been re-opened. Lots of wandering around the different levels, looking for good parts of the show, and seeing odd things. At one point, there is a sort of a recap from a previous evening of performances, and Anne was doing Pamelia that night, but is in a different role tonight, so is having to rush to try and change costumes to react to the past bit, before changing back for this evening's entertainment. At one point I find myself outside an odd combination of the Mask Room and the Library, where inside they are doing a strange show where Tim is playing the role of Ben Franklin, while Steve Cluck is cheering along, and I am trying to get my little digital camera to take good videos, which just isn't going to happen. At another point, I run into Dean Ambrose, and am trying to tell him how much I've enjoyed his recent wrestling ... and also how cute his girlfriend (Renee Young) is. Soon I'm in a corridor between shows, and Tim pops by and is just kind of visiting for a few seconds, and asking me to try and help direct guests into the Library for the next show, while Anne is just kind of nodding at me, seemingly ready to be friends again. I am walking kind of fast through an area that is shaped rather like the area around Space Mountain and the Space Stage at Disneyland, except there are huge vines like the kind Tarzan kind of slides along in the animated flick, and I decide that since I'm helping to usher people along, I can get away with climbing up on them to help direct people. --- 07-24-2016 -- It's winter time, and it is snowing around Hickory, and I am kind of gliding down the street toward Greenleaf, as though I am ice skating. I'm just reaching the corner when a large truck of some sort (possibly a trash truck) comes rolling along toward Dale, and Ron Weasley is on it, and is firing curses off at me. I grab the mirror of the truck, and hang on, letting it speed me down the street, and in trying to get a good angle to fire more curses at me, Ron gets thrown from the truck, and flies through the air before crashing to the ground. He's now got enough problems of his own, that he is ready to leave me alone. I return to the Hickory House, and realize it is Halloween, and I know I always face some kind of attack on Halloween, so I am trying to prepare for it, setting up secret passages through the house, and putting in wards and defences, and trying to set it up so that when the Death Eaters attack, they are forced through limited channels where I can concentrate a lot of fire power on them to try and take them out. I manage to fight off evil Halloween-type creatures and some Death Eaters, especially with Dumbledore's help (he just shows up and is helping in the battle, even though he seems to be disappointed at how much I'm hurting the bad guys) but soon things start to change, and we're back to Christmas time, and I'm having to fight off evil, leering snowmen, and corrupted Christmas elves, and worst of all, a super-evil, cackling Bellatrix dressed up as Mrs. Clause, as she tries to invade through the sliding glass door! --- 07-20-2016 -- Can't remember most of what went before, but I'm walking through Disneyland, avoiding a parade, all trying to reach Coke Corner, and hoping to listen to the piano player. When I get there, there are several pianos arranged both inside and out, but nobody playing them at the moment. What there is, however, is a very young Robin Williams (young like 20, not like a little kid) in a small set of bleachers, doing comedy routines, and cursing at people when they don't react properly to it ... and somehow Disney finds it to be a good thing that he is cursing at their guests, which I don't really understand. --- 06-00-2016 -- No idea when this was actually dreamed ... sometime in June or July, I think, but I never got around to writing it down. I am again puttering around in the version of Mammoth Cave that started in another recent dream inside the drainage ditches, before it became the caves. This time I am wandering through the caves again, but it seems to be an odd, live-action version of an RPG or a D&D game. I'm wandering through a number of cave areas, dressed in armor and carrying a big sword, when it doesn't just fade away, while trying to understand the game, search out the solution to various quests, and interact with people. I'm with Dale for a while, but he eventually wanders off to do something else. Follow a cute girl for a bit, and soon run into Bynner, who is getting overly into the whole Lord Emperor Drake schtick, and annoying some people, while entertaining others, and hitting on some of the guys. Meanwhile, I'm following along a sort of ice queen who is dressed in some lovely, semi-revealing outfits, hoping to become friends, when she takes some time out to work on some skilling. I'm distracted, when I find out the skilling is somehow making hundreds of huge barrels of homemade peanut butter, and I'm thinking I have to keep track of this place, so that I can come back with some marshmellows and some Rice Crispies, and make some top-notch Rice Crispies Squares, except when I look around, everything has vanished. It seems they get together for about one hour every month to make the peanut butter, then it is all shipped away in an instant, and is gone ... so unless my timing is perfect, I'm going to be straight out of luck!
