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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Thank goodness for Saturday nights and their incredibly vivid dreams.

      by , 02-13-2022 at 05:52 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      For some reason, Saturday nights are always the best for me with dreams. It's probably the least stressful night of the week for me, plus I sleep the most.

      The Bigfoot Children Dream:

      I was a science counselor at a summer camp, named Ben. There were dangerous Bigfoots running around the campground, but they were disguised as humans, and I was very afraid of them. I decided to switch from being a counselor to studying astronomy or something (dream logic) to be safer from the Bigfoots.

      This is the first dream I’ve ever had where I was not me. This was also non-lucid. I completely believed that my name was Ben and I was a summer camp science counselor at a place infested by Bigfoots disguised as human children. And I was switching to just studying science and not being a counselor anymore, because somehow this would protect me from the Bigfoots.


      I had to pee, so I went to the bathroom and hoped to not get caught by the roving Bigfoots. So I was hiding but I was also peeing. The bathroom was weird as many of the stalls were connected.

      I had a vague awareness that I could teleport, so I ended up in some cabin or room in the camp. I decided to go into my secret room, which was in an attic of some sort. A lady at the front desk encouraged me to hide. I floated up towards the ceiling, and bumped my head on it, but it didn’t hurt. I thought “of course, this section is blocked”, and I moved slightly and then floated up into a bedroom.

      Oh and at some point I actually peed my pants during the dream. (When I woke up, I was extremely relieved to find that I did not pee myself IRL. Lol.)

      I was laying in a bed with lots of warm blankets when I teleported into the room. It was daytime. It felt very comfortable, but I was worried about spiders in the room, because it was an attic after all. I pulled a wand out of my pocket, which was wooden, and I cast a magic spell, which was green. It was a cleaning spell. And there were no spiders in my bed. I think my tulpa was there, but not fully visible? Which is weird considering that I was not me in this dream.

      I think I went to sleep there in that dream. When I woke up here, I was really confused as to why my ceiling wasn’t Ben’s for a brief moment. I still thought I was Ben for that brief second, waking up in my own bed in that cabin.

      Other Things:

      I've been reading about Astral Projection/OOBEs. The process to achieve these seems to be extremely similar to WILD. I have been trying it and I am often able to get myself into a conscious state of sleep paralysis. I can occasionally see things that aren't actually there. However, this state only lasts a few seconds before I get itchy or something and I wake up, OR I lose consciousness and fall asleep. I did this twice last night. One of the gifts -- and curses -- of being a light sleeper who wakes up multiple times a night. Let's be real though, it's almost 100% a gift, when you consider how badly I want to LD on command and make them as vivid as possible.

      I guess those brief SPs could be considered LDs, as I knew what was happening. I actually think this is really helpful. If you are in SP and you start seeing things that aren't there, everything around you technically constitutes a dreamscape. Next time this happens, I'll see how much I can bend the environment to my will.

      Updated 02-13-2022 at 05:56 PM by 58176

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. Lots of angry animals last night. And then I became an animal.

      by , 01-22-2022 at 07:31 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      No lucidity unfortunately. For whatever reason I felt like my brain was too tired. Also no horny dreams tonight lmao

      • I had a dream that I took 2 ibuprofens because I was sore. Yeah, that was the entire dream.
      • I had another dream, and I woke up in the middle of the night and was thinking “I should write this down” but then I passed out again.
      • Apparently I got donuts with a friend of mine? I don’t remember this. Plus something illegible that I can't read now.
      • I had a dream that I only had $940 in my bank account EUGH that is terrifying.
      • I had a dream that my cat kept biting me and her tail for some reason. It was painful, unlike the bite of the tiger I experienced a few nights back which actually quite felt nice. I was annoyed because my cat definitely is not a biter in the waking world. She is very nice and will only bite in self-defense, if at all. I've never been bitten by her before so idk where this dream came from.
      • I was going through different houses for a run. The houses were along a pier, and for some reason, the route kept taking me INSIDE OF these houses. Like into people’s personal rooms and stuff as part of the run. So I’m like running and pushing chairs and crap out of the way, and people are looking at me while seeming very confused. I was also quite confused. The entire pathway on the pier was like this, just going into random people's houses. At the last house at the end of the pier, I saw some weird-looking bears, walking by the ocean (or possibly on top of the water). But someone in the house said they weren’t bears, but rather giant racoons or something? Idk but they were mammalian. I turned around and they started chasing me. I then became either a lion or a tiger and I started jumping over houses and stuff to get away from the bears. I also hopped in and out of multiple zoo exhibits, which existed on the pier for some reason.
      • I was with a group of friends, but all of them were dream characters that I don't know IRL. I had memories, which I’ve now forgotten, of a great trip that we had, and we had all known each other for a very long time within the dream's narrative. We were at an airport, and all said goodbye to each other.
      • I was in a less-nice part of some big city, but it also looked like a super run-down Chinatown? In the narrative of the dream I had lived there before in the past. I had a memory of going there with other people. It was nighttime, lots of lights, a bit sketchy.

