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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    DILD - Almost got the April Fool's TOTM

    by , 04-02-2014 at 07:51 PM (1130 Views)
    I had a long, miserable WBTB. I woke up at 5am and probably didn't get back to sleep until well after 8am. But I made the effort to keep my awareness, and incubate some TOTM possibilities. I decided during this time, that upon gaining lucidity, I would find a DC, and stick my leg out as he walked by, tripping him. That's about as basic as that one gets, but I thought it would be an easy one after such a long dry spell.

    Anyway, I slipped into a coma like sleep finally, and had some nonlucids that I've already forgotten. At one point, I was having a nonlucid where I was holding a cat, and petting him, and he was purring, and all sweet. But every so often, I guess I was petting him wrong, and he'd go ape shit biting my hand. This cycled a few times when I realized that it was indeed happening in cycles, and I could kinda feel vibrations associated with the biting, like when I WILD or DEILD. I realized I was dreaming (YEAH!) and thought right away about finding a DC to trip. I was already in some house, but it was unfamiliar. My left eye wasn't working right, but I ignored it. I walked into the next room and saw a really beautiful African American woman. Great body, beautiful face and hair.. made me think right away of black Barbie. She was standing in a corner of what looked like a small, cluttered family room. I said "Come 'ere.." to her, with the idea that when she walked up to me, I'd stick out my leg and trip her. But she just shook her head and said "no." Stupid DCs... when will they learn that you're not supposed to tell us dreamers no. There was a long couch next to her and I willed her to flop down on it, and she did, landing on the couch on her stomach.

    Spoiler for NSFW:

    Anyway, when I was done, I was thrilled to still be in the dream and lucid (THRILLED TO BE ALIIIIVE!!!!!!), so I made a move for an area of the room that had a window overlooking a grocery store. The window was like a portal with a preview haha, I love it. I phased through the window and entered the store from a second story height. My eye started working a lot better, and the store was really really vivid and colorful and clear. I love grocery stores in LDs, because they really are very colorful places with lots of neat stuff: colorful flowers, fruits and veggies; beautiful packages and cans of food, meat and fish and big displays with loud signs... basically a candy store for me, in dreams as well as real life. Anyway, before I could think up another task attempt, I woke up.

    Best part about all this, is that I told Danny about it when I woke up, and he actually got turned on by it haha! There's only one guy in the world so freaky as to love a freak of nature such as me and I'm lucky I found him <3 Seriously, the amount of random crap he entertains me telling him, all this DV nonsense, podcasts that make no sense to him... must be all the good grub
    StephL, fogelbise, NyxCC and 2 others like this.

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    Updated 04-02-2014 at 07:59 PM by 905

    lucid , memorable


    1. LucidJordan's Avatar

      Ah yeer that's what's up.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    2. StephL's Avatar
      Now - this is hidden behind Ophelia's - weeell - I didn't trick her - basic task fail!!
      Such a wonderful dream - very motivating to read, how good you are at navigating your inner realm!
      So you are still on the sexually experimental side!
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    3. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      LucidJordan: that is so weird that you posted a screen cap instead of quoting me in your comment. It confused me and took a sec for me to figure out wtf happened there
      LucidJordan likes this.
    4. LucidJordan's Avatar

      "I can't select this text.. I MUST BE DREAMING! *tries to shapeshift IRL*
      OpheliaBlue and Mismagius like this.
    5. fogelbise's Avatar
      Cool lucid OB! And this is sweet...
      There's only one guy in the world so freaky as to love a freak of nature such as me and I'm lucky I found him
      OpheliaBlue and Mismagius like this.
    6. AstralMango's Avatar
      Stupid DCs... when will they learn that you're not supposed to tell us dreamers no.
      As soon as I read that, I knew there was gonna be trouble!
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    7. Mismagius's Avatar
      Nice ToTM attempt Ophelia! And I agree with what fogelbise said.