04-28-2016 -- Starts out all over the place with bits I can only barely remember. There were bits of Harry Potter, and I know there were some chasing scenes. I think there were some bits with wild animals and stuff, but only the barest hints remain. Eventually, I think one friend (possibly Neville Longbottom) was holding some sort of concert with a mid-level star performing, and I just missed it. Steve Glance tells me that he's bringing in somebody else for another concert in a day or two, because he wants me to be able to make that one, and I ask about ticket prices, saying I have to be able to plan ahead. He has no idea what the cost is going to be, and that seems not good to me. I think about how much money I might need to get together, and waiting in line, and standing around, and find myself thinking that I don't think I'm a concert goer, any more ... I just don't want to be bothered with the hassles involved in getting into a concert. Never mind. So I am kind of flying out of the area (just kind of floating along) leaving my friends behind, when I start finding more and more birds in the area, and they are turning into bigger and bigger birds, some large enough to see me as prey, so I start to slow down and fly more cautiously. I am now flying in Anaheim. At first I am flying over the street at the intersection of Brookhurst and Crescent, heading for the junior high. There is a lot of traffic beneath me. More and more traffic, then signs of an accident. The accident is getting bigger and bigger, and I keep flying a little higher to try and stay out of things. Now there are full-scale disasters with collapsed buildings, and rescue work, and construction all going on, and I'm just trying to make it across the street. So as I mentioned, there is some construction going on, and there are lots of random people walking along girders up in the sky, and they are just walking off the ends and plummeting to their doom, and nobody seems to care. And yet there are construction workers approaching me (still flying in the air), and they seem to think I am somehow trying to jump off the beams and commit suicide, because they cannot grasp the concept that I can fly. So they are trying to catch me in nets, or knock me down by swinging pipes at me to keep me from killing myself, while ignoring all the people who actually are killing themselves, and I am just trying to dodge out of the way and get past this blasted intersection! By this point, the intersection has changed to Crescent and Magnolia, and I am heading for Marshall instead of Brookhurst, and I am just flying higher and higher into the air until I finally manage to leave the people chasing me behind, and I finally allow myself to drop the altitude a bit, until I manage to land on the roof of one of the houses on Crescent between Magnolia and La Reina. I'm kind of catching my breath there, when I glance over and see an old, slightly beat up Domino's Pizza box. Problem is, as I am watching it, it is starting to develop reddish-orange and black stripes, and I can see blades starting to stretch out of the box. The pizza box is in the process of morphing into Freddy Krueger, and I'm not going to have that. I start concentrating on the pizza box only being a pizza box, and trying to force it to only be a pizza box with my mind. At the same time, I am also praying that it is only a pizza box, and grabbing the box and tearing it to pieces, until there is no longer any way that Freddy can form from it. I'm just starting to relax, having beat him, when I look down, and two pizza delivery drivers have both pulled up, stepping out of their cars with brand new pizza boxes for him to morph from. I am trying to explain that I did not order a pizza, I do not want a pizza, and if they aren't careful, they are going to release a crazed mad-man on the world, but they just want to deliver their pizzas. So I jump in the air and try to start flying again, except I instead find myself on a bus that Paul Orsi is driving, except moments later it is a helicopter, and he is trying to take it high into the sky, except that I wrestle with him for the control, and try to force a landing on Hickory, because I'm just done with the whole thing. Just as we land, I wake up.
05-02-2016 -- I'm walking through the BPM parking lot, in the area between the May Company auto center, and May Company, itself. The parking lot is full of cars, and also full of people who are trying to survey people about their dreams. For some reason, it seems unlikely that they would want to talk to me about this, so I plan to just wander past until somebody specifically asks people for dreams that are horror-related. At that point, I stop to talk to them, and am going through and describing in great detail the Freddy Krueger portion of the dream I had on 04-28-16. Soon after that, I walk home to the Hickory House, where I enter and am wandering back and forth between my original bedroom, and the bedroom I eventually took over from Keith. Oddly, though it is the HH, I seem to be renting a room from a cross between Rosemary and Bonnie. I find there are several somewhat scruffy tiny baby kittens in the house. They seem kind of ill and damaged, and it turns out they are part of an animal rescue type of thing. I spend some time petting the kittens, and then also petting Tucker and Keffer, who are also here again, though Keffer has lost a lot of weight, and is now in much better shape. Several of Bonnie's clown friends are over, and seem to be involved in the rescue work. One of them makes some sort of comment about the benefits of a pair of narrow box springs as opposed to one large box spring for larger queen or king-size beds, because she says it lessens the amount of 'sliding' a mattress does. Bonnie doesn't get it, and I jump in to tell about how my queen sized mattress shifts around all the time, but my parents' king-sized mattress on a pair of box springs didn't. So even more clowns are showing up, and talking about ways to help out, and things, and stuff just starts sort of changing, and we're soon in a large stadium-like venue, where several clowns (and others) are starting to give performances that are more than half sales pitches to sell various things, the proceeds to go to the animal rescue efforts. The place is getting more and more busy, the sales people are becoming more and more pushy, and suddenly I find myself watching Billie Piper, slightly slinkily dressed and acting kind of sexy, doing her own part to entertain and help out.
