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    The Night of the Weredog

    by , 05-02-2013 at 03:01 PM (1914 Views)
    This WILD was amazing. Very vivid and realistic, rich content, successful summoning, and a Task of the Month success (plus a failure.) Forgive the length of this entry, but the dream was 25-30 minutes, and a lot happened! (Edit: After further review... best LD ever.)

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #90: The Night of the Weredog

    I experience a sharp transition that feels like a short fall face-first onto a paved surface. My arms are splayed out over my head and I can't move. I can see just a bit and it looks like I'm on a basketball court at night, but I'm afraid to open my eyes more to look around.

    I'm totally paralyzed. I'm conscious and aware but for some reason can't move, and I think I'm experiencing something similar to REM atonia. I know it's all in my head, though, so I start peeling my dream-arms out of this fake physical body by rotating them forward into the ground using thought rather than my muscles. It takes a little effort, but eventually I feel this set of "dream-arms" separate out and move independently. Soon the rest of my dream-body follows and I'm able to exit completely and get to my feet.

    It is a basketball court -- four of them in fact, all arranged together in one giant rectangle. I'm alone on this court but teenagers are playing small, informal games on the other courts. The courts are surrounded by concrete stands and a metal railing. For fun, I stunt-jump off of the metal railing and land back on the court, then see Wife approaching out of the darkness. She's dressed for bed and looks groggy. "You're still up?" she says. "Shouldn't you get to bed?"

    "Shhh, it's okay," I say. "Go back to sleep. I'm having one of my dreams." She nods, yawns, and wanders off into the darkness. False awakening averted.

    I roam around the basketball court for a while before regaining focus on my goals for the dream -- summon NewArtemis and have her do the werewolf tranformation for Advanced Task of the Month. I put my right hand out for the handshake summon and look away, pointing my gaze over my left shoulder. I don't feel anything at first, but I'm relaxed about it. I know it'll work if I just give it time. I imagine the sensation of a hand pressing into my palm, and then slowly, vaguely it takes shape. After a few moments, I give the "hand" a squeeze and it squeezes back.

    Without looking, I check for a forearm, probing all the way up to the elbow. "[NewArtemis], is that you?"

    "Hey! Yeah I'm here!" Cool, I think, but I want to be sure the summon's really solid before I look. I check the DC's arm -- quite thin, but it's there. I reach her shoulder and I'm a little worried when it just feels like bare skin.

    "So before I look... uh, what's the story with your clothing situation?"

    "It's fine, I'm dressed!" she says. "Come on, quit worrying so much!"

    Slowly, I turn to look. I'm shocked to see that I'm shaking hands with a short, middle-aged woman in a blue business suit. There's about a half second of sudden blackness and then a hard scene transition -- now I'm shaking hands with NewArtemis (no longer the businesswoman and back to her usual DC appearance) on some beachside boardwalk at night. Success! "Told you!" she crows. "Let's go!" She sprints past a burly, mustachioed man eating an ice cream cone, heading toward the sand. I follow, flying to keep up.

    As she reaches the beach sand, she notices that I'm flying. She looks annoyed. "You know, I can't seem to get my flying to work right now." I notice that I'm unable to fly more than a few feet off of the ground. I try a Hulk jump and can only manage a measly 20 feet or so. Seeing this, she tries a Hulk jump of her own and manages about 50 feet. "Ha!"

    There are some dunes along the shore and we practice competitively Hulk jumping up and down the dunes as we continue along the water. After doing this for a bit, we come to a long line of black-robed cultists standing at the top of a dune in a long series of rows, torches in hand. They're droning and chanting, obviously in the middle of performing some dark ritual. There are probably 50 of them in total and I think that this looks like a perfect place to go for the "mythical creature" Task of the Month. "[NewArtemis]! Do your werewolf transformation! These guys are just begging to get eaten by a werewolf."

    She looks doubtful. "I'm not so sure," she says. "Isn't this just a bunch of college kids doing a fraternity initiation?"

    Just as she says this, one of the "evil acolytes" flips his hood back. He's a friendly-looking blonde guy with a goofy smile. "Hey guys! Sorry if we freaked you out! We're just a bunch of college kids doing a fraternity initiation!" (He uses her precise wording.)