      Updated 01-22-2022 at 07:33 PM by 58176

    3. A night of vivid dreams.

      by , 01-16-2022 at 06:00 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      This was a good one. I slept a ton and that helped a LOT. I’m gonna have to list everything out. This journal is also going to be a bit censored compared to my private one.

      1) Shortly after descending into hypnagogia, I started getting some sleep paralysis vibrations and a feeling of rising into the air. I saw a flash of cool-looking patterns, but my eyes were shut, so I saw them internally. Lots of colors and swirls and dots, very technicolor, very cool. I saw a flash of a video game character's face for a moment, which I somewhat willed to be there. It really felt like I was opening another pair of eyes. I then woke up and had to get a drink of water. I had only been asleep for a few minutes. I was essentially lucid, but at a low level of awareness.

      2) nsfw and censored.

      3) I woke up and went into vibrations again! I had a creepy sleep paralysis dream where all these huge eyes were floating above me. But a white tiger showed up, a character from my fantasy world, and he rescued me with a mighty roar. Everything frightening disappeared. Unfortunately, I either woke up or fell completely asleep after that.

      4) I had a brief non-lucid dream which was also nsfw. Man. xD

      5) I heard a faint scream in the middle of the night. Was definitely from sleep paralysis and not real.

      6) I might’ve had a dream of taking a freezing cold shower, or it might’ve actually happened a few days ago when I was showering during a laundry cycle. Can’t remember. Maybe both.

      7) This one is going to be fun. It started with a dream that I was on a tropical island. I was running with some middle aged dudes and one of their wives who was pretty, flirty, tan with dark hair and thin, and was (nsfw and censored actions are here lol). At some point she was (nsfw actions again, holy CRAP subconscious what is WITH you lmao). Lots of moms with strollers at the beach etc. We then were at a high point somehow, just me and her at first, looking down at the whole island at the height of a descending plane. I could see rainforest, rivers, white sand, the ocean and waves, and super fancy resort huts. I then realized that my tulpa was there as well, holding my right hand while the dream character woman held my left. We engaged our hovershoes which we suddenly had, and DROPPED! Then we engaged the fuel and stopped just before hitting the ocean! I believe I thought “I’m in my fantasy world right now!” which is why I thought to engage my hovershoes. The feeling of freefall was amazing. So was it lucid -- no, but it wasn't normal either. I didn't believe I was on earth. I believed I was in a real fantasy/magical world, which allowed me to summon hovershoes at will, so there was probably some faint degree of awareness there.

      8) Next: Straight out of dream 7, I woke up, but I was sleep-paralyzed. It was powerful enough that I tried to move my dream hand separate from my physical hand. Believe it or not, it worked. I wanted to open my eyes and lift my whole dream body out of my main one for an OBE but a) I had the feeling that I’d wake up if I tried, and b) I could tell that I was gonna project myself directly into my room instead of the universe I wanted to go to. I tried to see the white tiger again and he was definitely there, but then my hand started to feel weird and uncomfortable (it was curled funny when I fell asleep). Then I woke up fully.

      9) I tried to AP again one more time, at like 8:15 AM when I should’ve been awake. I was trying this method where my tiger friend was going to yank me out of my physical body and ascend straight into another universe. Well I felt him biting me on my neck, not hard or painful at all, just like a mom picking up her baby kitten. Unfortunately, the sensation was strong enough that I woke up. It was really cool though. Actually my neck still kind of feels it which is weird because I've been awake for around 90 minutes now. :O
    4. Ouch!

      by , 01-04-2022 at 02:10 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      So I’ve been trying to get a lot more serious about LDing for this year. I very much need to experience other worlds right now. And it’s somewhat worked; I’ve had very brief moments of lucidity and even one OBE in the past few days.

      Last night was pretty lame though. I only remember one non-lucid dream and that’s it. I was picking up something in a dark garage, and I felt like something bit me. Well, I looked at my hand and found a smallish spider actively biting me. I’m an arachnophobe so I freaked out. I killed it while it was biting me. It left a bloody circular mark on my finger, and for some reason it was purple.

