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    Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    6th Lucid - Lucid Fight!

    by , 06-27-2011 at 01:13 PM (788 Views)
    It was the beginning of a nightmare - I walked out of my bedroom to find my school janitor, Frank, and another older man I don't recognise standing in my back room. He was old, with greying hair and a beard, wearing tattered clothing. They were walking really, really slowly. I was confused and scared, I went to tell dad.

    I found him in the office sitting on his computer.
    "Dad, Frank is in the back room!... wait, why would frank be in the back room... I must be dreaming!" I didn't RC, I was sure I was dreaming and the only thing on my mind was making this DC disappear.

    I went to the kitchen and looked at the back room, the second older man was gone but Frank remained and he was MAD. He started to throw knives at me, but I dodged them all. I picked one up and threw it weakly at him, it didn't even reach him. I then picked up 2 or 3 knives with telekenesis and launched them at him, lodging them in his chest. He didn't even flinch. I went out to the back room and we started having a fist fight, but my hits were doing nothing to him. I grabbed a water bottle and poured water all over the floor and proceeded to gather it all onto Frank and freeze it. He kept moving, walking towards me, and I made it colder and colder and colder. Finally, I punched him in the jaw with a right hook and shattered parts of his chin.

    We then, stopped. I can't remember why, but Frank was gone even though I didn't win; I knew he could have overpowered me. I looked back over the counter and there stood a man who looked a lot like Morgan Freeman, writing in a notepad, he had an angry presence about him, and disappeared. I then started to think about my lucid goals, right! DG! Find my DG, find my DG. I took off a jumper I was wearing, and while it was over my head, in the blackness of the dream I decided to try and teleport. I wanted to go to Hawaii, so I pictured a beach, with me standing next to the water, and a sailing boat floating by.

    My teleportation wasn't successful, I didn't get an image to form around me like I had hoped. I thought about how I could meditate in this darkness, this void, just floating in nothingness for a long, long time. I was rushed though, I didn't want the dream to fade. I finished taking off my jumper and ended up lying on the floor of the kitchen. I stood up and the dream started to fade.

    I tried to DEILD, and awoke to two REALLY loud barking noises.

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    Updated 06-29-2011 at 02:48 AM by 7689

    lucid , memorable
