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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 7/3/12

      by , 07-03-2012 at 05:24 PM
      Mostly fragments last night

      Dream One (Fragment): It's my birthday, and I want to talk to my BFF about something more than anything. I can't remember what I want to talk to her about, but I remember constantly hoping she'd call me.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I'm in a HUGE house, and there's a fire. I'm trying to help my mom rush a bunch of little kids out of the house to safety, but there are so many trying to get out at once that they're actually acting like a bottle neck and blocking the doors. I get a large cup and start filling it with water and dousing the flames. Somehow I manage to put the fire out with this little cup, and some insurance people are there as soon as the fire is put out. I start walking them through the house to show them the damage. Luckily it's only really damaged in one small spot, but that little area goes up several floors, like it was a pillar of fire that didn't expand, just grew taller.

      Dream Three (Fragment): I'm in a car, and I look up at the sky and I can see the milky way. It's very brightly emphasized and looks like something out of a movie rather than real life. I've never seen it so bright and clearly defined even living out here in the country. Then I'm at some sort of funeral for someone I don't know. I get that it's some kid who died in a car crash though, and it reminds me too much of the friend who died and was mentioned a few dreams back when I started having overly emotional dreams I couldn't handle. I walk out of the funeral, feeling like I need to be alone. I walk outside and sit down at a picnic table and look back up at the milky way marveling at it again. Just when I start to feel at peace, someone comes up from behind me and I feel really stressed and like I really want to get away.

      Dream Four (Fragment): I'm watching as this girl with long blond hair is driving around. Ultimately she makes a big circle by taking several back roads. She's talking to herself, stressing out about how can she, someone who loves cats, fall in love with someone who hates cats? Then she turns on the radio, and someone says something like, "Where we still have the same six classes we had when you were in kindergarten. That's what makes us a small town, nothing ever changes."

      Dream Five: I'm walking up to this big decrepit house in the middle of a clearing. There are Elephants and Giraffes grazing in the clearing too. In the dream, someone in my family has died and this was their house. I Don't remember this relative at all, but my mom insists I used to stay here as a kid. When I walk in, the whole place is weird. There is a tarp set up looking sort of like a bridge, so I wonder if the guy who lived here played laser tag or something, but when I try to walk across the "bridge" it dips, and I find a sign that says "turn on hose". When I turn on the hose, I find that it's a redneck water slide, not a bridge at all. I spend a good bit of time wandering the house and finding all kinds of cool things that are strange for some old guy to have. There are all kinds of My Little Pony things, as well as some anime stuff I enjoyed as a kid like "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Kiki's Delivery Service" At some point in the dream I find a bag of stuff that I recognize as things from my early teen years, and suddenly I "remember" this uncle or who ever that died and staying here years and years ago. I get sad, and want to leave, so we do. I don't know how we end up in a car, but we're in a car driving through a big city next, trying to find our way home. At some point we get out and walk through a tunnel, and there are people in the tunnel with heat guns blowing heat on tubes of water claiming that they are going to make rainbows with heat.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 7/2/12

      by , 07-02-2012 at 05:25 PM
      I didn't imagine I'd have such good luck the first night trying to dream again, lol. The last dream is a lucid, the first one... is almost lucid?

      Dream One: I'm walking through the hall, I think I'm looking for my older brother... except I don't have an older brother, lol. A Guy with long dark hair is behind me, he reaches out his hand to me and tells me he can help me find who I'm looking for, but because we're asleep I'll have to follow him into the land of nod to reach him. I take his hand, and he walks me through a wall. Once we make it through the wall, everything takes on a darker shadowier appearance. I get cold, really really cold and start shivering. The man leads me to a bed, and he tells me that I need to lay down b/c I'm sick and I have to be healed first. He pulls the bed covers down, and I crawl into the bed, then he pulls the covers over me. I instantly feel so much warmer. He walks around the foot of the bed, grabs something off a dresser at the lower right corner of the bed, then walks back up on the right side of the bed. I'm laying on the left side, so he sit son the right side and leans towards me. In his hand is what looks like one of those little tag readers that my kids have, but he's calling it a thermometer. He lifts my arm, and pokes my under arm with the little pen thing. It beeps and some lights go from red to yellow to green. Then he takes it back to the dresser and sets it down, and grabs my cell phone of from the dresser. He brings my cell phone to me, and lifts the covers of the bed. He then pulls up my nightgown so that everything below my belly button is exposed. He sets the phone between my belly button and pubic bone, and makes it start vibrating continuously. He then pulls my underwear down and starts gently blowing on me. It's really weird, but still exciting and I almost wake up fading to the black and then appearing right back in the dream scene. First I realize my stomach ache is actually gone now (I really had a stomach ache when I went to bed last night). Then I realize that I'm laying in that bed with my covers on, and there's no one there. I see a picture on the wall of the pokemon Dratini, and I kind of find it funny because I know this is a dream world and I'm dreaming of pokemon. I don't however realize I can control the dream at this point. I notice that I'm already dressed, and decide to walk around in this land of nod to find the older brother (that I don't have, lol) I walk through the door into the hallway, and I see my grandmother. Then I see a pudgy little child with a buzz cut, he was definitely younger than my son who is 5, but seemed older or maybe just smarter than my daughter at 3. Anyways, I start to walk towards the child, and then he/it turns dark green, and smiles with big creepy fangs and his eyes turn completely white and glow. It runs towards me super fast like it's about to attack me. I wake up freaked out.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I'm walking through the woods with my mom. A Yellow and black snake slithers past us, then there are tons of them all over the path. Mom is freaking out because she's terrified of snakes, but I keep trying to tell her they are harmless garter snakes (I've only seen grey garter snakes, but I looked it up and sure enough there are garter snakes that look like they did in the dream )

