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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Lunch, Restroom, Hot Sweaty Sex

      by , 07-17-2012 at 04:43 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Eating Lunch and Saincara (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a family's house, and apparently it's the family of a man in waking life called Mo. That's not his full name, but let's go with that.

      It seems outside is either early morning or early afternoon, because it's fairly bright. Maybe it's too bright for a reason, so that I would focus on the interior of the house more. There's a shiny wood flooring I'm standing on, and furniture, the objects, and the house itself are very realistic.

      There's isn't a Half-Life 2-esque kind of graphic style that I normally see, it's real just like in waking life. Mo is trying to get his family to come together to eat with me, and it feels like this meal would be my last in the house for the time being.

      I think I explore the house a little more in the mean time, but I can't remember all that I did. I think I went to a closet to decide which shirt and pants to wear.

      I'm not sure if this experience that I'm going to mention is a separate dream, but it felt connected with this dream.

      As I'm trying to decide what clothes to wear in the guest bedroom, I see some activity outside through the window on my right. I see three characters from Code Lyoko.

      Ulrich was wearing a shirt, with a small dress shirt opened on top of it. He was trying to confess his love for Yumi, and after a bit of stuttering, he finally tells her that he loves her. I assumed Yumi would say she loved him as well, but she just stands there with her eyes wide opened.

      Ulrich is still waiting for her to acknowledge his confession, and Yumi finally takes one step back and shakes her head. She couldn't say anything back to him and runs away. Sissy, the third character that's outside, gets near Ulrich to console him.

      I can't really tell if Ulrich feels bad, to me, it felt like he knew Yumi wasn't ready for that confession, even though they had many many many MANY MANY MANY moments in the actual show that they had feelings for each other.

      Then I believe the environment shifts a bit,
      and I'm not even sure if this fragment belongs here, but oh well, here goes.

      There isn't anyone outside at the moment, there's just a gray bench, and how it's represented is just like the Code Lyoko art style, so I guess it looks like it's painted, but it's still realistic, just a bit. While I'm staring at the bench and the rest of the environment outside, I hear two people talking.

      I focus on one point in the environment outside, and then blank out on the rest, then I see subtitles on the bottom of the area I'm looking at. The two men talking, even though I can't see where they are right now, are talking about some kind of Camp located in Africa.

      The man declares about a location called the Saincara? Something along those lines, and then the guy tries to correct him by saying, "Don't you mean the Sahara?" The other guy confirms that he's not confusing it with the Sahara, and he goes on to explain that it's some lost location on the map, and that it was sort of like a camp for a specific group of people.

      After that little soap opera and Saincara
      (I think it's really Saincara he said now, but I won't go too much into it), I shift my attention back to the closet, I finally decided what I wanted to wear! I already had a plain white shirt on, it looked like it felt tight on me. I wanted to wear a dress shirt on top of it opened. The sleeves were a little longer than the usual dress shirt, maybe 3-4 inches more.

      I decided I should fold the edges up a little bit, and then it felt uncomfortable, so I unfolded them. I go down stairs, and I see the family of Mo are waiting for me and one other random person. I sit down, and there's some random blonde guy, who seems to be their butler or something, and is handing out their food.

      He's a fairly tall man, blonde hair, but he looked a little too old to still have nice hair. He's wearing a fancy dark blue dress shirt that's buttoned up, slim light blue jeans, and a very enthusiastic expression towards everyone.

      He manifests the plates out of nowhere, for all I know, he could've just pulled them out of his ass or something.........

      But no one cared, so I conformed and decided to not worry about it either. I forget what he serves to Mo, his wife, and his daughter, but I do know that they were completely random food objects. When he serves my plate to me, it's basically Guacamole and Chips. While he was putting the plate in front of me, he said the meal's name in what seemed to be in a French Language.

      Must be from all the French talk during my vacation.

      I look at the plate for a while, it's a dark blue plate, and the Guacamole looks like it's LEGIT Guacamole, with some bell peppers chopped up, and some decent corn Tortilla Chips. Before we could actually eat, Mo and his family prepare for grace.

      Now, I may be putting a stereotype here, but I don't think this type of family would be one to use Grace with their cultural beliefs...but whatever...

      Mo is to the right of me, and his wife is to the left of me. He closes his eyes, and she does as well, and they both spread their hands out to me. It takes me a while to understand what they're doing, and then I realized they're saying Grace. I quickly held their hands, and put my head down to listen to what Mo was saying.

      Within 5-10 second, he's already finished with declaring Grace. He says something at the end like, "Thank you God." etc etc., probably for the food on the table.

      I take one chip and scoop a huge load, since I didn't get a lot of chips in the first place.

      The Guacamole almost tastes exactly like the one I had in a Hispanic Restaurant in College Station or Bryan, Tx. It still felt bland, but I ate it anyway, and once I'm done eating, I say, "Excuse Me."

      Seems no one here cares about anyone having basic table manners....oh well. I pick up my plate, and I head over to the sink and put it in there. I see a small plate filled with some Ginger Ale. Eradicating all basic logic in my mind that it's supposed to be in a bloody cup, I take it and drink it.

      I felt the fizz swirling in my mouth, and it tastes pretty good, very refreshing. I try to look to see if the wife was looking at me, because I wanted to pour more Ginger Ale on the plate. I did my best to make it look like I'm looking at something else, and tried to use my peripheral vision to make sure I wasn't trying to do the obvious.

      Seems she's still busy eating, and I guess I was just being paranoid in trying to get another shot of Ginger Ale. I pour it out slowly, and drink it a little slower this time, since I couldn't have a lot on the small plate.

      I forget what I did next, but I believe the dream after this one somehow correlates to this one.

      But about the Saincara thing, I don't have a lot of background on it, but based on what I read and searched, it involves something about how desire is born and grows.

      Hmmm....my desire for what exactly?

      I have several "desires," but I never really fulfill them, or at least don't think that I can.

      Public Bathroom (Non-lucid)


      It feels like this dream was a continuation of the previous one, so I presume that after I left Mo's house, I'm inside a Public Restroom. The flooring is light gray, the walls are dark gray, and the ceiling itself is probably light gray as well.

      The bathroom stalls are dark gray, so even though things are a bit bland for a bathroom, it contrasts pretty well. I see a man wearing a dark gray jacket and hat
      (like the hats that Mafia members wear) and shiny black shoes. He goes into a bathroom stall, and something about that guy bothered me.

      He wore glasses, looked like he was in his 50-60s, and he was holding his hand with his left hand, and using his right hand to cover up the opening of the jacket he didn't button up all the way.

      Maybe he was just preparing to take them off when he was going in the bathroom stall, but because he held that position with his hands before he even reached 1 feet away from it, it felt suspicious to me.

      By this time, I do my business and get out of the bathroom.
      Hot Sweaty Sex (DILD)


      Spoiler for 18+:

      Updated 07-17-2012 at 06:45 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    2. Almost Lucid, Alyzarin's Facebook, Playing Runescape and Mario

      by , 07-16-2012 at 01:24 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Almost Lucid (Note)


      I was drifting into sleep from waking up from the alarm. I remained still, and then I start seeing some illogical patterns show up, my eyes almost opened from this, but I kept them shut. I don't know what happens next.

      False awakening most likely, but I can't remember.
      Alyzarin has a Facebook (Non-lucid)


      Alyzarin links me to a random facebook account she made. She used some random photo of some cartoon, it looked like a chibi version of some random anime character. I added her, and then I saw part of what she looked like.

