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    1. Crossfit Battle

      by , 10-12-2014 at 09:00 PM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Recall is a little better this morning - hopefully I'll be lucid again soon!

      Dream 1: The city is falling apart and the ground is opening up to reveal fire down below. It has a video game feeling. That is all I remember.

      Dream 2: I am having a pool party and I am a goalie in a water polo game. I also steal a fence from a neighbor.

      Dream 3:

      My friend AG invites me to a crossfit-like gym that looks kind of like a large warehouse inside. My wife is with me and is hesitant to participate because there is a very large crowd there. I am walking past my wife, about to do my first exercise, and I notice that one of her nipples is showing. I motion to her to cover it up. A fat woman next to me also notices the nipple and starts to make fun of my wife. I start talking back to the woman, defending my wife, and I notice that the fat woman's nipple is also showing. Then the workouts begin. The first couple of exercises involve jumping over a very high fence and using a jump rope that has a heavy block in the middle of the rope.

      After a couple of exercises everyone make a large circle and a beautiful, muscular young woman walks out into the middle of the circle. She is supposed to fight someone who is not there. I volunteer to fight in his place. The game / fight consists of her trying to get me down on the floor any way possible and there is a time limit. After her time is up I try to get her down on the floor. She tries everything to try and get me down on the floor. She even picks me up off of the ground but I always somehow precisely counterbalance her movements and she is unable to throw me down. It is now my turn and I do a gentle leg sweep and slowly lower her to the floor. She is extremely frustrated and angry at how easy it was for me to win. She gets up and attacks me with some kind of jump kick. I catch her legs mid-air and pull her forcefully into my waist. At this moment we are both very turned on and emotional (love). She wants me to communicate with her through my heart (literally with my heart, no speaking). I express through my heart that I have very strong feelings for her and that I very much want to be with her but I am married.
    2. Land Shark

      by , 10-11-2014 at 08:40 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      It's been two years since recording my dreams so it will take a while to build up my recall again. Recall was very fragmented in this first attempt.

      Dream 1: I am a slave and locked up in a room with my wife and DA. The only way to get out is to fill up some slots with either trading cards or dvds. I see a shelf full of unopened trading cards and I select a large pack of 1990 Hockey cards. I open them to reveal a bunch of random baseball cards.

      Dream 2: My mom and dad ask me about my stress levels at work. I reply that I am only stressed out 2 times per year, each time lasting a week.

      Dream 3: My wife and I are at a huge park with a very large swimming pool. There are hundreds of people sitting around the pool observing a shark - it is kind of like sea world. My wife has her feet in the water and I warn her that the shark is coming our way. She takes her feet out of the water. As the shark gets close to us it turns upside down and comes out of the water. We are frightened but embarrassed to run away. It is as if everyone knows the shark is harmless. We slowly back away and the shark continues to follow us on land. After a while the shark turns into some large cat (Cheetah?) and runs off.

      Updated 10-13-2014 at 09:01 PM by 56962

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Slam Dumk Contest

      by , 10-01-2012 at 12:19 AM
      Non-dream Dream Lucid Dream

      I was on a camping trip with my wife in the Sequoias and I was able to recall a piece of a lucid dream. I had a really bad headache most likely resulting from altitude sickness and therefore I did not get much sleep. I wasn't able to write these down immediately upon waking so I only remember a small portion of the dream.

      I am in a slam dunk contest in front of a small crowd. The fans are all sitting in fold up metal chairs. We are not on a basketball court, just concrete stage with a hoop. My first couple of dunks are really lame and I am trying to figure out what to try next. I think back to my younger days when I used to do through-the-leg and 360 dunks
      . This recollection makes me become lucid. It is now my turn to dunk again. I jump incredibly high, 360 spin to my right, put the ball through my legs and windmill dunk the ball. The crowd is very impressed and wants to know how I did it. I walk up to the front row and say "check this out." I jump up and freeze at the top of my jump. I hover up in the air for about 10 seconds.