      Dream Three (Lucid!): The dream starts out with me walking on a country road by a local country restaurant. I'm pushing a bike, apparently I can't ride it because I'm carrying something and I'm afraid I'll drop or spill it if I do. I'm staring at the ground, and I notice the shadow of a guy with long hair walking towards me, I don't look up or anything just keep walking. I notice the same shadow comes up from behind me, and I stop to look up at why I'm being followed. The guy is very thin, and has dark hair to his shoulders. I ask him why he's following me, and he asks if I don't remember him. I say no, an he starts saying we were good friends. I don't recognize him, so I ell him he must be mistaken. Then he starts telling me a bunch of embarrassing stuff that only my best friends would know, and I tell him to shut up I believe him and I do not want to be embarrassed anymore. He laughs, and somehow the bike is gone but I don't notice it. The guy takes my hand and leads me into a yard, and I know this is my yard somehow. He walks me over to the house, and we climb up a ladder onto the roof and sit on the roof for a bit. I know we talked, I just can't remember what about. Then he says we should get down, and we jump off the roof into the backyard, and he takes my hand and pulls me to face him, then grabs the other hand. He smiles like he's got nothing to say, maybe he just enjoys standing there looking at each other. Then I hear a noise from the right, and it's a couple of police officers. They're saying he needs to come with them for questioning. I ask why, and they say they need a dna sample and to ask him about some crime. I don't want them to take him though, so I reach into my pocket and pull out a knife. I grab the guys hand and cut the tip of his finger, then tell them there's their DNA sample, take it and get lost. They refuse however, saying that he has to come to the station in person so they can take a sterile sample. He ruffles my hair, and tells me to relax its ok. Then he tells the police that he needs to step inside for a moment and he'll be happy to come along. He walks inside the house, and I'm standing there not sure what to do for a moment, then I decide to follow. I took too long however, and he passes me inside the hall on my way inside. He says he'll see me later, and tells me he left something for me inside the bedroom. The police grab each of his arms, and lead him out. I walk back to the bedroom, that has a double bed against the right wall, and a computer desk against the back wall as well as another one against the left wall. On the desks and the bed and the monitors are big pieces of printer paper, all with the words, "I love you" written on them. My husband walks into the room, and so does my daughter. My husband comments on the notes, he says something like how they were over kill and there were so many of them making a mess. He doesn't seem angry though like he should be. I start flipping through the papers on the desk, and I find a paper with the name Kelly written on it, and I wonder if my name in this dream is supposed to be Kelly. That's when I realize I'm dreaming. I start looking around now, admiring the dream scape. I notice that the speakers on the desk have on of my friends names written on it, and I haven't talked to this friend in years so I wonder why his name is on it. Then my daughter starts saying, "Carry me, carry!" so I pick her up, and tell her Mommy is dreaming! I remind myself I need to do something that's on my goal list, but I can't remember what's on my goal list. I decide I'm going to try to grow wings and a tail and a scythe since I've done it in a previous dream, but the scythe wasn't right. I wanted to perfect it. I walk to a door, and realize I'm supposed to be on the second floor of this house. I tell myself when I open the door, it's going to lead to a balcony (even though I know I hadn't seen one earlier in the dream). It works, and I'm on a balcony with a swing when I walk out the door. I set my daughter down and tell her mommy had to go try to work on her dream goals, and she says, "Awwwwww, okay." all dejectedly, it was cute and sad, but I wasn't going to let a dc ruin my lucid, even if it was my daughter. First I try to imagine what having wings would feel like, but I just can't concentrate enough. I then think I'll stand on the swing and swing it so I can feel the wind passing over my body and pretend I'm already flying. That doesn't help me grow those wings. Then I'm like, Screw it, I'm just going to jump off this balcony and if I don't fly then I'll crash. I look off the edge of the Balcony though and realize it's concrete. I worry that if I hit concrete it'll make me wake up. I walk to the far right of the balcony, and see grass and bushes below there. I decide that a jump from this height into those bushes would result in broken bones at the worst, and I won't wake up from bones broken in a dream. I jump, and I do fly! But there's no wings, instead I'm flying like superman minus the cape, lol. I realize that my legs are dragging though, so I try to pick them up and balance myself like if I was trying to float on my belly in a pool. Then I decide I want wings still, but I can't get them to appear still. Annoyed, I see a orange cliff ahead and decide to fly as high up it as I can, and then try to imagine how my wings would feel if I was diving towards the ground from that height and flexed them to glide away from the ground at the last minute. This sort of works, only I can feel my wings, I just can't see them. They're invisible wings! I fly around in circles a bit, and a cat is below me and chases my shadow all cute like. Then I realize I've been wasting a lot of time, if I want to see the dream guy again before the dream is over, I have to go. I keep worrying that I'm going to wake up at any time, but push on anyways. I fly back towards the house, then past it towards the restaurant, then past that to another orange cliff, as if the entire dream scape is surrounded by these orange cliffs. I see a gap in the cliff about four feet wide, and fly towards it. Inside the gap is a set of stairs, but I fly up them rather than walking them. The cat is still chasing my shadow, so at the top of the stairs I pull a door out of the cliff to block the stairs so the cat can't follow me and distract me. To get any deeper into the cap though, I have to go through a door as well myself. I try to imagine my scythe, but can't see it. I decide that since I can feel my wings but not see them, the scythe too is invisible, and I can make the motions like I'm cutting the door and it'll work... and it does, I bust the door down with the invisible scythe, and step through. Inside I can see the guy from earlier signing some papers and the cops are just lounging on a couple of couches. The guy smiles at me and tells me he knew I'd come to find him, and that he's done giving his blood sample so he can leave now. I tell him that I'm worried that the dream is about to end, and that I was hoping for some sort of romantic action before it ends. He laughs at me, and tells me there's a bedroom in the back. I look back, and for some reason I'm sure if I go back there I'm going to see myself in sleeping in bed with my husband and I won't be dreaming anymore. I tell him I'm scared I'm going to wake up if I go back there, and then I do wake up.

      Usually In my dreams I lean more towards wanting romantic interactions rather than lusty ones, but last night apparently was a different story, lol. Still, other than being slightly out of the norm for me, these were pretty fun dreams to have. It's been a while since I was lucid, and while I didn't do anything of any importance (finding Kurasawa, or trying to share a dream with my BFF, etc etc) I at least got a chance to get away and de-stress a bit rather than being at the whim of my dreams and nightmares.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 7/1/12

      by , 07-02-2012 at 04:57 AM
      I haven't been taking my vitamin and my recall is terrible, but it's on purpose. I was having pretty emotionally distressing dreams for a while, even to the point I was dreaming of my kids being stabbed and fighting with my husband and such. Not stuff I wanted to remember or share, lol. Last night I had some fairly decent dreams though, so in order to regain my recall, I might as well type what little bit I can remember.

      Dream One (Fragment): I'm in a round ballroom. There are no walls, just stained glass all around. I walk up a curves stairway by one stained glass window. The stairs seem to float, I reach out my hand, and Kurasawa appears in the glass, then takes my hand and I lead him out of the glass, and we walk down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs I start to twirl, and we dance to the center of the floor. I wake up.

      Dream Two (Fragment): All I remember is walking up a path going around a mountain, and hearing a hawk to my left. I look up, and see an island floating in a cloud a few hundred feet away. I'm dressed in leather armor with a sword and a bow. I realize that I am going home, to a house in a land in the sky.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 6/27/12

      by , 06-27-2012 at 12:31 PM
      I'm having trouble sleeping again. It was after 2 am when I fell asleep, and I woke up unable to fall back asleep just before 6. Got up after tossing and turning for an hour, I'll go back to bed after I'm done typing this and hopefully get some more sleep and maybe WBTB will help

      Dream One(Fragment): I dreamed of someone I used to know, can't remember the context of this dream.

      Dream Two(Fragment): I dreamed my son's guitar was out of tune (it is, but my son is 5 and doesn't know how to play, he just "plays") and that the person from the first dream was tuning it to sound like his own guitar.

