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    Clyde Machine

    1. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:03 PM
      110: 6.16.10; 9:52AM BREAKING NEWS: Police Arrest Off-Duty Officer, and the Minotaur is Dead! (MILD)


      I had a rather lengthy lucid dream, of which I will relay two parts to ensure the details I provide are accurate and interesting.

      I was at the end of my driveway (a recurring location in my dreams), and saw three police trucks speeding on the road, coming to a fast stop in front of my driveway gate, lights flashing in the warm daylight, arranged in such a way as to surround a black SUV, now stopped along with the police vehicles on the road. The police got out of their vehicles with shotguns drawn and aimed at the SUV. I put up my hands to show that I was there and didn't intend to interfere, but figured that as I was standing next to my gate behind a couple trees, I really didn't need to have my hands up like the man who was exiting the SUV, and stepped a little behind my gate to watch the events unfold.

      The man stepped out of the SUV, a well-built man with dark clothing and a shaved head - certainly not a person to be screwing around with. His hands were still up as he got to the hood of his car and leaned over it, as the cops wanted. One of the officers drew a rifle that resembled the shotguns the others had, and shot the man in the chest three or four times. He fell to the pavement with no visible wounds, leading me to the conclusion that it was a kind of stungun, with non-piercing rounds.

      The officers surrounded him, allowing just enough visibility of the man for me to see that he himself was wearing a dark blue jacket with police patches all over the sleeves and shoulders. I figured I'd see it in the next day's newspaper, seeing as he was an off-duty officer who's arrest I'd just witnessed. One officer looked over at me and said something, which I only took to mean that they were okay with me standing there close by, watching. They took the man away and the dream transitioned.

      A while later into my dream, I was in an all-wooden room on a structure made of poles, almost like bamboo coloured a rich brown. I wasn't alone within this structure - I was fighting a minotaur.
      Yes, I know, it's awesome! This minotaur was a giant, agile skeleton with great horns affixed to the skull, with one nasty temper. He knew the structure well, a multi-level scaffold with no walls, since the structure was encased in an enormous and tall room.

      He wasn't at all shy about flaunting his knowledge of the room's layout. He expertly raced about each level to get to me, forcing me to find ways to move up to higher levels to stay at least one floor away from the skeletal beast. My movement took me to a very high level of the structure, achieved by flying with my signature arms-shot-straight-up flying method through square holes I found in each level's floor, almost as if there was supposed to be a ladder for each, and of course, the minotaur was close below me. I knew what I could do at this point to stop him once and for good, and I let him reach my level.

      He reached this floor quickly, and stared me down with a nasty smile - well, as much as a skeletal minotaur's human-shaped skull could muster - and proceeded to approach me with a slow walk. He was visibly smaller than his regular size, now matching my height. I would use this to my advantage: I drew him closer to me, and positioned myself behind the square hole in the floor, watching the minotaur walk toward me in a perfect linear fashion. He stepped into the hole and slipped down, both feet first.

      I leaned over the hole and watched with a smile as the (relatively) miniature skeleton fell several stories to the floor and crash-landed on his back. Upon impact he returned to his full and giant size, leaving only his chest and skull (with those giant horns, now coloured rich brown like the wood surrounding me) visible from where I stood. I believe I saw some bones flying off him when he'd smashed into the floor, but he appeared now to be a perfect, flawless, unmoving skeleton. With horns.

