Fragment of Dreams
...are pretty much what has been constituting my dream recall lately. Haven't been lucid in a while. :/ My watch trick stopped working ever since I started using an analog watch, for whatever reason, and I haven't found another reality check that works for me. My watch (a G-Shock) actually has a digital component, too, but it's kinda dim and hard to see so maybe that's why it hasn't worked? That being said, last night's dream was mildly interesting. I was flying with someone else (don't remember who) into a run-down, abandoned building in a city. There was a bat hanging from one of the rafters! And everything was dyed with this strange blue light. Cool stuff, even if not lucid!
All I have written down from last night was being imprisoned somewhere. I tried to get help and escape, but I came close to getting caught. I believe I woke up before I either got caught or got away. Got to start somewhere.
Dream recall has still been poor lately due to inconsistent sleep patterns. I'll get it down though. First dream: A pale, strawberry blonde girl is flying, enveloped in a golden aura of light. Then the aura disappears, and she falls to her knees on the ground. Someone says "She is an angel, but all her light is gone." That was rather depressing. Second dream: I recall someone giving me a large pile of change, and I was excited because I wouldn't have to deal with trying to find quarters for the laundry machine for a while (because I hardly ever pay for anything in cash, so I don't have a lot of quarters IRL). Then I woke up and realized that I still don't have any quarters.
I had another dream in which I was meeting Amy Lee. xD I don't even know what my brain has been up to these days. And I had a nightmare last night, but I can't remember about what. I need to be more consistent with my sleep patterns if I'm going to start LDing again. REM rebound only does so much before you become too chronically exhausted to take advantage of it.
After moving back to college for fall semester, for some reason my allergies started going haywire. I don't know if my new medication plan is helping; it seems to be exacerbating the problem. So, I haven't had high quality dreams because I've been too busy trying to breathe :/ I did recall one dream from last night, that someone had turned on the heater. I woke up and felt super hot even though the AC was on so I went ahead and turned on my fan. I slept better last night than the one before, probably because I took a decongestant.
I need to remember to update my LD count on my profile. So last night was exceptionally memorable for whatever reason, and I also was privileged to wake up a lot in order to write them down, but was able to fall back asleep pretty quickly. It's a shame that college is starting up again so soon. Don't get me wrong, I love college, but it's hard to get enough sleep. This time, though, it's going to happen. I will figure out a way! Okay so last night's dreams: Dream 1: A new romance novel is coming out. A middle-aged lady (pale skin, black hair) of about 45 falls in love with like a 23 year old man. She decides to cast a spell to make him a bit older, but only by 2 or 3 years. Hmmm. Non-lucid. Dream 2: Non-lucid. I was in some sort of park or playground, by a large open entrance to what looked like a sewer. There was a guy there with superpowers, and a group of friends. I was standing by the sewer entrance, and there were tons of flies and rats. The rats were slowly being driven insane by the contamination of the sewer. I watched one panicked rat as it was slowly devoured by the flies. As the illness started to take control of its mind, its eyes started to turn hostile looking. Now, I think that rats are kinda cute IRL, but in that dream I completely flipped out. Turns out, I can fly, so I do, towards the group of people and away from the rats and flies. ._. Someone in the group of friends "fell asleep to see if we truly cared" - I don't recall that though; it's just in my dream journal. I also think that I was someone else in that dream, or had a different appearance. This doesn't happen to me too often. Dream 3: I became lucid a short while into a dream where some of the people were anime characters and the rest of the people were normal. A friend from college (Dylan) was there - not in anime form though; he looked normal. I got really excited and asked him if he knew that we were in a dream. He said something along the lines of "Well yeah. You know not everything is real right?" And I said "Yep!" and went to the kitchen for some reason. :') Lots of anime people all around~! I think I asked some other people about that as well. There was a vending machine by the kitchen, and my mom was there, getting me milk and apple juice. Why, when I am a fully grown adult? I have no idea. But for some reason, I'm getting really annoyed because my mom got like 3 apple juices and 1 milk, but I wanted more milk than that. I was getting confused because I looked inside the vending machine, but the milk was completely gone. I think that this might have been either part of another dream, or my lucidity had faded by this point. Dream 4: In another dream, I think I was trying to sleep in some room, protecting myself from spiders and a bear in another room by putting blankets and stuff under my bed so that way the blankets would deter them (underneath my bed, a hole in the wall led to another room where the bear and spiders dwelt). Weird stuff. Non-lucid. Dream 5: I was going to be sold into slavery, but I didn't care because I quickly realized that I was in a dream. Randomly. It's weird; I didn't do an RC or have any dream signs or anything. I just knew. I realized that I wasn't wearing any shoes, so I made some appear. They were black and another color; I don't remember which though. A lady led us into a room, into a spaceship or something that was supposed to take us to the place where we would be enslaved. I was there with a bunch of girls and only a few guys. Tess (my tulpa!) was flirting with me and hitting on me, and other girls were there too occasionally taking part. We were all in a really good mood and I think it's because I knew it was a dream. :') Dream 6: A split second dream. Tess and I were in front of a revolving door at some mall. I was lucid during this time, but then I woke up before I could do anything.