      She was wearing big black sunglasses, and the photo itself was cut off to where I only saw her right side, like just the top right side of her visage.
      Playing Runescape and Mario (Non-lucid)


      I'm playing Runescape on a PC rather than a laptop. I even see myself playing it as well. But then it started to turn into a different game, or a mix of a different game. It has some Runescape Elements, then felt like playing a 3D Nintendo Mario game.

      I remember having to click on a dark spot at a desert area. A large Desert Strykewyrm

      pops open, and I forget how I killed it. After a while the environment changes to an icy region.

      I didn't see any Ice Strykewyrms though, I only remember random players and magers coming in to get ready to mage them though. A lot of people were wearing Dark Mystic Robe tops along with other mage gear, and I didn't realize until later when I woke up that the small V like structure on the Dark Mystic Robe top (before it was updates) was green rather than red.

      Then I think the environment changes one more time, and there's just wood flooring. I think I'm controlling Dr. Mario with a keyboard again.
    3. Alyzarin Grinds Me?, Giochemistry, Running on Track Field

      by , 07-15-2012 at 02:22 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Alyzarin Grinds Me? (Non-lucid)


      Alyzarin told me that she grinded me before, and when she told me that, I see what seems to be myelf in first person perspective.

      Alyzarin looked like an anime girl, I believe she had light violet hair, green/white panties that were pulled down near her thighs, and she's getting ready to grind my penis.

      But again, the dream doesn't go all the way, it only shows me some anime girl near my penis, and I'm not even sure if this is my penis anymore.
      Giochemistry (Non-lucid)


      Ha ha ha, way for my mind to TROLL on me. This dream had to happen because I'm worried that I won't be able to get the right courses in for my major. Either my mind is telling me that changing my class to fit my Biochemistry degree is no problem at all when I have to set up an appointment with my adviser, or maybe it's just trolling me.

      I'm inside the house with my father, it seems that it's early morning, because the silk curtains covering the blinds aren't emitting the bright and natural lighting from outside. There are a lot of clothes stacked on the couch and sofas in the living room, though I didn't pay much attention to this.

      I told my father that I'm ready to go
      (to go for for what?). He asks me if I'm sure,


      Then something came into mind right after I sai that, I had an image of some screen or paper saying that I need to finish one of the few steps before I can register for classes or something. Apparently, all I had to do was giving my home address, probably just the apartment address that I'll be residing this year, and then the system is going to give me options to choose some classes to switch, without setting up an appointment.

      The options were:

      (Lmao, what the hell is that? What's funny is that G is diagonal to "B" on a QWERTY keyboard.....this feels like a mind TROLL

      Something medicine, one Genetics course, and something else I can't remember. The Giochemistry that I thought was supposed to be Biochemistry is what caught my attention the most.

      I quickly collect my thoughts back again, and I quickly asked my father what's the maximum or latest time he can reach there.
      Damn it, reach WHERE?

      He declared something, but I forget what it was, guess it wasn't really that important. I go back to spacing out by lookng at the screen coming into mind again, and I have to finish this application until 7 something (I don't know if it's PM or AM though, even if the dream setting looked like it was in early morning.

      I think I look at my laptop
      (THERE WE GO, I'm looking at a laptop now instead of seeing things like I'm crazy) for the time, and it's 6:52 something....

      I have a little "mini-heart attack", and then I quickly calmed down because it would just make it worse with a worried mind. Then for some reason, something in my mind tells me that I forgot to set my timer an hour back.

      What's funny is that the moment I typed that in the dream journal system made by Banhurt, I realized my actual laptop in waking life is set 1 hour after Texas' Central time.....LOL....guess mind isn't trolling on me, I just had to pay attention........yay me for actually making use of the dream!!!!!

      Now that I realized this, it's only 5:52 something, so this makes things WAY easier. I believe the dream skips a bit, since entering a few addresses wasn't that hard. But before the dream does that, I remember the section for the addresses involving two planes.

      Not airplanes, planes like Astral planes, you know, dimensions and all that totality of infinties....hmm...

      I can't remember the two new planes shown to me, and maybe I'm confusing this with "lanes," but still, something tells me these are some kind of dimensional planes I could access in a dream.

      By this time, I ignore my father, not worrying if he's waiting for me to get ready. I think I finally switched two classes, and everything is okay.

      At least in the dreaming world....not waking life....I hope I can drop and add classes like that so quickly.
      Running on Track Field (Non-lucid)


      The dream setting is set to early morning, no surprise there with homologous variation and all that. (Stephen Berlin's usage of that word in his Youtube videos is starting to become addicting to use now =P).

      There's a small boy, and he looks like a elementary/middle school friend I had in waking life. Let's call him Clearance, since I doubt he'll even remember me, or even know about Dream Views. Clearance is wearing one of those sports powerhouses shirts, the ones that are so tight to make you look fit, when it's just there to be some kind of stripper clothes accessory for males. xD

      The outfit is red, and he's wearing black and tight long sports pants, I don't even try to look there, just too disturbing. He's jogging a little, adn then he stops a little to walk. The track field is red-orange, with the white marks as lanes.

      I think I tell him I can run at a certain pace, and I believe it was either 240+ kmph or 240+ mph. I think Clearance starts running to see if what I'm saying is true. He runs a little faster, and I have trouble catching up to him.

      I'm almost catching up to him, but I forget what happens next.

    4. 7/14/12 No Dream Recall

      by , 07-14-2012 at 05:57 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      7/14/12 No Dream Recall (Non-lucid)


      I don't remember anything, a few fragments, but these were most likely occurring while I was going to wake up.

      I did a WBTB by triggering the alarm to wake me up at 3-4 hours, but once I turned it off, I decided that I needed all the sleep I could get, since I basically spent all day at the airport waiting for the flight to come.

      There was bad weather, so that's why the re-booked flight was delayed almost every half hour. It was hard just sitting still and trying to come up with things to do to kill time.

      I think I need more sleep, but at least it was better than no sleep at all.
    5. 7/13/12 No Dream Recall

      by , 07-13-2012 at 02:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      7/13/12 No Dream Recall (Non-lucid)


      I couldn't remember anything, and I most likely was not going to have any fulfilling dreams in the first place.

      I have to wait a few hours until my next flights comes because I couldn't reach my previous flight. Why is it that I get bad luck with these type of things? One moment I think I'm on the right path, and then some delay comes and ruins my day.


      Since I have like 5-6 hours to wait here at the airport, I might as well find something to do, so maybe I'll do a mini tl;dr here.....probably not.

      Anyway, I honestly do not know what else to do with dreaming at the moment, except to actually get lucid often to try shared dreaming attempts. I am open to the possibility of shared dreaming, and I know there's going to be skeptics of it because there really isn't any tangible "proof" or "truth" unless one experiences it for themselves.

      But things like shared dreaming doesn't seem worthwhile to prove someone wrong who professed it to be nonsense and absurd, it's really one of those things you and your partner(s) should seek joy for each other, and not to just "win" an argument on beyond dreaming aspects.

      Shared dreaming, for those with practical realities, is just archetypes and coincidence.


      I'm going to stop there. I'm too lazy to start talking to myself here.

    6. Pissing off my Father, Party in Class room, Cooking in the Computer

      by , 07-12-2012 at 04:03 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Pissing off my Father (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm in a bedroom with my father, and I start to gradually piss him off by just telling him how much he doesn't pay attention to what he says to me.

