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    1. Competition night #2 + #3 - Many conflicts, the shape of lucidty and old memories

      by , 01-13-2016 at 06:36 PM
      I rarely feel exhausted from my dreams but night #2 had way too much unexpected conflicts somehow. On the other hand I had a very short but also very peaceful lucid dream in exchange!

      The many conflicts in a summary
      I am in love with my adventurous dreams but being attacked in two dreams in a row is not what I expected.
      In the first dream I was walking through the hallways of an unknown building until I heard something of interest. A loud, powerful voice; Someone seemed to hold a speech. I followed the voice until I could peek into the room where it was coming from. On a podium a man in an uniform was shouting and many people sat in front of him on uncomfy chairs (I can tell by the looks). I couldn't listen to his words of disappointment for very long
      as someone in my back said "You won't stop this movement!". When turning around another man, this time bald, with an uniform stand in front of me with the addition of a saber in his hand.
      No time to think of what I had gotten into! I took a saber from the wall and fought back. I mainly concentrated to block off his strikes and pushed away the weapon. Like that he was vulnerable for a short moment and at some point I hit him with my saber. There weren't any visiblie injuries but the man went down to his knees...

      Bitten by a dog...again
      I am sure all of you know these short dreams that end up rather quick in an unpleasant surprise. This is one of them...
      I was at my grandmas house and she was fast asleep on the sofa while I sat in the armchair. Then the door bell rang and I was obviously the one to open it. Directly in front of the door a little dog was sleeping but not
      for long sadly. The door rang again and the dog jumped up barking and going totally crazy while running around in circles. I wasn't worried at all as many dogs do that when the door bell rings. Worrying was what
      happened next. The dog just randomly bit into my leg. Gladly it didn't really hurt but I could still feel every little teeth.
      I don't know about you but there are nicer things to spend your dream time on than this in my opinion.

      Shape of lucidity
      The dream started very abstract. No dream world could be seen, just a green shape with a darker part in its middle. It looked like a fading circle with many irregularaties. The only other things I could sense was a
      whispering voice. "Enter the dream. Come on. This shape works everytime". Shortly after that I was sitting at the side of a little road. To my left and to my right there were huge fields with yellow flowers on them.
      The sky was blue and I couldn't imagine a more peaceful place. I stood up and decided to stabilize the world first as I had barely any focus. Very slowly I started to walk down the road and concentrated on how everything felt. It was one of the more intensive lucids but my succes shouldn't stay for long. After walking for a short time I reached a wooden gate which led to a wind turbine.
      I woke up...

      Revisting old dream places
      It doesn't happen too often but sometimes I revisit places which only exist in my dream world and I can remember it no matter how far the last dream about it is in the past.
      I was drving down a street with the car and felt very thirsty (I was thirsty in real life as well as I found out after waking up). I decided to stop at a house of some friends to ask for a glass of water.
      I rang the door and was let in. Like the last time the house was huge. So many rooms and most of them aren't small either. Now things got complicated for some odd reason. They said that they would need to ask
      the family first if I could have a glass of water. I never saw my friend again in this dream. Instead I went from room to room and was fascinated by the sheer size and the elegant design.
      Pretty amazing if you consider that this place is totally made up and doesn't exist in the real world.
    2. Competition night #1 - Little space journey, the dark lord and the way back home

      by , 01-11-2016 at 09:38 PM
      I had quite a few non-lucid dreams this night and these are my favourites:

      Little space journey
      I was on a space ship with a few people but only one of the persons was known to me, an old friend. At the moment we were in a hangar of a space station and I could get a glimpse of the exterior of our ship.
      It had huge but very thin wings each with multiple turbines integrated to it. A blue flame shot out of the backside and later I noticed that the wings are actually very flexible and consist of multiple parts hold together.
      Now comes the really interesting part. My friend and me are supposed to travel to the smaller station out in space first and the transportation method was quite risky to say the least.... it was a box.... just a box.
      You could enter the white metal box and then they would shoot us towards the station so we can reach the entrance.
      After entering it took barely a second and we were pushed out. The box was circling like crazy but who cared? We had zero gravity and safely floated in the middle. In this moment we both got a pretty worrying
      thought. We remembered that being in space without any suit or other protection would make you overheat as you can't transfer your heat to anything in the vacuum. But both our suits and the box looked allright so
      we stayed relaxed and enjoyed the journey.