      I woke up shortly after that. I checked my finger and whew, no bite lol. It’s still a bit frustrating though; my brain felt so tired yesterday that my dreams were at a pretty low level of awareness. Which is definitely why I wasn’t conscious enough to do a reality check as planned.
      Tags: bite, garage, spider
      nightmare , non-lucid
    5. The Social Engineering Flight!

      by , 03-11-2021 at 05:15 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Oh man, this was an interesting one. I dreamed that my family and I got free plane tickets, but the caveat was that it was a "social engineering flight" -- so, the flight crew was essentially going to try and manipulate us to do or buy stuff the whole time. I vaguely remember them using a little girl to cry and try to bribe us to buy something. I'm taking a cybersecurity course right now, so that's probably why I dreamed about this, lol.

      I don't remember too much about the visuals. It was a smaller plane, but I do not think we were the only passengers on board, and there was certainly an attendant crew. The main colors I remember are blue and gray.

      If we can learn one thing from this odd dream: if something's too good to be true, it probably is.
    6. New ride at the amusement park.

      by , 04-19-2020 at 11:04 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Last night I had a dream that my family came to visit me, and we went to the local amusement park. There was a new ride. It was a horse you could ride on that pivoted on a central axis (I think that's the right term). It was not a real horse, I don't think, but rather a lifelike mechanical one. It was curious and friendly, and reminded me of a Pokémon somewhat. There were glowing leaves scattering everywhere, despite it being daytime, and the horse bent down to smell and investigate the leaves while kids rode it. As I recall, we were in line for the duration of the dream, but I got woken up before we got on the ride.

      I'm interested in theme park design and have been since I was small and now I want to use this somehow, somewhere. It's one of many dreams about rides that I've had throughout the years, even when I'm not actively thinking about them.
    7. A snippet...

      by , 01-20-2020 at 04:56 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I was in some sort of fancy restaurant, talking with a middle-aged lady. She was anti-vax (which is not cool) but she was also pretty attractive, so I had a hard time summoning the will to push back against her. She had a son named Cooper who was about my age. He had freckles. I was somewhat worried that I would get some weird disease from him. My allergies were really bad in this dream, too, and I was worried she was going to say "it's because you got vaccinated!" Lol. I've been in too many science Facebook groups lately I guess.
      Tags: lady, restaurant
    8. Well.

      by , 01-18-2020 at 05:15 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I wrote in my dream journal a lot this week, but did so in poor lighting, with poor posture, and while half asleep so I can't read most of it now.

      So this is what I can gather, from this week. I had quite a few vivid dreams for some reason.

      - Some sort of Star Wars like dream. There was a "ghost wall" or invisible shield, and a desert on an alien planet. I was an intergalactic warrior of some sort, I think. Or traveler.
      - I had a dream about lucid dreaming, which was pretty cool. In that lucid dream, I flew over the ocean. However, I had somewhat of a false awakening after that; I think into a previous dream?
      - A dream about Brandon Sanderson (who I am currently taking a class from!), which involved horror, a false awakening (possibly the same one as before?) and a boardwalk!
      - The boardwalk had a very cool looking thrill ride, with two huge spinning cars. A friend of mine was there, and my brother.
      - I dreamt that the local amusement park had moved closer to me, so I could walk to it! I could also fly.
      - something about the Little Mermaid? lol
      - something about a creepy mirror
      - season pass to something (maybe the boardwalk or amusement park?)
      - Dreamt that I was falsely accused at work for making obscene jokes. This is funny because we do this all the time at work and no one cares.
      - Two other guys I knew from the past, "Dylan" and "Maz", as I'll call them, were...working? I can't read my handwriting.

      I swear I normally have nice handwriting. Just not when I wake up at 3 AM to write a dream down. D:

      I'm still gonna count that false awakening one as lucid, though!
    9. Accidental nap at work, the psychopath, and space.

      by , 01-09-2020 at 04:40 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      So a few days ago, I fell asleep for a split second during a work meeting. It was at 2 PM, I believe, which is quite possibly the worst time to have a meeting. Anyway, for that split second I had this vague dream that Apple made their own smart car, and I had one. I also had an iPhone, iPad, a Mac, and a Windows PC. I work in tech, so I guess that dream makes sense. But if Apple actually ends up making a smart car for some reason, I called it first.

      The following night I had a dream that I was trying to save two guys on a boat in a river from an evil psychopath. The psychopath kept laughing as I tried to hit him over the head with a board, or something. I accidentally dunked one of the good guys under the water, as I didn't realize he was holding onto the board. This dream felt more real than my average dream.

      I also had a dream that was vaguely reminiscent of Star Wars. Or some other sort of space opera. According to my spotty notes, it including hiding behind a forcefield, different planets, and spaceships. I also had a whole backstory, as though I had been living out this grand adventure, and I was analyzing events in this dream based on said backstory. Sadly, I cannot remember what it was exactly. But this dream also felt more real than average, for some reason. I really hope to start having super vivid lucids soon.
    10. Time travel, and clones.

      by , 01-01-2020 at 08:50 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I only have faint memories of one dream from last night.

