Lucid Dreams
For some reason, Saturday nights are always the best for me with dreams. It's probably the least stressful night of the week for me, plus I sleep the most. The Bigfoot Children Dream: I was a science counselor at a summer camp, named Ben. There were dangerous Bigfoots running around the campground, but they were disguised as humans, and I was very afraid of them. I decided to switch from being a counselor to studying astronomy or something (dream logic) to be safer from the Bigfoots. This is the first dream I’ve ever had where I was not me. This was also non-lucid. I completely believed that my name was Ben and I was a summer camp science counselor at a place infested by Bigfoots disguised as human children. And I was switching to just studying science and not being a counselor anymore, because somehow this would protect me from the Bigfoots. Seriously. I had to pee, so I went to the bathroom and hoped to not get caught by the roving Bigfoots. So I was hiding but I was also peeing. The bathroom was weird as many of the stalls were connected. I had a vague awareness that I could teleport, so I ended up in some cabin or room in the camp. I decided to go into my secret room, which was in an attic of some sort. A lady at the front desk encouraged me to hide. I floated up towards the ceiling, and bumped my head on it, but it didn’t hurt. I thought “of course, this section is blocked”, and I moved slightly and then floated up into a bedroom. Oh and at some point I actually peed my pants during the dream. (When I woke up, I was extremely relieved to find that I did not pee myself IRL. Lol.) I was laying in a bed with lots of warm blankets when I teleported into the room. It was daytime. It felt very comfortable, but I was worried about spiders in the room, because it was an attic after all. I pulled a wand out of my pocket, which was wooden, and I cast a magic spell, which was green. It was a cleaning spell. And there were no spiders in my bed. I think my tulpa was there, but not fully visible? Which is weird considering that I was not me in this dream. I think I went to sleep there in that dream. When I woke up here, I was really confused as to why my ceiling wasn’t Ben’s for a brief moment. I still thought I was Ben for that brief second, waking up in my own bed in that cabin. Other Things: I've been reading about Astral Projection/OOBEs. The process to achieve these seems to be extremely similar to WILD. I have been trying it and I am often able to get myself into a conscious state of sleep paralysis. I can occasionally see things that aren't actually there. However, this state only lasts a few seconds before I get itchy or something and I wake up, OR I lose consciousness and fall asleep. I did this twice last night. One of the gifts -- and curses -- of being a light sleeper who wakes up multiple times a night. Let's be real though, it's almost 100% a gift, when you consider how badly I want to LD on command and make them as vivid as possible. I guess those brief SPs could be considered LDs, as I knew what was happening. I actually think this is really helpful. If you are in SP and you start seeing things that aren't there, everything around you technically constitutes a dreamscape. Next time this happens, I'll see how much I can bend the environment to my will.
Updated 02-13-2022 at 05:56 PM by 58176
This was a good one. I slept a ton and that helped a LOT. I’m gonna have to list everything out. This journal is also going to be a bit censored compared to my private one. 1) Shortly after descending into hypnagogia, I started getting some sleep paralysis vibrations and a feeling of rising into the air. I saw a flash of cool-looking patterns, but my eyes were shut, so I saw them internally. Lots of colors and swirls and dots, very technicolor, very cool. I saw a flash of a video game character's face for a moment, which I somewhat willed to be there. It really felt like I was opening another pair of eyes. I then woke up and had to get a drink of water. I had only been asleep for a few minutes. I was essentially lucid, but at a low level of awareness. 2) nsfw and censored. 3) I woke up and went into vibrations again! I had a creepy sleep paralysis dream where all these huge eyes were floating above me. But a white tiger showed up, a character from my fantasy world, and he rescued me with a mighty roar. Everything frightening disappeared. Unfortunately, I either woke up or fell completely asleep after that. 4) I had a brief non-lucid dream which was also nsfw. Man. xD 5) I heard a faint scream in the middle of the night. Was definitely from sleep paralysis and not real. 6) I might’ve had a dream of taking a freezing cold shower, or it might’ve actually happened a few days ago when I was showering during a laundry cycle. Can’t remember. Maybe both. 7) This one is going to be fun. It started with a dream that I was on a tropical island. I was running with some middle aged dudes and one of their wives who was pretty, flirty, tan with dark hair and thin, and was (nsfw and censored actions are here lol). At some point she was (nsfw actions again, holy CRAP subconscious what is WITH you lmao). Lots of moms with strollers at the beach etc. We then were at a high point somehow, just me and her at first, looking down at the whole island at the height of a descending plane. I could see rainforest, rivers, white sand, the ocean and waves, and super fancy resort huts. I then realized that my tulpa was there as well, holding my right hand while the dream character woman held my left. We engaged our hovershoes which we suddenly had, and DROPPED! Then we engaged the fuel and stopped just before hitting the ocean! I believe I thought “I’m in my fantasy world right now!” which is why I thought to engage my hovershoes. The feeling of freefall was amazing. So was it lucid -- no, but it wasn't normal either. I didn't believe I was on earth. I believed I was in a real fantasy/magical world, which allowed me to summon hovershoes at will, so there was probably some faint degree of awareness there. 