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    Fishburne Gets Framed, Peach's Jet, Gas Station Fiasco, Alarm FA, Long Hair, Jade Fetch Quest, Vests

    by , 05-12-2014 at 04:49 AM (630 Views)
    Laurence Fishburne Gets Framed (DILD)


    Okay, so a random guy wants to frame a man named John Whitman, and Whitman isn't going to put up with this act. So what Whitman does is that he finds where the framer could be, and I'm just watching everything happen, and being played out. He apparently becomes a sniper so he can pick off his framer while he sets up a plan to weed him out.

    Laurence Fishburne unfortunately is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the stranger hears a phone ringing. He picks it up, and John Whitman is wondering if this is the person that he's after that's framing him. The guy lies and states Laurence Fishburne is the guy that's framing him, and the actual framer runs out of the store on his knees.

    Out of reflex, John Whitman shoots the individual, ironically killing the framer without knowing about it. Now he has the idea that he probably killed someone random, and believes Fishburne is the real target.


    Princess Peach Finds a Pink Jet/Airplane (DILD)


    Basically, I catch Princess Peach in the act of lying that she has a Pink Jet/Airplane for others to use for travelling. She feels a bit guilty, and is wondering if she should state to others on her recent finding. This is the Paper Mario version of Princess Peach by the way, and some major differences was her hairstyle. She actually used a hairband to bring her hair back, which seems suitable seeing how the setting of the dream was residing in a desert of some sort.


    Fiasco at the Gas Station (DILD)


    There was a lot going on, so I'll just give a quick overview on what happened.

    [list][*]Jūgo from Naruto Shippuden seems to be one of the individuals that's fighting another dream character[*]I'm basically watching him and others through a spectator perspective[*]The fight is at a gas station, and some areas are pretty dark, even though it was clear the dream setting was during an afternoon[*]I feel as if I'm in the situation, and that I have to get out, but I don't bother


    False Awakening From Not Remembering One of the Alarms Set (Non-lucid)


    I hear the sound of my alarm, and out of reflex, I quickly grabbed where I presume it would be, and it’s in the exact area of where I put it in waking life. Forgot to do a reality check for several reasons, the most prevalent is that I had to go to work.

    I looked at the phone, and saw the alarm was set to wake me up for 7:30 AM. I dismiss the alarm from finishing its gradual low to high alert process, and then went to sleep again since I knew I had one set for 8:00 AM.

    After waking up around 8:00 AM, I noticed I never had 7:30 AM set in waking life. Dang, missed that subtle chance for easy lucidity. Guess I'll just have to get back into the habit of doing reality checks even if the alarm is blaring.


    My Hair is Long and Elastic (DILD)


    I'm inside a building that resembles the laboratory floors at a University I attended. I can hear the subtle humming of machinery operating (mostly what would be heard from fish tanks, and maybe some of the lights as well), and noticed the lighting seems to be a bit dimmer than usual.

    The flooring consists of a vanilla colored tile layering (the soft tiles), and I find myself walking straight through the hallway to get to an elevator. I gradually noticed that as soon as I'm heading for the elevator, I can feel that my hair feels longer than usual. I noticed that it can conform to any shape that I could imagine, though I didn't really care at all to abuse this.

    Then I slowly felt as if I'm inside a female's body, seeing how the hair was definitely longer than it should be, and I felt lighter than usual, and a little bit shorter as well. Not trying to objectify women, it's just the sensations, and how I felt seem to make me feel that I'm a female in this dream.

    I noticed an Asian dream character that looks like a girl I'll nickname "Ang" in waking life during High School a few years back. Her slightly darker complexion is pretty accurate in this emulation of the waking life version, except her eyes and eyelashes look more refined and sharper; almost as if she had makeup specifically to have others pay more attention to her eyes to make up for her fairly short body composition.

    While I'm inside the elevator, I noticed the insides consist of dark brown walls, and milky yellow flooring, and metal bars to hold on to as well had this color scheme going on.


    Finding Jade Tokens/Plates/Shields (DILD)


    Feels like the dream revolved around a Sonic X theme, which is kind of rare to have. Probably dream day residue of some content I happened to glance over, I guess.

    I'm on an adventure with several dream characters, though most of them aren't really seen for very long. I just imply that they're part of this experience, and that we're going our separate ways. The overall objective was to collect some Jade items ranging from plates (not the plates you eat from) to shields. It seemed more like an annoying fetch quest than anything exciting.

    And actually finding these items was complicated, especially when dream logic makes me wonder if what I'm looking at is really me going through the motions of trying to find these items. After a while, I believe I'm standing on top of a pyramid that seems to have the apex cut off completely.

    This area seems to resemble the level from Super Mario 64 with the huge pyramid, except the environment was more realistic.

    I noticed that a dream character is next to me, and he looks like Chris from Sonic X.

    I think we end up celebrating how we found a lot of jaded items, though I didn't really seem interested in contributing to that celebration with the others.


    Dude in White Vest Claims He Cheats Academically (DILD)


    I’m walking through a few green hills, and I’m far enough to see some of the city landscapes as well. There’s a lot of dream characters in this area, and the setting seems to be a typical breezy day where the clouds are covering up the sun. It looks like it might rain, but this didn’t really happen throughout the dream.

    The grass, the atmosphere, and the dream characters all look very realistic, and I find my awareness ebbing and flowing of the sensation of the wind. I noticed that I’m around an individual that looks Hispanic, and is probably around his early 20s. He’s wearing a white vest shirt, and probably some dull colored shorts. He has a mustache, and spiky hair along with probably wearing a small silver necklace.

    His cheeks seem to be shiny in a few areas, almost as if he put a little too much lotion on his face. He resting on the grass, and is casually rambling on about things, and one that sticks out is that he admitted to cheating academically.

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