      Dream Three: I'm laying in bed in the dream, and I get a text message. I check it, and it says, "Would you rather be woken by dogs at the crack of dawn? Or would you like to sleep in and have me wake you up around noon?" I text back I'd like to sleep in... but my husband gets out of bed, and I can't fall back asleep so I get up too. Then we walk into a living room, and it's not ours. I realize this, and I go back to the bedroom, only to realize it's not ours either. There are video game systems in it, and I start trying to turn them off because they're on. Somehow though, I end up accidentally purchasing games for the systems from their online stores, I hear a noise near the door, and I look at it, just to see that there's a door hidden behind the open door. The open door closes to show the door behind it is open, and standing in the door is a blond haired guy. He comes over and sits on the bed next to me, then he asks why I didn't wait for him to wake me up. Then I wake up for real and couldn't fall back asleep.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. 6/19/20

      by , 06-19-2012 at 04:50 PM
      Dream One (Fragment): I dreamed of watching those youtube videos from last nights chats, lol.

      Dream Two: I only have vague memories of the first part of the dream. I know it was like a party or a restaurant or some sort of other loud dim atmosphere. The first point of the dream I can really remember I'm in a gravel driveway in front of a house that reminds me of my dad's trailer, but the house really looks nothing like it. I think the house is just where his trailer should be. There's a blond guy with medium length hair in front of me, dressed in the Shinsengumi blues from Hakuouki. I hear a noise behind me, and I see a zombie with green flesh stumbling in my direction. A man in a white lab coat and medium length grey hair was also behind me, and he turns quickly also startled by the sound. He tries to pull a knife out of his coat, but it does him no good against this zombie and it bites him in the hand when he tries to strike at it with the knife. The man behind me curses, and then tells me to stay behind him as he rushes forwards and draws a sword, the slashes the zombie in half. He says something like, "Looks like the good doctors experiments have escaped during our absence." and then he turns to me and tells me that I should scream as loudly as possible. I find this odd, and ask him why, and he informs me that the screams of a helpless woman will surely draw the attention of any other escaped experiments in the area. So I start screaming pretty fakely, but when I do the bushes start moving and I start screaming for real and scramble onto the covered bed of a nearby red truck. An arm reaches out of the back window of the truck and grabs my legs, I freak and kick it then jump on top of the cab of the truck hoping to be safe on the highest ground. The Blond guy gets all the zombies, then starts assessing the damage to the house. He tells me there's a lot of damage to the doors where they've no doubt tried to bang against them to get in, but it doesn't look like they were able to break in. He pulls a key out of his sleeve, and opens the front door. I hop off the truck and try to half carry the man in the lab coat (whom I'm assuming was the "good" doctor) inside, and then some headlights shine on the house. The Blonde guy curses again and says of all the times for an inspection of the house, this is the worst. I'm not sure why anyone is inspecting, but two women get out of the little car that pulled up with clip boards. I think the middle of the night is an awkward time for an inspection, but the women say it's a surprise inspection to be sure that everything is the same when they're not expected as when they are. Makes sense I guess, but I still don't know they were inspecting for. When we open the door, there's a woman inside as well, but she looks closer to my age, maybe even younger. She's holding a baby, and she's so happy that we're home. She starts to gush and cry to me about how those monsters were trying to get in and eat her and the baby, but then she sees the inspectors and the injured doctor, and she rushes me and the doctor into a room on the right. The inspectors start to follow us, but the blond guy tells them to leave us be because I needed to nurse the baby and the old man got drunk and hurt his hand and needed it cleaned and bandaged. The women didn't seem like they were very keen on seeing blood, lol. In the room, I lay down on the bed and started nursing the little baby whom I'm guessing by this point was mine. She was a cute baby girl though, probably just a couple months old. The doctor stumbled and fell onto the bed as well, and I noticed he didn't look so good. His hand was completely healed, but he looked like he was sweating and his dark grey hair was turning white as snow. I recognize these as signs of the fury blood lust in the game Hakuouki, and ask him if he needs blood. He assures me that he'll be fine, he'll get the medicine he needs as soon as the inspectors leave. I pull the baby as close to me as possible as if I could protect her from the man if he went crazy, then put an arm between her and him hoping that if the blood lust overcomes him he'll attack my arm not her because it's closest. Then I start saying , "Shhhhh, it's ok. It's ok, shhhhh." and petting his hair like I do to calm my kids when they're hurt. After what seems like an eternity the blond guy walks through the door and drapes the doctor over his shoulder and carries him out of the room. The baby is asleep, so I get off the bed and let the girl who handed me the baby to begin with sit with her. I start to follow the blonde guy out of the room, but he tells me he's taking the old man to his lab to get the medicine he needs, and some of the experiments might be loose still so I need to stay inside with another guy who's name I can't remember. The other guy had long brown hair, and he was leaning against the front door looking out the storm door, as if he was watching for something. He turns and smiles at me this huge goofy kid like grin and says something about how we're going to have fun without the blonde guy around, but it sounds more like a joke to lighten the mood than actually having nay meaning behind it. I nod, and walk back into the room with the baby, where I grab a blue robe like uniform like the guys were wearing, and a long staff with a blade on the end on it. I walk back into the living room where the front door was, and the guy in the door is shouting, "They're here! There's a bunch of them! They couldn't have all escaped from here, there's no way that lab would hold this many!" He dashes out the front door, and I follow. Lots of action ensues that I'm not even going to waste space narrating one by one. Lots of me stabbing these creatures through the throat and severing their spines and lots of me whipping the staff around and using the blade to slice their heads off. A thing I find weird now that I'm awake, I didn't have enough force to sever their heads unless I lifted my right hand and pushed extra hard against the staff closer to the tip than where I was holding it. It's wasn't a smooth motion like in the movies, ha ha. We massacre these zombies, and then start to go back into the house, but then there's another wave of them coming up the road. I notice that they keep going past us though, and start up my uncles driveway nearby. I start to take off to fight them, and the long dark haired guy tells me to come back or the blonde guy will had a fit. I tell him that's my family, and I can't let these things get them! I start fighting off the zombies on my own, and yelling at my cousins and uncle to get inside NOW! But they're having some sort of party (maybe that's where I came from in the beginning?) and they can't fit everyone inside. The brown haired guy comes over and helps me, but it's difficult to tell at points who's a zombie and who's not, so we're taking longer than we feel like we should to kick their butts and we're worried that another wave of zombies will arrive before we can even handle these. Just when it looks like we're getting ahead though, a short, skinny but built, and just generally hot Asian guy steps out in front of me. I immediately recognize him as one of our men, and start to lower my staff so it doesn't look like I'm attacking him, but he tells me, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm not on your side anymore. These zombies are under my control." I raise my staff, but I know there's no way I can hold my own against him. Zombies are slow and can't really fight back, but this guy has been training and fighting for years and I'm just now learning. I decide I'm going to try using his honor against him, "If that's true, please wait until the others arrive. We both know I don't stand a chance against you. At least let me go down fighting your zombies. There's no honor in a fight between us." He laughs, and his hair goes white and I realize he's becoming a monster like the doctor was. He tells me he'll wait for the others, I'm not worth lifting his sword to. Then he jumps backwards, but goes much much farther than he should so its as if he's flying. He lands on the street where a new wave of Zombies is coming. The long brown haired guy tells me that He thinks he's got the last of the zombies, and what am I just standing around for? I tell him about the confrontation I just had, and he's pretty upset. We yell to my cousin that I think I've gotten all the zombies, but if they notice anyone turn into one, yell at us so we can kill them before they hurt anyone. Then we start running up the road to towards the new wave of zombies. Just as we jump into the wave and start fighting, the blond guy and another guy come rushing out of the house where the baby was and they jump into the fray as well. Soon all the zombies are down, but there's more coming from farther up the street, but before trying to fight them, the guys in blue all attack the Asian dude that used to be one of them. I stand back and watch as they are all yelling and attacking and dodging. Suddenly there's like a black wave that flies through the dream, like a shock wave but it's visible like a black cloud. It hits me, and everything goes black for half a second, and then I'm seeing images of myself being in a field of flowers typing on a computer about this dream, but I'm asking people how to defeat the dude and what I should do. Someone starts gushing out how cute the bad guy is, then someone gushing about one of the other guys, then someone says I'm so much luckier than I know to be there in the middle of that fight, and then the flowers fly and suddenly I'm standing dressed in a golden dress. In my arms is the little baby girl, and she's also wearing a golden dress. There's someone standing beside me with his arm around me, and it's the blond guy, he's also dressed in gold and he's wearing a crown. He kisses the top of my head and tells me that he's finally destroyed all the darkness and it's safe for me now. But then I see a little boy standing over a well, and he plucks a coin from it, then his face twists and looks evil as he shoves the coin into his clothes. Someone confronts him, and he says he was drinking water, not stealing. Then when he does try to drink from the well to prove this, he starts coughing like the water won't go down his throat. He spits the water back into the well and runs. Then the scene changes, and the blond guy and I are handing the little boy, all wrapped up in tin foil (LOL) to the little dwarf guy in Game Of Thrones. The guy asks what he's supposed to do with him, and we're telling him to take care of him, and teach him to be a respectable person so he doesn't bring the darkness back. He scoffs, this is something he feels is beneath him and a pain in the ass to do. But he takes the kid anyways, and the blond guy and I smile at each other feeling like we've just made a huge difference. And that's when I wake up, lol.

