Dropping my laundry into the grand canyon (spring competition night 13)
, 03-15-2023 at 03:36 AM (198 Views)
Dang the time has flown by. Anyway.
- Dream that I was writing in my dream journal. I NEED to do reality checks every time I write in that thing to check for false awakenings. -_- (0.5 points)
- I was in my paracosm, but it got weird. There was a contraption hanging off of a cliff at the edge of "the Grand Canyon" (but upon waking, it was definitely not the grand canyon), used to transport laundry...For some reason. And I accidentally dropped some laundry using the contraption, all the way at the bottom of the canyon. D: I was mad at my dad especially because there were ants all over our stuff (probably due to outdoor laundry), and then (sorry this is SO, SO gross) I had ticks crawling and laying eggs on my foot (I felt this sensation still as I woke up, but there was nothing there). I had to smash them. Like man, my brain knows I hate insects and it does this to me anyway. .______. (1 point)
1 fragment = 0.5 points
1 full NLD = 1 point
Competition total: 95.5 + 1.5 = 97 points