      The dark lord
      I started off in a big, gloomy room. The red light was actually fairly pleasant but some persons that surrounded me were not. Not all of them seemed suspicious, just the ones that were doing business in the darker
      corners of the room. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that I was directly under the roof when I suddenly had some kind of vision. A beautiful city at night with lakes and a huge tower in the background could be seen
      but the two persons near the bridge were even more interesting. One sat on the ground, completely covered by an orange-yellow hood while the other one had a robe turning his back towards my inner eye.
      The person on the ground said that they were absolutely sure that the dark lord was here in the city and the person on the bridge agreed. Still he had to add that he had no idea how to find him.

      Maybe this will be my task once? Who knows...

      The way back home
      There was not much to see out here. Wide grass fields, some poor fences, a few gravel paths and this little house in front of me. Two strangers accompanied me on my way home. However we would actually find that.
      Suddenly I sensed some presence at my right and a masked figure stood at the edge of the house. The fact that it was holding a revolver towards me didn't make anything better. Luckily I have some pretty reliable
      "plot armor" in my dreams and the guy simply didn't manage to use the gun against me. I was really wondering why it took so long before one of the strangers threw a few stones at him making him collapse.
      Well, that was easier than expected....
      The other stranger told me to take some of the stones with me so that we could mark ways we already visited. Not sure if this is helpful. I mean, we are in the wilderness, not a labyrinth.
    3. Competition day #7+8 Freedom and the dark ice age

      by , 08-25-2015 at 08:33 PM
      "What about the freedom?"

      It was night and I was wandering around with another person down the streets. The surrounding seemed a bit familiar but also had that adventurous feeling to it. The first thing that I noticed was how terribly shabby the front yards were. The grass had grown over a meter high and already turned brownish with seeds on the top which really confused me. Were the houses abandoned or are the owners just really lazy?

      Now we come to the point where the dream took a whole new direction. I met some friends at a traffic light and they told me that they were searching for another person which disappeared. Of course I couldn't say no but on the other hand I sensed that everything hear was totally wrong somehow. For the first time ever a dream character would give me the final kick to completely accept that it was a dream. He just randomly said "What about the freedom?" Of course he was right. It was time to leave the plot the dream had given me and follow my own one. I turned around and ran over the street just to wake up. Yeah, stabilizing and thinking could help sometimes...

      The dark ice age

      This time I shall start off with a false awakening. I actually love those because they feel the most convincing and real. My first action of the "day" was to open the window and directly drop my jaw at what I saw. Although it was late summer everything was covered in snow and ice and the sun was strangely gloomy. It was very red and didn't spend much light. As someone took our sun at substituted it with a red dwarf star.

      In a second I made a RC and I was at least a bit less confused as I saw the result. This was so interesting that I directly went out and sat into a chair just watched the dark, icey world around me. Cars were driving extremely slowly by and the drivers looked slightly irritated as well.

      I knew what I had to do: Find out who caused it and turn it back to normal. An adventure awaited me (Hopefully I can get back into the story in another lucid)

      Next time I will unite some team mates and bring back the light together with them.
    4. Competition day #5 hunting game, human chain and facedesk

      by , 08-22-2015 at 02:36 PM
      The huge human chain

      I took a little walk through a park and it was all silent and peaceful... until then. Behind the next curve a few people appeared but I walked on as I would easily get past them. Then a few more popped up and more and more and more...