      Note: This was another lucid dream induced through simply requesting to have one prior to going to sleep. Is this enough to call it a MILD, even without RCs?
    2. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:02 PM
      109: 6.9.10; 12:00PM Miscellaneous Mischief from Clyde, Revisited. (DILD)


      I dreamed I was going to hang out with some guy, but found I'd have to run through a garden to get to him. I jumped and floated, and got lucid all at once. I took the opportunity to float over a truck in the garden. I met up with the guy, and killed him by whipping knives at him. I ran through the garden and found a paper I'd written for school - which I promptly set on fire. I found myself singing a little and enjoying it a great deal, and wanted to put myself onstage with Protest the Hero. However, things went blurry and I went into a false awakening.
    3. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:02 PM
      108: 6.2.10; 11:20AM In a Band with Austin. (Non-lucid)


      I dreamed I was in a band, with my friend Austin as the singer. We played a show, which was rather energetic, and afterward I asked Austin what he happened in the last few years, since we hadn't seen each other for some long time beforehand.
      Tags: austin, band
    4. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:02 PM
      107: 6.1.10; 9:00AM Girl Scout Cookies, and Relatives. (Non-lucid)


      I dreamed I was handing out invitations to Julia's birthday party - or at least, I tried to, but couldn't find the invitations. I looked in my bedroom and found a couple boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Even though they were already open and I suspected they'd been there a long while, I grabbed a couple and ate them. Then, a couple spiders made their appearance among the cookies. As you can imagine, I said, "Oh my God."

      The dream transitioned and continued to be around my house, this time watching a bus roll up with a lot of relatives I didn't recognize inside.
    5. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:01 PM
      106: 5.30.10; 9:45AM Part 2: Am I Lucid AND On The Phone? Or Just Lucid? (DEILD)


      Coming out of a dream, I moved only enough to get comfortable, then visualized going to Julia's room. I got into the DEILD, but what I saw was a Poke'mon game in which Julia was my character, walking down a couple lengthy golden halls. Well, that wouldn't do, so I tried to will her to be going to her room. I heard Julia's voice talking to me, and I asked her if this was a lucid dream, wondering if I was dreaming while I had her on the phone. I went into a false awakening after being unsuccessful, and took the opportunity to attempt a DEILD again.

      Going into another lucid, I was in Julia's house going to her room. I heard her voice talking to me, again as if she were on the phone outside the dream, and I described to her my actions to help them become manifest in the lucid. I don't recall meeting her within the room before waking.
    6. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:00 PM
      106: 5.30.10; 7:00AM Part 1: A Humourous Encounter with an Ex. (Non-lucid)


      I had a humourous non-lucid in which I was back in middle school. While there I went in search of my old locker, remembering my combination to be 13-49-15. I found the locker, and discovered that my ex-girlfriend Krystee was nearby and had noticed me. I acted civil toward her, unsure of what to expect, and thought of introducing Julia to her. Looking around, I found there were several people around me I didn't recognize, then I spotted Julia.

      Taking her by the arm, I brought her over and introduced her to Krystee. I looked to Krystee and told her, "This is who I lost my virginity to," and she went insane. I don't recall if she started beating on me or if someone held her back, but I remember her screaming at me hysterically.

      I found that to be pretty funny.
    7. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:00 PM
      105: 5.28.10; 9:08AM Part 2: Ancient Egypt + Invasion. (The True Power of DEILD.) (DEILD)


      I go into a DEILD from a previous dream and am reading a newsletter or news article that's taking up all my vision. Knowing that I wanted to do one of the tasks of the year, I tried imagining Egypt, and tried opening my eyes to go there. However, I felt my real life eyes trying to open, so I attempted this only twice before abandoning the idea. I thought of how else to clear my vision, while watching the article go from having a white background to a black one then back to white. I thought of pulling it off my face, now feeling like I was very much in the lucid, enough to not worry about real life bodily movements, but moving my hands to my face didn't help. I really considered leaving the lucid and going back into another DEILD, but I began looking around the newsletter for other possibilities first. While looking over all the words I found that looking off to the right of the paper brought me to a desert city with a richly-coloured landscape and horizon - I'd done it!

      In my excitement I shouted profanities and flew through my fully lucid world, flying skillfully over small lakes and cottages nestled into rocky areas of the desert, and I began searching for pyramids to find one being built.