05-02-16 -- I'm playing some sort of Doctor Who video game, but the longer I play, the more it seems to be turning to real life. (I can still see myself pressing keys to try and move around, but I'm moving me around in a real-life situation.) I believe I am traveling around in a somewhat hospital-like building, when I find we're being attacked by Daleks. I take off running, and the Daleks are following fairly closely behind, and I can't seem to manage to get away from them. Soon I find myself in a hallway with three elevators, and I dive into one of the elevators, and start pressing buttons, and instead of moving between floors, I am traveling through time. The problem is, the Daleks almost seem to have managed to link to me, somehow, so every time I try and go a few days further into the past, so I can have time to prepare for the Dalek invasion, they have somehow started their invasion a few days early, and are right there waiting for me, as the doors open again. In addition, the elevators are also working as elevators, and moving to different floors of the building at the same time. The problem is, the middle elevator has no buttons, and if you enter into it, you are stuck going wherever it takes you, with no control over where you are going, and I am popping in and out of the various elevators like I was in a Scooby Doo chase scene. At one point, I dive into an elevator, and find it is the one with no controls, so I dive out again, almost getting caught in the closing doors. I try to dive into the next elevator over, but its doors slam in my face, so I throw myself at the third elevator, and only just manage to throw my arm in as the doors slam on it, then bounce back open again, so I can get in. This seems to give me a tiny bit of breathing room, but only a tiny bit. I throw myself into an 'office' of the hospital, and explain to the other Time Lords what is going on, and how I am crossing my own timeline, trying to find a way to defeat the Daleks, but that they are somehow time traveling at the same time, and always beat me to it. And as I am explaining, we can hear the laser blasts and screams from other parts of the hospital, as the Daleks are here, but just haven't reached this room, yet. And though I think I am going to be in trouble with them for crossing my owns paths in the time stream, the situation is important enough that they don't seem to care. Unfortunately, the only advice they have for me is something along the lines of 'embrace death.' The Daleks are getting ever closer, and I head off at a run, bursting into what appears to be a basketball court, and dodging some players who may be real-life friends of mine (one of them possibly Nick), before I run out another door and through more office-like areas. I finally make it to a corner office, where I run in and find myself facing the Grim Reaper, skeleton, black robes, and all. I launch myself at him, wrap my arms around him, and we both smash through the window, and find ourselves falling hundreds of feet. Somehow this is supposed to allow Death to see multiple realities or time line possibilities or something, so that he can spot an action that I can take that will allow me to beat the Daleks, but instead he is just crying about how all paths now lead to the end of everything, and there is not a single hope left in the entire universe. Very depressing and horrifying. Except ... even though Death cannot see a way through it all, I suddenly know what to do, and how to fix it, even as we are still plunging to our deaths. And then I wake up.
02-15-2016 -- [Many wakings, long dreams I can't remember, cool stuff I've lost, and then finally this dream with a lot missing, but also a lot of details I manage to remember. Vaguely nightmarish, and woke to even more nightmarish stuff.] There are these people on TV that are giving orders, and somehow there are hints that they can see the future or something, but there's something weird about them. I don't know what, but I can just kind of sense that something is a bit off. As I really concentrate, and look, while watching them, I begin to kind of see it. In some way, over the TV, they are hiding their real faces, and they look perfectly normal, but when I really stare, I begin to see through that facade, and begin to barely catch a glimpse of their real faces. It isn't at all clear, at first, but I start to see square white patches where their eyes should be. And somehow for the moment, it is really spooky and creepy. I come to know that they have had their eyes gouged out, which somehow allows them to see into another time or dimension or something, which may be helpful, and allow them to provide some good directions, but when you suddenly see through the disguises, it's also kind of spooky. The ones on TV are disguised really well, and it is really hard to see through it, but the ones around me in person are a lot easier, and moment by moment I can see through the disguises at a glance, and in a scene hugely reminiscent of 'They Live,' I'm walking down the street, pointing out people, going "You're normal." "You're OK." "Ewwww ... that's disgusting!" The ones who realize I can see through their disguises go running off in horror. Anyway, one guy has given me instructions that I have to go see somebody in the hospital, and that it's vitally important that I talk to him and check on him ... then the guy goes running off. Another is to drive me there, and he must have had his eyes gouged out a long time ago, because he has done away with the linen bandages, and it looks like his eye sockets have almost entirely grown over, which is somehow less creepy ... until I remind myself that I am riding in the cab of a person who is blind. Suddenly I find myself walking past a large, fading, decrepit old house, spooky, tall grass. I'm moving carefully, pushing branches out of the way, and trying to avoid the snakes I don't quite see, but know are there. I'm not me, but someone else that I'm just kind of watching over. He's gotten to the upper rear corner of the property, and is kind of hiding behind some rotting old steps, and he 'knows' the timing is just right for the summoning of a powerful, demonic 'god,' but doesn't really believe in such things, so he starts to chant the words he's been told to speak, the idiot. So with a bang and a lot of brimstone, this huge, powerful demon appears, and stalks around pontificating about finally being free to terrorize, and tossing aside a basic 'thanks' to the idiot that summoned him, before he stalks off through the grass. Meanwhile I am with this thin, trembling scared teen who is more and more resembling Shaggy, who is done with this, and is about to bolt, but still reminds me I have to go see the kid in the hospital, which it turns out is the rotting, decrepit old building. This isn't the guy who was driving me. He was older, a lot bigger, bulkier, and not nearly so terrified ... and yet, he might be the same guy, because it is weird and dreams are like that. I tear off the information about the person I am supposed to be seeing from out of the guy's notebook, and step through the rubble and debris as I start to make my way into the hospital, and the sound of me feet in the gravel are very loud and clear. In fact, they seem more real than anything else ... in fact .... [I start to come awake in the real world, and can still clearly hear what are sounding like footprints in the gravel outside my windows, like somebody is walking around just outside. I lay in bed, motionless, just listening to the sound, and wondering what is going on, and as I come more awake, I realize I don't have any gravel outside by the windows, and I am starting to suspect another palmetto bug has gotten in, and is crawling around in the bits of paper on the floor, except as I shift and turn the light on, I can not hear anything moving around, even after several minutes, which seems very unlikely, and I'm eventually forced to conclude that I was lying is just the right position with my ears bent by my sleeping in just the right way that a sound of the pillow brushing against the headboard or something was producing a slight brushing sound that was amplified absurdly, combined with the nightmarish setting to wake me with heart palpitations. (Figuratively.)]