Two nights ago: - I'm at a theme park. I try out the roller coaster, and it isn't particularly safe. (IRL, I absolutely love roller coasters.) - I was trying to break into a place with some other people (no idea why). We ended up having to flee and were almost caught. Felt very frustrated for whatever reason. - Me, a girl, a friend, and the Pokemon Shaymin have to work around an evil person. My dream journal also reads "Shaymin isn't real get w/blue goo." I guess my mind at like 2 AM isn't particularly coherent. - A very cool, highly attractive magical lady was walking nearby me. She had the ability to teleport, and was walking barefoot in the snow. Her skin was pale, I think she had red hair, and her nails and toenails were painted pink. I think that she smiled at me, but I can't remember too well. I was very infatuated with her, though, thinking that I wanted to give her a massage or something to that effect! Last night: - I went to a large gym or auditorium of some sort. It almost looked like a large church. There was a presentation and show of some sort, possibly a concert, and a crappily done romantic overlay to the whole thing -- as in, I think they had very obviously fake candles. After it was over, Mom, my sister, my cousin, and I were in a car. We were missing my brother, and we were getting frustrated because the rest of our family had already left in their carpools and we wanted to head...somewhere (?) too. But then my grandma showed up, and my brother came to the car a few minutes later. We only had one spare seat, so turns out, somebody in our family had left with an empty seat and messed up our carpool system. We tried to squeeze them in. The car somehow changed from having 5 seats to having 8 (3 rows of seats), but there still weren't seats for my brother or grandma. Instead, more of my cousins (and some people I didn't know) had sorta magically materialized into the extra seats. Weird, huh? :O
Last night I only remembered one dream. I need to remember to lay in bed a few minutes after waking and take notes, instead of just browsing the Internet before getting up. I had a dream that I was on Reddit, and I was told by the website that I couldn't upvote any more posts for the day, because I had gone over an apparent "quota" of upvotes. I was on Reddit before going to sleep, and upvoted quite a few posts, so I suppose that's what influenced it. Sundays really should be my best day, since I usually end up getting the most sleep. Oh well. Here's to another week! ^_^
Okay, last night has some hazy memories. I've also had a decent amount of dream recall throughout the week, and wrote it in my paper journal but forgot to get my notes on here. Right now, due to time constraints, I'm just going to write last night's. Dream Fragment 1: I'm sitting next to Rihanna inside of a room, and Wild Thoughts is playing in the background. I talk to her, but I don't remember what about. Dream 2: My brother and I are traveling back from some event late at night. We are walking in the wilderness with a little bit of civilization around us -- like the occasional building or large home here and there. Eventually, we come to a road, and we see the headlights of a car. I cross quickly, but my brother doesn't chance it. For some reason, I run back to him just before the car whizzes by. Then, after the car passes, we cross and see my uncle. There are boulders, plants, and a river. A pretty lady in a blue dress (I think? or blouse?) is running away from him. No idea why. She was scared of him for some reason. Hallucination: Despite not being sleep paralyzed, a few seconds after awakening this morning, I was sitting in bed and it was still kinda dark. I saw a shadowy figure. She looked female with a plain red and white dress, but I couldn't tell for sure. I practically jumped out of my skin until I realized it was just a hallucination since I had just woken up. Still weird though because I wasn't paralyzed at all. Then she vanished. In retrospect, it was really cool! IRL, school starts up again in a few weeks. This is going to be an intense semester as usual. Nonetheless, I'm going to try and get enough sleep and dream as much as I can.