    I sigh. We continue for a little while longer, coming to a well-lit swimming pool. "Maybe we should go ahead now and do your werewolf transformation while we're thinking about it," I suggest, and the moment I say this, she changes fast into a big, black dog, bounds ahead of me, and leaps joyfully into the pool! She splashes playfully in the pool for a while, panting and grinning.

    But as she kicks up more water, the playful splashing turns into thrashing and now the black dog has turned into my 3-year-old son and he's sinking fast. I'm still aware that it's a dream so even though I badly want to pull him out of the water, I don't feel as freaked out as I would in waking life. I dive into the pool and even underwater I can hear my son calling to me. I can see and breathe without any trouble and I swim to the bottom of the pool, scoop him up, then fly back out of the water, landing poolside to tend to him. He seems unharmed and the moment I set him down, he runs off into a nearby grotto.

    I follow my son into the grotto, a low-ceilinged cave with a shallow pool of water, partially bricked walls, and some form of dim light that reflects off the water and plays across the cave ceiling. I find that my son E has changed back into NewArtemis in human form. "Sorry about the pool thing, man," Art says, rolling her eyes. "Hey, do Task of the Month on these DCs!" She gestures at a family of tourists that are exploring the grotto. (The task is to tell a DC they're not real and see their reaction.)

    I'm impressed that she reminded me of this. "Good idea! Hey kid," I say, addressing a boy of about 11, "you're not real."

    "Nuh-uhh..." the kid counters, looking cross and uncomfortable. Okay, that should be good for a Basic completion, but I'm looking for more.

    Now I address a bearded man in his mid-60s, who I assume is the boy's grandfather. "You're not real. This is all happening inside my dream."

    "Nonsense," the grandfather says, "you're not real. I'll prove it." He flicks me on the left arm, looking proud of himself. I counterargue by levitating him a couple of feet off of the ground and setting him back down. He blubbers for a moment, then looks off at one of the cave walls, mentally processing this existential crisis. I feel a little bad for him.

    "[NewArtemis], you should do this too, get those Basic wings," I say, only partly joking. She doesn't respond, and when I look over, she's changed into a man in his late 20s, short-haired, prematurely balding, and slumped against the wall in fatigue. He mumbles something about how long the dream has been and how tired it's made him. I throw the guy over my shoulder and carry him out of the grotto. When I set him down outside, he's turned back into a tired-looking NewArtemis. "Are you okay?" I ask. She says that she is, but everything has started to feel wobbly and unstable.

    Suddenly, the whole scene rocks and something pitches us forward. We both yelp and I fall flat on my face, my hands flailing out in front of me. I'm semi-paralyzed and the scene has gone dark, but I've managed to grab onto NewArtemis' left ankle where it feels like she's wearing some kind of thick winter sock. There's a loud rumbling in the background that sounds like an earthquake. "I can still move!" yells NewArtemis over the noise and she drags me slowly forward across some kind of rough gravel. My face is smashed down into the gravel so I can't respond. She keeps hauling us forward for about 15 more seconds before the scene collapses into...

    ...a false awakening in some unknown house. Mom is here and I excitedly start telling her about the incredible LD that I just had, going over as many details as I can recall. She tells me to keep my voice down -- my son R is sleeping in the next room over. I apologize, continuing the recollection in a softer tone of voice. After a while, this scene fades, too, and I'm awake.

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    Updated 05-03-2013 at 07:30 PM by 57387

    lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the month


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    1. Iokheira's Avatar
      Awesome! *fistpumps* Man, what a great dream! And I'm totally happy I had such a big part in it And that I was dressed Thanks for asking.

      I loved everything you did in this one, especially trying to get me to attack the poor college kids doing a fraternity initiation. And me splashing around in the pool. I'm glad rescuing your son didn't throw off the dream

      Was I the businesswoman as my primary form? Sounds like I switched after you shook hands with me, but I'm not sure.
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks!! It was a seriously awesome dream. What a great DC you make!

      Ha ha, it's funny, but my reaction to you figuring out that these were innocent college kids was more "Aww man" than any kind of relief. I was getting really excited about the impending cultist beatdown but fortunately your DC thinks more clearly than I do.