11-28-2015 -- It must have been four months, because I am doing another APEC shop at the area I have dreamed about several times in the past with four (or sometimes 2 or 3) stations kind of hidden behind each other. Usually the first couple of stations are horrible, with tons of problems, and staff who yells and screams and threatens, trying to keep me from doing my job, but the back two stations are fairly good, and friendly. This time, I start at the back, beginning with the very first station, and nothing goes smoothly. There are problems in pumping the gas, and the people working there are fighting with me, and trying to say I have no right to report on how the station is. I'm actually rather surprised, because this station almost always gets really good reports, with only the occasional problem with too many signs, but they are acting like the place is a disaster area, and I am going to get them fired or something, when really it isn't bad at all. So I'm running around trying to take my pictures, and there are too many signs, and some litter in the landscaping, but again, it really isn't that bad, and they are still going to get a pretty good report ... which is why I don't understand all the hassle. I'm trying to explain this to them, but they just don't want to listen, and I'm really confused. There is also something with a cute dog or two around, but it is nothing but problems. These four stations right next to each other ought to take less than no time, but instead it is hours and hours of being yelled at for no reason, and watching the time waste away, and simply being miserable at how badly this is all going.
11-29-2015 -- Kind of a cool one, if not all there. I'm wandering around a place that I have been before, which is a strange blending of the multi-level underground office complex at Savanna High School and the hospital that I have dreamed of several times in the last couple of years with the long corridors along the south and west sides of the building. This odd combination is further crossed with the spooky haunted maze type of dream. So we're creeping through these corridors, trying to avoid running into either the people in charge, who don't want us in areas that we don't belong, or the monsters that are roaming the area. I'm leading them down the long, empty corridor along the west side of the building, trying to get everyone else to stay quiet and move quickly, since I have some familiarity with the building, and know more-or-less where I am going. Soon we're going along the south corridor, dodging doctors and patients, but not in any sort of trouble. Then we're heading up the east side, which is where things are turning more into the Savanna building. Soon we're in the men's room, trying to access the secret passageways that not only lead deeper into the hidden areas of the building, but also into other times and other dimensions. To even get into the restroom involved finding keys and following detailed processes, though in this particular dream, we weren't 'living through' that part of it. We're just in the restroom, and the others are loosening the grating on the ceiling, and starting to climb up. My friends are traveling to another world, but I'm busy theorizing about the whole process, and don't notice them trying to get my attention, and finally they go on without me. I notice I'm all alone, and while I could follow them as far as things working for me, I'm not really in good enough shape to feel comfortable trying to pull myself up into the ceiling by myself. Instead I decide I'll explore a little bit, trying to move carefully, act like I belong, and avoid attention. I tell myself that if I stick to the well-lit areas, I ought to be able to avoid any of the zombies. So I am moving slowly and carefully, being quiet, doing nothing to draw attention to myself, trying to look like I belong, and I reach the underground attendance office. I just kind of peek in, wave to a few of the ladies there, say hello. No problems ... until I try and leave, and one of the guys in the office glances my way and realizes he doesn't know me and I probably don't belong. He starts a chase, and suddenly I'm running pell-mell through maze-like corridors being chased by monsters. At one point I find myself climbing over rubble around a sort of stream, climbing over a broken down dam, and one of the zombies chasing me is an old friend. He's actually calling out to me, begging me to take him with me. In our original world, this friend was outright killed, a while back. But in this world, they did whatever turns people into zombies here to him ... but it only half takes. He has a zombie's broken down body, but his mind is his own, and he isn't trying to eat my brains. I think about it, and find myself thinking if I bring him from this world to our world, I can have my friend back ... but I warn him he is going to have to be really careful with his foot, which is rotted and only half connected, and kind of flopping around. I tell him he'll have to protect it until we can find a way to heal it for him. So we climb through the rubble into the school gym, where we almost immediately run into Dumbledore, who unfortunately only needs to glance at us and hear a couple of tiny details before he realizes we've been messing with things we shouldn't be messing with. We're involved in both time travel and dimensional travel, neither things that are very safe to play around with. We keep moving, heading to the restroom where we can make it back to my world, when suddenly things shift, and I'm not me, but a rather attractive female teacher who is trying to find this strange dimensional portal that we're using. She's actually reached the counter that has the small hidden drawer with the key needed to make it in the restroom, and is looking in exactly the right place, but she hasn't done one of the earlier parts of the process that makes the trigger for the drawer visible to you, so she can't see it. Even as myself, I now have the same problem, I can't access the hidden key because of some part of the process that I haven't done recently enough on this world ... thankfully I also still have another key to another hidden area on another world in my pocket (from a different dream), and it will work here, too. At this point I am myself again, and sneak up on the teacher and half-kidnap her, dragging her down a hall and into a department store (can't say for sure if it is Sears, May Co, or Penney's, because I don't really see enough of it). Near a broken down wall, surrounded by piles and racks of clothes, I somehow use some kind of truth ray on her to interrogate her and see if we can trust her enough to bring her in on things, and maybe have some fun, as well. As I said, very attractive teacher.
