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    Somniloquent G

    12/28/10 - 8

    by , 12-28-2010 at 07:28 PM (493 Views)
    [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]12/28/10 - 8[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="#808080"](Non-lucid)[/COLOR][/SIZE]


    [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]1) The bell rings: it's time to go to Mr. D's English class. I go to a different room and see Mr. D, which is surprising because I was expecting him to be in the classroom we're supposed to be in, teaching his class. He asks if I'm ready for the big quiz in class today, but he's actually talking to SK. I breathe a sigh of relief, but he's talking to me too, unfortunately. I say that I'm not ready at all. He asks us what "propriety" means in a sentence that he shows us. The sentence is something like "...and his propriety." I'm about to say that it means "a group of people following someone" when SK says, "a group of people," so I don't say anything because his answer was similar to what I was going to say. Mr. D says he's wrong, so SK tries again: "a group of good people." I then edit it, saying, "a group of good people following someone." Mr. D says that I'm wrong, and he leaves and goes to teach class. I'm frustrated, thinking that I should have said "ancillary" instead. I try to teleport??? to class or just think that I should be there but it doesn't work. I'm too lazy to walk all across the building and that's a ton of work, so I just won't get to class.

    Apparently, I walk slowly or something like that because I find myself walking into class, 15 minutes late. Mr. D is drilling the students on everything we've read all year, especially the vocab, for which I am completely unprepared. I didn't even know we had a quiz today, and because we haven't been quizzed all year I never studied anything so I don't know any of the stuff.

    2) I'm visiting Georgetown. I'm late? When I get to the room where the tour guide is explaining, I go to the back of the crowd and listen. The room is very opulent and reminiscent of P's house. It's an enormous mansion with rich staircases - exactly what you'd expect in the richest home in the world. The chandeliers, the carpets - everything about the room just screams opulence. It's time to leave, so I go outside. I walk down a brick pathway across a very long lawn and go back into the bus, which is parked along one of those curves of pavement that are usually found in front of fancy hotels. Only a couple of other people get in the bus with me (my aunt?), as everyone else is already in the bus. They're all rather old people, probably all in their 60s and 70s. Apparently I was one of a rather small number (3?) visiting Georgetown, so I momentarily felt bad for keeping everyone else waiting.

    The bus drives away, and as it goes along a road I look out the window and see a beautiful landscape: tranquil hills vegitated with bubbly trees and a valley in the middle. I stare with wonder at the breathtaking landscape.

    3) continuation of 2???? I'm in a bus and we're coming back from a trip. This isn't a tour bus; it's a regular MBTA. I'm joking around with the kids there, most (or maybe all) of whom are African-American and younger than me. I have a great time and all the kids love me. Some kids get off at a bus stop near my school and others get on. I realize I should have gotten off there, so I quickly push the button for the next stop. It's okay, though, because I can just walk from the next stop; the stops are close together so it isn't a hassle. It's the afternoon and I'm in no rush. I merrily say goodbye to all the kids on my side of the bus, shaking hands even with the students who just got on and hadn't been talking to me. I had been the center of the conversation and was pretty happy with myself. I get off of the bus and begin walking home.

    4) continuation of 3???? Heidi Watney is finally doing nude pictures for NESN; before the Red Sox game, she's standing naked in a doorway. I'm watching as she twirls around and shows off her incredible body and long blond hair. She's beautiful and the front of her body is sexy, but when she turns around, everyone is shocked to find out that she has nipples on her buttcheeks! They morph into gross red and pink anomalies that are moving around and nearly cover her entire rear end now. It's disgusting and absolutely horrendous, and all the critics are ranting about how awful that is and how she should have kept her clothes on (well, at least her pants). Her upper body is still gorgeous, though.

    5) I'm walking out of a building with AG and we're talking about a certain musical artist. [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"]I think he called the artist "Dream," but for some reason I interpreted this as "Owl City." Sometimes in dreams people will say one thing, you know what they said, but you understand that word to be something else. It's almost as if there's one word that's in two different languages and that same permutation of letters means two completely different things in the two different languages. I'm pretty sure AG said "Dream," but when he said that I [I]knew[/I] that he was talking about Adam Young.[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"] We get on the bus and are waiting for something. As we talk about this artist, AG tells me that he listens to me! [I]Owl City listens to me!! [/I]I'm taken aback by this. This is an utter shock; I'm flattered. Incredulous, I ask him again. Could this really be? A great, famous musician listens to [I]my[/I] music!? I'm ecstatic!

    A girl AG's age walks onto the bus, and I recognize her as AG's girlfriend. As the bus moves along X Street, I'm suddenly walking along the sidewalk of the X Street with her, right alongside where the bus was. She's pretty upset? I reassure her that I'm not trying to take her from AG; she's my backup plan in case my California girl doesn't work out. She's just my Plan B.

    6) It's time to leave school for Christmas vacation. I'm near room ### and say goodbye to RW. I walk outside to the parking lot and my dad picks me up.

    7) There's a guy in a rather narrow hallway who has his own business. He's a foreigner, most likely Middle Eastern, Italian, or Eastern European. He's hadhis business for a while, but he can't keep it up any more. He has to sell it, and he explains why in a long rant [/COLOR][COLOR="#808080"](I forget the speech)[/COLOR][COLOR="#1E90FF"]. He's at the bottom of an alley that slopes downward, and I'm among a group at the top looking down at him. The person who's buying his business is there. I kind of feel sorry for him and wish that he could've kept his business running??

    8) continuation of 7? I'm riding on some sort of concrete monorail. I'm not really in a vehicle; I'm just riding along by myself. The concrete line extends really far, but it has a finite area. It curves up and down, so ahead of me I see what looks like a tangled web of concrete. It's really dense and I know it's really long. As I ride along it, I try to figure out what I'm doing. What is this? What's going on? I determine I'm on the "L," but this isn't Chicago. Oh! Voila! I got it. That's Queens over there, and there's the Jets stadium. I look to one side of the "L" and see a huge sports arena, so enormous that it's an island in and of itself. That's Queens! It's kind of like Hong Kong - not connected to the mainland, but there's something like a bridge (in this case, the windy and loopy "L") to get across. On the other side is the mainland.[/COLOR][/INDENT]

    Total dreams: 745
    Total days: 369
    Total lucids: 12
    Dreams per day: 2.0189
    Lucids per day: 0.03252
    Days recorded: 222
    Dreams per recorded day: 3.3558
    Lucids per recorded day: 0.0540
    Lucid dream percentage: 1.61073%

    Dreams per day last year: 1.978
    Dreams per day this year: 5.75

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    Updated 12-28-2010 at 08:08 PM by 40334

