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    Discarded Arena and Ritual Coffee Shop

    by , 10-21-2013 at 07:09 PM (474 Views)
    I've decided from now on I will title all of my dreams. I won't color code yet since I haven't really expanded in that in the dream world yet and I am still working on becoming lucid more often than rarely

    Discarded Arena

    I was in some sort of arena that looked as though it was revamped but just for this dream. It was similar to a circus arena except instead of there being a large circular opening in the middle with seating all the way up the sides there was a circular middle still, but seating around the circle, like at a camp ground near a camp fire or something. With short notice I knew what was happening and to my surprise there was supposed to be some battle between people and their superhero appearance. This one guy had was dressed up in all blue and people were cheering at him, I thought he was kind of lame looking. He then called over to me and told me he would give me one free game. I suddenly agreed to this and asked him, "wait, what kind of game?" We were aside the arena when he told me they were vintage video games from the 90's. All of them looked to be nintendo 64 games because of the way the cartridges looked except the game titles themselves were exclusive to the nintendo, the first console. The titles included super mario brothers 3, and the other ones were ones I never heard of before that included super mario brothers return of castle crashers and some included beast taming and such. I of course choose to pick the ones I never heard of before, but then get distracted by a conversation of glowing appearance to the side of me. The all of the sudden its like I'm in elementary school again. I'm running with people I used to recognize from elementary school from real life out of the arena (we ran like we did to lunch XD). I asked what was happening but somebody finally said they were closing "it", it which would be the arena. It seemed as if the place was never real to begin with and I start thinking about my fake journey through dreams which is actually me trying to remember from waking life that I wanted to have a journey lucid dreaming but I failed, yet again. While I am thinking, I am running in slow motion towards this iron gate still. It seemed as if though I was running for the life of me but getting no where with all the effort I was putting into my running. The gated area reminded me of the entrance and exit of a amusement park. It wasn't amusing to me at all though and reminded me of prison. I was then thinking I hope the fence doesn't close yet, then it did, right after the last person escaped. I never once thought "Maybe I closed the gate?" since it was on command to my thoughts. Nope, instead I decided to climb the gate and escape. END

    Ritual Coffee Shop

    The next dream I had just bought a coffee shop and had some co-workers or dream friends to work at this coffee shop for me. I was unloading some very strange Halloween decorations from the trunk which included a couple of giant eyes pasted to a candle stick holder, a pumkin head, and some other strange things. I was on my way to decorating this coffee shop when it was then revealed to me why the coffee shop was even for sell in the first place. In a movie sequence I was shown that there was some sort of wiccan ceremony held in the coffee shop and that whatever they cast through the ritual meeting killed them. Then I was back near the trunk of the car where a dream character friend was explaining to me this scenario. I told the friend of mine that they were just fooling around with spooky ideas and that it was very creative but very unlikely to have actually happened. I then unloaded to decorations, start walking to the coffee shop when all of the sudden the dream starts playing Halloween like music and ENDS.

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    non-lucid , memorable
