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    Fighting Sea Monster, Solving an Equation

    by , 01-29-2012 at 04:54 PM (1142 Views)
    Sea Monster, Solving an Equation


    Dream 1: Fighting a Huge Sea Monster

    The setting was like playing against the Sea Monster boss in The Legend of Zelda: The Skyword Sword. The dream was somewhat hazy, but it still had some realism to it. It was dark, raining probably, and thunder was making itself apparent constantly (but I don't believe I heard the roar of it though).

    (The visualization was more realistic and almost to Twilight Princess Graphics, at least, maybe more than that).

    I believe I only had the top of a broken crate to stand on to face against this creature. It feels like a video game simulation where I'm controlling the DC, but there are moments where I felt like I was the one with the sword or whatever item I was using to stab the creature.

    The creature had hands that were huge and could extend a little bit more than normal. I think they were actually floating, and I have to jump when they got lower and grab on to the skin to stab the eyes on the hands.

    There were moments where I was floating on top of the water and had to find a way to kill the creature while at a slight disadvantage.

    But the dream ends/fades, I can't remember how I killed the creature. OH, and the creature was light green all over.

    Dream 2: Solving an Equation

    I was in some room, probably a Science class. I was assigned to do Problem #102 I think. I don't know why, but I remember some DC pointing at me saying that I would do that.

    I look at the problem, and of course, it's an equation I have to solve. Great....

    So I try see what the problem was asking, it become clear what the answer was without having to solve it. It was weird, it was a multiple choice question that had answer choices that led to the actual answer.

    I tried calculating the problem and got a different problem than the answer I thought it was, which was 1,020.

    (I don't know if that number is just because of the Chemistry 102 course I'm taking, or if my mind is just teasing me with the extra 0).

    I couldn't remember the answer choice below "1,020," which was the first choice, but it did help me find out that it was really 1,020, it's just that I entered a number wrong before.

    That's all I remember.

    Great...I have no idea how I dreamed about a Sea Monster that had human facial features, and was trying to kill me.

    sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.

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    Updated 01-29-2012 at 06:52 PM by 47756



    1. sinoblak's Avatar
      Strange, I had some episode about attending an exam in biology, but couldn't remember it well, so didn't post it. But I think your dream with the equation is nice.

      The first dream is epic. Have you read Greek mythology lately?
      Alyzarin and Linkzelda41 like this.
    2. Alyzarin's Avatar
      I turned into a sea creature like that in a dream once. ....You're killing my kin!

      Linkzelda41 and sinoblak like this.
    3. Linkzelda's Avatar
      @Sino, no I haven't read anything related to Greek Mythology.

      @Alyzarin, haha, I didn't get to kill the creature though, so it's all good
      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.
    4. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Well that's good then.
      sinoblak likes this.
    5. sinoblak's Avatar
      Have any of you, my friends, seen that some people are angry at the likes we receive?
      Alyzarin likes this.
    6. Alyzarin's Avatar
      I may have noticed a little something. I tell them posting in the dreams in one sentence thread is a good way to start racking them up lol.
      sinoblak likes this.
    7. Linkzelda's Avatar

      #dreamviewsdrama >.>
      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.