      Soon I realized that it wouldn't end in the next few seconds and stepped aside on a smaller path to not get overrun in the mass. It was unbelievable how many people actually passed me and how loud it gotten suddenly. Most people were chating and a few just looked straight forward which made me feel kind of uncomfortable. Interestingly they all seemed to have the same cultural background, kind of an arabic touch. When the chain had finally passed two people walked behind it who totally did not fit to the others. Still wondering what they all were up too.

      The hunting game

      I visited a fun park with one of my friends and we were looking around for some attractions there. To be honest it was kind of hard as the place was huge and not far from being a labyrinth. Huge walls blocked your sight so orientation was hard. In the distance a girl was waving her arms signalising us to come over. We followed her and sat down on a bank and she explained the game to us that we would be playing in a minute. There is a team of animals and a team of hunters. The animals try to hide all other the place while the monsters, geared with a toy bow and toy arrows, have to find them and get one succesful hit to get them out.

      It sounds very easy but the place was pretty gloomy and it was hard to tell if the moving person in the distance is an animal or a monster. So it happened that I shot out a few of my monster team mates which was pretty stupid actually. Too bad I didn't see how the game ended.

      What a waste of time

      The gloomy room didn't make the impression you expect but it was a maths room. The teacher was totally unknown to me but I didn't question that too much as she directly flooded us with tasks. What a horror, doing maths in the late evening/night...

      The worst thing was that nothing worked out like I wanted it to. First off I had no idea how to complete the task at all so I just tried to do something with my calculator. The task was to construct some weird graph and get information for some points on it. Too bad that my calculator just gave me out a bunch of non-sense letters and numbers I couldn't understand. At some point I just facedesked and "fell asleep" just to have a false awakening the "next morning" without any solutions. Now I started to really question that weird situation and did a RC. As expected I had more than 5 fingers once again.

      All that time wasted for math, my free time... I just facedesked again and woke up for real this time.
    5. Competition day #4: Endless task and strange car ride

      by , 08-21-2015 at 08:57 AM
      The endless task

      It was an interesting world I awoke in. Very mountainous and caves were waiting to be explored and mined. With me were a few strangers but I didn't care about that fact as they had at least an idea what to do in contrast to me who was just in an unknown place.

      The task was easy, yet it would take a lot of time. Search for resources, make something useful from them and gain even more resources. No end, except you give up. It actually sounds pretty boring but on the other hand I was very motivated to max out the resource gain. So I followed the other people and we entered one of the caves inside of a mountain. You could clearly see that someone was already working here due to the lanterns spending a dim, yellow light and the unnatural holes exposing tons of ore. Everyone got a pickaxe and we started to carve it out of the wall.

      Strange car ride

      I turned left with my car entering a small, silent street that was more or less unspectacular. Pretty suprising instead was the traffic light which was on the middle of the street and turned red. There was plenty of way between me and it and I wasn't very fast either but still I failed to break strong enough and crossed the line. So I had do drive a bit backwards and then forwards again. Suddenly my car started to do weird snake lines for no good reason and I started to question the whole situation. Finally I got the last kick when I looked into my rearview mirror and saw a different person than myself. An African looking boy looked at me and I said "Hey, I am driving this car and my name is *ensert name here* and I am not you, OK?"
      The boy just looked down as he was disappointed of me recognizing this.

      I was lucid now of course and directly walked out of my car. Actually I was happy to not have to deal with it anymore and prepared myself by rubbing my hands a bit and keeping the dream stable. It felt a bit like my hands had too few blood in them. For the fun of it I took a look at it and didn't even bother to count them as they were clearly more than five. First I wanted to get an overview and flew a bit up and landed safely again. Then I wanted to get a few competition points by doing my OWN tasks but ended up thinking at the telekinetic rampage someone wrote about in his dream journal and tried the same. Pitfully I was not lucid enough to make the cars fly and crash into each other but it was worth a try.
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