      Next I am watching a swimming competition. The event the is going on consists of diving in the water and gliding about 10 yards. I think to myself "I am lucid so I can dominate this event." I enter into the competition and win.

      Wake up.
    4. Kids In My Pool

      by , 09-28-2012 at 10:28 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at my English professor's house getting my paper graded. We are sitting close together on her couch.

      This was a very long and involved dream. Unfortunately this is all I remembered.

      Dream 2:

      I am at work arguing with GM over someone's project. This person is trying to use a drug with proven toxicity in another program. I am arguing that we should give it a chance because the tox might be due to the drug going somewhere completely different from where it will go in the new program. I say that even if there is only a 1% chance of it working, those are better odds than our current approach to drug discovery. This person (a woman I think) presents her ideas to a large audience and GM is talking mad shit on her throughout the entire talk.

      My co-worker YA is technically not in my department although she works directly with me.

      I hear a strange buzzing noise and I wake up to find my wife's phone is vibrating.

      Dream 3:

      I am writing my previous dream in my dream journal. (As always with a false awakening) I am writing the dream in incredible detail.

      Wake up for real.

      Dream 4:

      I come home early from work and find two young boys playing in my pool. I jump in and play some basketball with them. They ask me to put in a diving board. I ask them how much that would cost and they didn't know. I say that if it is less than $1000 I will do it. Next I am playing 4 square with them and my wife with tomatoes. My wife asks me to have sex with her but I said not with the little kids around.

      Dream 5:

      I am in a very serious flag football and basketball league. The basketball portion is 2 on 2. I get picked to represent my school even though I am not on the normal school basketball team.
    5. Sleeping On A Tree Branch

      by , 09-26-2012 at 10:07 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am sleeping in a tree on my side yard. It is a huge tree with a thick branch. My neighbors car pulls into their driveway and I wake up. Instead of walking into their house they go into their backyard through the side yard. I pretend to be asleep when they notice me in the tree. After they go into the backyard I follow them. My cat V is there and he is extremely happy to see me. He is making strange noises that I somehow know are happy sounds.

      Dream 2:

      I am getting ready to play in a huge football game with my boss. My boss keeps asking me if I am ready, rushing me. I am hanging out with my co-worker YA.

      Dream 3:

      I am fighting Sheeva from Mortal Kombat.

      Dream 4:

      I have a child - a little baby girl. I am very good with her and I am holding her, talking to her, etc...
    6. Coyote Attack

      by , 09-25-2012 at 09:10 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am house-sitting for my parents in their old house on Pam Ln. My wife is with me and we are sleeping in the master bedroom downstairs. The bedroom looks very similar to what I remember as a child except in addition to the sliding door out to the spa there is another very large window behind the bed. My wife wakes me up. It must be morning because we can see clearly out of the windows. She is very concerned because we see a coyote walking across the window by the spa and our cats our outside somewhere. I try banging on the window to scare it away but this doesn’t work. After this attempt I resort to tormenting the coyote. I am laughing at it, scratching on the walls, yelling at it, and talking shit on it because it can’t get inside.

      Suddenly it gets dark outside as if it were nighttime again and the coyote grows bigger. More coyotes are outside now and they are trying to get in. I regret my previous actions and I am now frightened. The coyotes are very intelligent and one of them is talking to me – it called me stupid. My wife and I move upstairs to my old bedroom, closing two doors behind us. We are almost certain that the coyotes will get inside of the house but we feel safe in this room. We realize that we will eventually have to face them when we leave the room and we are scared.

      Wake up.

      Dream 2:

      I am in a huge crossfit gym getting coached by coach D. There is some kind of tournament going on. I haven’t been to the gym in a very long time so coach D is designing a special workout for me. I begin with box jumps and he brings out a 12” box. I pride myself in being a great jumper so I tell him that for this exercise I want to use the same box everyone else is using. He brings out a 30” box and I am having a lot of trouble with it. It seems to be as tall as me and I have to use my hands to pull myself up onto the box. Embarrassed that I can’t do it, I call coach D over and ask for the shorter box. Then I move on to a 225lb deadlift and a few other exercises. Coach D and some other people are recruiting me for their football team but I decline. They want me to play the occasional cornerback by I say that in order for me to play I have to be one of their main options for quarterback and wide receiver because that’s what I’m used to.