      Coming across a few more settlements, complete with trees and houses (basically want you'd expect to find if a city flourished in the middle of a desert - it was pretty cool looking, rather relaxing and inspiring), I saw some pyramids in the distance. I closed in on one, obscured by a little fog, and when I drew close I found that it wasn't yet a pyramid, as it was still being built.

      There was a proper square brick foundation, with tall square pillars standing inside it in a disorganized manner, none of equal height. Coming close to the pyramid's foundation I found that there were workers inside it, wearing oddly regal ancient Egyptian dress for being pyramid builders. On the sand floor, in the middle of the square sat two parallel sarcophagi with no lids, white sheets covering the bodies inside. Two workers were laying a golden lid on the one on the right, which might explain why they were regally dressed. (This wasn't simply the construction of a brick pyramidal structure, it was a burial ritual.)

      At this point the dream plot was interrupted by something inbound toward our location, like a massive vehicle. Whatever it was, it was plenty large enough to convince me to get out of there, and in an instant I was on my home road, surrounded by the many woods on either side of the pavement, the sky now covered in beautiful shades of blue with stars lighting it everywhere.

      Like I said before, my road (at least, most of it) has incredibly few houses on it, and my nearest neighbours are barely within walking distance, so my road has dense woods on both sides, which are only interrupted by my quarter-mile long driveway - this dream was the same way. Because of the woods and my incredibly long driveway, I was nowhere near anyone else while standing out here on the road.

      Whatever had visited me in ancient Egypt was here in present-day Michigan. From the woods came an obscenely oversized car, crashing recklessly through the thick trees and brush to get to the road. I made my way to my driveway to get behind our massive gate, in an effort to distance myself and to hide myself from whatever was out there.

      The car left down the road and from another part of the woods came a tank, also oversized, and an older-style SUV. They both made it onto the road without a scratch and started racing off. I wasn't scared of them since they weren't coming toward me - on the contrary: I watched the SUV rolling by and said out loud with a laugh, "This is one weird f*ckin' dream!"
      I don't talk like that in real life, so that should be a good indicator of how insane this dream was.

      Things got a little weirder, but a whole lot more cool. The tank and SUV, as well as a few other cars heading down the road in the same direction, started leaning and skidding off the road toward the woods opposite my driveway, going back to where they'd come from, and disappeared noisily into the dark woods. I looked up above the trees and saw a great car rack, loaded with these giant vehicles - like those on trucks that hold all kinds of cars being shipped to and from dealerships. I looked around and noticed another 20-story rack behind the first one. Behind that, two more. Behind them, enough to stretch beyond the horizon.

      A quick look in the other direction told me these racks were making a line probably around the entire world, or at least as far as my eyes could see. I focused on the one in front of me and made my way to it, though unable to fly. When I approached one, which now seemed to be out of the woods and right beside the road, I found it was covered in what seemed to me like Spider-man's webbing, with a few kids stuck in it. I attempted to fly to the top, but my jump brought me back to the pavement. I remembered successfully flying in a past lucid by shooting my arms up. I tried this, failing again.

      I resolved to try jumping and grabbing the webbing - it was there for a reason, right? - and tried slinging myself up. Instead, it just made me bounce off the pavement, which made me go disproportionately higher in the air, and allowed me to grab onto more webbing, and onto the top of the rack. (One of the kids said that if I hit the ground I could "bounce off my lucidity!" I guess he/she was right.)

      On the top I found more kids trapped. I pulled out something from pocket that resembled a breadbag twisty-tie, and cut the webbing to free the girl nearest me. I made sure she wasn't hurt, and asked where my girlfriend Julia was. She replied that Julia was above her, but being at the top of the rack I assumed this meant "above" being relative to her perspective - since she was lying down, I had to go to where her head was pointing.

      A quick check initially revealed no sweetheart, but an instant later I was with her, and thought about getting intimate with her. Of course, the dream began fading now,
      and I was out of it before I could try stabilizing.