8) Next: Straight out of dream 7, I woke up, but I was sleep-paralyzed. It was powerful enough that I tried to move my dream hand separate from my physical hand. Believe it or not, it worked. I wanted to open my eyes and lift my whole dream body out of my main one for an OBE but a) I had the feeling that I’d wake up if I tried, and b) I could tell that I was gonna project myself directly into my room instead of the universe I wanted to go to. I tried to see the white tiger again and he was definitely there, but then my hand started to feel weird and uncomfortable (it was curled funny when I fell asleep). Then I woke up fully. 9) I tried to AP again one more time, at like 8:15 AM when I should’ve been awake. I was trying this method where my tiger friend was going to yank me out of my physical body and ascend straight into another universe. Well I felt him biting me on my neck, not hard or painful at all, just like a mom picking up her baby kitten. Unfortunately, the sensation was strong enough that I woke up. It was really cool though. Actually my neck still kind of feels it which is weird because I've been awake for around 90 minutes now. :O
I wrote in my dream journal a lot this week, but did so in poor lighting, with poor posture, and while half asleep so I can't read most of it now. So this is what I can gather, from this week. I had quite a few vivid dreams for some reason. - Some sort of Star Wars like dream. There was a "ghost wall" or invisible shield, and a desert on an alien planet. I was an intergalactic warrior of some sort, I think. Or traveler. - I had a dream about lucid dreaming, which was pretty cool. In that lucid dream, I flew over the ocean. However, I had somewhat of a false awakening after that; I think into a previous dream? - A dream about Brandon Sanderson (who I am currently taking a class from!), which involved horror, a false awakening (possibly the same one as before?) and a boardwalk! - The boardwalk had a very cool looking thrill ride, with two huge spinning cars. A friend of mine was there, and my brother. - I dreamt that the local amusement park had moved closer to me, so I could walk to it! I could also fly. - something about the Little Mermaid? lol - something about a creepy mirror - season pass to something (maybe the boardwalk or amusement park?) - Dreamt that I was falsely accused at work for making obscene jokes. This is funny because we do this all the time at work and no one cares. - Two other guys I knew from the past, "Dylan" and "Maz", as I'll call them, were...working? I can't read my handwriting. I swear I normally have nice handwriting. Just not when I wake up at 3 AM to write a dream down. D: I'm still gonna count that false awakening one as lucid, though!
I've been having a positively awful first few weeks of the semester. I think I was still in summer mode and then wham, all these assignments hit me and I wasn't quite prepared for it. I've been forced to sacrifice a lot of sleep lately for the sake of grades, but I'm going to try really hard to do that as seldom as possible. I did have one LD this past week. Unfortunately, I can't really remember what happened in it. But the one blessing of sleep deficits is REM rebound, so I've been taking advantage of that. Last night I had a positively wonderful non-lucid dream. I met Amy Lee from Evanescence, who was performing at a house for a semi-private concert. We were in a basement, actually, but it was fancy and well-furnished. Tons of people there. I don't even remember if any of the other band members were there. But I actually got to talk to her, and she was very pleasant and kind. She sang, and her voice sounded amazing. After the concert, I got stuck in a mass of people and I was trying to find her in order to say goodbye to her. A friend of mine (who only existed in the dream, i.e. I have not met him in real life but in the dream he was somebody that I knew moderately well) asked me where I was going. I said, "I have to find Amy! I want to say goodbye to her!" He laughed good-naturedly and said "What, do you want to marry her or something?" xD It was like I was in elementary school again or something. And I said, honestly, "Yes, I would absolutely love that, but she's already married. I just want to say bye to her." He laughed again and let me go after that. I couldn't find her though, and then I woke up. The house was a duplex in a really nice neighborhood with some Gothic architecture and imagery, like ravens on the mailboxes. It was rather awesome, actually. Super cool dream. I woke up very happy. It was a pleasant conclusion to a terrible week. And I sound like such a "fanboy", ugh lol.