      I really think that second dream was at least 2 dreams, but I don't recall waking up in between so I just wrote it as one. It was definitely a lot of fun in the beginning, but the end was very strange and probably symbolic. I half wonder if the blonde guy was Kurasawa. I don't recall having the over whelming calm feeling that I usually do in dreams with him, but at the same time I was very oddly calm through out the whole dream. Zombies terrify me... I can't play zombie games or watch zombie movies and I can't even watch zombie cartoons after 4 or 5 without getting nightmares at bed time. A lot of this dream is fuzzy, so I wonder if that overwhelming calming moment was in the forgotten parts. The role the blonde guy played as protecting me, the fact that he was quiet and rarely said anything like Kurasawa, and the fact that what I can remember of how he looked (because his face is fuzzy in my memory) looks like Kurasawa is pretty convincing, lol.
    6. 6/17/12, A Weird Night

      by , 06-17-2012 at 05:59 PM
      Dream? 1? 2?: I'm not sure if this should be considered a dream, or not, so I'm throwing those questions marks in there. I am pretty sure I was asleep, and suddenly I felt like my body was floating and a couple of quick shakes or vibrations or rather buzzy feeling in between happened, and then I was seeing six different places at once, as if I was looking at three TV screen stacked on top of one another next to another stack of three... but somehow I felt like I was actually in six places at once rather than being in 1 place watching pictures of six places. I thought to myself, "Is this a dream?" It was very weird and disorienting for a second or two, then everything went black. The it happened, again! and this time instead of everything going black, I tried to roll over and dispel whatever was going on. When I rolled over, my daughter did the same in her bed and rolled right out of bed! I've never had dreams like that before. I don't know if it was a dream or sleep paralysis or even something else like astral travel or OBE or something. It was definitely weird though!

      Dream 3(Fragment): I'm standing in front of someone, it may have been Kurasawa, but I'm not sure bc at this point I wasn't feeling him. I was on my guard completely, I thought I was going to have to fight this person, and that this person might not even be a person at all because I had been told there was a monster here and this person was the only thing I found when I arrived. (I don't remember being told this and my trip to "here" well enough to tell you how it went, but I have a vague recall of it) The person and I kind of stood there ready to fight, then he reached out to grab me and I dodged and tried to hit him, then he smacks my hand away and tries to grab me again and I dodge again. Then he shifts completely, drops his aggressive stance. This is where it gets fuzzy and I can't remember exacts again. I suddenly feel completely safe and warm and happy... leading me to wonder if he was Kurasawa, as those are the feelings he gives me. I think he hugs me, and tells me he doesn't have to worry about me not being able to defend myself, then he tells me that I need to go. I get on a train and leave.

      Dream Four (Fragment): I'm at some sort of Christmas party with my husband and kids. It's time to leave, so I go get the car to pull it up to the door and void getting the kids cold. We must have been with my husbands family bc I left him inside with the kids talking to them and if if had been my family I'd have stayed inside and he would have gotten the car. Someone's moving vehicles around, and it's icy and snowy. I get in my car, but then a man is driving a UPS truck too fast and it slips in the ice and nearly hits my car! A woman screams, but the driver gets the vehicle under control and everything is ok. I drive to the front of the building and my husband and kids walk out. I put the car in park and try to strap my daughter in her carseat... but she reeks, and when I pick her up my hands get wet... she's pooped her pants and it's the messy baby kind of poop, all liquid and orange. I tell my husband she's pooped her pants, and he says he knows he thought we'd change her when we get home. I fuss at him that she should have been changed as soon as he noticed it, and then I run her inside to change her. I wake up in the middle of cleaning her up!

      Dream Five: I'm in a hotel talking to a renaissance act in a lobby. The man is very nice, and I'm telling him I've seen his show at the ren fair, and how awesome it was. He gives me a hat, and asks me to hold onto it for him. It has his cell phone inside. Then I have to leave and walk outside. My son is there too, and he also gets a hat from the guy before we leave. It takes me a while to find my car as the parking lot is being torn up and repaved in places and the equipment blocks my view of it. When we get to my car some guy is smoking and trying to hit on me, and I tell him I don't like smokers. He puts his ash tray on my dash, but I drive off before he can get in my car. I pick up my husband at a door on the other side of the parking lot, and he's mad there's an ash tray in the car and I have to explain why.

