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    What went wrong? Everything

    by , 10-15-2013 at 10:33 PM (576 Views)
    Everything looked good for last night. A good three hours communing with nature and myself in wonderfully-stark and beautifully-open scenery. Muttering “I see everything” in that environment sounds a lot more powerful than when uttered in my small bedroom. Plus plenty of “This is a dream.” moments…lots of “what was I doing 15 minutes ago?” Seriously-heavy dream preparation…so what went wrong?

    I awoke at 3.45 AM wheezing and nasally-congested. My window was shut, the glass streaming with moisture, the humidity was way up. I could feel a dream, still shimmering, right above me...just waiting to be grabbed and I felt like shit. Gone …and it went steadily downhill from there. I switched on my dehumidifier (with positive ions) and went back to sleep...and woke feeling positively ironed.

    Not all bad news. I got two dreams…both involving me arguing. Why? I went to bed feeling very positive (without the ions) Is Ed telling me something about myself? I got up and did a WBTB after 1¼ hours @ 5.00 AM (I even forget to put down the dream wake-up times.)

    A classic “something lost” dream (I consider this the most powerful DS. Twice before it’s brought lucidity) I’m with a “friend” and one of his friends and I’ve apparently gone to his friends drawer to borrow something. Somewhere along the way, I seem to have mislaid it and I constantly unpack and repack his drawer, trying to find it. His friend says nothing but clearly becomes increasingly incredulous that I’ve lost it.

    So it was basically DSDSDS-DS-DS as I pack and unpack this drawer (and not a hint of “This is a dream!” comes from my mind or lips) I’m getting very embarrassed and irritated (DS)with myself and this seems to culminate in a tiff with my friend and I hit him. (DS = violence)

    More words follow from this and that seems to be the end of a wonderful friendship

    It differed from last nights successful awareness in one important respect. I was embarrassed and irritated…and I think that obscured what might have inevitably followed had I recognised the DS. I have created emotions as a general DS but “embarrassment” has never been considered…until now. It’s now a major DS along with anger and irritation (both with oneself and at others) The theory now is that any emotion trying to cloud the issue is itself a DS and recognised as such. No more smoke screens hopefully...

    A short, hazy dream. Another argument…between me and my “mother” (DS) Sylvester Stallone looks more like mother than this DC. Have you met my mother Ed?

    Why do I get arguments and violence…usually by me? Am I inherently violent? (I need to lay on a couch when I do this self analysis) Is there some internal conflict? The wife and I have words now and then (as do most couples) But I don’t get her in a headlock and she doesn’t stab me with a kitchen knife…and I don’t belay passing strangers. Ed…you have the wrong idea about me I think. Or is it you Ed? Have I got an SC who needs to go on an anger-management course (don't shake your...my head Ed...are you lying to me?)

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    1. FryingMan's Avatar
      On the positive side, you recalled a dream, and it had reocurring dream signs. That means if you keep doing MILD repetitions (during the day, during the night), on imagining those scenes, the LDs will come! Maybe the earlier stuffiness interfered. I now keep a thermometer by the bed side and try to get it to a consistent temperature every night .
      LukeSid likes this.