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    Journeys through Spacetime

    February Task of the Month

    by , 02-01-2018 at 08:58 PM (850 Views)
    After some terrifying events and encounters with extra staircases, I felt safe enough to start a TOTM.
    I settled on a green lawn surrounded by a few content and blissful children.
    I had no cooking tools, but that wasn't a problem.
    Instead, after summoning some milk, butter, flour and a couple of eggs, I was all set to go.

    I made sure that the ingredients never touched the floor; I used telekinesis to mix them together. After having formed a mold I fed large concentration s of energy through my palms. The cake was complete, and I left the children to enjoy some more.
    Lang and ThePerson like this.

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    Tags: lucid, totm
    lucid , task of the month


    1. ThePerson's Avatar
      That sounds cool, did you try the cake too? I can't cook in real life so I haven't really tried to do it in a dream haha
      naturespirit likes this.
    2. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Dang. Beat me to it, naturespirit. Guess I'll settle for stirfry lol.
      naturespirit likes this.
    3. naturespirit's Avatar
      That sounds cool, did you try the cake too? I can't cook in real life so I haven't really tried to do it in a dream haha

      Thanks ThePerson!
      Yes, I did! It was deliciously warm and rich. Mmm...
      ThePerson likes this.
    4. ThePerson's Avatar
      That sounds cool, did you try the cake too? I can't cook in real life so I haven't really tried to do it in a dream haha

      Thanks ThePerson!
      Yes, I did! It was deliciously warm and rich. Mmm...

      That sounds very nice! Kinda makes me want to try more dream food
      naturespirit likes this.