I need to remember to update my LD count on my profile. So last night was exceptionally memorable for whatever reason, and I also was privileged to wake up a lot in order to write them down, but was able to fall back asleep pretty quickly. It's a shame that college is starting up again so soon. Don't get me wrong, I love college, but it's hard to get enough sleep. This time, though, it's going to happen. I will figure out a way! Okay so last night's dreams: Dream 1: A new romance novel is coming out. A middle-aged lady (pale skin, black hair) of about 45 falls in love with like a 23 year old man. She decides to cast a spell to make him a bit older, but only by 2 or 3 years. Hmmm. Non-lucid. Dream 2: Non-lucid. I was in some sort of park or playground, by a large open entrance to what looked like a sewer. There was a guy there with superpowers, and a group of friends. I was standing by the sewer entrance, and there were tons of flies and rats. The rats were slowly being driven insane by the contamination of the sewer. I watched one panicked rat as it was slowly devoured by the flies. As the illness started to take control of its mind, its eyes started to turn hostile looking. Now, I think that rats are kinda cute IRL, but in that dream I completely flipped out. Turns out, I can fly, so I do, towards the group of people and away from the rats and flies. ._. Someone in the group of friends "fell asleep to see if we truly cared" - I don't recall that though; it's just in my dream journal. I also think that I was someone else in that dream, or had a different appearance. This doesn't happen to me too often. Dream 3: I became lucid a short while into a dream where some of the people were anime characters and the rest of the people were normal. A friend from college (Dylan) was there - not in anime form though; he looked normal. I got really excited and asked him if he knew that we were in a dream. He said something along the lines of "Well yeah. You know not everything is real right?" And I said "Yep!" and went to the kitchen for some reason. :') Lots of anime people all around~! I think I asked some other people about that as well. There was a vending machine by the kitchen, and my mom was there, getting me milk and apple juice. Why, when I am a fully grown adult? I have no idea. But for some reason, I'm getting really annoyed because my mom got like 3 apple juices and 1 milk, but I wanted more milk than that. I was getting confused because I looked inside the vending machine, but the milk was completely gone. I think that this might have been either part of another dream, or my lucidity had faded by this point. Dream 4: In another dream, I think I was trying to sleep in some room, protecting myself from spiders and a bear in another room by putting blankets and stuff under my bed so that way the blankets would deter them (underneath my bed, a hole in the wall led to another room where the bear and spiders dwelt). Weird stuff. Non-lucid. Dream 5: I was going to be sold into slavery, but I didn't care because I quickly realized that I was in a dream. Randomly. It's weird; I didn't do an RC or have any dream signs or anything. I just knew. I realized that I wasn't wearing any shoes, so I made some appear. They were black and another color; I don't remember which though. A lady led us into a room, into a spaceship or something that was supposed to take us to the place where we would be enslaved. I was there with a bunch of girls and only a few guys. Tess (my tulpa!) was flirting with me and hitting on me, and other girls were there too occasionally taking part. We were all in a really good mood and I think it's because I knew it was a dream. :') Dream 6: A split second dream. Tess and I were in front of a revolving door at some mall. I was lucid during this time, but then I woke up before I could do anything.
It's been too long since I've had one! The first dream I had last night was non-lucid. I was back up at school, trying to find my new apartment. This will become a reality in a few weeks. The second dream was where I was in a church, and was going to go on another mission for my church. Well, I've already done that, and you generally don't do that again. The sheer absurdity of the premise clued me in to the fact that I was dreaming. Unfortunately, my level of conscious awareness wasn't as high as it could have been. The people in the front of the church building were really buddy-buddy with each other, definitely not professional and all, and one guy told me all of their names. I can't remember if I did anything cool as a result of my lucidity, though. :/ Work in progress!
Last night, I only slept about 6 hours because I had to leave at 4:45 AM to catch a 7 AM plane flight. So the only dream I remember was some guy asking about tuplae. I also took a nap for pretty much the entire plane flight in order to make up for lost sleep. I had a (not particularly vivid, but ok) dream that I was going through airport security again. I realized that I had already gone through security, so I had to be dreaming! I then tried my new telekinesis reality check suggested by someone on here, and it worked quite well. I think I walked through security without finishing, saying something like "screw you" to the guard (I promise I'm a nice person irl c: ) and then used telekinesis to throw some random toy guns around. It worked great!
