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    Close call with ghost leviathan area and command and conquer with Angela Merkel | [13.07.2021]

    by , 07-14-2021 at 04:02 AM (274 Views)
    Close call with ghost leviathan area
    I am at the mountain island in Subnautica, and for some reason falling down into the water at the side like a rock. I am a bit scared of the reaper, but then I notice a hole, which I go in, but I notice the water color suddenly gets really dark and I am afraid a ghost leviathan might spawn so I quickly retreat.

    Command and Conquer with Angela Merkel
    I am on a sort of flat, circular island which is in its entirety surrounded by very spiky and cartoon-ish mountains, which also nearly split the island save for a ~10 meter gap. There is apparently a battle. It also seems to be a recurring dream, where last time there was an intense battle with mammoth tanks and artillery walkers, now it is that in my fraction the leader is Angela Merkel and apparently this time, after a short battle, for some reason they apparently realize they need to nuke each other, and so they do.

    Yeah, idk what that second dream was.
    DarkestDarkness and Lang like this.

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