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    Time travel serum, retro PC and TOTM

    by , 05-12-2013 at 07:47 PM (1169 Views)
    Total sleep time: 8 hrs

    Pre bed: Q10, probiotics, and cup of green tea (no problem falling asleep after yesterday's insomnia)

    Other stuff: The guys had a planned event for today morning, so my chances to get some decent sleep and lucid were minimal, and yet...

    Recall: As soon as I woke up, so did my bf and realized he's really late, started running around and talking to me as I tried to remember and write down the dreams. Took me a while to finish that.

    Dream1: My parents have abandoned our home, and the place is falling apart. I go to the restroom and try flushing, but there is no water. It is because there was a leakage, so they have stopped the water. I wonder why don't they just fix everything instead of leaving it like that. My mom appears and says it is time for us to go.

    On our way out we see an older friend of ours and ask her how she is doing. She replies very briefly, so I ask her about her son, I actually say the wrong name, but in the dream that's his name. She then begins a very long story that I don't feel like listening to, and I regret ever asking her. I tell her to send my greetings to him although I could contact him myself.

    Soon her son/my friend comes by and we are drinking apple juice. As I pour myself some juice, I notice that there are insects like a dead yellow ladybug and some insect eggs the jug, and decide I won't be having any more juice. My friend is a bit offended that I don't want to drink the juice and we now have to throw it away. I leave the building, he remains to deal with the juice, but will join me later.

    I am on the street, I hear music and I see native Americans perform at the end of the street. The come to the front, wearing traditional costumes. I also see some bright spots with different colors about half the size of a person above each of them and assume I am seeing their aura. I enjoy the show, they sing and perform some stunts. When it is over, I notice that I am the only person clapping hands so I feel a bit embarrassed. Why is nobody applauding? I conclude that if you do applaud, you are supposed to leave some money, and as I check my pockets I find that I don't have any.

    Dream2: My bf is negotiating with my dad about a place we want to visit. Actually I have not told my dad about this so it gets a bit awkward. We postpone the discussion for another time and my dad is on his way home. He is taking a bus, and I am looking at the back of the bus, expecting to wave goodbye. He finally looks back and I see that he is talking to a friend of his, and there is also some unknown woman that he is friends with.

    I suddenly find myself sitting on the backseat of the bus, and two of my friends are also sitting with me there. We propose an explanation that this bus is very spacey, so when we thought we were outside, we actually never left the bus. Ok, but we need to get out, especially that we know that this is a travel bus, and won't be making any stops until it reaches its destination. We go to at least try to inform the driver we need to get off.

    As we move forward, we are in some kind of a building, but in our minds, we are still in the bus. Our goal is to reach the reception, so once we reach it, we will be able to leave the bus. The building is very strange, I am looking at some building plan, trying to navigate and find the way out. There are lots of doors and lockers, it looks really puzzling. I remark that everything looks so strange, it almost feels like in a dream. We continue looking around, I see some women working there as janitors and ask them where the reception is, but they can't help us.

    One of my friends comes up with the idea that we need to inject ourselves with a time travel serum so we can escape this place. We prepare to do so, we have some syringes, the green time travel serum and start injecting ourselves with it. I get the largest dose, the serum is visible on hands, and our veins get extra green.

    I am on some unknown street, and we have succeeded in changing the course of events and going back in time. I look at my fingers and notice that the knuckles have swollen, my fingers are bent in a very painfully looking way. This is strange, but I remember that some portion of the serum was in contact with my skin, which is what have caused this temporary side effect.

    I take a brief moment and contemplate about time and what has changed. I look at a clothing store and I see that a guy that used to do something else before we changed time, is now famous and has his own label. I wonder about my memories because things have changed, would I know what has happened. I answer to myself, that I wouldn't but everybody else would have the new memory in place and I will learn what happened just as if I am listening to the news, that way I will get updated.

    Dream3 DILD TOTM: I think this directly followed after our time travel. I enter in a room and notice a very old TV of a known brand and something that looks like a retro computer. The brand of the computer is also there, but it doesn't look familiar. I am in uplifted mood and say to some DC friend of mine. "Now we are going to have a look, have some fun reading the brand name and see if it changes". I stare at the logo, try reading it and expect to be normally able to read it.