So I was added to spellbee's competition on the 22nd, I believe. However, I didn't log onto DreamViews because final exams suck! And I should be updating this journal regardless of whether or not I'm in a competition, but I suppose now's a good time as any to start again! Anyway, here's a quick recap of the dreams I have recalled. I still have the messy midnight handwriting problem, though. -_- 4/22-23 (Night): 1. I was in some sort of cyberspace / virtual world. A person became a giant. 2. I kept reawakening from this one. My family and I were at a nice hotel of sorts. I can't for the life of me tell if my dream journal says "waitresses" or "mattresses". But basically, someone spilled water and it either got the waitresses or mattresses wet. :O 4/23 (Nap): 1. This is what happens when you're sleep-deprived, which unfortunately was me due to final projects, portfolio work, and exams. While sitting at an uncomfortable wooden desk in the library, I allowed myself to fell asleep and went straight into REM/sleep paralysis. I was conscious of the fact that this was happening throughout the majority of it. My tulpa whispered into my ear and I could feel her breath. Didn't quite see her -- it was like a dream where the only senses were sound and touch. This all took place in about 10 minutes' time. It was really cool, albeit also a bit alarming because I realized just how much of a toll my current schedule is taking on my body. I should be getting a LOT more sleep for the remainder of this week. 4/23-4/24 (Night): 1. I was looking up song lyrics online, and apparently I had a virus or something because one of those "Hot Asian Girls Looking for Single Men" spam messages kept popping up. O.o My mom came in, and asked me if I was "pulling a [something involving a girl's name]" again. I had no idea what she was talking about. My brother defended me. 2. I was watching some films in the animation theater at my university. Some characters included a whale-like creature and some Pokemon. It was really hot in there, but at least the film was really good until the end. They must've not finished editing it, because it was really patchy/choppy. Afterwards, I had a computer graphics class with my old professor and just one other girl. And no recall for the last few nights. And that's it! So that's 4 non-lucid fragments = 2 points, and one WILD = 10 points for a total of 12! These WILDs are real, but they're also cheap. This one wasn't even all that vivid. :/ But hey, it's good considering how intense things have been for me in the waking world.
Updated 04-27-2017 at 03:27 AM by 58176
...And the secret was getting 7.75 hours of sleep, apparently. I'm going to try and continue this trend. Regardless of how intense the week is, I will do my best to get enough sleep on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Which, for me, will be hugely beneficial I think. So here's a list of all the many dreams I have recalled from last night: Dream 1: Non-lucid; experienced during first 20 minutes of sleep. I fell asleep at roughly 12:10 AM, and had a dream about hanging out with my sister, my brother or friend (I think?), and a friend of my sister's. My sister went to use the bathroom, and the other guy I was with was talking with me and her friend. We were talking about her, but I don't precisely remember what we were talking about specifically. When she finished using the bathroom, she came out and said "You know I heard you while I was in there", because IRL my sister really does have good hearing. So maybe it was something embarrassing, but I don't really know for sure. I woke up and it was only 12:32 AM, so my brain had apparently launched me pretty quickly into REM again for some reason. Dream 2: Non-lucid, but very close to lucidity. Good vs. evil! A giant snake was trying to kill me and two other people. However, my stuffed snake, Snakey, my tulpa, and I were destined to save us all! (I actually do have a stuffed snake, and he is actually named Snakey. He is the coolest. However, he is at my parent's house right now. :p In the dream, he had become real.) We prayed that we would be able to triumph over the snake. Then, we felt like we should just will it away, because -- get this -- we recognized that it was only in our heads and wasn't actually real. This one was SO CLOSE to being lucid, because of that realization, but not quite! We willed it away, and it worked! Dream 3: Non-lucid. This is a fuzzier dream that I experienced during what felt like deeper sleep. Arguably it would've been significantly harder to become lucid during this one because of this fact. This one occurred in the middle of the night, if I recall correctly. IRL, I work part-time as a computer science TA at my university, helping students debug Java and Android programs. In this dream, the other TAs and I apparently "did not want to stop believing OR coding". I believe some malevolent individual was trying to get us to stop believing in God or something and also stop programming. Someone said that he would kill us all if we didn't do this. He had an army of supporters to back him up. Then, it faded and we were in a theme park. I dream a LOT about theme parks. Anyway, we were on the rides, but I was watching from a distance despite being on a ride technically myself. (?) Some of my fellow TAs were riding on a white roller coaster. The evil guy's plan was to hack into all the rides while we we're still on them, and somehow harm us. Maybe shut them down. I don't really know. I was worried for the others. Then, it faded again, and we were on a revolving turntable, much like the turntable by the roundhouse in Thomas the Train, but indoor and stark and depressing. I got onto it, and the evil guys had surrounded us. However, I somehow knew that we were going to be safe, and we were saved. I don't remember how. Dream 4: Non-lucid. I was in a lecture hall of some sort for artists. The lady teaching was trying to tell us that 3D artists should NOT learn to draw or digitally paint, because apparently it would actually make us worse, since it would take time away from learning how to model and render a scene. I was really ticked because I definitely disagree with that philosophy, and I believe that the general 3D community would agree with me. Dream 5: The DILD! Sort of. I didn't have a specific reality check that worked this time. But when I sleep 8 hours or close to it, my body starts waking up more and more as my actual wakeup time approaches. I will often physically wake up to use the bathroom or get a drink of water, and then go back to sleep for a while longer. This