      All the dreams are fragments because I'm not taking notes. Still having very little luck remembering to keep my eyes closed and not move when I wake up for this DEILDing thing, lol.

      Updated 06-17-2012 at 07:32 PM by 53224

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 6/15/12

      by , 06-15-2012 at 04:56 PM
      Note to self, reading books about aliens before bed might not be the best idea.

      Dream One: I'm huddling in the middle of the house in the dark with the kids trying to stay away from the windows. I'm sure that if I'm near the windows the aliens will see me O.o Woke up from this one almost too scared to go to the bathroom, lol.

      Dream Two(Fragment): Much less scary alien dream, and as a result i remember very little. I think I opened the front door, and let someone in. and He was telling me to relax, aliens aren't going to bother me, they don't want to hurt anyone, and I'm not ready to see them yet anyways. As I said before, I'm reading a book my mom suggested I read about Aliens and religion (It's called "In Our Image", by Susan Alan, it's fiction not fact or anything.) and I'm 100% sure that's why I had scary alien dreams when I went to sleep, lol. I'm going to have to reserve reading it for before 6 O'clock I think.

      Dream Three (Fragments): Probably the longest dream of the night, but I only remember parts. The first part I'm dressed in red and purple, and I have multiple arms (like that goddess, Shiva?) I'm yelling out, angrily. Another fragment I'm seeing an army marching over a hill. I think these were connected, like I was cheering them or or else I was about to face the army, but I could be wrong ans I can't remember what happened after. The next point I can remember I am on the sidewalk at the house I lived in as a kid. There's a man in a black suit and short blond hair with me. He's saying to me that it's best if I keep a low profile because "they" don't know what I am capable of and so he can let me live. Then he wants to talk to my family for a moment, to make sure that unmaking my brother worked. I'm really sad, and I don't think I say anything to him at all because I'm so depressed. I think they've unwritten my brother from history, gone back in time somehow and just made it so he was never born. The man knocks on the front door, and Grandma answers it. The man asks her about my brother, and she tells him I never had a brother and he must be mistaken. He thanks her and starts to walk down the sidewalk to the driveway. I follow him in a stupor, I don't know what to do, I'm just so sad. Then we get to the driveway, and the man gets in a silver colored car with no doors, instead the windshield and top of the car lift and drop, it kind of reminds me of the cockpits in the Y wings in Star wars actually. The glass was a similar geometric design. When he gets in the car, something snaps inside me, I realize that he's the only one besides me that knows my brother ever existed, and he's the one who won't let me take my revenge because he doesn't want "them" (who ever they are?) to know "what I'm capable of" (whatever that is?) I run out in front of the car, and leap on top of it. I'm angry, FURIOUS, and I can't half control myself. My hands looks like claws, and I begin ripping the glass off the car. It's some sort of plexiglass or something because it doesn't break when it hits the ground, it's only breaking in the spots where I hit it or rip through it with my claws. I'm growling and sound and feel much more like animal than a person. The guy doesn't even flinch though, he just sits in the car and watches me throw pieces of his car's windshield and windows and tops all over the driveway. I stop when I run out of glass, and feel completely deflated. That served absolutely no purpose. The guy then tells me that's not keeping a low profile like he asked me to. Suddenly I feel like a guilty puppy who just tore up the shoe of the person who's been caring for and feeding it. Obviously this guy knows "what I'm capable of" or he wouldn't mention it, then he goes and puts his own neck on the line by not reporting to "them" who I kind of figured in the dream were his superiors so I'd be safe. I repay that kindness by throwing a tantrum, doing what he told me not to, and tearing up his car. I'm a bitch I think the strong feelings are why I remember this dream so well, the sadness, the anger, and the guilt.

      Dream Four: I'm in a house, watching my kids, but it's not my house. Suddenly, all their stuffed animals come to life! The things want me to release them from the house, but I refuse. It seems I'm the only one who can release them, they need my power to escape. Then They tell me they want me to release"The big guy downstairs" and in the dream I know it's some sort of robot that runs the house not actually a stuffed animal at all. I say that there's one condition to me bringing him to life, none of them (including him) can hurt me or my family, and they can't leave the house. They're cool with this, so I start to go downstairs, then I think I need to grab my bag and my computer mouse first. The animals ask me to give them my bag and my mouse, and I refuse. I tell them I know enough about magic to know that my energy will reside in things that I use often even when I'm not using them, and the LAST thing I want is them to find a way to use that energy to do what I will not. I go downstairs, and there's a guy playing video games, I think it's my husband but I'm not sure. A lady knocks on the door, and I ask him to watch the kids and the stuffies to make sure that they don't do anything while I go out and talk to this lady. She's telling me that stuffed animals are coming to life all over, and that I need to find a way to destroy them before they get to the mad scientist that is causing them to come to life. She's telling me this, I hear a sound nearby, and look up to see a stuffed Yoshi walking across the railing of the porch. The Woman whips out a gun and shoots Yoshi! Before I can flip out, his body falls forwards and bees come out of his stuffing and attack us. I'm running back inside to the shower and batting at them. the lady is doing the same. They don't get in the house, but there are several tiny stings on my face and I fill the sink with cold water and submerse my face in it to cool the stings. Then I look over to check on the lady who is doing the same in the sink. I ask her if she thinks there are bees in the animals playing with my kids, and she said no. Then an image appears like a hologram in the kitchen. It's a man with Elvis style hair and he's laughing maniacally about his bees. Then he's saying that if we survived his bee stings, maybe we'll survive his mutating gas! and then he shows this beautiful girl saying that this is what she looks like before mutating gas, then she suddenly looks like a man and is saying this is how she looked afterwards, and her face starts melting like it's made of soft clay or play dough and she has to reshape it herself. Then I wake up, lol.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 6/14/12

      by , 06-14-2012 at 05:51 PM
      Before I get started on my dreams, I'm doing something different so I figured I'd state what it is and what you can expect on the next week or possibly longer depending on my results I'm trying to learn DEILD, wich means instead of taking notes when I wake up between dreams, I'm just going back to sleep. So last night my dreams were all fairly interesting enough that I remembered them and took notes when I got up for the morning, none of them were lucid though (I'm struggling with the whole not opening my eyes thing ) In the future though, I don't foresee remembering any where near my usual without my notes. I gotta get past the feeling of disappointment I get when I can't remember at least 3 dreams too. But without anymore rambling, here they are!

      Dream One: I'm watching a documentary about a fish. It looks like some sort of alien world, the water is a dark blueish black, not "clear blue" like in cleans ocean on earth, but not greenish brown like the oceans I've always been to, lol. In the dream documentary I learned that this particular fish hatches, and then it attaches it's self to the underside of certain other type of fish, then it would eat the bits that fly free when the other fish was eating.I watched videos of these two fish swiming (and they looked very odd, the host fish was very rounded and more like manatees than fish, but they were also definitely fish... maybe similar to Beluga whales only dark grey instead of white) and the parasite fish kind of reminded me of a white fish skeleton, only it's spiky parts weren't just bone, but flowey fin thingies. The documentary also said that they were having trouble in the north west islands because the host fish (I can't remember the fish names now ) up there had evolved with a mouth lower on it's body and when the parasite fish attached, it would block the host fish's mouth and the host fish would slowly starve to death unable to open it's mouth, then the parasite would move on to another host and kill it as well. Apparently the parasite could eat the food the host would try to catch by acting as the mouth so it didn't starve.

