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    1. Star Island Story 2: " Adventure "

      by , 08-22-2015 at 10:22 PM
      { So I arrive at Star Island by a WILD } I get to the Island and plan on meeting some of my friends that I used to LD with back in the day. I look around the island and its pretty small; a couple of palm trees, a pink ocean, light brown sand, and volcano.

      I want to expand Star Island, but at the time I was more focused on finding my old pals. I had to create a way to travel to my friends location, so I used some Dream Magic to create a portal to my friend Zeta's house. I arrive at his place and I see him on top of his roof.

      " HEY MAGE! " he yelled as he waved his hands. I walk over and climb up the side of his house and get on to the roof with Zeta. " Yo Zeta whats up? long time no see friend " I hug him and then I look at his face. I see a face of worry and I ask " hey man you ok? "

      " Yea man, I was just thinking about somethin- it's nothing really... " He then went in his pocket and took out a cigarette. " Hey man you got a light? " he asked " Nope. " I say ( I dislike cigarettes ). I then ask " you do know you're dreaming right? " " Maybe?... Idk anymore kid, I'm to old for that kinda stuff " he said as he blows smoke im my face. I wave the smoke out of my face and say " C'mon man! don't you know that stuff is bad for you? "

      " hmm?- haha so what brings you here? " " I want to get the team back together again, like old times. " he looks out at his neighborhood and puffs out a cloud a smoke a sighs " I told you Mage I'm to old for that stuff now, It was fun wile it lasted." I shook my head in disappointment and said " man you're never too old for fun... well if you ever change your mind I made a new place called Star Island. " I gave him a map so he could find it.

      I got up and looked at him, he was still gazing out at the houses in deep thought. " Ok man I'm going back to my place. " I then made a portal and as soon as I made it Zeta got up and said " WOA DUDE WHAT THE HELL? HOW DID YOU JUST-" " Your dreaming fool. " I said. He then looked at his hands and looked at me and disappeared ( that means the person wakes up ) I then walk into my portal and arrive back on my island.

      I plan on just doing my own thing: working on my dream magic, working on building star island into an actual World, and working on getting Team muffin back in action. I look at my hands and shoot a purple chi blast out and it hits a palm tree and sets it on fire. I then create a wizard type Robe with a hood and create amethyst crystal staff. I point my staff down at the sand and create a giant sand castle and walk in the castle. I shape the castle so it has 4 rooms and one bedroom for me. The inside of the castle is not sand like rather its like an actual castle I decorate my bedroom how I imaged it in waking life I almost died, now I wanna die without coming back-a7664db45a222e3398f37a47cc658b45.jpg

      When I adventured with my friends back in the day, we all had code names and mine was " Mage Cat" Because I was the Wizard of the group and I had a Cat head. I morph my head into a cats head I AM MAGE CAT!