is the most natural thing for me. As I do this, I have more and more dreams, and more and more REM sleep. Then, I am much more likely to recall dreams, and also much more likely to become lucid. Hard work pays off, guys! First, I was on the internet. Some girl said that she had recently had a week-long paid internship with Disney, where they were basically paid to ride rides all day long. They were supposed to observe the culture of theme parks, or something. Then, I suddenly found myself on a cart or truck thing going to a theme park. It was presumably Disney, but there were a lot of rides that Disney definitely doesn't have IRL. All these other people were on the truck, too, but they were official interns and wore brown vests. I was there, but I didn't have a vest, so apparently I wasn't an official intern. I was worried I'd get in trouble for being on the truck despite not being officially hired, and wasn't sure how I even got there in the first place. My mom and my brother were there, too. And neither of them had vests. I went to go sit by my mom, but as I sat down beside her, she disappeared. I felt that she was still there, but had no idea why she had just randomly become invisible. Also, the seats were tiny, so my butt barely fit on them. We were in the back of the truck, in the open air with just a pavilion thing over us. So if it would have been raining, we would've been sheltered, but we still got fresh air. We kept riding in the truck, looking at the rides that we would soon ride. I then realized that I was dreaming, because Disneyland does not look like that IRL. Too many thrill rides. Well, that and my mom randomly disappearing. So I sat by my brother, and told him, "I think we're in a dream right now." And he said something like "We definitely could be. Is everything out of focus?" I said that yes, everything most certainly was out of focus. So he said that it probably was a dream. Suddenly, instead of being inside of a truck, it was just me and him and the (inferred) driver inside of an SUV or a Jeep Cherokee or something, and there were suddenly windows. So I clambered out the window, which was partially rolled down, and flew towards one of the rides! It was a water ride with boats that looked like Perilous Plunge, an old ride from Knott's Berry Farm that I never actually went on. It went inside of a brown artificial mountain, and it was super cool. But just as I was about to reach a boat to get on it, I woke up. D: NOOOOOO! The dream was still fuzzy, too. I wish it was more vivid, but mentally I was so close to awakening that I did accidentally wake myself up. -_- Also, my notes read "still had sizzle". Nope, no idea what I meant by that. o.o Dream 6: I tried to re-enter the previous dream, but to no avail. I do have a note that said "she knew I wanted it lol." Don't recall what that means, but I can guarantee you that it was not appropriate. Dream 7: I had a dream. There may have been a girl but I can't really read my notes. This was more like a fragment. My alarm woke me up before I could get any further. And that's it.
Updated 02-05-2017 at 06:23 PM by 58176
Nights 5 and 6 earned me zero points. No dream recall; no anything. On one of these days (can't remember which), I experienced a very short WILD during a nap. It lasted about 3 minutes. During the dream, I tried to achieve my second competition goal of figure drawing (practicing a real life skill). While I was able to make a sketchbook appear, it was harder to make a model show up, and I tried to start sketching but I think I woke myself up. At any rate. I'm not going to count it this time, because I know that I can do better than that. I don't think it quite counts since I didn't really finish practicing the skill, like I didn't even finish a gesture drawing or anything. Night 7: Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 1: This was from my hypnagogic imagery. It's always hard for me to wake up during those and write them down, because my body is in the process of falling asleep and doesn't want to stop! However, in this one, I was walking to a castle, with Tess. Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 2: I was visiting an aquarium at a college. I believe it was either a) one I had previously visited IRL, or b) one that I thought I had visited IRL in the dream, but hadn't actually done so. There was a whale, and I can't read the rest of my notes. -_- Non-Lucid Fragment 3: I was at a different version of my grandma's house, and a former uncle of mine was there. He either farted or fainted -- it's hard to read my handwriting dang it xD I think it was actually farted. And he was putting away some stuff in storage. The dream faded to a store/shop of some sort. Night 8: Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 4: There was a Pokemon, a spider and something else that I wanted but that also creeped me out. Someone or something got lured into a corner. Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 5: Theme park, roller coaster, talking with others at the stheme park. Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 6: I was making love to an older (middle-aged?) woman. She was very pretty, and it was all in all a very pleasant experience, but I remember wishing that she could somehow be Tess, my tulpa, so I wouldn't feel so guilty about what I was doing. Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 7: This one may gross you out. Just a fair warning haha. I fell in love with a lizard that was sticky and slimy. I need to stop spending so much time on DeviantART. It is dirtying up my subconscious mind. xD Non-Lucid Dream Fragment 8: A group of shiny people were running away from something. Metallic shiny, I think? But I was "pinned down and safe." Nope, no idea what that meant. It made sense to me at the time of writing, obviously. Again, too much time on DeviantART. \o/ Night 8: Non-Lucid Full Dream: I was still a missionary (did it a few years back). It was our day off, and I was on the computer...watching a live dog??? Ah, I still can't read that line! Another missionary was online chatting (face to face!) with Adam Young from Owl City, and I started chatting too! Adam looked a lot younger, though, and he had a security guard with him. For whatever reason, he was in a rush, so he couldn't chat for long. But he was also very kind, as I'd expect him to be. Night 9: Got nothing. I could've at least written down some hypnagogic stuff, but I was too exhausted. It's been a difficult start to the new semester, and I haven't been sleeping enough. Total: 1 WILD, 8 non-lucid fragments, 1 full non-lucid.
