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    by , 02-12-2011 at 02:38 AM (645 Views)
    I've come up with a new reality check for myself. Since I often crack my knuckles out of habit, whenever I do it now I count the number of knuckles I crack and do a reality check.

    I had a conversation with a girl about doing mushrooms before going to bed last night.

    This reflected very much in my dreams when my group of friends who are usually straightedge (myself, not so much), came up with a whole bunch of shrooms and wanted to do them with me. I should have recognized this as a dream sign. Having never tried a psychedelic, I had no idea what it would be like. However I remember everything turning fuzzy and things changing in very slight ways. I remember focusing on a shoe and seeing it open up as if it was talking to me. I try to finish my studying (i had been studying a lot that night) but fail to get anything done.

    I have a false awakening and my friend begins to talk to me about increasing the increments of shrooms that we take. I find this funny because he's never even drank a beer before this point.

    Later on I have another dream about running around a school building trying to find a bathroom. I find this very challenging because all the bathrooms are completely disgusting. I think I've found a good toilet and then I realize there's blood all over the seat. I look at the one across from it, it has a little green stuff on it, but I wipe it off and use it. I remember parts of this building from other dreams I believe. I wake up.

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    1. HeritageDreamer's Avatar
      Its funny that you say you have never tried a psychedelics before because your view of the talking shoe sounds like a shroom trip to me. Your mind takes real items and warps your view of them both visually and mentally. Not as bad as salvia though. That stuff is nuts.

      Also increasing the increments of shrooms that you take is true. If you take 1 gram your first time you're supposed to take 2 grams the next to get a similar effect. I'm in recover and I probably shouldn't say this, but shrooms are fun. Drugs are bad mmmkay.
    2. bennettb6's Avatar
      Then again, your mind also visually and mentally warps items when you're dreaming =p But it was a pretty distinct trip.

      I find it funny that experienced lucid dreamers also seem more likely to take psychedelics. You'd think they wouldn't need them. But I guess exploring the mind is a common interest.

      Still, I'd probably never consider taking shrooms unless I had a completely controlled environment. You gotta plan your day around that kinda thing.
    3. HeritageDreamer's Avatar
      If you're going to do something dumb, be smart about it. Mushrooms are a poison that people consume because the effects of the poison can be considered 'fun'. People who do them tend to use the excuse that they want to 'expand their minds'. Maybe they do but I just did it for fun. Most people do not have time to take a couple days of vacation and dedicate it to a poison. This is likely a good thing. It sounds to me like your dreams 'expand your mind' quite a bit.

      On a completely different topic... I have been trying reality checks for the past week or so. Your example of cracking your knuckles has reminded me of a tip a friend gave me that I am now using. A few times a day I look at my hands and say out loud "am i dreaming?" Perhaps after enough repetition it will find its way into one of my dreams.
    4. bennettb6's Avatar
      Yes but what I like about the cracking of the knuckles is that you don't need to be thinking about dreaming to remember to do this reality check.

      I'm trying to associate the sound and feeling as well as the action with reality checking so I can be thinking of something completely different, hear/feel that crack, and suddenly remember to check if I'm dreaming. With something like looking at a clock, its impossible to remember to check yourself every time you see the time. But in the last few days I've triggered thoughts about dreaming just about every single time I've cracked my knuckles. Or at least I think I have.

      Regardless, I can't say anything until it's worked in a dream

      And back on topic, psychedelics do actually have a lot of uses besides fun. There has been research into treating people with mental disorders with LSD in a controlled environment and a lot of it has been very successful though controversial. It really helps break down the barriers of things you don't want to think about. But for now I'll stick with dreaming over poison
    5. The Sandman's Avatar
      Still, I'd probably never consider taking shrooms unless I had a completely controlled environment. You gotta plan your day around that kinda thing.
    6. The Sandman's Avatar
      If you're going to do something dumb, be smart about it. Mushrooms are a poison that people consume because the effects of the poison can be considered 'fun'.
      According to http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com, they are not poisonous.

      Good thinking about cracking your knuckles. It is right in line with the RC of counting your fingers.
    7. The Sandman's Avatar
      But for now I'll stick with dreaming over poison
      I would rather have a lucid than do drugs any day.
    8. bennettb6's Avatar
      According to http://www.thegooddrugsguide.com, they are not poisonous.

      Good thinking about cracking your knuckles. It is right in line with the RC of counting your fingers.
      Hmm... I wouldn't exactly trust my local street corner dealer to give me the kind of shrooms this guide talks about though.

      And yeah, cracking knuckles has been great for me. I find myself RCing all the time out of nowhere, sometimes even when I put my hands together my mind associates it and I have a thought about lucid dreaming. Hopefully I don't destroy my knuckles this way