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    Losing My Grip

    by , 02-23-2013 at 10:32 PM (1068 Views)
    I doubled up the menthol at WBTB and I think it definitely had a strong effect on the early dream content. Also, it was cool to finally bring a DV member into a lucid dream! Reading DV during WBTB was a huge help, I think.

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #68: Losing My Grip

    I'm in a long bedroom, and immediately I realize that this is a dream. Wife is reclining on the bed in her winter pajamas, reading her Kindle. On the opposite side of the room is a large window with its curtains open. Sunlight pours into the room.

    "Hey," I tell Wife, "I'm having a lucid dream!"

    She looks up. "Good! Have fun." She returns to her reading. I know that I'd planned to go to Angel Falls for Task of the Year, but my head is buzzing with sexy thoughts. I look out the window for a moment. The sun's too bright to see outside and the window is consumed by a warm, yellow glow.

    When I turn my gaze back to Wife she has changed. The Kindle has vanished and she's gone from lounging in flannel pajama pants to laying over the bed in a negligee and booty shorts. My urges are going crazy. I decide that I'm not getting any of my goals done this dream. "What did you just do?" she says, looking amused.

    "It's the menthol," I tell her. "I had 6 bags of peppermint tea. I think it's making me frisky." She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head forward, looking skeptical. "It sounds like an excuse," I admit. "I make too much out of these drugs. Kind of like how I think galantamine gives me magical powers." For some reason, I turn and force-push a clock off of a nearby dresser and shout "Galantamine!!"
    (So embarrassing. What a dream-dork. )

    I join Wife on the bed and start to kiss her. The sensation is incredibly vivid and I start getting caught up in these really strong fantasies about what's going to happen. (These were crazy, cosmic fantasies that involved space, time, and dreams-within-dreams. Sadly, most of the details got scrambled up.) The fantasizing quickly runs away with me, and I'm close to losing lucidity. Before we can start doing anything, I hear the sound of little feet on the floor near our bed and a little voice say, "I see Mommy!" I freak when I realize that our two boys are here and lose lucidity. The sexytime mood leaves the room as quickly as it arrived. Wife is now back in her flannel pajamas and it looks like nothing was ever happening. I'm relieved that she's so good at acting normal.

    We go downstairs with the kids and start going through a semi-normal morning routine. After a very long time spent doing mundane morning stuff, the boys are helping me bake bread in the bread machine. As I'm taking the bread out out, R (my 1.5 year old) climbs up on the counter. Before I can stop him, he burns himself on the bread, bonks his head on the bread machine, and tumbles all the way to the kitchen floor. This scares me but the accident is so comically absurd that
    I regain lucidity.

    The boys run off and I see that Wife's looking at me. I tell her, "Don't worry, that whole thing with the fall was just part of this dream." She says okay and joins the boys in the den.

    I notice that the living room is filled with a strange darkness. I catch figures moving in the darkness but I can't make out who or what they are. They don't seem hostile, and I somehow decide that they're DV members and that I want to pull one of them into the scene. NewArtemis, Alyzarin, Xanous, and OpheliaBlue are in there. I catch little flashes where I sort of "see" their faces without seeing them. (It's a little hard to explain.) I choose to bring Xanous in. (Even though the sexytime mood from earlier is long gone, I feel like it's a really bad idea to bring a female DV buddy into a menthol dream.)

    I turn my head away from the darkness and extend my hand for a handshake. I expect Xanous to walk into the kitchen and shake my hand. After only a second or two, I'm gripped by a firm handshake... I turn to look, and hell yeah it's Xanous! He's in a gray t-shirt with some logo and he's laughing about something. Before I can say anything, he rapidly shrinks down until he's about a foot tall, but somehow I'm still shaking his hand.

    My vision goes black but I still have a hold on the handshake. I ask Xanous what he thinks I should do but he just says something unintelligible in a weird robot voice. The handshake slips away and I fall back to the gladius trick. This doesn't do anything, and I alternate between swinging a sword and slapping myself in the face. It doesn't seem to get me anywhere.

    After a bit,
    I wake up, staring straight at a wall. Wait, Wife should be where the wall is. Still dreaming. I try to move but I'm totally frozen. I start contemplating an OBE exit before I wake up for real.

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    Updated 02-24-2013 at 05:03 PM by 57387

    lucid , false awakening


    1. Xanous's Avatar
      Ah wow! HA! That was a good one man. I don't even know how to respond to that one. It looks like you were all set up for OBE DEILD. That's really exciting.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. Sensei's Avatar
      Nice long lucid! Haha. Wives are lucidity thieves in dreams.

      Nice part with xanous in the end too, that is pretty awesome. Really enjoyed reading. I am amused.

      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Ah wow! HA! That was a good one man. I don't even know how to respond to that one. It looks like you were all set up for OBE DEILD. That's really exciting.
      Thanks, dude!!

      And hey, I don't suppose you have a gray shirt w/ a logo that has... I dunno, yellow letters maybe on the top?

      I do need to get a feel for how you do a proper DEILD roll. It had been months since my prior (partial and mostly failed) OBE-style maneuver. Are you just sort of... rolling without using your muscles, I guess? I was laying there with my brain half-working, trying to remember how to do stuff I hadn't thought seriously about in months. The last time I tried, I imagined new copies of my arms, head, and torso, if that makes sense.
      Updated 02-23-2013 at 11:44 PM by CanisLucidus
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by BrandonBoss
      Nice long lucid! Haha. Wives are lucidity thieves in dreams.
      Thanks, Brandon, much appreciated! Yeah, wives and kids, man... they are really hard to ignore. In this case, Wife's DC was actually trying to be cooperative and let me go do some LD tasks until my subC started playing dress-up. Blame it on the menthol!!