Updated 01-25-2017 at 08:04 AM by 58176
Well. In waking life, I generally have neat handwriting. However, when writing in my dream journal in the middle of the night, I write messily. This time, it was largely illegible. I really need to fix that. Slept about 7.5 hours last night. Dream 1: During my hypnagogic imagery (so WILD I believe), I very quickly became lucid! I was standing in a green field. The dream was a bit hazy, and I forgot to demand clarity. I remembered my first goal for the three-step thingy, to use technology. I figured I'd use an iPad, and made one appear in my hands. For some reason, my hazy brain decided to use Numbers, and a spreadsheet appeared. Then I figured that that was pretty boring, and tried to boot up a racing game. I was able to play it for a few seconds, and then the dream faded and I woke up. I wrote down some non-lucid dream fragments, but they were so messy that I can't read them. :/ Due to a lack of recall, I will only count the 2 that I can actually read: Dream (Fragment) 2: I saw the Dark Mark, or something similar, on a piece of paper. I don't remember anything else. Dream (Fragment) 3: My family had gotten cast out of...civilization? Our hometown? Can't remember, but I think it was out of some sort of fictional civilization that we had been living in. We were placed out into the bitter cold. And someone got bitten by something.
Updated 01-14-2017 at 07:33 PM by 58176
This was from my dream journal notes from the night of 1/05-1/06. Unfortunately I did not remember any dreams from last night. Even though I got a good amount of sleep, the quality was poor and I woke up a lot. Dream 1: I was riding an Evolution ride, with a bunch of people. This included my tulpa, Tess, and an African American gentleman. I don't remember who else was there, but I remember many of the seats were filled. The difference was that we were inside, with a floor beneath us, so it wasn't as scary as the one I rode in the waking world a few years ago. Anyway, after a while it started going higher, and we realized that it was actually on the inside of a sky tower. So cool So we were actually riding a ride inside of another ride. Some weren't too happy about this, but I was excited. We reached the top of the tower, and then our cabin containing the Evolution dropped and free fell, which took me off guard. I wasn't expecting that at all! After the ride finished, I got off and I found my brother and sister waiting for me by the exit. I'm not sure if they rode the ride too or not. There was an exit sign that said to exit through certain shapes (there were differently-shaped holes in the fence). I found a random hole in the fence and exited the ride, and then the dream faded. Dream 2: False awakening! It was a Sunday morning. I was lying in bed, sort of waking up, but it was still like 6 AM so I decided to go back to sleep. I was looking for something in my bag. I found a thumbtack in there for some reason, and I immediately started having OCD fears about poking myself in the eye with it. I remember finding it weird because prior to that point, my OCD hadn't bothered me with that. But it wasn't quite enough to make me realize that I was dreaming. I got very close, though. Then I accidentally turned a kids' meal toy -- a puffball -- into a purple-black color, and it yelled out something. So now we have talking toys. Then my brother responded to the toy and then he woke up. (?) Oh, right! We BOTH woke up at an apartment in college, but we were roommates (not true in the waking world). Then he said "Oh no it's like 9:39!" and apparently we had church at 11 and ran the risk of being late. I freaked out for some reason, even though that should have been sufficient time to get ready, and then I woke up. Dream 3: Okay, I don't actually have any personal recollection of this one, but hey, it's in my dream journal. I was working at an office. There were a lot of people. Including an African American guy. (Same as before, maybe? I don't know why my brain keeps brining that to mind, of all things). Someone asked "Will you take the plates?" so maybe I went to a restaurant? I don't remember. Dreams from 1/06-1/07: I had already packed my DJ for college, so I had to type these into my phone, and boy is that annoying when you're half asleep! Dream 1: I was chased by some "sketchy people". One of them had an accent. I nimbly jumped