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    Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    This is where i'll be posting my dream journal online, in a hope to increase my tendency to remember more dreams, and clearer.

    I write all my dreams in a small exercise book under my pillow, and will post them up on here every day or two

    I hope to delve into more than just control over my dreams, but finding an understanding about life and keep walking the path of awakening.

    If you have advice to give me, I would be ever willing to accept help, a guiding hand would make a great difference for me

    1. Worst. Shower. Ever.

      by , 06-02-2011 at 10:12 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Yesterday morning, while in the shower I'd pondered how I never have dreams about showering, and I'd likely get lucid if I did, as I tend to practice ADA in the shower. Well, I guess my subconcious played a bit of a joke.
      I was in the shower, I believe I was rushed for time, I had to be somewhere. All of a sudden, I'm covered in horrible, thick, mud. It smelt horrible and had the worst grainy texture to it. I freaked out, trying to wash it off me and not end up with mud and dirt all over the shower. It started to wash off, but it took ages to scrub it all off and wash it away.

      While I don't remember a lot of this dream, I thought it was a bit funny that my dreams ended up happening like that. My subconcious is a bit of a joker I guess
      Tags: mud, shower
    2. Kingergarteners.

      by , 06-01-2011 at 11:18 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I was involved in some sort of school trip to an entertainment centre to teach a bunch of kindergarten children. We caught a bus there, I remember looking outside and seeing the bus glaring in the sunlight from within the centre. The area we were in was spacious: black walls, lots of space, low lighting, some coloured lights. It was like a place to practice drama.

      There was a lot of people here I didn't know, but a couple of people from my school. We were asked to get into pairs, and I didn't quite know anyone, and ended up being left out but I believe I ended up grouped with two girls, who I got along with quite well. I think she was brunette, around my age 16-17, and with a very nice body. I don't quite remember the majority of the dream, but I remember getting in trouble for saying answers which were wrong

      At the end of the session, we ended up in my backyard, with a bonfire in the middle. People were everywhere sitting and talking, and I found the girls standing a little away from the fire. I walked up to give her a hug and my number, and she ended up kissing me passionately. I chuckled nervously and said, "I was just going to give you a peck and my number' We continued to talk, but I don't quite remember what about.

      Really enjoying the vividness that apple juice seems to have given me in my dreams, though I'm sure I could do it without it!
    3. Trinity

      by , 06-01-2011 at 11:08 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I was at some sort of holiday house with my family. It was dark, poorly lit as though it was late afternoon and cloudy. Everything was a washed out grey colour. My recollection of the dream starts with having disappointing dream-sex with Trinity from the Matrix. She didn't seem to displeased though, so I went to clean myself up. I went to the bathroom to wipe down, and take a leak, but the light didn't work

      Annoyed with the fact that I couldn't go to the toilet here because the light was out, I left and went to the toilet that was in the living room, right where everyone else was sitting. It was really awkward, as my parents didn't leave the room, and I sat and had a chat to my Mum, who was sitting in a lounge chair to the left of me, about how the light in the other toilet was out.

      When I was done, I realised there wasn't much toilet paper, and got dad to find me some more. All he came back with was black low grit sandpaper, which was also incredibly shiny. I didn't accept it, as I didn't wanna tear myself a new hole

      I'm surprised the dream went on past the sex, normally my dreams end straight after I finish, which is always disappointing. This time though, I had a fair bit of dream afterwards, which I think indicates a fair bit of progress in terms of my dream stability

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 11:19 AM by 7689

    4. The Government

      by , 06-01-2011 at 10:59 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      This dream was long, I mean LONG. It felt like hours, but I wish I could remember the first part of the dream which explains what I stole. All I remember about that is pricking my finger or pressing some tiny button which was red.

      I was on the run from some sort of giant corporation, perhaps the government, because I disobeyed them. I was trying to 'drop off the radar' so to speak, disappear from the government and it's control. I believe I stole something very important to them. There was some form of alarm set off by a lazer pen tip, but I don't remember anything other than touching it with the tip of my finger. It looked a little like a calligraphy pen.

      I got back to my house and I knew I needed to hide, and I couldn't hide inside because the corporation would come looking for me there. I asked my dad what I should do, and he told me to stay outside for the next week. The first thing that ran through my mind was 'What will I use as shelter!', and my dad proceeded to find a plastic storage container with a large crack in it, and told me I should sit in it, that because of the crack I could rock back and forth.