      Dream Two(Fragment): I'm at a star wars convention. All I remember is being there with my mom, seeing clone troopers, and going into the bathroom.

      Dream Three: I'm standing inside a big warehouse/convention style building. I'm waiting for someone, but he's not showing up. I know I'm waiting for him though, and I know he's going to be there (and I knew who in the dream, but it was one of those things that slipped my mind by the time I woke up for the morning) I grow tired of waiting, and decide to explore. I start to walk, and suddenly the floor becomes water, so I lay back and start floating. I see a wall at arms length from me, so I float towards it, and plant my feet on it, then walk on the wall letting my body float in the water rather than wasting energy swimming. (That would so only work in a ream, lol) Then I see a boat nearby, and I listen in on what's being said on the boat. There's a woman with pretty long black hair, and I think she reminds me of an Egyptian queen, she's wearing lots of gold and red and her boat looks similar to something you'd see in hieroglyphs. She says, "In this world I could just blink and report my goods where I want them but its so much more fun to play and pretend like I'm transporting them. " and in my mind, I understand this concept that I am not in the real world, and that I can do... special(?) things that I can't in the real world, but I just don't get that I am dreaming. And it's important to realize, I felt this way from the beginning of the dream, that logic didn't apply here, but rather than being a dream I just thought I had traveled to another world or something, lol. My senses also tell me the person I was waiting for is nearby though I can't see him, but since he's not coming to meet me like he's supposed to I feel abandoned for a moment, then decide to move on and explore so I can forget again. I look around me, and see these big rugs hanging from shelves on the wall above where I'm "walking" and I notice that they would be really pretty rugs, except the company that makes them has their logo on all the rugs, even bigger than the design. In some rugs, the logo is twice the size of the actual design. I wonder if people of this world like things that are "branded" like that fad where teenagers are wearing clothes with their favorite shirt brands names on them... it's not that the logos are nice (I find them very ugly!), I really think sometimes they just want everyone to know that they shop at those stores and should be viewed as somehow higher class or more important than those who shop at other places. Anyways, my opinion of those who would buy such a rug is the same, and I wonder if everyone in that world is so concerned with brands or if the manufacturers are overly concerned with advertising their brand that they miss the point of a rug... to be decorative! Then the floor becomes land again, and I step back onto it and wander over to some anime prints, but they look like fan made stuff, and some of them even look like foil prints. The dark haired girl is looking at the prints too, and talking to a girl with big long curly bleach blond hair. The curly girl seems to be the artist who drew the pictures. She's telling the dark haired girl to pick the prints she wants in exchange for something. The dark haired girl says they're all nice, but none of them are really her style.Then the curly haired girl tells her that she has something else she made for her, and takes her to the right. I follow out of curiosity, and we walk into a move "warehouse" looking area. There are three cardboard cars. The artist girl has been making a card prop for the boat girl's next costume. She goes on to say she's hand making this one herself and making her assistants work on the other ones because she wants to make sure THIS one is perfect for the dark haired girl. Then the dark haired girl says that she'll look at the pictures again. We walk back into the room with the pictures, and I see a rotating postcard display I walk over to it, and it has postcard sized pictures in it. I start to turn it, and my eyes land on one that is the characters of Hakuouki sitting on and around a cherry tree. The difference being the girl character has been replaces by a curly brownish blonde haired character. In the dream I think she looks a LOT like me when my hair was long, but after waking up I realize that being a drawing, it could have been meant to be the girl who drew it, curly haired girl! The whole thing makes me feel off emotionally, because it reminds me that I'm waiting for someone who didn't come. The artist girl notices me looking at the picture and she leans over to say something, then stops and makes a face like she's not sure if she should, then decides to tell me after all. She says, "I loved that game, but if you ask me, I felt sorry for Yukimaru (the female lead character) because I felt like the whole time she was just being taken advantage of." This comment makes me feel even worse, because In a way I wonder if I'm being taken advantage of the way I'm waiting for someone, and even though I can feel him nearby he's not showing up. It feels like I'm being strung along or something. I walk off quickly, as tears start welling up in my eyes, then I RUN back to where the rugs were and try to hide in them and some boxes to cry. But as I start crying I feel like the person I'm waiting for walks by on the other side of the rugs, stops for a moment, then hurries off. I feel even worse, and burst into another round of tears, then someone moves a box. It's some random warehouse worker, and he tells me I can't be here, so I get up and run away. I decide I'm going to go far, far away. I run into a little room that I somehow think is my dad's house. I call out to him, and some strange man comes down from the attic, but in the dream I know he's my "dad in this world" not my real dad. I tell him I'm going to leave and go "back to the desert" because I'm tired of waiting for someone who's not going to show. He tried to talk me out of it, telling me it's hot and that I need to think of my babies who won't like the heat. I tell him I'll be fine because we won't be walking we'll be riding in the car. He reminds me that my AC is broken, and I tell him it'll be fine, there's no humidity in the desert so it feels cooler than home even if it IS hotter. Then a mans voice is practically yelling in my head, "Please just wait for me. If you want to go to the desert I will take you, I have AC. Please wait just a bit longer everything is almost ready." I ignore it though, I don't even bother trying to tell him I'm going anyways. I just walk out the door, and I'm in a little playground with a dirt ground rather than mulch and such like modern playgrounds have. A few of my friends are there with their kids, and I suddenly notice one of my friend's husbands look like the dark haired lover guy from Uraboku (spelled?) and I reason that my friend must be his "Juliet's" reincarnation in this world (couldn't remember the names in the dreams as I've only seen like one or two episodes of that and it was a couple years ago, so we're going to use Shakespeare to draw an analogy here. lol). Then I feel a familiar presence, and feel arms around me, and I know that I'm not waiting anymore and all my anger and feelings of abandonment fade. I'm sure he'd never abandon me. I look over my shoulder and see long dark hair and eerily pales skin. I'm told something about how he was trying to get everything ready so... and then I woke up. Looking back on this dream from an awake POV, I'm pretty sure this was some sort of communication with the "spirit guide" I know as Vesta (not the goddess, lol) He usually takes the form of a black panther in dreams (sometimes Clifford the dog sized, lol) but he also has a human form that he takes that loosely resembles Johnny Depp is Sleepy Hollow The reason I'm sure this is him, is that often when I have dreams of him, I'm always aware that I can do things that I would normally not be able to do, and feel like I'm in "another world" but I never realize it's a DREAM world. Also the part where I hear his voice in my head, and the part where he's Getting something ready... those are big arrows