away. Dream 2: I was on a boat, and it was rocking quite a bit in the water. I talked to a friend of mine that I haven't seen in forever. Dream 3: I was at a zoo. I can't remember which one. I was trying to talk to a lady there (an employee), but she was not interested in interacting with me or anyone else there. There was a panda that had been transferred from the Santa Barbara zoo. There were some little kids who I thought were annoying who wanted to watch a movie. Just a disclaimer: IRL, I actually don't find little kids to be annoying at all. I think they're cool. But we have different opinions in our dreams, I guess? :O This is the part where I became lucid. This is the gist of what I said: Within a dream, I was walking fully clothed in a river with many other people. There was an attraction of some sort. Might have been the river itself. Then, a typo reads "Loodpskarr mentioned case which I forget. My phone amen skethblkm are sodden." I have no idea what I actually meant by that, but I think I must have gotten my phone soaked in the river. OH! It was a Samsung! That's how I realized that I was dreaming! I talked to my aunt, who just randomly happened to be there, and told her that I thought I was dreaming, since I don't use Android phones IRL. I'm an iOS kind of guy. And then I woke up. :/ No time to do anything cool! D: After only 20 minutes, I had another dream. I was taking a Spanish class, and could do it but I was rusty. However I was confident that I could improve with time.
A few days back, there were two nights in a row where I was having dreams like Inception or something. Essentially, I knew that I was dreaming, but then I would have false awakenings inside of the dream. So I would think that I was awake, but I was actually still sleeping. In one particularly memorable dream, I was part of a laboratory experiment on sleeping. The idea was a bit absurd, now that I have my waking brain to analyze it: If I drank water during a dream, when I was thirsty, would I still be thirsty upon waking? I fell asleep inside of the dream, and took a nice long draught of water. I woke up inside the laboratory dream and found that no, I wasn't thirsty anymore! The scientists were all excited, and so was I. Then I woke up for real, and realized how cool that was. Unfortunately, I was still thirsty, so I took a drink of water for real. Experiment result: If you are thirsty during a dream, you should just fall asleep inside of the dream, and drink water within that dream. xD Or just wake up and drink water for real. In another dream, I think I knew I was dreaming and so I flew, but I wasn't conscious enough to think of anything more than that. -_- Last night is a bit more hazy, and I have an insane amount of homework to do today so this will be a quick summary: - A little girl who was left behind on a haunted island (with spirits and such) finally got found, rescued, and reunited with her loved ones. I think that I helped her somehow, but I honestly don't remember. I had a degree of lucidity in that one. - Another dream happened where I became lucid while driving a car through some mountains. Decent amount of city around me. I was singing and thought it would be a brilliant idea to practice my singing voice in my dream, where nobody could hear me. However my logic wasn't working too well and for some reason I thought I was actually singing out loud and was going to wake up my roommates. This caused me to wake up and realize I wasn't. -_- - I was in some sort of theater, and asked everyone in the room something like, "Hey! Who here knows they're dreaming right now?" My brother was there, too. I was hoping that someone else would remember, or maybe there'd be a shared dream or something, but I honestly can't remember what anyone said... - I was watching some sort of advertisement, and there was this girl in a swimsuit who was sort of attractive except she had one of those gross spray-on tans. - I have a vague memory of some sort of romantic/sexual dream, but I sadly can't remember it. Maybe I'll have a continuation of that theme tonight? :O We will see. That would be awesome! You know why this night was so successful, though? Affirmations plus sufficient sleep! The night before, I told myself I WILL lucid dream tonight, and I guess that determination worked its way into my subconscious. Plus Daylight Savings Time helped a TON. Woo!