    Instead, I have difficulty focusing on the letters and it finally hits me! I really did not expect to become lucid today, but anyways I am happy about that. Oh right, once again time to concentrate on the tasks. My mind is a bit hazy, so I think I need to set the room for this, looking around for the items I need. I turn way too much and it feels more like spinning than looking around. I expect some mythological creature to just pop up while I do this, and mistakenly to see an egg as well. Nothing of the kind.

    I notice at least five DCs sitting down, their backs facing me, as if they are all working on their PCs. I begin shouting, asking them to help me set the room and everything I need. Nobody is paying any attention to me. I become upset at this and finally decide to tell them they are not real. No reaction, their backs are really stiff. I repeat this again as if I am insulting them with those words. Finally, a girl with dark hair and vampire teeth answers back. I can barely hear what she is saying, she repeats it again " Oh, I am bla bla with fear". Bla bla is actually some m-word that does not exist at all. You are what? I ask her again. I repeat the strange m-word a few more times, trying to memorize it. It works but I begin to forget the dream. The vampire girl starts to laugh, and makes me laugh too. Overcame by happiness, I am able to control the DCs in the room and everybody bursts out laughing

    The dream fades and I am back in darkness, in my bed. I feel tired and heavy so no point to DEILD. I want to get up to journal, but fall asleep instead.

    Dream4: I am in a classroom, and recognize at least one guy from school there. He is trying to tell me something, pointing at him, then at me. Me and him? No way, I tell him, then I realize that he is just pulling my leg. He continues with this strange stupid behavior and now tries to match a friend of his with another classmate of mine. These guys are crazy... (end)

    I wake up, my bf wakes up, the whole world wakes up, and everybody is rushing around as I try to hold my dream memory and write it down. Finally TOTM!
    CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      All right, congratulations on Task of the Month! That moment at the end was important too... once you got swept up in those positive emotions, you had way more control over what was going on in the dream. The fact that laughter causes the release of dopamine and dopamine increases confidence and dream control... makes you wonder.

      So that m-word... did you manage to watch the DC's mouth when she spoke it? Can your bring back any of those visuals? I wonder if that m-word is still in there somewhere...

      Anyway, great work and enjoy the wings!
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      I'm really curious about that m-word as well! Oh the things DC's say.
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thanks guys! No idea what word was, just that it began with m. I had it memorized during the dream but I forgot it once I woke up. Not the first time having issues with transferring back verbal information, especially when trying to memorize something during the dream. I sometimes forget words from reading signs or what a DC replies. Maybe the part of the brain responsible for this is shut down or overwhelmed, at least in my case.

      I still believe everything that happens to us is filed away somewhere in the brain, but retrieving it can be pretty hard. I have been told in a dream that it may be easier to access memories while dreaming, but I haven't reached that level of control. It is an intriguing possibility though!

      @ CL, yes, I remember we talked about that and this dream is yet another confirmation. It seems that stronger feelings can result in greater dream control. Something to learn about those chaser dreams too, the more you are afraid, the more they charge at you. It is a dopamine enhanced mirror of yourself via DCs. Interesting!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I've been meaning to ask -- do you think that the CoQ10 right before bed makes any difference in dreaming for you? I take 200mg ubiquinol daily and I've been trying to decide between morning and pre-bed. (Recently it's been morning.)
      NyxCC likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      It may make some difference, which is why I decided to include it in the dreaming report, although results are not very consistent. I have been taking it for health reasons combined with probiotics (acidophilus) before bed and noticed some increased vividness on a number of nights and it sometimes coincides with lucidity as well.

      You could give it try pre bed to see if it makes a difference. After taking about 60 mg and having really vivid dreams, I decided to reduce to 30 mg. I wonder if taking higher amounts could have a deeper impact, although I am a bit afraid to go over 100 and mix it with other supps. There is some controversy about dosage among doctors, I heard. My mom by the way takes around 200mg and I have noticed she gets very energetic during the day.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      My mom by the way takes around 200mg and I have noticed she gets very energetic during the day.
      LOL. Maybe this is my issue. Well, I'm a parent to two small children, so a little extra energy comes in very handy.

      And thanks, maybe I'll have to play with this at some point. So many levers to pull...
      NyxCC likes this.
    7. NyxCC's Avatar
      And thanks, maybe I'll have to play with this at some point. So many levers to pull...
      Haha, I know what you mean...
      CanisLucidus likes this.