      Soon after my workout I discover that there are hundreds of pigs lying around the gym. They are all dead, hairless and they appear to have been infected with something. I am completely grossed out. We all get white trash bags and go around throwing all of the pigs in the bags. I am now standing in a disgusting pool picking up the pigs. Coach D apologizes and explains that his pigs are breeding out of control and he can’t handle taking care of all of them – that’s why they died.

      The horrible pool of water that I am standing in contains a bunch of broken needles. Me and some other guy step on the needles and one goes very deep into my foot. I announce that I have been stabbed in the lymph node and it is very deep. The guy next to me says it will be fine and I reply “you don’t know as much about science as I do.” I have a strong feeling that it will give me cancer.

      I am not in the gym anymore and it looks like I am at someone’s apartment. I go through some weird scenes explaining what lymph nodes do. Basically if you leave stuff open then bad things like pollen and other irritants will get into the lymph nodes (?!?). Bill Murray is acting it all out. Bad things are attracted to me now and are trying to get me sick.

      Dream 3:

      I am in the parking lot at a golf course. Some guy comes up to me and begs me to play. He tells me that nobody is playing this course because there is some crazy guy roaming the course. He offers to pay for everything: green fees, golf balls, etc. I accept. We go into the pro shop and he purchases a couple of golf balls. I tell him that I’m not very good so I will probably need more than that. We head out to the course and the guy changes into my dad. The course is very difficult and the balls are cheap. They look and feel like balls of mud. I manage to birdie the first hole. On the second hole I out-drive my dad off the tee but he ends up winning. I got stuck in a sand trap that was impossible to get out of. One time I managed to hit the ball from the sand trap and hit the flag stick, but the ball just rolled back into the sand. I eventually realized that there were other holes IN the sand trap that were eligible.

      I go back to his house and he administers some strange medicine that makes me very sick but I get better later on.
    7. Endless Pasta Bowl

      by , 09-24-2012 at 05:16 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at the mall with my mom sitting at a table. A very cute waitress comes over to take our order. I am hitting on her hard and she is enjoying it - my mom doesn't seem to care. I manage to negotiate extra sausage for my endless pasta bowl. I order penne with chianti meat sauce and extra sausage. I notice my mom is going up to the desk to pay. I don't want the cute waitress to see my mom paying for my meal so I run up to the counter. There is a huge line and someone takes offense to me cutting (although my mom is already at the front). I explain why I am allowed in the front and call him an asshole.

      Dream 2:

      I am on a boat out in the ocean and the weather is terrible. Our boat crashes. We are all aware that the world is coming to an end. The ground is opening up and things are drying out. I help Professor Farnsworth (from futurama) fix it. I have to dump something into the lava - I believe it is professor Wornstrom's bodyguard.

      Dream 3:

      I am at the movies with my Dad. I have to step out to go to the bathroom and I end up going outside. I sneak back in through the main entrance when the attendant walks away. The movie theater is huge.

      Dream 4:

      I am with Mac and some other people. We are sitting around a big table showing embarrassing pictures of each other.

      Back at my house some chicks pull up in a white convertible mustang. They drop something off and leave me the car. I park it in our 3rd parking spot in the driveway which used to be grass.
    8. Baby Giraffes

      by , 09-23-2012 at 05:02 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      I am at work or school. There is a huge hill off in the distance and there are giraffes running down the hill. There are tiny baby giraffes on their backs - just standing there. It does not seem possible for them to be able to balance like this.

      People are being cruel to me in a classroom.

      I am on ED's (flag football ref) cell phone calling people. I look through his contacts and there are a ton of in depth categories for people. Under friend there are many sub categories like true friend, etc. There is also a category for hookers.
      Tags: giraffes
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Pets In Trouble

      by , 09-23-2012 at 06:15 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am at a water park / amusement park. I go on a crazy roller coaster with my wife.