11-30-2015 -- Can't remember most of the earlier parts. Might have been a touch of mystery shopping stuff, and at some point there was something about a diner, I think, but very little that I can actually remember. The first thing I really do remember, I am going on some sort of trip and need a rental car, so I've stopped by the downtown Enterprise office. The problem is, they are out of cars and don't have one for me, so they are sending me to one of the other offices to get a car, and drive me over there in a golf cart. So now I am standing in the other location office, and am trying to repack my stuff. Somehow I am laying out shirts and pants and the like, and then folding them into a couple of pieces of wood, to where they are somehow compacted down into a folded up piece of 2x4. Very strange. Meanwhile, this location doesn't have a car for me either, and say they will send me back to the first location (which now supposedly does), except they keep getting busy with other customers, and are having problems getting me back to the downtown branch. Eventually the guy who is supposed to drive me pulls out in a sort of a cross between a tractor and a golf cart (think of something like what pulls the Disney parking lot trams) and is ready to drive me back ... except that he doesn't want to wait for me to get on, and just starts driving to the edge of the driveway, ready to turn onto the road. So I am running to catch up, and jump on the end of a transporter type of trailer, which had a spot at the end where there are no handholds or anything, but the thing simply slopes down to meet the point where it is hooked up to the part he is driving, and I'm trying to not go too far and slide down that and fall into the street. Meanwhile, the driver and a guy in another vehicle are sitting there and kind of sword fighting with each other from their seats with long boxes, using them like swords. Weird stuff. Meanwhile, there is a black guy who looks a lot like that guy talking about aliens on one of the theoretically more educational TV channels who is objecting to something I am saying, claiming that I am racist, and I can't say that. Thing is, nothing that I am saying has anything to do with race, or blacks or anything. I tell him I will say what I like, and he pulls a knife and tells me we're not going to have things like that going. I give him a good bit of a knock down, and throw away his knife, and tell him I don't have any problem with blacks, but nobody tells me what I can and can't say ... and anybody who pulls a knife on me is going to get their butts whooped.
10-06-2015 -- I'm trying to park my car (probably the silver Lexus) next to a house which seems to be the house Uncle Jim used to live in. Like most times in dreams, the driving doesn't go smoothly. I can't work the brakes properly, it doesn't back up right, and no matter how I try, I can't get the car nicely next to the curb, like I'm trying to do. Soon I find myself standing next to the car, looking at the house, which I have now bought or in some other manner acquired. I've got lots of my stuff with me, including book cases, and bags of comics, and old Hornet newspapers with my articles in them, and lots of other cool stuff. I'm trying to gather up a couple of arm-fulls of the stuff to take inside, when a fairly young kid comes walking up, and starts to gather some of the stuff. He looks like he's probably somewhere between 9 & 12 years old. At first I think he is trying to steal my stuff, and am about to chase him off, but then I realize he just wants to help me move in. And while that's nice, I am afraid it would be too much for him, and he'd probably hurt himself or something, so I thank him for the offer of help, but turn him down. He walks a couple of doors down, and joins his own family, who it seems are also moving it. At first it seems like they are moving in to nothing, but as I watch, their house starts to kind of push aside the houses on either side to put itself out there, kind of like the Harry Potter books sometimes describe the Fidelus. I realize these folks are magical, and think I probably should have let the kid help. If he's magical, he could have probably handled it. I decide to go over and say hi, but as I approach the door everybody steps inside, so I (slightly rudely, I'll admit) just follow them inside, waiting for a chance to introduce myself. I'm kind of shocked to discover that my new neighbors are Santa Claus (red suit, long white beard, and all) and his kind of large, young, fairly hip family. I introduce myself, and explain that I used to be a muggle, but somehow I could see his house pushing it's way between the other houses. I tell him his son offered to help me move in, since I was all by myself, but I'd turned him down because I figured he wouldn't really be able to help ... but with magic, I'd be appreciative of the help, if the offer still stands. Santa asks me what I have to move, and I kind of talk my stuff down, referring to it as a bunch of old books and old newspapers and such, but then I am quick to mention that they are old newspapers that have stuff I wrote in them, so it doesn't sound like I am a complete idiot hoarder or something. Santa says he understands, and points to a stack of newspapers in a cupboard underneath his coffee table, which also has old papers ... though his are papers with articles written about him, instead of by him. After that, he admits that he already knew what I had to move ... that they had been watching me. They knew I was a decent fellow, and a nice guy, which is why they allowed me to see the magic. Santa's wife also starts talking, saying hello, but she is soon turning into one of the Adventurers Club performers that I didn't know well, since they came around after I'd quit going to the Club quite so much. Probably Megan M. Or Andrea C. [Both of whom I have seen mentioned in Facebook posts in the last two days.] Things are shifting to a sort of Adventurers Club reunion, and Graham is