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    FA's, Late For Work, Weird- Attempting WILD from FA, Current Waking Life Entering Dream

    by , 01-07-2014 at 06:04 PM (544 Views)
    Still tracking FA's but current mindset is to not become overly concerned with them.

    Just a quick entry for my own tracking, no true lucid moment recalled but close. Yesterday 1/6/14 I was dreaming about logging in at work and was woke up by my back up alarm to get me to work at the last minute. I am guessing this started as a FA around the time of the first alarm. Zonked out! Also dreamed about my son LDing and visiting 5 distinct places and was getting ready to "go back in."

    Last night bedtime activity zonked me out longer than normal and this morning I didn't use my sleep mask or earplugs that I normally use as my wife gets ready for her day. This morning 1/7/14 I dreamed about several things going on currently IWL including a new rec group I will be meeting tonight; my son 2 separate dreams Uni & girlfriend; my mention of sensation based WILD entry last night on DV had me in an FA thinking I was actually waking up in the halfway zone and able to DEILD using sensations. I was looking over a cliff from my bed (very interesting to me) seeing different things going on down below and as I slip off the edge of the cliff knowing full well there was no danger I was trying to use that sensation of sinking off the cliff and deeper into the bed to DEILD/WILD but I was already asleep in hindsight!(I don't know what you would call this but I am not calling it a true LD or adding it to my count. I lost awareness none-the-less and I think the next dream was my son/girlfriend one.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    Updated 01-07-2014 at 06:26 PM by 61674 (add first sentence)

    non-lucid , false awakening