      Quote Originally Posted by BrandonBoss
      Nice part with xanous in the end too, that is pretty awesome. Really enjoyed reading. I am amused.
      Yeah, that was cool! I realized in the last day or so that I've been trying since October on and off to encounter DV members in an LD. Hopefully I can get a bit more stability going next time. I was also pleased with how the handshake trick worked out as a summon tech. I think that's got promise for down the line.

      Anyway, I'm really glad that you liked it. Thanks for the comment! Also... Galantamine!!
      Sensei likes this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks, dude!!

      And hey, I don't suppose you have a gray shirt w/ a logo that has... I dunno, yellow letters maybe on the top?
      Yeah I thought about that. I have some gray shirts but none have yellow on them. I was hoping you pulled some rl info there.

      I do need to get a feel for how you do a proper DEILD roll. It had been months since my prior (partial and mostly failed) OBE-style maneuver. Are you just sort of... rolling without using your muscles, I guess? I was laying there with my brain half-working, trying to remember how to do stuff I hadn't thought seriously about in months. The last time I tried, I imagined new copies of my arms, head, and torso, if that makes sense.
      At first it took a lot of effort but I hardly think about it most of the time now. I just get up. But if I have a hard time, I just imagine my feet floating up and over the side of the bed until I can feel the floor. It sort of feels like my legs detach and stretch like taffy. There is something about feeling my feet on the floor while laying in bed that automatically and instantly transfers me to standing. The feeling is such an oxymoron that it tricks my mind and takes the focus off my semi-paralyzed body laying in bed to thinking about standing. If that makes sense. So I guess it is like moving without using your muscles. It seems the more you try to think of it in physical terms the more stuck you get. Sometimes, if you try to force it, you think you managed to move a limb only to realize it is suddenly back to were it started. So never struggle or fight it. Just relax and flow. BTW I never roll any more. I got tired of face planting on the floor (in the dream).

      BTW you should totally post this here: http://www.dreamviews.com/research/1...-enhancer.html
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
      Updated 02-24-2013 at 01:57 AM by Xanous
    6. dreamenaider's Avatar
      lol i can be a bit of a dream dork in my dreams too. props on how you gained lucidity again. i got a kid on the way and i think if something like that happend to them i would feel so bad and probly wake up. im happy for you that you were able to take controle of that and reallize it was a dream. i enjoyed the read.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @Xanous - Cool, thanks for the tips on the exit. I like that idea of focusing on nothing but getting my feet to the floor by all means necessary. It makes sense that fully standing up from there would be an easy transition for the mind to make from that point.

      And you're 100% right. I need to get on the ball and post my menthol experiences in that thread. I've tried it a bunch of times now and like it quite a lot as a lucid aid. Thanks for reminding me to do that.

      @dreamenaider - Ha ha, thanks a lot, man! Congratulations on the pending little one!! That's great. As the months and years go by, I bet you'll have lots of appearances of your own kid(s) in your dreams. I hope that your dream-children are way less accident-prone than mine! Thanks for reading!
    8. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Good old menthol! X) I don't blame you for getting distracted, those fantasies sound like they're right up my alley.

      Congrats on seeing a DV member in a lucid! I'm still not sure if that's ever happened to me, at least not one that I really remember.... It would've been cool to see the rest of us in there too, but... yeah, probably best that you didn't.

      And is there really any better place to be a dork than in your dreams?
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Good old menthol! X) I don't blame you for getting distracted, those fantasies sound like they're right up my alley.
      Menthol!! Yeah, they were right up mine as well. I feel like the structure of the fantasy was that this was an endless series of dreams-within-dreams that would go on forever and that I could see this structure stacked up like an infinite series of worlds. The thing is, that may very well just be post-hoc poetry that I'm assembling to make sense of the elements that I remember. The specific structure got mangled when I went non-lucid, I think.

      Congrats on seeing a DV member in a lucid! I'm still not sure if that's ever happened to me, at least not one that I really remember.... It would've been cool to see the rest of us in there too, but... yeah, probably best that you didn't.
      Thanks! I was so excited to finally pull this off. DV members ought to make great DCs because in a lot of cases you know a lot about each other's dream lives and there should already be a mental schema which says, "This DC gets what lucid dreaming is and will be eager to participate." Friends and loved ones that don't LD have DCs that are pretty hit and miss in terms of how cooperative they are (at least for me.)

      And is there really any better place to be a dork than in your dreams?
      Alyzarin likes this.
    10. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Menthol!! Yeah, they were right up mine as well. I feel like the structure of the fantasy was that this was an endless series of dreams-within-dreams that would go on forever and that I could see this structure stacked up like an infinite series of worlds. The thing is, that may very well just be post-hoc poetry that I'm assembling to make sense of the elements that I remember. The specific structure got mangled when I went non-lucid, I think.
      That sounds wonderful. >w< Well, how else are you going to describe something that crazy anyway? Poetry is about as neat as it gets for experiences that defy normal reality!

      Thanks! I was so excited to finally pull this off. DV members ought to make great DCs because in a lot of cases you know a lot about each other's dream lives and there should already be a mental schema which says, "This DC gets what lucid dreaming is and will be eager to participate." Friends and loved ones that don't LD have DCs that are pretty hit and miss in terms of how cooperative they are (at least for me.)
      I never thought about it like that, but that's a great point. Makes me think I should start actively searching for other DVers in my lucids, too.
      CanisLucidus and Sensei like this.
    11. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I always knew Xanous was a robot.
      Xanous, Alyzarin and CanisLucidus like this.
    12. Xanous's Avatar
      Alyzarin and CanisLucidus like this.
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Thank you, Xanous! You finally jogged my memory of what you said in your robot voice. It was definitely "EXTERMINATE!"

      Well, either that or "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto". You really need to learn to enunciate.
      Xanous likes this.