      Dream 2:

      I am at a doctor's office with my wife talking about having a baby. There is some kind of complication and we have to make a choice. Either I would have to carry the child or my wife needs surgery. They run some tests on my wife and decide that they can do the surgery. They need to put some new walls in her vagina. I ask "how long before we can start trying for a baby?" The doc says one month after the surgery.

      Dream 3:

      I am back at my old house on Pam Lane. I am with my wife and my coworker GM. He is living in DA's house across the street from mine. He is telling me about someone who got murdered. Some little kid comes up on his bike and interrupts us. He asks if I own a beagle. I say yes. The kid says that my beagle got away again and then goes on to explain how everyone in the neighborhood hates my dog. I go out onto the street and see my dog. I start chasing him but he runs down to the end of the street.

      I drive down to the end of the street. My dog is in someone's garage along with my two cats S and V. I park in the driveway, go inside the garage, and knock on the inside door. I ask if I can leave my car there while I take my pets home (I don't want to get hair in my car). She rudely replies "You got 10 minutes." This pisses me off because there is no reason to put a time limit on it since she had nothing to do. She is just being a bitch so I punch her dog in the stomach (in her garage).

      I miraculously pick up all three of my animals (kind of just stacked them) and walk home. It has suddenly changed from daytime to nighttime and I remember that I only have ten minutes. I start speed walking incredibly fast. I look at the houses wiz by and it seems like I am walking about 40 mph. I think "How is it possible for me to be walking this fast?"


      I drop the pets off in my backyard and head back to the old lady's house. I run because I am out of time. I think "Why can't I run as fast as I was speed walking earlier?" I finally get to the house and knock on her garage door. It opens slowly to reveal her smirking face. Apparently she has a camera in her garage and caught me punching her dog. She steps aside to reveal a cop waiting to arrest me for animal cruelty. The cop is a famous fat actor. I run and hide in her neighbors backyard.
    10. Bear Attack

      by , 09-22-2012 at 05:30 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      It is my turn to present at our departments large meeting. I am going to present a mixture of old data and new data that my boss threw together.
      (Once again) I didn't even look at the slides before presenting. I am doing a horrible job presenting the material. People start leaving, talking and roaming around then the meeting ends. I am off the hook for good - apparently this is the last meeting.

      Dream 2:

      J - the bartender at the bowling alley - is a gasoline salesperson. I am explaining some difficult math to her about evaporation rates of the gasoline.

      Dream 3:

      I am on a guided kayaking tour on a river with my wife. I am being an idiot - going too fast and being reckless. I start fucking with a bear and then it realizes that I have food in my backpack. It fake charges me about five times. It is very smart and I think it is talking to me. I run and hide in a bathroom and then a gift shop. The bear finds me. I realize that it is not food in my pack that the bear wants, but perhaps something I have done to the locals pissed him off. There are now two bears chasing me. I trick them somehow and get a head start back to my car. I would have made it easily but someone was with me and slowed me down. The bear catches me.

      Dream 4:

      I am in my house but there is no furniture. It looks just as it did when we first bought it and put the fresh carpet in. My cats are there. The black one is HUGE and V is whiter than usual. They are both purring like crazy.
    11. Golfing In My Front Yard

      by , 09-21-2012 at 05:20 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I have two options for golf holes to play in my front yard. I can hit up my street towards the houses (222 yards) but it is risky. It is easy to mishit and damage homes. The second option is to hit across the street into the park. I took a 3 iron out of my bag to play the risky hole but I chicken out.

      Dream 2:

      I am spiderman and I'm putting people into jail. There is a playboy magazine with spiderman on the cover.

      Dream 3:

      My brother and I are back at our old house. I am sleeping in my old room and he is downstairs waiting for me to go do something important.
    12. Meeting With The Big Boss

      by , 09-19-2012 at 07:51 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am playing in a basketball tournament in someone's house. My boss, my mom, and my dad are in the kitchen watching us play 5 on 5 in the living room. There are strange rules that we are debating. At the end of the game each player takes 3 3-pointers, then another, then a dunk. I got mad rebounds.