holding a somewhat worn and ratty looking old pillow. Someone is asking him if he is going to throw it away or something, but he says he can't ... he says his wife wants it, and plans to sleep with it between her thighs at times when he is not available or something like that, and all the guys are drooling at the thought. But soon things are shifting again, and I find myself talking to one of the above mentioned female Club members, but she isn't Santa's wife, but his real estate agent, and she works for a kind of a cross between a Realtor and the mob. There are a couple of tough thugs around to make sure nobody hurts anyone or anything here, and I'm trying to question the lady on any problems she may have with Santa. Meanwhile, a gangster's moll is sitting at a desk, wearing nice clothes, but with her legs partly spread to give folks a nice bit of an upskirt glimpse of her stockings and underwear.
10-05-2015 -- Working in a building that kind of reminds me of the Toshiba Medical building, but whatever kind of work I am doing, this time I am not security. But I am working perhaps some sort of warehouse work, and it is late in the evening, and we're sort of heading into the office portion of the building. Thing is, as we start to get into that area, the building is turning more into the version of Savanna that I know from past dreams that has a row of classrooms/offices directly north of the Main Office, with locker rooms, and secret passages and hidden stairways leading into off-limits areas. [I've had dreams taking place in this version of the school several times, though I am not sure where or if any of the others have been entered on the computer.] We're pretty sure there is something in one of the offices that we want, so somebody just goes to grab the door, and I'm worried with how late it is, about whether that office might be locked or alarmed. It is locked, but the guy has a key. Unfortunately, it is also alarmed. The guy opens the door, and a light beeping starts. One of the guys is saying it can't be that bad, since there are no flashing lights going off ... so of course, red flashing lights immediately start up. Soon security shows up, and starts to force all of us out of the building, and it seems like we're going to have to abandon the facility completely; one of the scientists tell us there isn't really any choice. But as we're being pushed out of the building, I'm listening to some of the alarms going off, and reading some of the warnings that are appearing, and I come to realize we were nearing access to a project which could have destroyed something like 99% of the world's population, leaving the ones who controlled it in control of the whole world. Thing is, it would have worked fine, but the scientist doesn't want to allow the calamity to happen, so he falsely claimed the entire project had been compromised, and rigged the entire place to self-destruct, so he could save the world. I sidle up to him and explain I see what he just did, and try to thank him for saving the world, and he reacts by firing me on the spot, and calling over a couple of huge security thugs who grab me by the arms and start to haul me out of the building. They throw me into the Buena Park Mall parking lot and are threatening to beat me up. Somehow I can't help but feel its still a lot better than the destruction of almost all of humanity.
10-04-2015 -- This one starts oddly, especially since I can't remember most of the beginning. Somehow Pat Q., Paul O., and I are all together, and sitting down for pizza somewhere, like I'm pretty sure we've done in the past in real life. Thing is, we're also going on and on talking about our phone numbers, including a slightly odd number that I can't remember awake, but seemed to be an important phone number from a past dream that I no longer remember. One of the many things we're discussing is how Lucius Malfoy has kidnapped Dobby, and we're hoping that he's going to be all right. The good thing is, he soon pops up to tell us that he managed to escape, and has decided to tak his revenge on Malfoy by grabbing an important book of documents; some kind of record keeping for Lucius' evil plans or illegal financial dealings. He's brought it back to Pat so she can use it to cause him trouble. So somehow we use a 'spell' in the form of a technomancy piece of equipment to copy one page of this material, then I wear at it and mangle it until I manage to make it nice and soft and very old looking [like that paper ball Jimmy had been mangling in a class until it became almost cloth-like from the fibers breaking down], and then use it for something else, and leave it somewhere that Malfoy will find it, discover a few of his secrets on it, and start to worry about what else might turn up somewhere unexpected. Soon the paper has turned into a huge map, which we have hung on a wall, and somehow as a part of this incredible plot (which becomes less sensible all the time) we're soon shooting at it with guns, putting a number of holes in it. Soon we're working at printing gold paper money. (The paper the bills are printed on are actually made of gold.) We're printing it on a fairly normal printer, feeding in letter-size sheets of thin gold, and printing the bill lettering and such on it, but I bump the printer, and the paper shifts mid-feed, messing up the bills. I try to fix it by kind of pulling the lettering off, and trying to smooth it out, then reaffix it to the gold, but of course it doesn't work. Soon I am grabbing huge wads of unprinted gold bills that have already been trimmed down to bill size, and stuffing them into a brown paper bag, trying to hide the evidence of my damaging them, until we can perhaps resmelt them or something. About that time, a huge guy who is an odd cross between Hagrid and a huge black hillbilly walks in, thinks I have his lunch, and grabs the paper bag and opens it. When he sees what is inside, he's kind of shocked, and I have to swear him to secrecy about the whole thing.
