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    Apr 26: resort, ghost

    by , 04-26-2014 at 08:42 AM (403 Views)
    Date: Apr 26
    Sleep Length: 4h + 5h
    Techniques: DILD + WBTB
    Dream Summary:
    (1) I was at a resort. It was quite hot, so it was probably in july or in august. Most of the time I was at a pool with my little brother. We were alone there and I had a fun time with him. There was a huge boat with 2 beds in it (in the end there were suddenly 3) and the place was beautiful. I think there was a bunch of pine trees and it was at the edge of a cliff. There was a small shower, like those beach showers, and the water went into the abyss. There was a sea and a small city at the horizon. It looked like a croatian or greek city. The ground was a bit yellowish/orange and brown. It was dusty and dry, like a desert. Anyway, we started to have some kind of fight coz we both wanted to have the boat, but it wasn't a serious fight, nobody was angry. He wanted to give me some other stuff, like the shower, to make amends or something. It doesn't really make sense, but in the end we simply both used it.
    Then we celebrated some family reunion, felt like christmas but it was in summer. We were still kinda at the pool but also kinda not (which should have made me suspicious). We were talking about a dog of someone. The owner gave it a sandwich with cucumbers and meat and it was always on her lap. I've seen it very clearly. Looked like a poor dog
    (2) My mother said my grandparents are coming and I was upset because I wanted to study for an exam. I looked out of the window and saw my grandpa's car. But it was a bit confusing, they were never really here, they were always skiing with my sister I think. I thought my mother was gonna be out of town, but then I was told everyone believes there was a ghost, and they've seen weird flashes of light and they thought it's a ghost. I didn't think it's ridiculous in my dream, I didn't believe it either... I was indifferent
    Vividness (1-15), Awareness (1-10): 3/1
    Emotions: less angry; confused, indifferent
    Tags: resort, brother, bed-boat, pool, christmas?, family, dog on lap, sandwich for dog;; light flash, slope, ghost

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    Updated 04-27-2014 at 08:41 AM by 68865