      I don't know why there's any point in me doing this honestly, but the more I tell him off without him being able the respond, the more he starts bottling up his emotions. But I keep picking his brains some more, and he can't contain himself anymore. He doesn't do anything to me, all he can do is just stand there.

      I think he takes out a few belts, and I just stand there for a while to see what's going to happen. I have my hands to my hips for a while staying quiet, then I got bored and left him.

      I think I see my mother, lol, and it seems she eavesdropped on the conversation, and she remained quiet. I didn't really need to say anything to her, it's like she was just a filler for this dream or something. My father didn't say anything to me after I told him off.

      Party in Classroom (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting in a class that has seats set up on an upwards slope. It felt a little awkward, but the seats were securely attached to the slope. I sit there for a while doing something, probably listening to random students converse with each other.

      Then I decided to leave for a little bit for something. When I came back, it seems it's a party in here, I hear some music that's fit for some kind of mini-rave party, and I think I even see a disco ball floating around somewhere, or maybe it's just me.

      I had a mental map of which seat I was sitting in before I left, and someone takes my spot. I didn't mind, and found another vacant seat.
      Cooking in the Computer (Non-lucid)


      I walk into a classroom that I used to be in middle school before, and I see a group of people getting ready to play some cards. My middle school Science teacher was there as well, so I guess everyone was finished with finals for him to allow something like that.

      I get closer to these group of people, and then I think my Science teacher suggests I should try out some online Cooking Session, something like that. I didn't really pay attention to the computer monitor, and something about the teacher made me feel weird.

      Updated 07-12-2012 at 04:11 PM by 47756

    7. Gunfight, Infection, Herbs, Lucid Sex Attempt Fail, Take out, Getting a Job, and Airport Brochures

      by , 07-11-2012 at 04:39 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Gunfight and Fashion Assassination? (Non-lucid)


      I took two tablets of Halls Cherry Cough Drops, each containing 9.8 mg of Menthol. I woke up with an erection, so I guess that's because I had a REM cycle or something like that. I doubt it was the Menthol though.

      I can't remember any romantic or sexual dreams unfortunately, and I believe I slept for 3-5 hours. I slept around 1-3 AM, and woke up around 6:30 AM-6:45 AM Canada time. (So one hour ahead compared to Texas time).

      I'm sucking on two more tablets because I'm going to attempt an WBTB, each 9.8 mg of Menthol as well.

      In case anyone is wondering why I remember so much, it's because I closed my eyes and tried not to think about daily life (though it still was on my mind a few times, but I guess I can get away with that by trying to keep up a daily draem journal that helped with recall tremendously....even though I'm still a newbie compared to some great people with amazing recall like Hyu, Melanieb, Kaomea, and such.

      The color of the atmosphere was orange, so the sun must be now setting at the time in the dream.

      I'm standing outside in a field, the whole dream is blurry, everything is a rush. I'm frantically trying to avoid men who have costumes like the common enemies that I forget the name of, but the outfit itself was the black version of it.

      It wasn't exactly like it, but it didhave some features of it. The grass was very high in this dream, it was a faded brown, and looked like wheat. It probably was as high as to reach my chest. While I'm escaping, I have moments where I'm walking backwards and shooting at random people in the same black outfits.

      I'm using an Assault Rifle on one enemy, and I feel like I'm not damaging him at all. For some reason, I feel as if I get some logic in and realize I have to aim the guy at the guy instead of just firing out of range.

      The gun sounds were diluated and slow, probably because some moments of gun fighting were literally in slow motion. This created augmented pitches of bullets being fired, and I believe I die a few times in the dreams, but had a dream resets each time.

      I finally reach a dead end, and I quickly turn around, things get a little faster, but not too fast, normal-paced now. I see a black helicopter coming in my direction, and I feel like the person inside is trying to shoot me. I quickly aim my guy and the window, but I couldn't see anything beyond that.

      Then I did something crazy, I literally zoomed in to the window naturally. I don't know if it's because I'm still feeling the adrenaline from having to avoid and kill some enemies, random luck, or just a natural skill I never paid attention to.

      The insides of the window of the helicopter went from blurry to crystal clear. Things went in slow motion again as I'm preparing to shoot the man in the helicopter with my new zoomed in HD vision skill. I think the helicopter crashes, but it doesn't explode or anything, it just grazes the ground hard and is probably stopped by a wall.

      The dream shifts to where there are several men and myself inside of what seems to be like an old-fashioned garage. Things still feel sketchy for me at the time. I have a feeling I have to start shooting these men before they shoot me.

      There's a man looking in front of me, he has brown hair, looks like he's in his late 30s, early 40s. He's wearing a jacket, probably gray or a faded swampish green one that does all the way down his ankles or knees I believe. He's wearing some bland shirt and pants as well.

      I presume they were gray too, his visage is what I remember better, since I am aiming my gun at it.

      Back to his face for a moment, it felt animated, like a Oblivion/Skyrim-esque type of animation to it. I believe he had brunette hair, or a very dark red hair, and his facial composition was wide and cheeky.

      He was probably chubby based on his facial composition, but the jacket and everything gearing my attention towards his head instead made it difficult to analyze more before I shot him.

      As I'm getting ready to shoot him, he opens his eyes in shock, and I believe he says something like,

      "No.....he can't do that!!!"

      Too late. Bullet pierced right into his forhead. There's probably a 2-3 second delay time for me to collect my thoughts, and for the other men around us to react to this as well.

      I feel there's a dream reset here, because the man I shot in the head was in front of me again. Maybe I was shot somewhere after shooting him the first time.

      I aim my gun again, but this time it's a slightly different weapon. It's a semi-automatic I believe, and I aim for the guy's head again. Same reaction he gives me, and he dies.

      I don't see his head being splattered on the floor, just a bullet wound that gets pierced into his head deeply again. I believe the dream resets again at some point, but I'll just skip those because it'll just lead to confusion on the recall.

      After I kill the same guy in front of me, I believe I shoot the other one to the right in front of me as well after he heard the gunshot. There's one guy on the left of me, and I threw a cold water bottle at him as a distraction.

      I see that there's an open entrance to some random room within the garage, and as I'm getting ready to get out of there before things get sporadic, I lied to the man and said there's a bomb inside of it.

      I don't really wait to hear his reaction, but seeing as a lied, no explosion happened.

      This part gets weird, I'm in the mental conflict of whether or not I've shapeshifted (dang it Alyzarin!!!) or if I'm inside the body of someone else other than myself, or if I'm watching someone move around.

      The girl that I feel I'm the embodiment of looks a lot like Azula from the Avatar. She has the agility like Tai Lee, but then again, Azula herself is in a completely different league than Tai Lee with her tact and all that.

      I honestly believe I'm Azula right now, and this is still occurring in the same dream too. I'm trying to run away from whoever it is that's chasing me. I don't look back at all, and I have to move around these really small gaps that would require someone with a petite structure to even wiggle through fast enough.

      And Azula's body is the perfect match.
      I find it weird that I would take on a female persona....hmm, don't mind at all.

      There's definitely someone chasing me, and the person is a female as well. But now I'm confused on whether or not it's Tai Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender, or another person taking on the visage of Azula.

      Both of us are wearing the red outfits in the episode of Avatar where Zuko, Azula, Tai Lee, and Mai were at beach for a temporary vacation while Ozai made plans for his world domnition thing.

      I'm moving around, and I feel very flexible and sexy in Azula's body. All the walls are gray, and the flooring is tiled and has either a very light gray or white color with a faded hint of gray.

