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    Katy Perry, Resident Evil 4 Garradors, Huey Gun fight, Heart Stuff, Physics Test, Panels

    by , 05-11-2012 at 10:09 AM (2924 Views)
    Katy Perry is Large (Non-lucid)


    It's day time in the dream, and it is really bright here as well. I'm sitting down between a skinny girl to my right, and a person that looks like Katy Perry, only fatter. I decided to go for the fatter girl first.....(looooool Link, damn it...).

    I think I went for her first because I thought she'd be easier than the skinny girl, but still man....*facepalm*. She had her legs up and rested on top of the bench and tilted to the side, which meant she had to angle herself towards facing right to my left side.

    I think I say "Hi" to her or something, but I can't remember what she said back to me. She wore some glasses, a pink shirt, and dark blue jeans along with some dark brown lace-less shoes.
    Resident Evil 4 Garradors (Non-lucid)


    That video pretty much sums up how difficult Twin Garradors can be...

    I'm playing Resident Evil 4, and I'm playing as Leon. I'm starting out in the area where you have to face several Garradors in the castle.

    I was actually not all that scared of having guys with long claws whose only objective is to hear my footsteps and hopefully impale my head to the wall as they're charging like there's no freaking tomorrow.

    I skip through the first area with ease, and I'm not even fighting the monsters, just walking slowly so they can't hear any big footsteps. I open the door to get to the second area where there's supposed to be 4 Garradors I believe, but again, I breeze through this area without having to fight them.

    There was one moment where I heard them scream (and when they scream, you better move somewhere pretty bloody quick, or else you're pretty much going to die, or be severely injured; having 4 of them in one room, if all of them heard you, you have little chance to move and dodge, because you might get impaled by the other ones).

    I opened the door without having to kill them, and I see that Leon's body basically exploded. I wondered what I did wrong, but apparently, when Leon came outside from exiting the two rooms with the Garradors, there was another body that looked like his, and the exploded remains started to collect and reform themselves on the new vessel that looked like him.

    I believe Saddler was there as well, and he's wondering what the hell is going on with this transformation. Apparently, a dead Leon plus the new vessel of him combining together means he's invincible. Leon is in white robes and is holding a long spear.

    I aim Leon to start stabbing Saddler, and Saddler can't do anything because he admits Leon is invincible now. So Leon stabs Saddler repeatedly until he's dead.

    The dream shifts back to me now, and I think the point of experiencing all that stuff was to have sex in a different way with someone???? I'm not exactly sure what dodging Garradors and stabbing some freaking looking guy is going to do with sex.....maybe augment my sadomasochistic tendencies a bit, but I doubt I'm going to see an A+ in my overall being.

    Me vs. Huey (Non-lucid)


    I can't remember much about this dream, but I'm challenging Huey from The Boondocks in a gun showdown of death. I'm wielding a shotgun, and I'm trying to get to some cover, probably because I know I need to reload really quick before seeing him again.

    I go open a door quickly, hide, and grab the same shotgun I was holding in my hand a few moments ago. I quickly pumped it, saw Huey, and try to take a shot at him. I'm only seeing his face and him wearing a gray shirt and blue or black pants.

    Eventually, we're finally at a stalemate, I tell him that if he stops shooting, I'll stop shooting at him. We're still a bit jumpy, but he complies and disappears.
    Heart stuff (Non-lucid)


    I don't remember much from this dream either, I saw some clip of Toguro from Yu Yu Hakusho trying to kill someone, but I'm trying to stop him but ripping out some kind of body part. It's really hard to pull it out.

    I see a sheet with heart valves, something like that, and a person has three openings instead of two. After a while, the person has to split from one opening to go to the other.

    The dream shifts to where I'm on my knees on a floor, and with some random people. We're looking at some sheets with various electronics, then I get bored and decide to go somewhere.

    I think I get outside of the apartment I'm in, and it's not mine, and I see some old lady riding a yellow vehicle. There's some really cute females inside it, maybe two or three of them. I watch them for a while, and the old lady is trying to back up a little bit, and is taking a while to do so.

    I can't remember much after that.

    Now that I think about it, all that heart stuff, and seeing Toguro made sense I think? Because I remember he pretended to kill Kuwabara in Yu Yu Hakusho by barely touching his vital organs.
    Physics Test with Steve Jobs(Non-lucid)


    I'm in a classroom, Steve Jobs passed out the Physics test, and is giving us a few final words before we start. He goes on and on for a while, and while we're taking the exam, he asks us,

    "Pretty easy, huh?"

    Most of the people in the classroom agree. He's wearing a black turtle neck or shirt, and long dress pants with black shoes.

    That's all I remember.
    Sit on the panel (Non-lucid)


    I was in a small room with a few females, one was noticeable, Let's call her Liz.

    There were these panels where you had to step of sit on the floor before the countdown timer of 15-16 seconds was over. Just trying to sit on the panels was difficult in its own way, because you had to duck under a table to sit down with other people in a really tight space.

    When I tried to get the upper hand by finding the panel closest to me, Liz tells me,

    "Hey! You can't do that!"

    Ugh.....so I get up and try to go to another one, but I can't remember what I did to resolve it.

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    1. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Sounds like a pretty random night. X3
      Linkzelda and Dreamprofesser like this.
    2. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      Huey must've gave you a run for ya money Link! That lil Bebe kid is lethal man! Lol
      Linkzelda, sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.
    3. sinoblak's Avatar
      Sorry to disappoint you, Link, but Steve Jobs seems to be your DG.

      I think I went for her first because I thought she'd be easier than the skinny girl, but still man....*facepalm*.
      And lol! Now I understand why you've chosen to like, sorry, love Eva. She's fat and easy, man!
      Linkzelda and Alyzarin like this.
    4. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Whatever. Everyone that looks helpful seems to be my dream guide, hell even the blonde with positive energy seem to be my dream guide. Bleh. Not going to shift my mentality, Sinoblak.

      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.
    5. sinoblak's Avatar
      Blah, you disappointed me, Link.
      Alyzarin and Linkzelda like this.
    6. Linkzelda's Avatar
      You're always disappointed in me, why?
      sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.
    7. sinoblak's Avatar
      Lol, don't jump to conclusions! Sometimes you disappoint me and sometimes you don't.
      Alyzarin and Linkzelda like this.
    8. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Lol, Sino.
      Linkzelda and sinoblak like this.
    9. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.
    10. sinoblak's Avatar
      Link, why do you sound sad?
      Linkzelda and Alyzarin like this.
    11. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Just bored of this world. Guess my mind has been more enticed with the dreaming realm. Everything is just bland. I don't know! :/
      sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.
    12. sinoblak's Avatar
      Cheer up, there's still some real sex you can get in this world.
      Alyzarin and Linkzelda like this.
    13. Linkzelda's Avatar
      It's not lack of sex that's making me depressed. LOL

      I'm talking about other things, Sinoblak...jesus woman, I have other thoughts too =(
      sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.
    14. sinoblak's Avatar
      It's not lack of sex that's making me depressed. LOL
      Lol, it can make one depressed.

      I'm talking about other things, Sinoblak...jesus woman, I have other thoughts too =(
      Alyzarin and Linkzelda like this.