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    Who? Me?

    by , 09-21-2014 at 11:12 AM (355 Views)
    I currently still have a major problem with nasal congestion which is wrecking most of my night-time attempts at dream recall, but I managed to grab one at the very top of the night.

    A young beautiful woman is attracted to me...a sign of how ridiculous dreams can be. There was no sex but some kissing and the advantage of dreams is that (a) you don't feel guilty and (b) you can't be arrested...yet.

    There was what seemed like a very weak separation scene (I don't recall saying "this can't go on...I'm too old for you." Perhaps she did...maybe my dream "nasal snuffling" finally turned her off) I think we were at an airport and she's moving off and I hang back, not wanting to seem that I'm following her. But she turns back and tells me that she's going somewhere to load some Christmas carols onto her phone and she wants me to tell her my favourites??????

    Ed...is that the best you can do? Not even a decent soundtrack. She wasn't my type being (a) too young (b) beautiful. I've always preferred the older fuller-figured woman (but she had to be reasonably attractive...i.e better looking than Sylvester Stallone...as he is now) She looked a lot like Clara from Dr Who...so maybe I was playing the Dr (nice casting Ed. I got 14 years younger)

    I'm making serious efforts to get over my current recall problems and outside distractions. Apart from the new mattress I've bought a silk sleep mask to counteract the blazing global-warming dawns streaming through my (lined) curtains. I'm waiting for the NHS to creak into action and confirm a specialist appointment, to confirm whether it's dust allergy or something more serious..

    I've also ordered £150+ worth of air-purifying equipment for my bedroom. That will remove dust etc down to 3 microns. All that might do the trick. My sensitivity to REM arrival is now back to previous levels and I'm loving the long riverside walks (where the sight of me moving thoughtfully along like an intense philosopher and clearly talking to myself must cause some amusement)

    If all else fails, there's plan K...we're moving to the coast next year. Our part of Essex was recently designated by the World Health Authority as the most polluted area of England...small wonder. For 100+ years the Essex marshes have been London's rubbish-dumping ground (heaven knows whats down there) Also, we're downwind of the Capital and, it that wasn't bad enough, we're under the flight-paths of three major airports. I'm living in England's Chernobyl !

    So...not good, but nowhere near over. I'm in no rush. I may disappear from here for days or even weeks at a time but, barring the unforeseen I'll pop up whenever I've got some new development or a half-decent dream. Ever onward!

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