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    1. Some dreams I've had in the past week

      by , 09-16-2016 at 08:23 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      -I was chatting on IRC in the dream. I recognized two nicks to be from DV: Centroid and Machanic. (I don't think I've seen Machanic, Centroid I have.)

      -There was a hospital in the middle of a desert. I was outside. A man wanted to put restrains on me. He looked scared. I agreed to this, because I had some supernatural condition where I lost my mind randomly and transformed into a monster. I could feel my sanity fading and I think I summoned a sandstorm in the area.

      -I'm at the bottom of some sea. It's dark and I'm swimming away from a shark. I hate it. Then a huge maw rises from the darkness and opens up. It's some sort of massive monster squid. It sucks a lot of water in, and I can't escape. I yell, die and wake up.


      -Two dreams where women were way too friendly towards me. Semi-lucid due to that. I had some awareness.


      Lucid dream: I was in a really gloomy house. Wooden, dark, broken house with two floors. There was some sort of bad guy there. I think I was hunted and then tortured. The dream ended badly and started from the beginning. I realized that and wondered, if it's safe to stop the normal progression of the dream and do my own thing. The surrounding gloomy room now looked more like my grandma's house. Still dark and broken down. I wanted to summon someone. I imagined pulling someone up from nothing, like pulling a rabbit from a hat. Only a square shaped head appeared. I visualized a person and the head grew a body in front of me. I had visualized my brother, so the squarehead was now my brother, even though he looked nothing like him. I tried to talk to him. He barely said anything. I wandered the house with him and encountered my mom. Lucidity faded away and I continued to dream non-lucidly for several hours.


      -I was on an island. I was alone, no signs of life. There was some forest and green hills. I feel like something great happened in the dream, but I only recall wandering on that island.

      -The Avengers were in their base. Ironman was heading off on some mission. Thor's actor was playing a SHIELD agent. The elevators were weird high tech things. I manifested a body. I had a large 6 sided die. It was black with a lot of dark gray symbols in it. The symbols were barely visible, but some of them started glowing if you looked from the right angle. Ironman came to look at it too. It was a message. "It's her..." was the first part of the message. I can't recall the whole thing. The dream skipped to some temple ruins far away. Ozymandias from Watchmen was fighting Joker on a huge stone staircase leading deep underground. Both sides had a ton of knives. Dream jumped again. I was underwater, a glacier was melting. I surfaced and saw Firestorm (DC Comics hero). I was thinking about the glaciers melting and what that meant, what it would lead to.

      -I was living in some mansion. My mom told me about my famous relative Aku. (fiction, I have no such relative) Outside the mansion there was a field and some school kids playing. The teacher started making some food. Suddenly there was a large table full of food and everyone was eating. I recall eating pancakes and some toffee/chocolate dessert that was rose flavored? The rose chocolate toffee was on a stick and shaped like a fish. Tasted good. I wasn't that hungry though. I talked with the teacher and told her my home was 16km away. I believed to be in Pori, it looks like.

      Updated 09-16-2016 at 08:33 AM by 87844

    2. Just some non-lucid dreams

      by , 09-07-2016 at 06:52 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      Killer Whales and a Forest Fire
      I was with three friends on the shore of some large lake or an ocean. It was probably an ocean, considering there was four killer whales wandering close to the shore, almost like they were waiting for us to get in the water. (I have dream of killer whales a lot. Well, I've seen them in like 7 dreams in the past 3 years.) My mind is not focused. My thoughts wander, trying to make sense of the scene and for a moment the dream becomes a mess. The gist of it was that I was in a movie. I saw really short scenes of people going into the water getting away from the orcas. I think flying was involved.

      I focus and the burst of disjointed scenes end. I continue walking with my friends. We climb a hill and sit down to talk and enjoy the view. The friends I'm with were some of my oldest, but one of them was a girl I met on 7th grade. I didn't like her that much in school, but in the dream we enjoyed each others company.

      We continue up the hill, away from the water, and enter a pine forest. My friends start to run. I notice that I have no shoes, but I still run after them. Then suddenly some bushes near me catch on fire. The fire is small enough that we could probably put it out. We look for branches that we could cover the fire with and remove oxygen from the equation, I guess. The fire dies down on it's own. Some other DCs wander around in the forest and talk about some new type of paper being problematic.

      Another Monster
      I'm outside, playing a game similar to capture the flag. The twist here is that the flag is an orange glowing cube partly inside the player who has it... and the enemy team has a monster as a player. He's a big, long armed loosely humanoid monster with glowing eyes and sharp claws. He has no mouth, ears or anything like that, just glowing eyes. His body is completely black, it absorbed all light.

      The monster is fast. I take the cube from him and try to run, while my teammates try to buy me some time. I have the ability to boost, but it takes a second to start and I have to stop to start it. The monster is right behind me so that's not an option. The monster catches me.