      Dream 2:

      I am at my brother's huge house playing poker. My brother announces that he is going to have a $200k one-year anniversary in Anaheim. He is sending out invitations that state that everyone will be picked up in fancy cars. My wife is sitting next to me and my friend CS is across the room. NG is also there. I notice little flowers that look like colorful christmas trees which I identify as strawberries. We eat some. I win a huge hand (a couple thousand dollars) with most of the chips coming from CS. My winning hand is a straight flush, 4-8 of spades. She is really pissed about it because she was positive she had a winning hand. I believe she has a full house. My wife is a real bitch when she announces my hand to everyone - directed at CS. She slowly reads off my hand one card at a time. After this hand I realize that I am almost late for a meeting with my boss's boss CR.

      After realizing this I find myself on the campus where I work. The grounds are covered with swimming pools filled with toys, slides and small children. For some reason I am completely naked in the pool. I am very embarrassed and do my best to cover myself up because the children's parents are watching them. I manage to get out of the pool and find out that there is a flea market going on as well. I find a booth selling jeans and find my perfect size. I steal them and put them on without drying off.

      I head over to building 15 wearing only wet jeans and get into a MASSIVE elevator - as big as a house. There are many pairs of shoes on display in the elevator but they don't fit me. I am having difficulty finding CR's office, which I believe is the 12th floor, 17th wing, room 12. The floor I am on reminds me of the airport in Cancun Mexico.

      I wake up and try to visualize the dream scene because I want to continue.

      I arrive at my meeting with CR about 40 minutes late. My other two co-workers are there and I kinda just slip into the conversation. I answer two questions confidently about how well we all work together then the meeting is over. When the others leave I plead to CR to give me 5 more minutes to meet with him. He hesitates. I say 2 minutes and we sit back down. I say to him "I feel like I owe you an explanation. I have had a very rough day. I was with my brother and niece helping" with something and she got very sick. I stayed to help out and make everything OK. CR doesn't believe me. I try to make my case more believable by saying that the doc said its one of those 1-2 day illnesses called (I can't think of something to say). I am doing a horrible acting job and I can't come up with something to say. Finally he says a name and I say I don't think that's it. Somehow this makes him believe me and we start having a normal conversation. He loves me now and we go out onto the train
      (which inexplicably is operating on my work campus).

      I explain to CR that it is fun to jump around on the train and railings around the buildings. Before I can even finish my sentence he is off jumping around and I follow. I get a text message from CS saying something like "we don't like each other anymore" and "my excuse was always the wedding so what now?" She is really upset with me after the whole poker incident. CR and I are jumping all over the buildings and railings now. I receive a message that my wife is with my parents at a 7-11 store (which also has sit down dining) and I have to take her home.

      I jump onto another moving train that my brother and my dad are on - they are most likely heading to the 7-11 as well. My brother is really impressed with my jump. My dad is next to me freezing with the heater on and a blanket. I am hot so I put the AC on me and the guy next to me thanks me. The plan is to take my wife home and then go talk to CS.

      I get to 7-11 and my wife is completely wasted with my friend WW, my mom and some other friends. My wife and WW are extremely fat. We get outside of the store and there is a huge parking lot on a steep slope. My wife starts dancing and slips. She rolls down an asphalt hill at incredibly high speed. I run after her and finally catch up to her as she slams into a curb. I carry her to my dad's truck like a baby. On the way I realize that a bunch of people filmed her rolling down the hill and were going to post it on you tube. I ask my wife if I should make them erase it.
      (I don't remember the reply). My dad gets mad at me for carrying my wife like a baby but she says that she is comfortable. I get her into the back of the truck then I wake up.

      Updated 09-23-2012 at 05:11 AM by 56962

    13. In The Mob

      by , 09-18-2012 at 07:40 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      I fall in love with a cute girl in a science lab. I gladly did whatever she told me to do - finish homework, get things for her, anything. We cuddle on the couch and pipet liquids into a 96-well plate. I think we are also involved with the mob.