      Even though the pool thing wasn't exactly what I was going for, I'm still really encouraged that you were able to transform so readily. I expected more drama surrounding the transformation but it was really just a very fast morph into a new form. Less than a second, I'd say. Now I'm even more confident that your DC can transform (and with transformations in general.)

      Yeah, definitely my first sighting of you was as the businesswoman, then there was the brief pause and transition to the beach scene. As soon as we were at the beach, you were back to looking like your usual DC again. The businesswoman didn't resemble your usual DC in any way, so I don't have much explanation as to what was going on there! The handshake was engaged the whole time but at some point during the brief visual blank you changed back into yourself. It was kind of weird and kind of awesome but I can't figure out exactly what was going on there.

      So fun! Thanks for showing!
      NewArtemis and Alyzarin like this.
    3. Iokheira's Avatar
      Yup, cultist beatdown would have been pretty awesome. Next time! Jeez, less than a second? It takes at least 5 in my NLs. I need to get cracking!

      No problem! Thanks for inviting, we should do it again some time
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Oh yeah, it was super quick. Just boom, right down to dog form. I was expecting lots of writhing (from the movies) and tooth-related angst and pain (from your Dream Journal) but you just switched. Very smooth transition. Which I am more than fine with! The simpler the better for future trials!

      Awesome, sounds like fun to me! I'll bring the galantamine!
      NewArtemis and Alyzarin like this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Just as she says this, one of the "evil acolytes" flips his hood back. He's a friendly-looking blonde guy with a goofy smile. "Hey guys! Sorry if we freaked you out! We're just a bunch of college kids doing a fraternity initiation!" (He uses her precise wording.)
      I really LOL'd here! Nice dream!
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! I owe you for this one, Caffeine Man.
      Xanous and Alyzarin like this.
    7. Xanous's Avatar
      Speaking of caffeine I totally meant to do it again last night but I turned my alarm off and passed out. Oh well I'll save it for G night. I did take some DMAE prebed just to see. I only recall one super vivid dream but it was pretty dark and negative. I think I'll post it in snippets.
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Yeah, when you have one of those nights where you're too beat to even get up for WBTB, I think that rolling back over is the best move. It does suck when you've taken some pre-bed supplement that you don't want to waste, though, so I understand the disappointment.

      The effectiveness of double DMAE petered out on me, so I suspect that I developed a bit of desensitization from overdoing it a bit. I'll still be busting that one out every so often, but probably only when the cholinergic system's had enough of a break. Most of my goodies shipment has arrived this afternoon so I have plenty of other things to try while I keep things nice and spaced apart.
      Xanous and Alyzarin like this.
    9. Xanous's Avatar
      Yeah I don't know man, prebed supps just never do much for me unless its something like 5htp or melatonin. Oh well. I like to try once in awhile.

      Now you just need mugwort!
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      True, pre-bed DMAE never seemed to do much by itself. At WBTB or at both pre-bed and WBTB (especially both), I got much better results.

      I do need mugwort! It's true. Stuff sounds awesome. My huperzine-A and Aspartic Acid are still in transit, but other than that, my collection is complete.
      Alyzarin and Xanous like this.
    11. Xanous's Avatar
      I have feeling your collection makes mine look puny in comparison. Aspartic Acid?!? I just can't keep up with all this.
      Alyzarin and CanisLucidus like this.
    12. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      LOL, I know. I was mumbling to myself as I put together last night's cocktail. By the end, I had rattled off all these different chemicals and realized that I sound like a freakin pharmacist on G night.

      L-Aspartic acid is one of the components of Yuschak's experimental "amino acid blend", along with L-Glutamine and L-Theanine. This is from the "Substances that Facilitate Lucid Dreaming" white paper.
      Xanous and Alyzarin like this.
    13. Xanous's Avatar
      You're a mad lucid pharmacist! Ah the amino acid blend gotcha!
      Alyzarin and CanisLucidus like this.
    14. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Wow, that was awesome! And so much shapeshifting was involved! Sounds like it was a pretty crazy adventure!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, I loved it! You're right, the amount of shapeshifting was unbelievable. I had personal control over basically none of it, but that's cool... every time I witness a shapeshift like that, I know it's greasing the skids for my mind to accept (and control) future shapeshifting and not see it as anything "abnormal" to be resisted. Breaking down those barriers seems to be a huge help for dream control so I'm glad to be seeing more and more of that!