      Sorry if I'm getting to specific with simple things like that, but I need to start paying attention to things like this more.

      I'm really high above the ground, and I'm going around corners in this really narrow route I'm taking. It feels like I'm in a maze or something, since I'm constantly going left and right, and having to go back to a certain location to create a mental map of where to go next. There's some areas high off the ground to walk and brace my back against to carefully sidle to the side to here and there during my escape.

      But I couldn't just stand there, or rather, have my legs on the sides of the wall to keep myself high off the ground for too long, because the same girl in the red outfit following me has tentacles as arms. These tentacles with really huge suction cups have a light pink color to it on the bottom.

      As for the top section of the tentacles, it was probably dark violet, or a very dark shade of pink. She extends her tentacles to my feet, very smart thinking there, and I believe I try to spread my arms out and hold on to the sides of the walls with my hands.

      I don't really feel a grip from the tentacles, I feel like I've shifted consciousness to where I'm just a spectator, and the body of mine manages to do some tricky moving to get her feet from the girl's tight grip with her tentacles.

      My consciousness is shifted back into Azula's body, and there's finally some surface to walk on, and I believe the female with the tentacle arms is gone now. I see the body that I'm in from a different perspective, and Azula slowly elevates her body upward from being on the ground after trying to get loose from the lady's grip. Then I'm back in a first person view again, and I see some kind of red dress in the center about 10 feet away from me.

      To the left of it had some black text on the wall or like the stands where a first place winner would be at the center and higher than 2nd and 3rd place being on the sides.

      Anyway, the words were "First .........." something something. I get a feeling that this is some kind of fashion company brand of clothing in front of me.
      I start formulating that the lady with the tentacles was trying to assassinate me for some reason when I woke up to recall this dream.

      DAMN IT! I know I remembered what was the rest of the fashion name brand when I woke up, but it started to fade away too quiickly...ugh......

      Something tells me that this was associated with someone I know here on DV....maybe someone is the daughter of some CEO of a prominent fashion company?

      Hmmmm, and the color of the red dress being the only set of clothes standing out in the middle reminds me a lot of Kaomea for some reason. But it's probably just all silly stuff, and maybe it's because I was glancing at Soap Operas like the Bold and the Beautiful and the Young and the Restless hours during the afternoon.

      Hm....I wouldn't think Kaomea is the daughter of said CEO, so I guess I'll just put this dream as random since I don't like interpreting non-lucids anyway.

      Wrist Infection (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down with a group of people, probably all females, and the place is kind of darker than it should be if we'er in a classroom. I can't really pick out distinguishing features of people's visage, but I do notice my father is coming from the back.

      He goes up to a random girl that's two seats away from me. He's wearing a grey vest, and he has some hair under his pits. He's sweating a lot, and he has his glasses on.

      He's telling her about something on her wrist that she has, probably looks like an infection because there's slightly bigger bump on it. My father disappears, and then the dream shifts to where I see pictures of what I assumed to be the same girl. She was overweight, and I'm not sure if her face was like a mole or something.

      I'm sorry, but she wasn't attractive to look at in the first place.

      Most of the pictures involved her being in a forest, and her hair was dirty blonde as well. I would say her age was around mid to late 30s.

      She mostly wore a big white shirt, probably to conceal unwanted creases of her stomach from showing, and wore black sports long pants.

      Chopped up Herbs? (Non-lucid)


      Someone helps me chop up some herbs. The dream itself had a Runescape-esque kind of setting to it, but it still was a realistic setting for me.

      It feels like I'm walking around a house made of wood, and it's very fancy too.
      Lucid Sex Attempt Fail (DILD)


      I took another 2 tablets of the Halls Cough drop, so that's another 19.6 mg before the WBTB.

      I don't know how I do it, but something makes me do a nose plug reality check. I was able to breath through, and I had a "wtf" moment when I did realize I was dreaming.

      I think I was trying to call out someone's name before I was lucid. The room that I'm in is very bright and has white walls and floors all over. Things are a little blurry, but as soon as I rub my hands a bit, things become vivid now.

      For some reason, as I'm headed to exit through a door, my thoughts were,

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      "Eva's Bedroom"

      I kept doing this affirmation until I finally opened the door.

      No fucking bedroom, but I do get a garden. It's nice and green, bright and sunny.....DON'T FREAKING TELL ME I'M HAVING A HAPPY DREAM LIKE KAOMEA IS.



      Dream fades before I could decide to do anything else. I feel your pain Kaomea. This really sucks! I think I really was on the verge of a happy dream.

      Oh, and as I was waking up, I felt myself on the edge of the bed I'm sleeping on, literally. I convinced myself without thinking to not worry about it, and my body had this urge to just go ahead and lean over, but I knew I would hit the ground, I would most likely fall straight head first in waking life.

      But I think this was a false awakening, and I do a nose plug reality check.....but I think this was somewhere between the dream above, because the lucidity was very short, obviously because I was too damn horny to find a bedroom.


      Oh well, still have 5 Cherry flavored Halls tablets, and two more packs with 9 in each, so maybe better results tonight. n_n

      Ordering Take Out (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm driving some kind of vehicle, and my mother is to the left of me. I go to where you have to pay first when you made your order. You have to pay in quarters, and the paying medium itself sucks.

      It's this close from falling off, and when I do insert a few coins, the slot was in the wrong position, so the quarters were not recognized in the little screen that showed the price in increments each time you put a quarter or whatever small change inside.

      I grab the coins out of the awkward spot, and put them inside the right place, and it starts recognizing everything.

      I forget what I ordered though.
      Getting a Job (Non-lucid)


      I go up to another slot machine, and I wanted to book in confirming that I arrived at the place on time. It said "10:9" or something like that, and I assumed it meant I worked from 10 AM to 9 PM.

      But when I looked at my white card with various times on it, it said "9:9." I try to find someone to ask if there's some kind of mistake, and a person finally explains to me what it means, but it still doesn't explain the abnormality. Then I see some short man wearing glasses, a gray suit, a light gray dress shirt underneath, and some long black corporate office style pants.

      He looks Indian based on his skin tone, but he has a classic American accent. He elevates his nose and mouth a bit, and I just know he's going to be pissed off. He asks us with a slightly elevated tone on what we're doing here just standing.

      Obviously this guy is our boss, and I politely respond to him that I wanted to make sure the amount of hours I'm working is right. He goes back to a normal tone and realizes the situation I'm in. I eventually asked him if I can work part time.

      I think he's skeptical at first, but he smiles and says that I can. But I don't think he understood what I requested. I didn't mean part time just for the weekends. I mean part time for everything, and not full time for the week or anything like that.


      Glad that was just a dream.
      Airport Brochures? (Non-lucid)


      Bleh, don't really care much about this dream. I'm inside a building, with white tile flooring. The walls are made of glass, and I think there are some fancy stuff hanging on top, but I'm too busy looking at someone to get the details of what's above.

      The girl looks like someone I know in waking life, let's call her Am.

      "Am" apparently did something bad in college, don't know the exact reason, but her mother looks ashamed of her. "Am" has to go to the airport to hand out airport brochures, something like that.

      Too lazy to tell the rest.

      Updated 07-11-2012 at 05:36 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Nuke Building Infiltration

      by , 07-10-2012 at 04:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Nuke Building Infiltration (Non-lucid)


      This picture is from the Peace Walker game of Metal Gear Solid, but it's the only one that reminds me of the Nuke Building at the moment.