10-02-15 -- This one was all over the place, and there were probably a few scenes back even further than I can remember here, but we have what we have. The first thing I can remember with any clarity, I am staying in a house with roommates, and it is probably Rosemary's. I can remember vague impressions of David, and somehow Shannon has been doing something to get himself in trouble, so he's kind of been locked in a side room or something for a while. Meanwhile, I am wandering the house looking for some kind of food, but can remember nothing of what kind. Anyway, I soon find myself watching some of the others go off running around the track at Savanna, and Shannon is trying to bug me to do so, as well. I explain I am not a runner, and there is no way I am going to join him. Meanwhile, the first of several girls dressed in a uniform that reminds me of Beauxbatons (but isn't) comes along, and is asking me to do something or support something, though I can't quite remember what. I'm not interested. A second asks, and a third, and it looks like more are on the way, and I suddenly lose it, and am yelling at her. I explain how, when I am badgered, I lose all interest in EVER helping with something, and liken it to the whole LA Fitness debacle. Everybody is looking at me in shock at how I blow up at this cute young lady. Except Shannon. He decides he is going to fight her. Things are shifting to a live-action video game that seems to be a cross between Runescape and Zelda. He is off fighting her in a PvP battle and is doing unexpectedly well against her and all her friends, and seemingly, more and more people after that. He explains that he is dual weilding, but he is not using Excalibur in his left hand as most people do. It seems every fight begins in a new Zelda-style dungeon, and by using Excalibur, you prevent the use of a sort of magic that can identify cursed items. With his being able to identify cursed items, he is able to instantly use a certain potion when he finds it, which allows the discovery of the map of the dungeon level, which makes beating his opponent and getting lots of great drops a breeze. So he's bragging about how many others he is beating, and the great loot he is getting. And somehow we're all a team, even though he is the only one that is playing, and we're getting some of the drops, and he is asking each of us to give him one of our good drops, since he is doing all the work. Now this seems very fair to me. The problem is, I haven't gotten any good drops, but just a single mini golf putter, and two balls. I decide since that's all I have got, I'll give him one of the golf balls. Problem is, I am in an office and am supposed to file some paperwork to do this, but I can't find the proper forms anywhere, and I think I can't find Julie Davey to help me with them. So I'm going to have to go the less proper way, which seems to involve some sort of runes. I know the symbols that identify me and him, and I use an arrow symbol in between (--->) to indicate 'giving.' Problem is, the golf ball is purple, but I really think it ought to be red, so I drop a sort of dye tablet into a small glass container of what seems to be water, and it bubbles and froths for a bit, and I drop the golf ball in. Problem is, either the water wasn't water, or the dye wasn't dye, because it forms a powerful acid, and it all bubbles away until I am left with a few drops of acid, and no golf ball at all. This angers me, so I throw down the glass container. Unfortunately I now find myself standing in my second bedroom in the Hickory house, and the few drops of acid have turned into about a pint or so, and I've just thrown it all over my floor, where it starts to ruin the various books and garbage and such it comes in contact with. Dirt is bubbling up out of the floor to make a slight mound liek an ant hill, and I find it has somehow brought in a bunch of ants, when I'd previously managed to get rid of them. It's quite a mess. Somehow with almost no transition I am in an Adventurers Club-type setting, discussing this with Virginia, while Bob is walking with us, and I am worried that she isn't really going to want to talk with me, because of all the Club mess and the friends I'd lost there due to the Gathering debacle and RAH and more, but I am kind of explaining where I stand, and since she is religious and conservative and I am the same, and since she was a teacher, and I support teachers (actually Bob was the teacher in real life) she doesn't actually have a problem with me. As we're talking, there is somebody else also starting to interact with us, and it seems to be Steve, the lead from the Monster House television show. He's somehow got me sitting at a desk, filling out the paperwork to sign up for a new Disney annual pass, which is quickly warping into the paperwork to join some form of the military. The problem is, he is guessing at a lot of the information, so is doing things like marking me down as a Democrat, and calling me by the wrong name abbreviation, so I am having to go through and try to correct the mistakes, and hoping that doesn't invalidate the forms.