      Dream Four: I'm watching a video of Animazement on a hand held video camera with my husband and kids. I notice a strange pyramid shape in the video, and insist that they rewind it so I can see it again because I think it's an important clue or symbol to something. When we rewind it, we can no longer see the pyramid, it's gone. Then we end up inside the video somehow, reliving being at Animazement. But the things that happen, aren't what really happened while we were there. There are men in gold masks spraying everyone who comes too close with strawberry yogurt. Then we're at the door of the con, and we can't get in because we didn't bring our badges. There are some artists set up outside though, so I talk to one about commissioning her to draw a picture of my daughter with some Pokemon for Christmas. Then My husband says we should leave and look for our badges. We start out the door, but then I feel like I need to go back, like there's someone important in there after all. I turn around and step back inside leaving my husband with the kids and scan the crowd really quickly. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I lock eyes with some guy, but I don't recognize him so I keep scanning and ignore him. After a moment I realize that feeling is gone and maybe there's no one important here after all, and I walk back out to my husband. He glares at me all mad and says, "Well? Did you find your blond guy?" Then some girls erupt into laughter in front of us and I notice my daughter has pulled away from my husband who is too angry to notice and is walking through the girls crowd. I rush over and apologize for her stepping on them. They tell me she's so cute and that she came over and put her hands on her hips and said, "Move it!" I'm mortified, I did not teach my kids to be so rude!!! But they girls are laughing about how cute it is. I notice one of the girls looks like someone from the con who FB friended me that I never even spoke to! Then I wake up.

      Dream Five: I've got one of those little dolls with the wires attached that you move and the computer translates into movement and animates ( http://gizmodo.com/5913553/over+dram...animation-easy ) and I'm playing with it because I think it's so cool. I'm makeing it do all kinds of dance moves, and eventually the perv in me comes out and I make it mime humping things just to see the animated character on the screen dance and hump things, lol. The animated character on the screen was a man in a trench coat with short blond hair.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 6/12/12

      by , 06-12-2012 at 04:36 PM
      Dream One: It's pokemon card night and we're going to the card store where my little boy plays against other people. The building is totally different, it's a stand alone store now not part of a strip mall, and the parking lot is a grass field. I park and go inside. When I get inside, the placed is owned by my mom's friends husband, and there are pictures of the guy having an affair with some one. I get pissed and snap at the guy because I really like my mom's friend and she deserves better. This is probably a direct reaction to finding out my mom's friend was having problems, but I don't know what those problems actually are, they may be health related rather than relationship related, I haven't the foggiest idea.

      Dream Two: I'm in the car with my husband when one of the neighbor kids come up and ask to borrow something for another kid. I let her borrow it, and then tell her that the other neighbor kid isn't "people" and then make this big deal to write out a note saying something about how the other kid thinks he's people, but he's not. Then I knock on their door and give them the note, and it causes the home alarm system to go off. I get back in my car, and tell my husband that my pokemon card deck isn't beast yet, and I need better cards for it. Then one of the other neighbors dogs walks out in the street in front of our car so we can't go anywhere.

      Dream Three: The Neighbor girls is in the dream again, but now she's at my Grandpa's house and my aunt is giving her a birthday present. We talk for a bit, and she asks me how old I am, I tell her 25 and she is surprised she thought she was older than me. Then she says she's getting married soon, then offers to take me for a ride on a motorcycle. We go find me a spare helmet in my grandpa's closet, then start to leave. I decide I need to take my bicycle and put it at my aunts house next door, so while she gets out her motorcycle I take out my bike. My cousins marvel over her pretty motorcycle, then they marvel over the fact my bike is way too big for me but I can still ride it. Then when I get the bike to my aunts house, the neighbors girl turns into Fluttershy on a scooter instead of a motor cycle. She almost tips her scooter over a retainer wall, but I come to her rescue and she jumps out to hug me and the scooter goes over the wall instead, but she's safe. Suddenly I'm Rainbowdash, and I wake up.

      Dream Four (Fragment): There's a scratch on my foot in the shape of a ">" and it takes up the whole top of my foot. It itches, and I bend to scratch it and accidentally scratch the scab off and make it bleed. In this fragment though I was actually in bed in the dream, It was a False Awakening I guess, and I wake up for real and start rubbing my foot trying to see if it's still bleeding, then realize I don't really have a scratch like that on my foot at all, lol.

      Dream Five: I'm at the store with my mom, and I'm thirsty. I say as much and she offers to buy me a soda. I tell her I have money and I'll get my own, but she refuses to let me buy it. I try to slip a $5 in her purse because I know she won't take it if I just hand it to her. Then she buys me a fountain drink. A small one, while she gets a large for herself. I'm disappointed because I prefer bottled drinks to fountain ones, but I don't say anything. Then after two sips the drink is completely empty, and I'm really upset/sad because it was mostly ice and not drink! I don't say anything out loud, but I'm seething to myself that I should have been allowed to buy my own drink. Then we get in the car and are driving through a city.

      My dreams the last few days have been... boring! And hardly worth remembering, lol. I think I need to watch a lot of anime and read a bunch for the next couple days to give my subconscious better material!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. 6/8/12

      by , 06-08-2012 at 12:43 PM
      Dream One (Fragment): All I can remember of this was images of my favorite pokemon, Dragonair.

      Dream Two: I'm leaning back against the back of a truck as though I don't want to be seen and I'm sneaking around. I look to my right, and I see Altair leaning against an SUV a few feet from me. I realize he needs a distraction to get away, and what ever reason I'm hiding for isn't really that important. I motion to myself, then to a turret I can see nearby to let him know I'm going to go over there and make a distraction. I slip quietly between the vehicles, then start to walk towards the turret. When I get several feet from the vehicles so they're not immediately suspect as being where I came from, I holler out really loudly and run towards the turret, arms flailing in the air. When I reach the turret which seems to be made of regular modern bricks (odd, lol) I start to climb it by using the uneven bricks as hand and foot holds. Only get about six feet up before out of all the people commenting how crazy I must be, I hear a girls voice saying, "I can not believe she's doing that, doesn't she have any respect for her own life and how dangerous that is? It's sickening how people who want to live are dying from illness and people who are perfectly healthy would throw that away by pulling stupid stunts that could get them killed!" I jump down, because I recognize the girl as one of my neighborhoods kids. I go over to her and ask her what she's talking about, and she tells me the oldest kid in the neighborhood has lung cancer or something and how he's going to die, and here I am practically throwing my life away in front of them all. I don't even bother to go into how I'm pretty sure I won't die, instead I tell her it's hard to feel sorry for him when He's been smoking since I moved in a few years ago. It's common knowledge now that smoking leads to cancer, and obviously he didn't care then. In my mind I see no difference, because like I would know climbing a tower could kill me, he also knew smoking a cigarette could kill him. Just because it took longer for the cigarette's poison to sink in doesn't make him less guilty of throwing his life away. I wake up, kind of mad, lol.

