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    More random stuff

    by , 04-14-2011 at 07:59 PM (463 Views)
    I had my first dream where I actually became someone else the other night. Non lucid, but still interesting.

    Me and a bunch of my friends were getting into my parents car. Only it was strange because the car looked disgusting, I remember it smelling really bad, and it was all run down and blackened. Then two classic dream signs hit me. Amazing I didn't notice them. I was in my high school with my college friends J and B and we were late for class. We went into a room where our class wasn't at and sat down for some reason. They get up and leave and suddenly I realize I've become E (a girl). As E I start flirting with my friend K from my high school. But at the same time I still know that I'm not E on the inside and I feel bad about doing it because I know I'm only leading him on.

    I leave the class and I'm myself again. I find B. He's with a crowd of people and I go to the center to see what they're all watching. There's a tall black guy with glasses in the middle of the crowd and hes dancing in the weirdest way I've ever seen. It's also incredibly cool the way he's moving around. Dream dancing is quite interesting. When they're done B talks to the guy and his friends. B gets pissed off because apparently they have a tape of themselves waking us up at a sleepover by surprise or something. That's all I remember.

    Then last night I had a pretty vivid dream with a lot of recall. But when I woke up I snoozed and went back to sleep so I only got a little bit of it. At some point I was on facebook in something that looked like my parent's office. I look out the window into the window of another building and I see M making out with her roommate K (also a girl). I'm just like "typical..." and leave. I find myself in a park from home. People are playing tennis. I go onto the court and watch. The people playing on my court are good, but on the other courts everyone sucks. I watch for a while and make my way out.

    'sall I remember. My classes end in 3 weeks though so my journalling should get a lot better.

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    1. The Sandman's Avatar
      You logged a couple cool dreams here though! I don't think I need to go into either one, but needless to say, both were pretty cool.