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    Talking to Myself

    by , 05-05-2013 at 01:29 PM (1062 Views)
    This lucid dream was very unusual for me because it occurred less than 25 minutes after falling asleep, right at the beginning of the night.

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #91: Talking to Myself

    I'm seated at a restaurant, talking to a couple of friends, including "Leroy". I'm making a point about some amusing fact I'd heard when a waiter seats himself at the fourth chair at our table. I say, "There's even this study where..." and trail off when I realize that the waiter isn't going away. I turn to him and say, "Uh, how's it going?"

    "It's going well," he says. "I was wondering if you needed anything." He says this last part with some concern, like I might be very unwell.

    I look back at the rest of the table and see that my friends are gone. I'm confused and a little embarrassed. "Were there two other people here...?" I ask. The waiter gravely shakes his head. I start worrying about myself for a moment before realizing
    this is all a dream. "Don't even worry about it. This is a dream."

    "Ah, very good, sir," he says, standing from the table and gesturing toward the exit.

    I get up from the table and walk toward the exit. There's a glow coming pouring through the cracks at the edge of the door as if something as bright as a star was behind it. I phase through the door, winding up in a room that has plywood flooring and a ceiling that's sloped like the top of a roof. It looks like an attic. At the opposite end of the room, maybe 25 feet away, I see the source of the light: a fiery, brightly glowing furnace.

    I walk toward the furnace as it spits these little gobs of liquid fire onto the floor. I'm close now, but I don't feel any heat. As I close to within just a couple of feet, the view of the furnace fades and I find myself on a set of sharply descending stairs. Each stair is only about 4 inches long but drops almost 2 feet. As I walk down them, I'm descending so fast that it's almost like slowly falling into a pit. I can't see where I'm going. I wind up stepping onto the railing and slowly making my way down that way. Somehow that seems to normalize the slope of my descent.

    I get to the bottom of the stairs and I'm in what looks like a family room with hardwood flooring. There's a board game laid out on the floor. The dream starts to fade around the edges, but I manage to hold onto my view of the board game for a couple more seconds, seeing that it's composed of a game board, a stand with some cards, and some sort of gently-spinning purple sphere. I can no longer move and my field of vision shrinks rapidly until
    I'm awake.
    NyxCC, Xanous, Bubble and 5 others like this.

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    Updated 05-05-2013 at 01:48 PM by 57387



    1. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      Aw yea, rackin' in those lucids CL. Nice catch at the table, thought you were going crazy for a second?

      The game board gave me a really fun dream goal idea! Have you ever seen the movie Jumanji? If the opportunity presents itself I think I'll try to summon the game board from the movie
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the midnight lucid! I think this is a very positive sign that your awareness is showing up in the early stages of sleep.
      CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by PennyRoyal
      Aw yea, rackin' in those lucids CL. Nice catch at the table, thought you were going crazy for a second?
      Ha ha, thanks man... yeah, totally thought I was losing my marbles. My first reaction was just being really confused, then embarrassed, then really guarded... like I don't want this waiter to figure out that I'm completely freakin' crazy. That's supposed to just be my secret.

      Quote Originally Posted by PennyRoyal
      The game board gave me a really fun dream goal idea! Have you ever seen the movie Jumanji? If the opportunity presents itself I think I'll try to summon the game board from the movie
      I love this idea! I can't wait until you do it. Seriously, I anticipate reading a DJ entry about this very thing. That's gonna be awesome.

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Congrats on the midnight lucid! I think this is a very positive sign that your awareness is showing up in the early stages of sleep.
      Thanks, I was shocked too! I felt really good about it, too, especially since it's been ages since I've had a lucid without a WBTB. Seriously, months and months. I've been a WBTBaholic when it comes to lucidity. I'd love to have more of these.

      When I woke up from it, I thought, It's so cool that I had that lucid dream. Too bad I'm way too excited to ever fall back asleep again. Of course, I proved myself a liar about 30 seconds later.
      NyxCC, PennyRoyal and Alyzarin like this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      Nice early lucid man. If only those would come every night we would never have to WBTB. Sorry I didn't read this until now. I'm subscribed to your DJ but for some reason I never got the email notification! Blimey!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks dude... I was very exciting to get an early one like that. It's just not a possibility that had even been on my mind since it had been such an incredibly long time since it happened. But since this, I've been trying to MILD in earnest before bed. One issue is that I fall asleep really fast, and I doubt that's changing. But I'm still going to go for it now that I know I can sometimes pull these off. Even if it's low percentage, totally worth it.

      And ha ha, no worries, man... I am grateful that you so consistently take the time to check on my DJ. It's really motivating.
      Xanous likes this.
    6. Xanous's Avatar
      Yeah I like to try to include early just for fun. Last night I did MILD but woke myself up talking. All I can remember saying is, "This is a dream. It's not real." I couldn't really recall the dream as it was strange and abstract. Very encouraging though!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Oh whoa, you were almost certainly coming out of an LD, just a very weird, possibly NREM one. That's cool. I'm definitely going to keep going for this before bed. Why not? It almost feels like a freeroll to me because what have I got to lose? I never expected to ever have LDs at the beginning of the night before, so it's all gravy.
      Xanous likes this.