It's been too long since I've had one! The first dream I had last night was non-lucid. I was back up at school, trying to find my new apartment. This will become a reality in a few weeks. The second dream was where I was in a church, and was going to go on another mission for my church. Well, I've already done that, and you generally don't do that again. The sheer absurdity of the premise clued me in to the fact that I was dreaming. Unfortunately, my level of conscious awareness wasn't as high as it could have been. The people in the front of the church building were really buddy-buddy with each other, definitely not professional and all, and one guy told me all of their names. I can't remember if I did anything cool as a result of my lucidity, though. :/ Work in progress!
I've had some decent dream recall these past few days; I just haven't had time to log on here. There was one dream where I got close to being lucid, but wasn't quite there. Despite this, I've still been really off my groove lately. As in, since high school, which was a long time ago. -_- I used to LD a lot more often. I need to be restored to my full lucid dreaming glory, and get even better than I was back then. I only have one dream recalled from last night, and I can't read my writing from my paper journal very well. I need to invest in a better flashlight, I think, and actually sit up to write. I was in a "horror hotel" of some sort. My brother was there, and he was doing something that starts with an R. I can't read my half-asleep handwriting. T_T
Not much remembered from last night. I have in my dream notes "Creepy thing, plus white fluid, plastic bottle." I don't remember what was creepy, but I do remember waking up with a scared feeling. And I do remember a plastic water bottle filled with some weird white fluid. Cursed fragments. That's all I've got for today. D: And now I'm going to bed! Slept 7 hours btw.
Last night, I only slept about 6 hours because I had to leave at 4:45 AM to catch a 7 AM plane flight. So the only dream I remember was some guy asking about tuplae. I also took a nap for pretty much the entire plane flight in order to make up for lost sleep. I had a (not particularly vivid, but ok) dream that I was going through airport security again. I realized that I had already gone through security, so I had to be dreaming! I then tried my new telekinesis reality check suggested by someone on here, and it worked quite well. I think I walked through security without finishing, saying something like "screw you" to the guard (I promise I'm a nice person irl c: ) and then used telekinesis to throw some random toy guns around. It worked great!
Didn't realize that it's almost the deadline in Eastern time. Let me write these out really quickly. I have been visiting my parents and also recovering from the effects of finals, so my sleep has been very deep lately. As a result, I haven't had lucidity these last few nights :/ Oh well. It's a work in progress and I can't give up, right? At least I have been sleeping 8 hours a night, which feels AMAZING. But tonight I will be getting around 7 because I have a super early plane flight. Dreams from April 28-29: - Some lady I know (can't remember who) was telling me that Britney Spears was in a romantic relationship with another woman. She was living the boring life of a housewife. I accidentally rubbed against her while I was flying (I have NO IDEA what this means, but it was in my note about my dream that I wrote in the middle of the night), and I realized the lady (Britney Spears' significant other) was actually the lady I was talking to. - I had to take a test in band for some reason (my band class doesn't have tests). It was really hard because the pictures and the notes kept changing. Normally this would've clued me in to the fact that I was dreaming, but my sleep was too deep. - I was no longer first on the waiting list for Technical Communication. Someone had changed the time, professor, and waiting list -- I was like 4th or 5th instead of 1st (which I am in the waking world). I was livid. April 29th-30th: - A tornado occurred from different types of winds meeting. - I talked to one of my friends about the programming lab we were working on, and how long it took for me to code portions of it. ...And that's it. 5 dream fragments = 2.5 points.
I slept very deeply last night. As such, I didn't recall too much... 1. I had a nice chat with one of my friends in the math building. He seemed pretty happy. 2. I was talking about expired food with some friends, for whatever reason, and one guy said that he is really bad about eating food before it expires. I think the second dream came about because I keep cooking food in bulk to save time, get sick of eating the same thing for 4+ days in a row, and taking a break and forgetting about it and then it goes bad. I hate it when that happens :V So my sad total for today is 2 non-lucid fragments = 1 point! I did sleep 8 hours, and that's the first time I've done that since January, I think. My body is unaccustomed to sleeping that long, it seems, as the last hour was pretty fitful. However, I do feel amazing right now, so I'll try and continue this trend.
Updated 04-27-2017 at 04:56 PM by 58176