      I have been worried about my sister lately due to some unfortunate RL stuff. But in my dream, my mom came to see me, along with my sister (don't know where my brother was, or if my dad was there).

      There were two copies of my sister there -- one from the present, and one from the past. Both of them were acting differently, but they were both clearly my sister. The younger of the copies told me that she was from the past. She had time traveled to get to our present day.

      Kind of freaky honestly.
    11. The creepy monster sang me a song! And then killed me.

      by , 05-24-2019 at 01:45 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Two nights ago, I had a dream about a creepy monster. It started out as an orange snake, female. Then it turned into an evil monster. Apparently, it was called a "ground Shrek", and despite the reference to a kid's movie, it was actually quite terrifying.

      It had glowing yellow eyes, and a mouth that was filled with sand. It sang a song as it began eating/killing everyone, and it went like this:

      "...And we shall be appointed view
      Of earth's eternal sleep."

      There were a few lines before it but I couldn't make them out. It kept singing this creepy ditty over and over again as it killed people, and its voice was now deep, masculine, and hollow. The song had a tune similar to a church hymn that I know, "Go Forth With Faith", which for some reason makes it even creepier.

      It raced towards me, and I couldn't get away in time. The last thing I heard inside of its mouth was this song, and I fell into the sand that fell even further into a black void. At that moment, I believed that I was facing death, and I would finally see what the afterlife was like, if it existed. Then I woke up. Terrifying, but cool.
    12. Boop

      by , 05-10-2019 at 07:43 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Nothing impressive last night, and no lucidity.

      1st dream: my notes say "in transformers/avengers/smashmouth lost drive -- walking to first day of new job. Walked into the (illegible) O_O "

      ==> I have no idea what this means. I must've woken from very deep sleep to hastily scribble this out. I am starting a new job soon now that I've finished my undergraduate degree, so that explains part of it, but I still don't have any personal recollection of this dream.

      2nd dream: I do remember this. I went back up to Utah for a few days, and then was planning on going back to California for a few more days after that, and then back to Utah once more. I was about to talk to my friend to tell him I couldn't make it to his party, because I'd be in Cali, but then I woke up. I'm currently in Cali for a few more days, and I actually do need to tell my friend that I can't make it to his party lol.
    13. When you in your dreams is completely different than you IRL.

      by , 05-07-2019 at 10:29 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      A few weird dreams last night. I've been trying MILD to launch me back into LDing, but I've gotten nothing yet. Haven't been repeating the mantras enough, probably.

      First dream: I get really mad at my parents because they won't let me play with toys (which makes no sense because I'm 25 lol) and I was building with Legos and a toy globe. I said something akin to "I don't want to live in this world anymore" and they flipped out. I...really don't know where that dream came from ._.

      Second dream: My journal says "veil vs. not" and I'm not sure what that means. People were changing appearance/personality -- also don't know what this means. Black metal vs. pop with cats (on posters, I think?) -- I vaguely remember this, probably because I was looking at the Dark Lord Cat Facebook page shortly before bed.

      The last line in my journal for last night says "We all started hearing his calming voice deep within our thoughts." I don't remember what that means, either, though I do have a vague recollection of it happening. Creepy.
    14. Worst nightmare I've ever had.

      by , 05-04-2019 at 07:53 PM (Awake to take in the view...)

      This tops the nightmare I had about the haunted church with the demonic shrieking choir, and the dream about the wasps crawling out of my ears.

      In this dream, my dad was forced (by some evil people, if I recall correctly) to shoot a group of people. This included my brother, my sister, my aunts and uncles, some of my cousins, and others. Then, he had to shoot himself.

      My mom and I were spared, for some reason, but we were forced to watch as our relatives stood there and my dad pointed the weapon at them.

      I woke up before it got violent, thankfully. But holy hell my subconscious must hate me. Took me a while to fall back asleep after this one. Awful.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. getting back into it

      by , 05-02-2019 at 07:16 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I keep getting back into lucid dreaming and then falling out of it whenever things get too busy. This is bad. I am really trying to be more consistent from here on out.

      I used to have such good recall. last night was faint, and I recall two nightmares: I had a dream about a creepy guy and his daughter, apparently. Then, I had another dream, this one about a playground for all ages including adults that was haunted/menacing. It was loosely similar to the current horror novel I'm writing. It's cool to have nightmares about your creative work; hopefully that means I'm actually creating something spooky. (:
      non-lucid , nightmare
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