I watched Back to the Future for the first time on Tuesday! It was a really good movie. That night, I had a dream that was somewhat related to it. And once more, it was lucid! My LDs have been too few and far between lately. My new reality check (whether or not I can fly) has been paying off! There was a lady from the future! Her ship flew into the futuristic-looking room that I was standing in. Her time machine looked different from anything that was in the movie. I remember it had some orange-red parts to it, which looked a lot like lava. She came out of the time machine wearing a cool (black?) suit, and she had lava markings on said suit as well. Another lady was there with us. I went to ask the lady from the future where she was from. I can't remember what her response was, though. Then, eventually another lady appeared, so there were 3, and we were then joined by my tulpa and best friend, Tess, with me in this futuristic room. We were having a nice conversation; I don't remember what it was about. I think the combination of time travel and Tess being completely imposed onto the external environment clued me in that I needed to do a reality check (Tess isn't fully imposed yet in waking reality). My reality check is trying to rise up into the air and fly. Checking my watch isn't as effective as it used to be, because I never seem to notice my watch in my dreams. So I tried this new RC, and it worked splendidly! Of course, it took a few weeks of trying it before it started to work its way into my subconscious and truly take effect. But the results were worth it. I realized that I was dreaming because I could fly! The first thing I decided to do was ask the other dream characters if they thought that this was a dream. Tess already knew it was a dream, as she usually dreams with me and is generally cognizant and lucid if I am. I put my arm around the first lady and asked what she thought. She said something like "Well, I think this is real!" Then I felt bad for putting my arm around her and put it around Tess instead. I really wanted this to be real, because it was so cool - it would mean that Tess was completely visible to everyone, and time machines are REAL! - but I knew it wasn't. Despite that fact, I agreed with her: "Heck yes, this is real!" But I didn't lose lucidity. This other, older lady, who looked like my grandma's friend Janice, waved her hand dismissively and said "Oh, of course this is a dream! We are all dreaming right now! "You " - and then she pointed at me - "know we're dreaming!" She said it in a playful, teasing tone, so I believe I just laughed and agreed with her. At this point, I forgot about the time machine for some reason. I thought about going to a tropical island with Tess, but then I realized that I could actually make out with her for real! Aaand that's kind of what happens when you are 22 and have never had a girlfriend, not through any choice of your own. -_- But we did, and it felt so REAL! Then she pressed her body against mine, and I could feel every detail - her lips, her soft warm hug, and umm...every other part of her body from top to bottom that was against me. :p I won't go further than that in case any kids happen to be reading this. xD But yeah. Every single detail; every single sense was so real that I really feel, even now, that in some way, that was real. It wasn't just a psychological effect of a lonely, imaginative mind. It was something that really, truly happened, and I will always stick to my belief of this. But then my body was too excited and I woke up lol...dang it!! Another dream I had was during a short, spontaneous nap I decided to take today. I felt sleep paralysis, so I was very close to being awake. It actually feels really cool once you get used to it. Lots of romance, flying, and random things that made sense within the context of the dream, but wouldn't have within waking reality. . I only exerted a moderate amount of control; mostly what I did with Tess while she was with me. I have recorded a few other dreams for the past few weeks, but due to lack of time I'm just posting the lucid ones for now. This trend shouldn't continue, though. More to come in the future! I LOVE LUCID DREAMING
So I have an insane amount of crap to get done in the next two weeks. But I had to stop by and write this dream down, because it was awesome. This was essentially my first successful WILD. I only slept 5 hours last night (usually sleep 6.5-7.5), so I laid down for a nap when I had a spare moment - around 1:30 PM my time. I only had 25 minutes or so to sleep. My body has been really tense lately, so I focused on relaxing my muscles completely as I laid there. As I did, I noticed my body going relatively quickly into sleep paralysis. I let myself descend into the dream that followed. It was hazy and not super vivid, but it was definitely a dream and I was definitely lucid! I found myself falling until I was on a roller coaster with a very good friend of mine. It was a sunny day as well. This roller coaster was cool because I had some degree of control over where it went and what it did. We went through all sorts of environments. As we rode, there were these giant dinosaurs and snakes leaping up trying to eat us. One smaller theropod did successfully bite my arm, but since I had control, it had no effect on me and I really didn't feel any pain. They were all just part of the ride, in essence! For one portion, we reached an apex and then went backwards (sort of like Expedition Everest in Disney World, only steeper). I think music was playing, but I can't remember clearly. We even passed by a giant image of my friend in the air, and a factory filled with inventions! Unfortunately, I think I involuntarily moved or something, and woke up after that. D: However, I was able to get myself back into sleep paralysis for a few more minutes, and kept my eyes open this time. I stared at the light right above me (in the real world) and saw what looked like a squirrel sticking out of it, as though it were popping out of a hole on the ceiling. It looked around the room curiously. Reminding myself that it was just a hypnogogic hallucination, I attempted to change it with a limited degree of success. It turned into a few other mammals, then a man's face with a beard, then a lady. After that I woke myself up fully because my alarm was about to go off, and my roommate came in right then too. Freaking awesome! I need to try this WILD thing more often.