      I took it out into my backyard and searched for where I should hide. It was very cloudy, and most of the colour was washed out of the scenery because of it. I didn't want to hide in the bushes because they are filled with spiders, but I thought I would be too easy to find in the open. It was a tough decision, but I chose to set up right out in the open on my back lawn I tried to sleep in the tub. It wasn't comfortable, so I used the crack to bust a hole in one end, and put that over my head as I lay down on my side and tried to sleep underneath it. It started raining, but I didn't get wet because of my plastic box covering my head.

      What a weird dream.. possibly a continuation or precursor to a previous dream I've had where I was going to be killed by a bald man. That makes sense, actually. Odd.
    5. A Beautiful Girl

      by , 05-31-2011 at 08:51 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Before I begin I feel I've seen this girl before in my dreams. In this dream, I found her to be some sort of movie star, but in a previous dream which I believe to be the same girl, she was a vampire, who I fell in love with and helped save her life from people hunting her. That dream was over a year ago.

      The girl and I were dating, and I was going to her house for the first time. It was enormous, a mansion even, and she had loads of people already over. I thought we would go say hello, but she took me out to a room which was empty, which I assume was her bed room. It was octagonal, and the floor was kind of messy. I figured we weren't supposed to be out here, and looked through some curtains at the people in the backyard, which was one giant pool party, and tried to hide behind the curtains as much as I could. I instinctively took off my pants for some reason, and turned around to find a lot of other people in the room, all sitting on a large couch waiting to watch a movie. I was extremely embarrassed, and pulled my boxers back up and sat down (this should have made me question, as I don't wear boxers anywhere but to bed). My 'girlfriend' wouldn't go anywhere near me, I was thoroughly confused and embarrassed.
    6. Slot Cars

      by , 05-31-2011 at 08:31 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I was in the large shopping centre of my city, with my Dad, trying to find something fun to do. It was late in the evening, and most of the stores were shut and had their lights off. We found a games shop/arcade somewhere (doesn't exist). There was two tracks set up with slot cars. One was for regular small matchbox looking cars, and one was for really big ones, which looked like big yellow triangles made of wood. The controller for these larger cars were weird, you had to crank some sort of handle to make your car go faster.
      There was a small blonde child who was really good at it, and whipped the controller around to make the handle turn. The cars got jammed up at one point, and the second time they were about to, one of them hit my phone incredibly hard and knocked it across the room into a window sill. I went over and found that it was perfectly okay! Which really confused me, but hell who cares? I made sure the phone wasn't scratched with my mouth and then continued on with the dream. End.

      Updated 05-31-2011 at 08:48 AM by 7689

    7. The Hand Smashing Man

      by , 05-31-2011 at 08:18 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I had a weird experience of having two dreams in one, with one dream happening while the other was being told as some sort of folk lore story, which I was able to visualize while the dream was happening, really different for me
      The folklore story being told to me throughout the dream was about a man who would smash other people's right hands with a hammer. One day, this man's right hand got smashed by someone else, and he never, EVER slept again. Thrilling, I know

      The rest of the dream was a bit weird. I woke up in my bed, (if I made RC's a force of habit every time I woke up I would have realised it was a dream!) I rolled over on my side and sat up, pulling my eye mask up from my face. There was lots of day light, and my dad woke me up by trying to clean my room. He was digging through a pile of stuff which was where my computer chair was supposed to be, and at one point he threw a stick of bamboo at me.

      He said 'We need to clean up this pig sty.' I disagreed, telling him it was only desk clutter making it look dirty. I took a look around my room, and it seemed perfectly.. normal for a dream. My clothes were piled up where they were supposed to be, snuggie on my dresser, books and assorted mess on my table. I find it odd that I actually conciously surveyed my environment and didn't find anything wrong with it, at least my awareness is kicking in!

      A girl who I met at a party a couple of days ago was texting me, she was relatively boring but I kept talking to her. I used both my phone to text her and then got on msn on my computer and kept talking to her. I sat in my computer chair playing with an LED down light. It was like a faded yellow block of plastic, with an LED in the middle. I remember looking at the LED and noticing it looked more like a yellow lightbulb, but when I turned it around it definitely shone white light in my eyes. I even noticed it wasn't plugged into anything, and didn't think anything odd of it. Dream ends around here.
    8. The Crappy Present.

      by , 05-30-2011 at 01:26 PM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Short fragments here.
      My two grandmas were both over, and giving me gifts. I remember something about a pan, which I put in the hallway ontop of a pile of seed. My other grandma got jealous of the attention. I then got given trivia, which was in candy wrappers, in the back room of my house, where we had set up a glass table and some seats (realistic). The candy confused me thoroughly, and I had to think about what was inside, until I decided that the trivia was small pieces of paper rolled up very tightly and wrapped up. I should have RC'd and would have had a lucid. Need more awareness.
    9. The Funeral

      by , 05-30-2011 at 01:23 PM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I had to go to some kind of funeral with my family, and had to wear a suit. I remember not feeling as sad as I should have, and I felt like I would be judged about it. Dad specifically got me a new black 'waxed' tie, (waterproof?) but apparently it was a 'die of death', and that was the impression people got (fits funeral theme?).