      I have the coolest dreams....
    8. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:59 PM
      105: 5.28.10; 7:25AM Part 1: Protest the Hero Learning Session. (Non-lucid)


      Among other dreams and fragments, I recall dreaming of learning a Protest the Hero song riff, while watching the band learn it as well.
    9. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:59 PM
      104: 5.26.10, 10:05AM Part 2: Rody from Protest the Hero Writes Lyrics. (Non-lucid)


      I had a brief dream in which Rody from Protest the Hero was writing lyrics and was getting suggestions from someone. I simply observed him writing and lent no help to the writing process.
    10. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:58 PM
      104: 5.26.10; 7:07AM Part 1: Stained Glass Transformation + Dreamguide? (DILD)


      I had a rather lengthy and detailed dream, so I'll try to recount as much as I can remember.

      I was in a cafeteria with giant windows on one wall to let sunlight in.
      I became lucid at some point and tried shooting the windows, which produced no results. I realized that I didn't want to waste the dream trying to shoot stuff, so I ran toward the windows, wanting to make them stained glass. I lost lucidity here and the dream transitioned to put my somewhere else.

      I recall waking and thinking that I'd run into a dreamguide in this dream, but I fell asleep while trying to recall the details, and now don't remember anything of the dreamguide, except that it wore white clothing, or was at the very least associated with the colour white.
      Tags: dild, dreamguide, gun
    11. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:58 PM
      103: 5.25.10; 9:00AM The Au Aunina. (Non-lucid)


      I recall discovering pictures or another form of documentation on an old French ship, the "Au Aunina," pronounced as written. There was more to this dream, unrelated to the ship, but I don't recall those details.
      Tags: au aunina, french
    12. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:58 PM
      102: 5.24.10; 9:00AM Meeting @danzr4ever. (Non-lucid)


      I dreamed I met @danzr4ever in real life, and was talking with her about writing, telling her I rarely if ever have multiple drafts before I get to the finished piece. She wore a yellow dress and looked much like Penelope Garcia from the show Criminal Minds.
    13. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:57 PM
      101: 5.23.10; 11:00AM Announcement of Donation. (Non-lucid)


      I was driving dad's truck out on some backroads at night, and after driving along the same road for a very long while, I turned left at an intersection in the hopes of finding something interesting. I wound up at a kind of church, way out in the middle of nowhere. I parked and got out, finding a lot of people standing around, waiting for a man in the distance to announce something from the podium he was standing behind. While the kids (and a few adults) talked and made a lot of noise, I watched the man and waited for him to speak, knowing he was going to announce that I'd made a massive donation toward whatever cause they stood for. When he began speaking, everyone continued to talk, and continued to do so until he was finished.

      I figured that they'd heard the announcement through their uninterrupted conversations, so I advised one of them to get some rest, as they had school the next day, and it was around 4AM when the announcer had finished.
    14. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:57 PM
      100: 5.21.10; 11:18AM Part 2: Gold Dust. (DEILD)


      I had a DEILD where I was on my computer on my bed, and was intently watching gold-coloured dust of some magical origin swirling around my laptop screen. I was concerned about not being completely "in" the dream, even though I was indeed lucid, which led me to choose not to attempt the Task of the Year like I'd wanted to. Thus, my time in the dream was spent doing nothing more than watching that gold dust floating about before the dream faded.
    15. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:55 PM
      100: 5.21.10; 8:55AM Part 1: Running Down Bleachers + 6twitter Virus. (DILD)


      I dreamed I'd left my Sociology class early, and as a result had failed it. (It's an online course so I don't know how I could've left it, but I somehow managed to do so.) When I found I'd failed the class, I found myself in my high school gym, running down the bleachers. The bleachers were far too steep for me to be running down, and I wound up jumping off of them due to my momentum, about 10 feet from the floor. I braced for impact, and doing so made me gradually lucid. This immediately slowed my descent. The dream transitioned and I found my computer to have a virus. I found two files named "twitter" and "6twitter" that were irremovable, placed by the virus.
      lucid , non-lucid
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