      I'm going to focus on the environment and people in the dream, because I honestly don't know why I'm back to infiltration again.

      I think I'm going to take Melanieb's advice on paying attention to your environments to make even the shortest dreams pretty long.

      I remember standing at an enclosed section, and it's basically an almost perfect replica of the first floor of the Nuke building in Metal Gear Solid 1.

      This means that in order for the environment to stay true to the original stage, I couldn't fire any weapons, otherwise the whole place explodes. Which explains why things were a little intense for me.

      I had to pay attention to a lot of the guards' movements, sometimes even having to wait it out several times to make sure they didn't have to alter their patrol route.

      And like the original stage, there were some floors that I had to be careful stepping on, because if I tried to run, it will make more noise than usual.

      Those same floors had some ventilation paddings on them, so they would make that loud "clank clank clank" sound if I were to go over them. I think I was controling Naked Snake, not Solid Snake, because the outfit I/he was wearing was from MGS3, so it couldn't have been Solid Snake.

      Hmm....I'm still having that doubt of whether or not I'm controlling someone in a video game, if it's me, or it's both me controlling and being that person simultaneously.

      It felt weird for him to have that kind of outfit suited for jungle sneaking in a nuke building. The atmosphere had a slight yellow hue to it, and it was so apparent, it's like I was inhaling and exhaling energy.

      The outfit was the generic one in MGS3, the same outfit used when Snake did the HALO jump

      The common behaviors for me in this dream were being fearful, because I couldn't let an enemy fire a gun in a nuke building, and the other is a surprise.....I was still calm. I felt a neutrality from my emotions of fear and cautious nature, and I could feel and hear myself breathing for once.

      It's just that all I focus on is sight and more specific sounds like gunfire, foot steps, or even people having a conversation, but never anything that I'm exhibiting like breathing, etc.

      After I figured out the guards' movements, I think things fast forward a little bit.......literally. It was like watching a video clip on some kind of survival stimulation, it was crazy, I was so close to one of the guard's backs, that the only reason I could do that is if I knew this area inside and out.

      I think this is why the dream itself fast forward like crazy.

      I think the reason I had this dream, was probably because of my desire to meet my eternal self, or just to go to the Akashic Records again.

      But what I don't understand is that if that were the case, and knowing that the Akashic Records can be acesses at any time, but because of the brain's mechanism of trying to define the "phenomenon" or "location," it seems it wants to make this information for me to obtain difficult than it should be.

      I honestly am not the type for these infiltration missions, I mean sure I like sneaking games and all that, but if it were actually me on the battlefield or in a building, I would definitely need a guide, or do the analyzing of guard movement to even stand a chance.

      Maybe it's not my subconscious' way of perceiving the confidentiality of the Akashic Records, maybe it's something my higher self/eternal self is trying to show me.

      I know I have a few things to take care of that can affect my future right now, but these are mostly short term things that must be resolved, but again, none of which that are deserving for this type of dream environment to be manifested before me.

      I could conclude that these dreams should teach me to not try to rush things that are dangerous and life-threatening such as the nuke building I was in. But even with something so obvious as that, there has to be more.....I can't just be in a nuke building, or whatever military building without some kind of reason.

      And if that reason turns out just to be for the thrill or adventure, then I guess I need to change how I get that need met in my dreams.

      I've also noticed something, but was too afraid to analyze. It's so obvious, but still, in my non-lucids, I'm usually always in some kind of infiltration.

      Actually, let me rephrase that, nearly all sneaking missions, gunfire, killing, military, infiltration, etc. are all non-lucid states.

      My lucid dreams are obviously geared towards real life environments like colleges, houses I've been to, etc., things related to the subconscious utilizing homologous variation to synch the piece together.

      I know that if I wanted a sneaking mission in a lucid state, it probably wouldn't work out because I'm not that creative as yet in the lucid state. I know I can use archetypes to easily manifest these types of dreams, but maybe I just don't want to do that in my lucids.

      It would probably just feel like a waste, and I would only do it if I was bored.

      Hm.....guess I should be aware of those differences.

      And if I end up having bad recall, I'll just be grateful for what I do remember, and recall as much detail as I can in that confined snippet, and remember more based on that.

      It's something I've done frequently, but it's just because I'm slacking off a bit because I'm being distracted in waking life a lot, at least in Canada.

      I guess that's a good thing, because I'm supposed to be doing things here in the first place, otherwise the money for the trip wouldn't have been worth it, right?

    9. A Good End, Alyzarin's Suggestion, Flower Drawing, Sesame Street GPA

      by , 07-09-2012 at 05:34 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      A Good End (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm with Leon inside of a lab room, a fairly dirty one, kind of like the few in Resident Evil 4 on Chapter 5.

      I believe both me and him are facing Krauser, and facing him in a close room with his Arm Blade Plagas was kind of scary. I don't know how I or even Leon did it, but we killed him. I think we killed someone else, but I'm not too sure on that.

      I think how we killed Krauser was that I used a Steel Titan from Runescape to punch behind his back while I tried to fend Krauser off. After a few hits and dodges, Krauser finally lands on the ground and says something before he dies, but I can't remember what.

      I think he felt betrayed and asked "Why?" or something like that.

      I figured that if someone is out to kill me, like REALLY kill me, and not just use fear to make me lucid, they should probably die...don't want to make every nightmare a happy care bear ending now.

      I doubt having my head chopped off from Krauser's armblade would give me extra time to speculate on why he's showing up in my dreams.....ANYWAY........

      As we're heading out, I'm pretty sure the person I'm with has to be Leon in someway. The reason being is as we're examining Krauser's body, and another that I still can't remember, Leon says.....well he doesn't say anything, but a text shows up on the bottom of what he's saying:

      "A good end to a good game."

      I relax a little bit, seeing as things are going to be alright from now own. I didn't hear any intense music going on, which is how the game was actually set up to know you're in for some Plagas enemy killing.

      So if you didn't hear any sounds, you're pretty much safe, for the time being. But sometimes using that alone can ruin you if there's a random enemy by the corner and RAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.

      I decided to not use my Wii Remote controller, and I put it somewhere in the lab. I don't do a reality check of why I'm using that controller inside of a game in the first place.

      I'm heading out in front, and Leon I believe is following me to a dark hallway. There's a little light, but we both walk slowly just to make sure something like Regenerator wouldn't pop in and say "Hi" with its extendable arms and give me a warm hug......

      Spoiler for Like this....WARNING YOUTUBE VIDEO IS GRAPHIC:

      Everything is going fine, and we take a left to see some crates are blocking the left side of the new narrow hallway. I head towards them and try to jump over them, and then I get a weird feeling that I need my Wii Remote controller again.

      I jump over the crates again, and asked Leon if he can get it back for me. I wait for him, and then I move back to where he's going, but just the path, not the room.

      I see some random guy who I thought was a Plagas enemy, but it ended up being some dirty looking man carrying some stuff. I block his way, but he seems to not really care because he pretty much looks like he has no brain at all, being lifeless and all.

      I move out of the way to let the poor guy pass, and then I turn around to the section of the hallway with the crates blocking most of the path again, and I see enemies charging after me.

      Good thing those crates were there, because the enemies are complete idiots and don't realize they can just climb over the crates....hey....works for me. They still shocked me because I didn't expect to hear excessive breathing from them that obviously shows they want to do an overkill on me.

