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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Sizing Up Sleep

    by , 04-16-2012 at 02:54 AM (531 Views)
    I had 2 Torpedo ales, a bottle of merlot, and 2 benadryl pills last night so I would be guaranteed some sleep.

    It worked. Alas, no recall. There was a dream fragment that was from the last few days where I couldn't find a chef coat in the right size.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. fOrceez's Avatar
      Nice.. x]
      Dreamprofesser and Linkzelda like this.
    2. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Hahahaha, you slept like a baby.
      Dreamprofesser likes this.
    3. GoldenLight's Avatar
      Whew! I am betting that was a good night's sleep, eh?
      Linkzelda likes this.
    4. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I most definitely slept like a baby. I needed a rockstar though to get me through the first few hours of work.
      Linkzelda and GoldenLight like this.
    5. GoldenLight's Avatar
      I bet. Never had those drinks. I rely on coffee.......must have coffee....or I'm a zombie :insomnia: in the a.m. Okay, truthfully, I'm a zombie even with my coffee in the a.m.