      Although I guess now that I think about it, this DC did keep changing back into NewArtemis. I imagine that was down to my expectation. So maybe I get a little credit for some of that shapeshifting.
      NewArtemis and Alyzarin like this.
    16. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      Wow, really amazing Lucid here CL

      Very nice handling with the wife, things like this have a tendency to suck me in or they just plain wont leave me alone

      I had to laugh when you were summoning NewArt and were worried about her being clothed. I had the same concern when I was trying to summon MD for the competition lol. Hulk jumping down the beach sounded like a LOT of fun, it's really too bad about the cultists being a frat - werewolf fight would have been AWESOME.

      Plenty of nights ahead of you to terrorize people as a werewolf though, great dream CL. Going to catch me one of these here soon hopefully
    17. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by CanisLucidus
      Thanks, I loved it! You're right, the amount of shapeshifting was unbelievable. I had personal control over basically none of it, but that's cool... every time I witness a shapeshift like that, I know it's greasing the skids for my mind to accept (and control) future shapeshifting and not see it as anything "abnormal" to be resisted. Breaking down those barriers seems to be a huge help for dream control so I'm glad to be seeing more and more of that!

      Although I guess now that I think about it, this DC did keep changing back into NewArtemis. I imagine that was down to my expectation. So maybe I get a little credit for some of that shapeshifting.
      Absolutely! The more used to the chaos you get the easier it'll be to use it to your advantage.

      And that's what I was thinking! Surely the only reason that she stayed relatively constant is because you kept perceiving her that way despite the form changes, so it says something about the stability of your awareness, too!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    18. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by PennyRoyal
      Wow, really amazing Lucid here CL

      Very nice handling with the wife, things like this have a tendency to suck me in or they just plain wont leave me alone
      Thanks very much, man! It's hard not to get pulled in but I was lucky in that my awareness was really high on this night. I hit things with the right frame of mind and neurochemical profile that I was harder to throw off course, I think.

      Quote Originally Posted by PennyRoyal
      I had to laugh when you were summoning NewArt and were worried about her being clothed. I had the same concern when I was trying to summon MD for the competition lol. Hulk jumping down the beach sounded like a LOT of fun, it's really too bad about the cultists being a frat - werewolf fight would have been AWESOME.

      Plenty of nights ahead of you to terrorize people as a werewolf though, great dream CL. Going to catch me one of these here soon hopefully
      Ha ha, I bet it was especially bad for you because yours was for the contest. So the whole time you're thinking, "I really, really don't want to have to post in the contest thread how I managed to summon my partner but he showed up buck naked."

      Definitely still looking forward to a serious werewolf smackdown, though! This is such an exciting, open-ended Task of the Month so I think I'll be going for this one as many times as it takes! You keep going the way you're going and you're sure to hit one that totally blows your mind. I wish I knew how to have ones like this every night... I've been excited to get to sleep every night since this one.
      PennyRoyal and NewArtemis like this.
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin
      Absolutely! The more used to the chaos you get the easier it'll be to use it to your advantage.

      And that's what I was thinking! Surely the only reason that she stayed relatively constant is because you kept perceiving her that way despite the form changes, so it says something about the stability of your awareness, too!
      Thanks, I hope so! This dream and now your latest DJ entry where you drag along a relatively large group of people makes me feel really confident about bring DCs along for the dream experience. And yeah, DCs might change here or there on you, but ultimately you're in control of the experience and if you know who they are, they'll generally get back to being that person once your attention returns to them. It's like when I walked into the grotto... for some reason, I expected the DC to be Art again, and of course, she was.

      The hardest part, it seems, is remembering to expect what you want!
      Alyzarin likes this.
    20. NyxCC's Avatar
      Indeed, a fantastic lucid and so long too! How did you manage to recall it all? I seem to forget details once it gets longer than a page.

      Great job on dealing with paralysis. I still have some doubts about being able to create additional body parts and move my awareness to fit into them.

      It is so good to have a partner in LDs and NewArtemis is a great team mate. I have the feeling that I will be reading more of your adventures in the future.

      Note from CanisLucidus: Okay, I was totally confused for the longest time, but the comments have apparently wrapped to a 2nd page. I thought DV was eating my post.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 05-07-2013 at 12:25 AM by CanisLucidus
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