      I think Leon finally comes back, and we probably killed all of the enemies inside the area.
      Alyzarin's Suggestion (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm walking with Alyzarin, or maybe inside of a car while me or her are driving. She suggests to me in a form of a question,

      "Why don't you consider them as your dream guide?"

      You know, by her saying "them," I'm not even sure if she means it as a he, she, heshe, shehe, or several dream guides lol.

      I didn't know who she was talking about, so I guess this was probably me forgetting important snippets of the whole dream.

      But what I do know is that when she asked me the question, I looked down and didn't want to respond to her. Whoever it is we're talking about, they must've been someone I wouldn't prefer as a dream guide.

      That's all I remember.

      Sigh......this is what I get for sleeping around 3AM, and waking up 10 AM with no WBTBs.....only recalling one part when I need to know the rest.

      And I can't do a WBTB, because I don't want to wake anyone up during my stay in Canada with my alarm.

      Ugh....maybe I'll just put an earphone and let the alarm play through that, but if I do that....I might roll over and the earphone might fall off....

      Or I can do the water drinking technique to hopefully wake myself up after or during the onset of a REM period....but nah, guess I'll just let things go naturally, especially since I have to look up for some stuff related to college.

      Damn, guess my luck is running out in life....
      Flower Drawing (Non-lucid)


      I'm with a small girl, and she uses markers as her means of drawing. She's pretty decent with the markers, and I'm amazed at how she can make a flower look somewhat realistic just by using kid markers alone.

      She also using the scotch tape with those metal pointy things to tear it off with ease. I asked her why she's using that kind of tape, and it seems she's using it as a layer with her drawings.

      Once she tapes it, she uses the metal point cutter thing (I do not know Tape jargon, pardon me) in order to make the ends look like they're part of the drawing instead of an obvious straight edge on a paper.

      I finally realize what she's doing, and said, "Oooooooooooooooooooh! You use it for------" blah blah.

      Then I tried helping her with the tape, and I do fairly okay, until she tells me that if I do that, "he'll" get out.

      Wait what?

      For some odd reason, I had a feeling that she meant Krauser from Resident Evil 4. I quickly followed what she was doing to make sure nothing bad would happen.

      Sesame Street GPA (Non-lucid)


      I can't believe this dream....LOL

      I'm looking at a screen in front of me that displays the GPA of several people, most of which are the characters from Sesame Street. Timmy from the Fairly OddParents show has his GPA up as well.

      I think the GPA was based on a scale of 10, and Elmo had a GPA of around 0.5-0.7 I believe. Those other dudes from Sesame street, the ones that actually wear freaking clothes had the GPA of Elmo's as well.

      Timmy Turner had a GPA of 6 at first, then it was a 4 on the next column and then a 6, and finally a 4 again....that's weird, why does it show his progress specifically while the rest are horrible?

      I guess this is why they ended up doing Sesame Street.....LOL. Elmo knows where you live and loves you because he has no future...LMAO...okay okay...

      I finally scroll down a bit and see the Cookie Monster's GPA.

      It's a 9.7...



      Out of all characters, him????????????? That should've been a reality check. I'm not even sure of my own intelligence anymore....how does......that's just....wTF...

      Updated 07-09-2012 at 05:54 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare
    10. King of the Pirates, Mattress Sneaking Mission, Blonde and Sinoblak, Alyzarin

      by , 07-08-2012 at 06:38 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      King of the Pirates (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm reading a One Piece Manga, and someone who claims to be the King of the Pirates wants someone else to take the title. That same person looked more like Zolo, except with a bigger chest and way taller than usual.

      Apparently this Zolo look-a-like was stabbed on the left side of his chest, barely piercing through his heart. He was okay, just twitching his eyes a little bit from the pain.

      I can't remember much after that.
      Mattress Sneaking Mission (Non-lucid)


      I think I was a complete idiot in this dream.

      I'm inside a fairly dark area, and I believe I'm using a mattress at some point to hide from some people, I think they were two black females who were really overweight. I watched their movements to know when to dash past them and I eventually get out of the area.

      I doubt they would've done anything to me, because no one was carrying weapons or anything like that. I go to some store, and I have to deliver something for someone. I go to the cashier, tell him about it, he immediately knows, and pays me like $20 in cash for my troubles.

      I think I wanted more money from him, but I said thank you to him and left.
      Blonde and Sinoblak (Non-lucid)


      I don't know, but Sinoblak was talking to me, either through a message or she was actually next to me on my left.

      Though I wasn't paying too much attention to her because a blonde came out of nowhere on my right. How she made her own entry was kind of..........abnormal.

      It's like she made some medium of a black-hole or a vortex, and when she spreads her arms out and forms a circle to make the medium she's traveling through bigger, she gets closer to me. I believe she's wearing a black shirt, and I can't recall what leg-wear she wore.

      Sinoblak was trying to tell me something, but this blonde in front of me surprised me too much, and I couldn't resist looking at her.....

      Her face was fairly small, a little cheeky, nice glowing blonde hair, and a beautiful smile.

      I can't remember much, but I feel sad that's all I remembered. Maybe she could be my dream guide, but eh, whatever.

      She's the first blonde female in my dreams to ever make such a fancy entry by using warping dimensions as her means of travel, which is actually what I would like to do to save time as well.

      Hmmmmm................NO DON'T ANALYZE LINK.
      Alyzarin (Non-lucid)


      I forget how the dream started initially, but I find Alyzarin through some random dream characters I think that showed me where she was.

      I look at the female in front of me. She's wearing a white vest and a long white dress as well. I think at the ends of the same dress, there was a bit of brown covering all the way up to her ankle region I believe.

      She had long and beautiful brown hair, both wavy and curly, her skin looked so pure and innocent.
      If I could just touch it, I bet I could've felt the smoothness and slight coldness of it.

      I get closer to her, but I'm not sure she's Alyzarin though, but her hair and skin reminds me of her.

      I'm not sure if she's shocked to see me and is too shy to respond, or if she was just lifeless at the time.

      I think I hug her....
      maybe that's just pushing the recall into wishful thinking. :/
    11. Game Set Match

      by , 07-07-2012 at 09:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Game Set Match (Non-lucid)


      I only remember playing a one set match against some random adult at a tennis court that resembles the one I attended in a High School. Red flooring outside of the court, and the court itself is green.

      I was doing fairly well, probably playing
      at my peak before I realized that I shouldn't be playing in tournaments if it'll make me too tired to finish assignments late at night.

      It was a very close match, the guy was very good, but I end up pulling off some miraculous shot, and I win 7-6.

      There's also a dream shift where I'm practicing flat serves, and someone said I could serve like Andy Roddick. I ignored what they said because I knew I could never do that in the first place.

      Turns out I did. I held the racquet with my right hand, continental grip most likely since it would be a flat serve. I gently threw the ball in the air, focused my eyes only on it, and then reached up with the racquet to hit a fast flat serve.

      I believe it barely got in the service box, and I think I do an air uppercut to cheer myself or something like that.

      Can I just become an astral being or something, these dreams SUCK.
    12. Broken, Golden Sonic Hyper Space Travelling, Broken Again

      by , 07-06-2012 at 01:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I was a complete mess last night, I just didn't know how to respond to emotions of feeling pissed off, helpless, etc. I thought those same emotions would trigger something inspirational, but just more shit dreams as always.

      Yes, I realize it's Super Sonic, but I'm too damn lazy to change it, sorry for you hardcore Sonic fans who MUST see the correct term or whatever....deal with it.

