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    Side Notes

    1. faced shape shifting shadow in dream. and tried theory for real

      by , 12-08-2015 at 07:57 AM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      it has been stormy all weekend, when I woke up. I went on the motor route with my girl friend delivering papers. We do a split she goes in the car a bit and I go on foot. I tested a theroy and based on past events I've encountered.
      I attempted to clear the sky I waved my hands in the air as I walked puting as much energy as I could into the sky. That and positive thoughts and emotions. It appeared to be working after some time of doing this. I worked up a sweat.lol iI even pictured bright colors coming from my hands and I was whistlin.
      Then when I was more in tuned with it i was able to take a more calm aproch using less motion using some visual tactics. I sang my own song about the stars and after that the sky opened up for a clear big circle of clear sky to view the stars as it turned night fall.

      The dream.
      I was supposed to box for a championship. The dude was much taller. We were in our cars racing down the free way. Singing we will rock you. Or somthing it was me and my crew in no top jeep and the other dudes crew in his car driving down the free way. I had my hood on.
      At this point the parts of the dream might be mixed up I don't know. I clear the sky before or after I got out of the car. But I clear the sky with my hands and thinking happy thought. It soon reveled the moon it was a half yellow moon at first then it turned into the sun.
      Then we drove again But this time there was a cloud entity taking on the aperence of many faces and moving very swiftly I tried to point it out to some one. but every time they would look it would move somewhere else it was staring at me and wanted to make sure only I seen it. It did not look or feel good. Then instead of boxing a man. This was my opponent I was to clear him from the sky after it turned into a small tornado. There was a big shadow of a man controlling it.
      The people that was driving me were talking. One said let's get out of here or get him out of here or something. The other said he's not afraid we can take him. They were right I was not afraid I cast my fear aside. Then it aproched the hood of the car. It wasn't even a full tornado more like a big dust devil with a shadow of a man by its side it was as tall as a two story house but only as wide as a car.
      It came strait into the car. I got out and yelled at it. And thought wait I have to aproch it differently and convert it. Then I said its OK you don't have to be angree any more and I said something else I don't remember. But I think it dissipated and the alarm woke me up I was lucid in this dream not high level but an upper mid level.

      Updated 12-08-2015 at 08:03 AM by 61327

      side notes , lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. pls i need some feed back on this and pls read the end notes first if you like. i d

      by , 10-02-2015 at 09:00 AM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      I was in a room and there were a lot of dc's tasense then the lastthe form of a lot of my family members. But i knew they werent. None of them seemed good. They were trying to make me believe thier ways and told me if i keep going on thinking how i am they would Take my identidy and prety much make sure im a laughing stock and kick me out of the land. This did not seem right.
      I don't remember what happened but I was kicked out. Then a big storm fell upon them. The looks of the sky was unlike I've ever seen I can't even begin to explain it. When I saw this I began to sing open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart I want to see you. When I did that it began to hail huge shaterd glass hail.
      Their was a pick up bed cannapy conveniently open for me to go in. I went in and continued to sing. As I layd my head down coverd my self with a blanket that was also coveniently there and dosed off.
      When I woke I was being driven some where else. It was pure sun shine. The place there felt good and full of happiness. Then somthing happened I don't remember. I know I went some where else like on a mission it felt I was on.
      This part don't make sence but it makes more sence. I was in a room with a bunch of people again. None of them seemed good. Exept two was with me that was good this time. We were watching somthing on a TV the people there was supposed to perform a live event on the TV for us to bare wittness to some how.
      They played somthing but stopped and rewound it and then edited it to them messing around with snakes. so we would not know what actually happened. But I seen the flip And I started to object and say that's not how it happened I saw what you did they all looked at me with an evil glare.
      Then I turned to one of my friends and asked did you see that. He said nothing then I went to ask my other friend but he was turned to ash. Then I looked back at them and said somthing but I don't remember what but I know I was talking in my sleep saying it. The last thing I remember saying if you are truely a man of God you will let me go. Then I woke up.

      Notes:I prayd despritly before I dosed off. the very first dream I had after an hour in a half I had this dream. I ask god to show me guidance. to show me what he wanted me to know, in my dreams for those visions speak loud. So that I may know the real truth. In
      my theory maybe this was symbolic meaning for what I was studying the night before on if I should believe it or not. The history of the christians. How it was said that a group of christians violently attacked other groups of christians and imprisened them for what they believed in and burnt there books untill nothing was left of them. Leaving them able to edit thier own to what they believed.
      You know how jesus says turn the other cheek and love your enemies and your neighbors as your self. Why did this group seem to not follow that What does this really mean look it up. It could be in other theory with out the prayer my mind filling info. But with this strong feeling I put into the prayer makes me think other wise. And for it to be so strong of a dream and the very first one I have also makes me think. Like im sorry but I have to show it to you this way for you to understand and feel the meaning.
      Although it's tottaly OK I can take it I'm not afraid any more. I do not walk alone. If at all I am an open minded person. My mate suggested it could have been a spiritual attack. Maybe it could have been both or all three But I point out what I said. Before how strong I felt that prayer was. I know I will be able to confirm some day but untill then this is highly noted.
      Also note I don't usually yell or speak so loud out loud when I dream. My mate was in the next room and could hear me off and on for an hour. Weird I need feed back pls any one. I hope it was just a file but if not what then huh. And anyone who says anything might be like my friends in the dream they ether don't say anything or they turn to ash."disappear " also note I don't tottaly believe this but I know it has some meaning to it or somthing its weird.lol

      Updated 10-02-2015 at 09:13 AM by 61327

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    3. dream recall

      by , 03-18-2013 at 07:00 AM (levi's lucid dream journal)
      my dream recall is going bad and is making me have a ld dry spell. i have not been making detailed personal dj entries. i havnt had the time to but im going to have to find the time. im going to start with writing key points of my dreams and draw a picture too and when ever i can put more details into it. wish me luck on the recovery of my dream recall and to get past this dry spell.
      side notes