06-14-2015 -- So I'm sitting on a curb in a bad neighborhood, eating something. I'm a little scared something bad is going to happen, but it is late at night, there is almost nobody on the street, and I am sitting in a small space between my car and another one, in the shadows, and am almost invisible. Some woman spots me, though, and thinks I am homeless or something, so is coming over to offer me some food or help, and I'm trying to explain I don't really need it. I start to stand up, and put a backpack or something on the convenient gate of a nearby truck, but as I am getting to my feet, it starts to drive off with my stuff. So I jump to my feet and start to chase after it, but I can't run fast enough. So I kind of launch myself into the air and fly forward, and land on the roof of the truck. It is now more or less a box truck, the kind with the cab separate, so the guy doesn't hear me land on the roof. He gets to a restaurant he is going to, and I jump off the back and more or less fly inside so I am already there when he walks in, and he doesn't suspect I got there on his roof. But as I get inside, things start to change around, and I find myself near someone I *think* is Sharon N. (not sure because it has been a very long time.) She is scared and freaking a bit, and I find she and her mother are being abused, and she hears her mother crying out in pain, so she pulls out a gun and is preparing the shoot the guy doing the abusing. At this point, I am halfway there, and halfway just watching the dream happen. I grab the gun from her, and explain her fingerprints would get her caught. Instead I wipe the gun down, then fasten it into a table-mounted vice, with it pointing out the window and right down where the guy is dragging her mother, and when he's in the right position, I push the trigger with a stick and it shoots him. We run out of there quickly, and have left no evidence behind, but because we're running, they're chasing us. We split up, but are meeting in Sharon's college dorm room, which is on about the 15th floor of a residence hall or something, and I'm just running up stairways trying to find a way to loose the cops chasing us. And there are lots of other students running around, and stuff happening, and things are just getting a bit stranger all the time, and that's where my memory just kind of fades away, though more may have happened in the first dream. [Anyway, I woke up, and worked at remembering the dream, but was feeling sick, and didn't have anything to write it down at, so I just kept thinking about it and trying to remember it, and falling asleep while I did so.] Soon I was trying to remember the dream within a dream, but within the dream little bits and pieces kept changing, and soon I find I either was, or was travelling with the Doctor, and was trying to keep things happening the way they were supposed to, while the timeline kept changing around me. Amy Pond was my companion. [Soon I woke from that dream, and found myself trying to remember the original dream, and the remembering the dream dream (which obviously almost nothing stuck around from), but still had no way to remember it, and drifted off into sleep again.] This time I found myself arriving at some sort of science fiction-related event, somewhere in California, and somehow I had managed to fly out for this massively cool thing, even though I was only going to be able to be here for the single evening. And things are just about to start, and I am trying to ask about getting a ticket. And for some reason it would be really helpful to have these odd goggle-like things, but they are expensive, and I cannot afford to buy one. But there is a lady there who has a few pairs, and is considering renting them out as a sort of business, and I explain to her that I could really use a pair, since I am only going to be here for the single night, and she says I would need to have my ticket, first. I need to speak to Someguy. There was a name there, but I sure can't remember who it was. Anyway, he had just walked away, and I try to follow him to ask about the ticket, but he's climbed up into almost a sort of DJ booth, and I am calling out to him, but with my voice he can't hear me, and doesn't want to speak to anybody, anyway. The event has started now, and I am already missing it, and I'm ticked off and annoyed, and mad enough that I am ready to just stomp out. But then I realize I am in California, and actually, though I thought it was Los Angeles, it turns out to be in San Diego, and I suddenly think I could call Bynner and arrange to meet him somewhere for a meal (maybe In and Out) before I have to fly back in the morning, which would be kind of neat.
06-13-2015 -- I'm in a room somewhere for a sort of balloon jam or lecture, and we're learning some neat and large balloon sculptures, and oddly enough Mike and Lisa are here, and they are trying to copy one of my designs, but they are "doing it wrong" and in the process coming up with a much better design, which I am then trying to copy, which just seems sort of weird. Soon we're moving along, and we're soon walking through a school that might be Savanna. I see no teachers I know, but I soon find myself walking through some lab classes that are very familiar from both real life, and dreams where I end up walking through closed up labs and finding places to hide and secret doors and passages to wander through, including off-limits employee locker rooms that I have dreamed about several times before. Unfortunately, things are changing to where I am wandering around back stage at Disneyland, where I know I am not supposed to be, and have gotten in trouble for being before, and just before I manage to exit safely, I am caught by somebody who is a cross between a blond I know from TV somewhere, but can't quite recall, and the cute Freedom Insurance agent I met last October (Murray? Something like that.) She knows me, she knows I don't belong there, and she grabs me and tells me I am in big trouble as she starts to drag me off to security, or even out of the park. It seems she is taking me somewhere to have my annual pass revoked or have me banned for life or something, and I'm really bummed out about that, but as we're walking through a parking structure, some people are driving around rather crazy, and she seems to forget about me in the process of dodging them and chasing them, and I quietly climb over a fence to the next level of the parking lot, and just kind of disappear. The bad side of things is that I cannot, for the life of me, remember where the car is parked. The good thing is, when I call Dale on the cell phone, he has it written down, and all I have to do is manage to find the section he tells me.