      Broken (Non-lucid)


      I just remember accidentally breaking someone's item. She looked exactly like a friend I had in High school. Let's call her Melis.

      Melis gets pissed, and I forget I what I do to take care of this.
      Golden Sonic Hyper Space Traveling (Non-lucid)


      I remember playing as Golden Sonic, but I also have feelings that this was mostly me instead. Anyway Golden Sonic is in space, flying in high speed....insane high speeds. He is also able to do warps were he create these little black hole to teleport to random points of the universe.

      I think he needs the help of Hyper Shadow to do the warping and teleport through them as mediums.
      Broken Again (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking inside a cafeteria, kind of like the most recent Middle School I went to in my earlier academic years. I'm just running around the area, and then I feel like eating something.

      I'm still skipping around at fairy long distances, literally, and I pass by a girl who is a blonde as well in waking life. Let's call her Ysca.

      She was turning around to chat with someone, but I don't recall there being anyone behind her or even far away enough for her to have to yell or anything. I didn't care, I had something to do in the mean time.

      I don't know where this next part really played out in the dream, but I broke another girl's electronic item. It was pink and kind of looked like a PSP. I pause for a moment, looked into the girl's eyes.

      She looked exactly like another girl I knew in middle school and some of High School. It's call her Cynt. She had light brown hair, the same slightly pale face, and her faded light brown eyes. Her slightly chubby cheeks made me attracted to her even more for some reason, though I think it's how I knew she was tall even by her sitting down.

      I don't know if this was feelings of attractions, or just me looking into her because I was busy thinking what I should do since I broke a part of an item she had. I decide to stop spacing out, and said that I can give her my phone number so I can deal with the problem later. She responds back and I think she complies with my suggestion.

      I leave her, and the dream environment changes completely. I think there's a goldfish, like a 3D animated cartoon-ish that is actually the owner of this fancy restaurant and dining hall building. By this point, I'm not sure if I'm just in spectator view or actually in a body listening to him, but he says he's going to basically upgrade the food section of the building.

      After that's all cleared up, I walk around a bit to find the dining section, but as I'm doing so, I get a text from Alyzarin saying that she found Zhaylin, and that both of them are at some kind of University. (Something along the lines of BYU or something like that).

      I honestly don't know how to respond to her text, and I forget what I do text back.

      Ugh, maybe I was too afraid to respond or something. Anyway, I walk around, find the mini cafeteria or whatever the hell this place is. I see some cooks haven't set out the food as yet, I'm assuming I came in here early.

      Then some lady comes out where the cooks are and tells me I need to go upstairs if I want to find food to buy. I turn around, and I realize I have white earphones on.

      I see two women getting closer to me, but I don't think they're actually walking to talk to me. One looks like one of the Principals I had in High School (Cypress Lakes) and the other was Michelle Obama.

      For some odd reason, I believed I was still in a school, and I quickly concealed the headphones inside of my pocket because I felt that these two were staff members. I did a horrible job of hiding it quickly because it was still popping out.

      As I'm passing by Michelle Obama and the Principal, they didn't care, but I still was afraid that they might not allow earphones in a school building (but it wasn't a school building Link >.<).

      I was wearing long black pants, and probably a polo shirt, maybe a warm color or some kind of shade of brown. I go upstairs, and the dream environment changes again.

      I'm back to the Middle School again, and I'm at the top floor. I look at the cafeteria from below, and it still doesn't have a lot of students. I meet some random girl on the top floor who asks me something related to the vending machine. I think she said some girl had problem getting the choice she wanted when she inserted some cash inside.

      I don't know what I did to respond to this.

      I still think I'm mixing two dreams together, but whatever....I can't tell the difference anyway.
    13. Father and a Child, Father and Pizza

      by , 07-05-2012 at 05:50 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I had these dreams after I went back to sleep from a WBTB, but didn't remember them until now.

      Father and a Child (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down, and I see my father in his prime, at least, that's what I think he was in. There's a child next to him, and he's playing a game with him.

      What the child has to do is try to hide from my father, and my father will go around the walls to try and catch the child. Kind of like playing tag, except that I'm helping the child know where my father is.

      My father is smiling throughout the whole dream, playfully running slowly to give the child a chance to hide between corners on the wall in front of us. The wall itself was either white or a really light and faded canary color, and it was really thin, maybe 3-5 feet side, and it was in the middle.

      Perfect for running around. After directing the child on where to go, my father starts to trick the child by making him assume he's going this path, but halfway, he quickly switches to the other side.

      Yeah, the dream continues on like that, I can't remember when we stopped and what we did after.
      Father and Pizza (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a random truck with my father. I have a Pizza box on my lap in the passenger seat, and my father has to find a place to drop me off because he's going to be busy doing something.

      I quickly suggested to him that he can drop me off at the Laundromat, since I had a feeling that I've been to that place before in a dream that I can't remember right now.

      He asked me if I'm sure, and I said yes, and he turns to the right off-road, and completely ignores the basic laws of driving. He goes over a curb and I open the door to go inside of the Laundromat.

      I don't really bother to wave goodbye to him, and I proceeded to go inside a section where people could find a seat and eat in the Laundromat. I think this was one of those Laundromats with a Restaurant or a small fast food chain combined. Perfect waiting place for me until my father comes back.

      I try to get into the section, but some lady obliviously blocks me to talk to someone near her. I try my best to be patient since I'm going to get to the section eventually, and she finally makes a path for me to pass through.

      It seems she was either flirting with the guy or just having a friendly conversation, but I doubt the way she angled herself would say the latter was what she was going to opt for.

      They were near the entrance to the Men's and Women's Restroom, which I find quite odd to be a chatting place for them, but it's none of my business anyway. The seats in the eating section had a turquoise color, but I'd say that green was a more dominant color mixed into it.

      The wood was a faded gold color with a decent shine on it. There are a few people around, but I didn't really focus too much on them because I felt a little shy. I just wanted to be quiet and get ready to eat my pizza.

      I slowly opened the box, and find there's a full sized pizza, but it's fairly small. I didn't mind, and I get up to get something real quick, but I forget what it was I was going for. I go back, and find that one slice of pizza is gone.

      Really?? REALLLY?

      I sigh and didn't really bother to check who took the pizza, but nobody in the room looked like the type to steal food like that if there's a fast food chain near them in the first place.

      I pick a pizza up and ate it, but I forget how it tastes.

    14. Obama and Sneezing, Jumping on Panels

      by , 07-05-2012 at 04:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Obama and Sneezing (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking in a High School, I don't have a shirt on, and I feel kind of disturbed about this, but I never really looked down to see how my stomach looked like. I'm passing through a small hallway on the side of a cafeteria.

      I think I went to get something from my bicycle, not sure what it was. I go back inside the school with a shirt on, it was white and the pictures and words were a bit degraded. I would say it's exactly like the white shirt I have in waking life that has some of the plastered picture chipped off.

      I go upstairs, walking at a reasonable rate, and once I reach the top, I see Obama. I pretty much treat this as a normal thing and continued by going left. I think I had to go to the bathroom to blow my nose or something.

      There's a small dream shift to where some dream character who looks like he's a bully is showing me something. He isn't trying to bully me, in fact, he looks like he's trying to become friends with me. He was a little creepy looking for me, but I didn't really mind him being around.

      He eventually goes away, and then I get some brown paper towels, and I start blowing my nose really hard.

      Surprised I didn't wake up with snot.

      I get more paper towels because I feel that most of it didn't come out, even though I had the sensation that most did come out already. Guess I wanted to double-check.

