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    8/9 & 8/10/14 WILD Ride & Flight From School - Sensei's Competition Nights 13 &14

    by , 08-10-2014 at 11:54 PM (813 Views)
    Upside: LD 2 nights in a row for final two nights and a memorable WILD, though somewhat short. Downside: not a whole lot of points and the one the next night even shorter.

    8/9/14* something sexual in party setting? / parameters of video recording / rental house white paint maybe painted in here looks nice in day..not bright at night. / guy being dragged behind boat as punishment. Acquaintance calls out for him to be freed. / While experimenting with visualizing and taking control of HH's, I fall into a wild. What I at first only saw as an advanced dreamlet that would likely dematerialize, became more as I interacted with it or already was more. I was apparently standing outside perhaps in front of a restaurant or similar area where people would gather in front of and there's this group of people including this sexy woman in a gorgeous dress. It was skin tight with white and earth tones in it with the different colors in blocks on a solid white base. Most of the earth tone colors were horizonal blocks around the midsection and bottom of the dress and there were two vertical blocks over the thighs that were see through revealing her beautiful thighs. Idecide to take action in what I think is a still a dreamlet. I say something complimentary about her and her dress.<<DC interact>> She takes my hand and urges me towards the town car that she apparently came in. As we both climb in the visuals become more ethereal with only flashes of light here and there as we have sex it feels like we are both in space floating weightless and moving together as one in a wonderful moment of ecstasy! This continues for a while until I wake up. Maybe 3-4 minutes total. Wow!!! 188

    8/10/14* narrator: gruesome scene but also surreal scene. He used a hammer. / keep paperwork? From time we went to hospital to show hardship. False memory. / thank you bro-law E..for picking me up? Giving me a ride? / normal sport not in normal position, not tired at all. Losing my normal position? At half-time go into school see sexy woman and think if dream I would take action (like I was thinking during wbtb visualization), wake / penises on TV, all different, wife sees and giggles, for some reason I worry during dream that wife may be imagining another man during sex. / on phone with MB, us as witness for lawyer for her divorce case / at school for event, auditorium doors open part way by themselves. I peek in and it is dark and ominous. I take off down hall...Should I Fly?!!! this is a dream! Go for Step3 to the TOTY (sleeping beauty who was also was going to be transformed to Scarlett for my personal goal but I didn't get far at all)...Look for exit...doors locked...I bust through like Superman. I fly super fast up toward "fantasyland" as imagined...maybe 25 seconds and I stop, thinking this is far enough. While deciding whether to step out or fall back,to get into fantasyland, I wake. 189 / JD from 90 minutes North of here brings a baby & small girl...just dropping them off can't stay (ex coming?) I carry baby...big! Pantsless so I go to bathroom find swim trunks. More people coming for a party...swim trunks are embarrassing. Day residue or like baby the other night, also big. Use baby for baby new year in parade. Baby teetering...falls but falls well so he's unhurt. I try to break his fall and miss - too late, and pick him up. Cute woman washing dishes and moving butt sexily (visualization residue for girl friday) I say don't do that...implying provocative. Camera. / I slept too long and still try an afternoon nap before end of competition to try to get more points knowing that the last two nights will not add up to a whole lot of points. Was able to get HH's and interact some but eventually just knock out for the nap.

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    1. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Wow, floating is space sounds like a nice feeling! What a cool experience!

      LOL @ your dream logic post-TV penises!
      With all the sexy ladies you come across in dreams, I'd say your wife has more reason to worry.

      Congrats on an impressive final score for the comp!
      fogelbise likes this.
    2. ThreeCat's Avatar
      fogelbise, I am really impressed with how many DILDs you catch by virtue of noticing dream inconsistencies. It's really quite awesome. Any tips on this? And I will add that the car scene sounds like an experience definitely worth having! Great dreams, man!
      fogelbise likes this.
    3. fogelbise's Avatar
      @Dreamer It was wonderful! I wasn't sure everyone would understand, but it sounds like you do.

      True, true!

      Not all the points that I had planned, but the competition did push me to focus better and I believe that I made further progress understanding what works for me. I'm guessing you still beat me...need to go through the last few pages of the competition thread.

      @ThreeCat My theories for this include length of time I have been paying attention to dream signs, WBTB enhanced awareness, daytime self-awareness practice, nighttime reminders to watch out for dream signs and maybe others that I am forgetting at the moment. I am especially hopeful due to the fact that I got a resurgence of the boldness/taking action dream sign...the theory behind that one is basically that my past LDs have involved me taking action, so if I do so in a semi-lucid state it often helps me to achieve lucidity! As in this is something I do in dreams...hey, I am dreaming!
      ThreeCat likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      <<DC interact>>
      There's the understatement of the century! LOL. Really cool dream, man! Love the weightlessness concept.
      fogelbise likes this.