      Some guy (is it me?) is in trouble with the mob. He is in the mob but they don't like him - maybe he fucked up too many times. He knows they are about to kill him. The mob throws him off the balcony but somehow he fakes his fall, hooks onto the top of the balcony and puts a cloaking device on. The mob boss knows that something fishy is going on and waits around for a couple of hours. This is brutal for the guy hanging because he has also been shot at some point. The mob boss figures it out somehow later on after leaving the apartment. I believe it has something to do with the man's wife.

      Updated 09-23-2012 at 03:45 AM by 56962

      Tags: lab, love, mob
    14. Spooky Cabin

      by , 09-17-2012 at 07:10 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I am in a restaurant on a cruise ship. Each table has its own tv but the remotes work on random tv sets. I keep changing peoples channel.

      Dream 2:

      My wife and I are at a cabin in the woods. We go outside to take a walk. We get deep into the forest and I spot a bunch of gun lockers. Upon inspection they are full of not only guns, but fresh meat (hanging deer carcasses). This is very unsettling. It feels like we have been hiding and running from something for a long time and this is an ominous sign that they have found us again. There is nobody around and no sounds whatsoever. I test one of the guns in the locker and it is loaded.

      We head back to the cabin and weird shit starts happening. People and images start popping up randomly. We had spotted a large structure out in the woods when we were walking earlier so we decide to go check it out and see if it has supplies. We get to the building and I tell my wife to wait outside while I look around. I go down some stairs into a dark room. There are more lockers here fully stocked with supplies and weapons. I begin gathering supplies but then I start hearing frightening noises coming from down the hall - like someone is being tortured. The more stuff I take the louder the noises get and the scary images start appearing again.

      I get a very strong sense that the evil that is present in this building is closing in on me. I am very scared so I just grab a random box of guns and ammo and leave. On the way up the stairs I finally spot someone off to my left. There is a man at a work bench confused and banging things randomly. He doesn't seem to notice me. It hits me that these things (not quite human) aren't sure what their purpose is on earth although I know it is only a matter of time before they realize they are supposed to kill us.

      I get outside and some cops are running into the building. They are not quite human either. I yell to them "he is down there and he is crazy" so they go after the guy by the stairs. Since they are also confused I am trying to convince them that I am not the target. I get back to my wife who has no idea what is going on and we start walking back. This is when we notice that there are hundreds of half dead humans (kind of like zombies) scattered around the forest - just standing there. We walk quickly through them to get back to the house. Some of them start attacking us but I fight them off.

      We get back to the house and lock up. They arrive at our door and we arm ourselves. We hold them off for a while but one of them eventually gets in. A lot of glass is breaking. I get away briefly but I think I get caught eventually.

      This is the first time I have woken up from a dream truly scared in about 20 years.

      Updated 09-22-2012 at 07:39 PM by 56962

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    15. Swimming Competition

      by , 09-16-2012 at 08:42 PM
      Non-dream Dream

      I am in a world sort of like the Hunger Games except instead of having to fight to the death we are all forced into a swimming competition. I am undergoing intense swimming training and competition in brutal conditions. There are dead bodies and blood in the water. I meet a cute black girl during training and we fall in love. I comfort her and help her through the brutality. The judges begin to fall in love with us. We both win the competition against all odds and we give speeches to each other at the ceremony in front of the whole world. Everyone loves us and we have our first kiss in front of everyone. At the end we go our separate ways. I have her phone number. I desperately want to text her to just have lunch or something - to have a chance at a life together. I hesitate because I notice my wedding ring on my hand then I wake up.

      This was truly an epic dream and I recalled it in great detail every time I woke up throughout the night. I chose to enjoy it and try to continue it (which I did) every time I woke up instead of writing notes down. Therefore I forgot most of the details but I woke up with strong feelings of true love. Very powerful.

      Other people in the dream: brother, wife, IA
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