      I look at myself in the mirror, but not my whole visage. I already had my head up to see what's inside of my nose. There's this huge white blob inside, and I wanted other people to see it for some odd reason.

      And then I see Obama again at some point in this dream again, but I had the same passive reaction as before.


      ...................................what a shit dream.
      Jumping on Panels (Non-lucid)


      I only remember jumping down on some panels, and some moved around a bit. The bottom was an abyss, and I had situations where I almost get into the abyss itself.

      When that happened, I think the dream resets to a certain point. Then I remember seeing someone like Spike from Cowboy Bebop and I think Naked or Solid Snake from the MGS series.....


      Updated 07-05-2012 at 05:52 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare
    15. BDSM in the Conference Room Parts 1 and 2

      by , 07-04-2012 at 04:21 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      BDSM in the Conference Room Part 1 (DILD)


      First of all, HELL YES I'm lucid for once, and decent recall too! I'm really really really really really reallllllllllllly pissed at the end though.

      I get out of bed, and the house I'm inside of is completely different than in waking life. I believe I'm reading something on the computer. There's a DV member who posted a dream journal entry, but I'm not too sure who it was, just knew it was a male.

      It seemed English wasn't his first language, because the flow and syntax was way off. A female commenter wants the person who made the DJ to take out a few things, and the guy basically responds back saying he can't.

      He offers to give the lady a different version than what he types. I get off the laptop, and do a reality check.

      I can breathe through, and I do this several times to make sure, and I really am dreaming. I stay still for a while, start looking around, and then I rubbed my hands together.

      I rubbed them vigorously, and continued to rub the top of my body a little just to get in some tactile sensations. I had some difficulty with the stabilization, but I kept it up with perseverance and stayed calm.

      OH, and I counted how many fingers I had on my right hand, six of them. Counted again, six of them again.

      It seemed that the problem wasn't really my actual body to stabilize, but my eyes, since I know I tend to bring them close together to where they cause a little strain that could possibly wake me up because I feel that it will wake me up.

      I almost lost lucidity, but I kept rubbing my hands declaring,

      "I'm going to have a long and stable lucid dream." Seems everything is in check, I walk around a little bit in this small room I'm in, then I decide to get out the door into a dark kitchen.

      I see my mother, she's wearing a gray jacket, bandana, and some other parts that I really can't bother to care about in the first place.

      I decided I should pay attention to what she's doing in the dream, and I made sure I did more nose plug reality checks to make sure I wasn't going to go non-lucid.

      I finally convince myself that I truly am dreaming, and I head out the door, without caring what my mother would say to me. I go outside, and I'm led to an area tha looks a lot like my University. There are a lot of trees, and I see students casually walking their separate ways.

      My mind was a little sporadic at the time, but I made sure I kept calm. By this time, I don't think anything could've stopped me from going crazy in the dream. I walk a little bit to take in the environment, and it really is beautiful outside.

      I see some guy walking in the middle of the road, but there wasn't much traffic in the first place, but something felt odd about that guy. So what do I do? I wave at him!!!

      He doesn't acknowledge this because he looks like he's in his own little world. Guess I didn't have to pretend I was reaching out to scratch my head instead of waving at him.

      I start getting a little more confident and not worry about stabilization, and I start building up some running speed. Whie I'm doing so, I get the urge to do hand seals for some random fire jutsu from Naruto, but I ended up trying to attempt a Chidori.

      While I was in the process of the doing the hand seals, I tried to imagine the sensation of fire at first, but when I realized it's actually Chidori hand seals, it kind of ruined the outcome for me.

      Nothing was manifested around my hand, but instead of feeling sad, I had some random ambition to meet a teacher, preferably my Chemistry teacher.

      I don't really have a mental image on who it would be, hell, I didn't even care who the I wanted to meet, I just kept running and running until I picked a random building that I felt that whoever it is should be in. I go inside, and there are a few older adults coming out of the building talking to each other.

      I swear both looked like one of my Biochemistry and Biology professors, but I didn't feel like speculating on that, I just needed to meet "this" person. I run up the stairs, and I'm having difficulty going up.

      Man, who set the gravity to over 9,000 on these stairs? I continue to go up, straining myself upstairs, not really thinking too much on stabilization, everything is a rush.

      I finally reach the top, and I walk around the small hallway, and I see there are some office rooms and conference rooms. I go inside a random conference room.

      I see an older lady, I'd say she would be in her 50s. I assume that she'll be my Chemistry teacher that I want to meet. She does the usual crap my mind would create for me.

      She tells me that I haven't done a quiz as yet, and that I have a few missing assignments.....


      I basically block out what she's saying to me, and I rested my arms on her shoulders, and slowly started to grope down towards her breasts.

      Not to insult elderly people, but what the fuck am I doing with this poor old lady? Ugh.

      I realized that I shouldn't be doing this, because the blinds outside of the room were not down.

      LOL, that's PERFECT logic there Link!

      I told----no I ordered the lady I'm groping to close the blinds. She's a bit slow, but I can tolerate her incompetence in this dream. To be honest, she was basically a ragdoll like most dream characters in this dream, it's just that she was able to spew out random information on how I didn't do this assignment, and blah blah blah. I slapped her ass and said,

      "I'm going to fuck that...."


      She slowly walks out, and I while more staff members walk down the hallway, they take a quick glance at me and then go their own way. They don't know anything that's going on, good good......still waiting on the lady to close those damn blinds already!

      She closes most of the blinds to cover a decent amount of the room so they wouldn't know what kind of "extracirricular activities" we would be doing. A random lady walks down the hallway ask the lady what she's doing, but the same lady just goes back to her own agenda with work.

      But instead of closing the door shut with the female, I double checked to make sure all blinds covered all spots. Seems the lady missed a spot. The corners of the window was a bit tricky to use some blinds to cover with. It was at least 3-4 inches wide, which would be enough for people to peek and interrupt us.

      Oh, and the blinds were blue, but I really don't give a fuck.

      I guess I don't like other people watching me have sex with someone else....hmmm, interesting....but why couldn't I get it into my head that closing the blinds didn't matter!!!

      Anyway, I finally have this woman to myself, blinds covering all windows, and then the dream starts to get sporadic and fade away.

      I wave my hands frantically at first for a few seconds, then I stopped and just thought that if I'm going to exit the dream, I should just be calm.

      I wake up, but my eyes aren't opened as yet, things are still a little blurry, and things go blank.


      BDSM in the Conference Room Part 2 (DEILD)


      I just put this separate because it's a DEILD.

      I try to imagine myself back at the conference room again.


      BACK IN THE CONFERENCE, FUCK YEAH. The elderly lady that I almost ruined is gone....

      Seems like a waste huh?


      Two women are tied up on a table, one had a light green skin color, the other with a normal apricot skin tone, and one of them even had her knees tied to her ankles, and the same goes for her wrists and elbows.

      Best fucking moment in my dreaming life.

      Their facial expressions were basically like this, at least the one on the receiving end:

      The girls were anime chicks, with slightly larger breasts and thick thighs than your average non-anime female. The girl on the table was using her feet and elbows to keep the rest of her body elevated so that the other girl that was standing could start licking her vagina.

      The other one that was licking her vagina just had her arms folded to the back and tied up. She had purple hair I believe while the green-skinned one had a darker green tone for her hair.

      I was almost in the process of fully entering the conference room, but when I finally embrace this scenario, the dream fades.


      Updated 07-05-2012 at 05:54 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
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