      I remember seeing my ex girlfriend Chelsea, who I haven't dreamed about in a couple of weeks. We were friends, apparently, and I made a reference to how long it had been since we'd talked and bumped her. She seemed quite happy. When this happened, I was walking through a parking lot, I think to leave the funeral. It reminded me a lot of a shopping centre carpark, but surrounded by green forest on all sides. I kept talking to my dad and family as we walked. I remember seeing my other ex, Jemima in the back of a 4wd, but the boot door had been replaced with a window. She was in a small pink room, surrounded by candles, with one of the old style lightbulbs, and posters on the wall. I don't remember the expression on her face, but she radiated some sort of feeling, because I clearly remember this moment.

      As we left, I walked down a small path, and ended up on a grassy path through the jungle, a lot like my friend's back yard but with more 'jungle'. I ran into Jeremy & Cameron, and we talked. Jeremy had just got a new suit, it was really nice. Cameron was wearing his shiny suit. I don't remember what I said to them. Cameron was on Jeremy's left, and I approached from Cameron's side (or the other way around, I'm not sure.)
    10. Trying to find a teacher

      by , 05-30-2011 at 01:13 PM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      This dream was enormous, I'm so annoyed I only remember parts of it! I wish these dreams would piece together, I'm sure my subconcious is working on SOMETHING.
      The dream was based around trying to find people who were extremely skilled at dreaming. I remember being at a pool table with an older man, Rob, from my hockey team. I recognise the room now, but I'm not sure from where. He had what appeared to be some sort of coral or a clam, which was the shape of an ocarina. It bit down on the pool cue, and he pushed on it and broke it, and this surprised me, it somehow showed he had great skill

      I clearly remember being in a restaurant, with one of my closer friends. We were definitely seeking training from something powerful, but I don't remember any details. I didn't see Jeremy or Brooke either, who I was planning on having a shared dream with.

      The dream ended at night, when one of the people I go to school with, Dylan was going to through out a tennis ball he had found, which was covered in some sort of chemical which made it glow. He ended up throwing it into a pond, and the glow spread.

      Throughout the dream I believe I was trying to wake up, but I just didn't quite get far enough. If I had RC'd at any point I would have had a clear and vivid lucid.
    11. The Show

      by , 05-29-2011 at 02:58 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      My father and I were trying to go to some sort of show.. but apparently we tried twice. He bought tickets for it online, and we went to the venue. The entrance to the venue was the mens change room in a department store, such as Best & Less. The process of handing in our tickets was a lot like a checkout at a supermarket, and I remember noticing a flame at the register. It confused me at first, as it seemed uncontrolled, but then as I analysed it I realised it must have been a gas lighter built into the desk that was always on to burn used tickets. It made sense at the time..

      The dream skips, and I don't remember ever going into the show, but everyone is now talking about a different show they all want to go to, and I'm not interested in it, and I quickly forgot what it was called, and I was quite confused. Dad again bought more tickets, perhaps we didn't get in the first time? I'm not sure, but we decided to go again. When we walked through the store we passed through the children's toys section, and he commented on the old, broken stock. I looked down, and saw a box for a small child's chair, and the box was extremely worn. I remember actually thinking about how detailed it was, and how real it was. I think this was a brief moment of questioning my surroundings, but it didn't expand into me getting lucid. At least my awareness is transferring over into my dreams.

      We were about to go through to the entrance to the venue, but dad spotted a leather jacket on a shelf. Somewhere earlier in the dream, he had wanted a leather jacket. This one was extremely small, and looked like it would be tight even on a small child. It had a large diamond pattern on it, and looked like it was made of thick rubber. I asked if he was still trying to find a waterproof leather jacket (the image of a wetsuit and a giant seaworld whale tank showed up in my head). He said yes, but commented on how extremely slim the small was. I checked the tag and saw that it was indeed an S.

