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    Hidden's Dream Journal

    Broomstick Flying

    by , 06-27-2010 at 08:47 PM (867 Views)
    Back to last night's dreams.

    A bunch of my classmates and I were travelling by broomstick. I waited in line for the bathroom, which turned out to be just a little plastic toilet seat with water in it. Then I went to look up a map, but I didn't end up using it. Instead I just traveled with my friend, who said she knew the way.

    At some point I became lucid. I thought about going to Shibuya, but instead I was like, "ehh, screw it, this is fun" and kept flying around. I told myself I'd go to Shibuya later (and of course I didn't). There was something about my cousins too. This dream went on for quite a while, but I can't remember the specifics. I do remember tying balloons to my bed so that flying would be easier.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. Samael's Avatar
      "ehh, screw it, this is fun"
      This sums up my attitude during a lot of lucid dreams, actually.