      We went through to go to the ticket register again, but there was a massive line up. A few of my school friends were here again, I note remembering Lachlan and Isaac. Isaac said the cue was for something called "Dual Falls" and instantly I remembered that it was the dual waterslide from the local fair.
    12. The Testing Yard

      by , 05-29-2011 at 02:39 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      It was very late at night, everything was very dark, and there was only small amounts of light projected from yellow lamps. It was some sort of sleep over to get together and try and improve our lucid powers, or something of the sort. The room was large, had a slanted roof, and there were bunk beds. Two of the teachers from my school came in and yelled at us for trying it, and telling us that it was a bad idea and irresponsible. I then remember being scared of something dark, like a shadow in my hallway which was just outside the room. I think this connects to the next dream, somehow. There is a large gap missing, though.

      There was some kind of tournament about water guns and toys. The beginning of this is missing to me, but I know we were completing challenges of some sort. We were standing a platform like a bridge, over the top of a large pool, illuminated with green pool lights. I believe the objective of this test was to jump off the bridge and into the water (I remember SOMEONE jumping into the water). Watto or Toby was spending the time here with Michelle, who was dating someone else at the time, and the other was quite angry about it, and stormed off in the other direction, to my right, away from the edge of the platform. I don't remember jumping in, I think I loitered here for a while. The dream skips, and I have glimpses of walking a long a very dark field of grass. It reminds me a lot of school camp a few years ago.

      The dream skips again, and now it is day, almost as though it was morning, the sun was shining through the trees very nicely. It was reminiscent of my friend Cameron's backyard, but slightly different. Everyone had waterguns, and were spraying each other with them. Even though it was morning, the water wasn't cold, and was quite pleasant. A lot of people were there, and Hamish sprayed me in the face with a large gun, or the hose. Jake thought he had a watergun, but turned out he had found a lawn sprinkler instead, and everyone laughed. This is where the dream ends.

      Starting to notice a lot of my dreams contain references to water, perhaps a possible dream sign.

      In the time I was having this dream, my friend f0rceez became lucid for the first time, and managed to teleport to me in his dream by thinking about my aura the way Hyu described. He found me standing next to a brick wall, with Toby, one of the people in my dream, who walked away when he arrived. He held his hand over his face to cover one eye, to draw my attention to the image of an eye, the symbol I use to remind myself to RC. I simply laughed at him, in his dream.

      The image of the brick wall also appeared in my other friend's first lucid dream when they tried to find me, and I woke up that night with no recall of a dream, but the image of a brick in my mind.

      Can anyone offer some advice as to what the brick wall may represent? I've been worried about having 2 days of no recall, and going 12 days without a lucid dream, but the wall appearing in two people's dreams associated with me? Perhaps I need to break it down.
    13. Blue Skies

      by , 05-29-2011 at 02:21 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I had a dream I was with a lot of people from my friend's school, including a lot of my friends. Cameron was there, David too. The sky was extremely blue, it was very sunny. It seemed real. This is all i remember
      dream fragment
    14. More glimpses

      by , 05-28-2011 at 12:54 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I know I had two really vivid dreams last night, and I know that before I woke I knew what I'd just experienced, but once I transitioned into waking reality I lost all the memory

      I have a feeling most of these dreams I've been having are quite important, and I'm sure that in time they'll help me with my dreams, but if I remembered them they'd probably help even more
      Tags: fragments
    15. Happiness

      by , 05-27-2011 at 02:54 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Last night, I remember only brief ideas of what I was dreaming about.

      I awoke after my second sleep cycle thinking about an image of the ocean, and a handprint. I have some form of idea that I was trying to learn to teleport across this ocean.

      I attempted a WILD here, before 4am. I got very far, further than I got last time. The SP hit me unexpected, I hadn't realised that I was actually letting go of all my thought! I pictured in my head that I was saying to myself to stay calm, focus on my breathing and picture the lake around which I'm aiming to centre my dreams. I kept my breathing as calm as I could, but my heart began beating faster and harder, I could hear it extremely clearly in my head. I started to see HI, it was like blurry swirls of colour forming in the darkness on the back of my eyelids. It started to slow down, and so I thought heck, I might be in a dream already. I sat up and looked at my digital clock next to my bed, it was extremely blurry and there were still remnants of the HI in my sight. I double checked the clock and the time stayed the same, so I tried a breathing RC and was disappointed I had simply woken up I'm getting used to SP and the way it feels, I'm certain next time I'll pass through it, I just need to figure out how to calm my thoughts, stay aware and visualise where to wake up at the same time. I fell asleep after writing that I tried to WILD in my journal.

      I awoke before my alarm, and only had an idea of the concept of magic tricks and wands in my head.

      I'd normally be rather disappointed that I didn't have much recall, but both times I woke up feeling fanastic, and really happy These seem to have happened the past couple of nights, I cant remember what the dreams are about but I know they relate to dreaming in some way shape or form. I've now had 3
      Tags: fragments, wild
      dream fragment
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