      Dream Three: Took a while to fall back asleep, damn insomnia, but I managed. This time I'm at the beach in a shop looking at over priced shirts. I leave and come back, and suddenly the shirts are all only a dollar but they're very picked through so I can't find what I like in my size. I leave, and am in a car with my Grandma and my son now. Usually I drive, but in the dream Grandma is driving. It starts raining so we pull over. I open my door to get out of the car, and I hear someone yell out, "It's coming!" suddenly the rain turns into sheets of water and hail and the wind is blowing like crazy! I can't pull the door closed, so it's pelting me with all of this, then the car starts to lean to the side like it's about to flip over! I put my leg out to push the car back down, and it works, then I get the door closed. It rains so hard I can't see for a moment longer, then it stops and I realize we're not in the parking lot anymore, but in the road and my grandma has bee driving through the rain we can't see in. I fuss at her telling her she could have driver into a ditch or off a cliff or run over someone or something! She tells me, "I had to get us out of there so we wouldn't die!" I try to explain she could have killed us easier than the storm could have, but she won't listen. Then she nearly runs over a girl on a bike. I start screaming, Stop Grandma! Stop! and she doesn't stop! The little girl luckily jumps out of her way, then she nearly runs over a man carrying his baby! He luckily gets out of the way too but I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, STOP THE DAMN CAR GRANDMA!!! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! She stops, and gets mad at me for cursing, but I tell her I tried to tell her to stop nicely, and she didnt and nearly ran over a little girl, a man, and his baby! She says she never did any such thing, but I refuse to let her drive anymore! I take the wheel, and call my mom who I think is at the beach with us. She's alive, but she's broke her ankle in the storm and needs us to take her to the hospital. I go to pick her up, and the sirens blare warning us there's another storm coming. My son turns into my brother, only child sized, and we dive under a couch trying to hide from the hail and debris. I use my phone to try to see the weather, but my dad calls while the page is trying load to tell us about the bad weather -_- I wake up.

      Dream Four: I walk out onto the front porch, and I see something sheer and iridescent green wrapped around the porch swing. On close inspection it's a snake skin... then I see movement, and it's a second green snake shedding it's skin near this first skin! I jump back kind of surprised, but I know green snakes aren't dangerous and have held them before so I'm not terrified like of copperheads that can kill you It sheds it's skin, then slithers to a nearby basin of water. My grandma comes out side, and I tell her that I just watched the snake shed it's skin, and she tells me that that green snake has been soaking in the water and shedding her skins all day. Apparently the first skin belongs to the same snake. Then I watch the snake rise out of the water, shake like a dog, then slither up the wall to the roof of the house and then slither along the roof to the other side of the house. I hear my kid scream in the back yard when he sees the snake, and he comes running towards me crying and terrified. I wake up before he gets to me.

      Dream Five: There's a present on a grey plastic fold out table. I go to look at it, and some guy tells me that's for mike (who ever Mike is, lol) I ask him what book it is because it looks like a book. He tells me it's called something like, "I am Flannagan" or something. Then someone asks if some guy didn't write a book with a similar titles, then the first guy says yeah, he's giving a copy of that book to Mike for his birthday. Everyone starts laughing, I think that this mike guy doesn't like the author of that book so this is like a gag gift to piss him off. I notice a cake on the table too, don't remember it being there in the beginning. Then the door opens and this mike guy walks in. He's got really long brown curly hair and a full bear so he kind of looks like a modern cave man, but he's smiling and I get the impression that he's one of those genuinely nice guys who just likes to have fun and make the people around him happy. There's a little girl with him (now that I look back, probably the same girl from the dream the night before) He picks her up, and he's so big she looks tiny in his arms even though she's close to my own height. He lets her blow out the candles for him then goes to open his gift. Unfortunately I wake up too soon to find out what his reaction was I bet it would have been funny!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 6/7/12

      by , 06-07-2012 at 01:22 PM
      I wasn't going to deal with insomnia last night, I was too tired and too cranky. So I had a drink before bed, and as a result my dreams were pretty scrambled when I woke up this morning (er, afternoon, because I slept so well I slept in an hour and a half longer than usual, lol)

      Dream One (Fragment): I'm on a boat (and now that songs going to be stuck in my head, ha ha. ) it's not a tiny one, but it's not a big boat either. It's about the size of a larger boat you'd find on a river, or a smaller boat you'd find in the ocean. Like personal boat size (not cargo sized, lol) and I'm moving things around on the boat. For some reason I think that this is my job.

      Dream Two (Fragment) : I'm in a wagon, being pulled by horses! I'm in the back, and it's uncovered. The driver is a chic with long brown hair. There's a guy with short blond hair in the back with me. Something is chasing us, actually it looks like a bunch of somethings, lol. We decide we have to jump to safety, and let whatever keep chasing an empty wagon. I'm scared to jump at first, but then I see some Bandanas in the wagon and decide I can tie them together to make a little parachute to slow my descent so I'm not injured. I tell the guy, and he thinks this is a really good idea. He takes the bandanas, and ties them for me, then hands them to me and tells me to jump first. He says if there's enough distance between us and the enemy that I need to run back to the wagon and give him the bandana so he can jump, but if the enemy catches up to the wagon I am to stay in the woods. I nod, and notice the wagon is closer to the woods now than before, the girl is giving me the best possible chance of making it to a place I won't be seen or can hide. I take a deep breath and jump, I float for a few long seconds, then land perfectly. I turn around and see the wagon, but the enemy has stopped chasing it, so I run to catch up and give the guy the bandana so he can jump. The wagon slows down just as I realize I will never be able to run fast enough to catch up to it, then it stops completely. I grab the back of it and drag myself in. I realize when I'm in the wagon that the guy is gone! I ask the girl driving the wagon, and she clucks on the horses and we start taking off really fast again. She tells me that he knew I wouldn't let him jump out to go stop our pursuers, so he came up with this elaborate plan for me to jump then run back to the wagon to give him the bandana so I wouldn't be on the wagon to see him jump off and run to face the enemy, but he knew I'd end up either in the woods hiding safely or on the wagon getting the heck out of there while he held them off. I'm pretty distraught over this, I tell the girl we need to go back to get him, but she says no, we're already too far an almost to our destination and he wouldn't want us to go back and put ourselves in danger. Then we're coming up to this giant log wall with a log gate. The gate opens and the girl drives the wagon through the gate. Inside, there are a lot of people and even non human Star Wars style aliens. The wagon is going slow now, so I jump off again, but when I try to go back I realize the gate is closed and I can't get back out to go help the guy. I turn around, very disappointed and start back for the wagon, but it didn't go the direction I thought it had. I think I'm lost, but then a wagon (not sure that it's the same one) pulls up to my left and instead of the brown haired girl it's my BFF. She offers me her hand and helps pull me to the drivers seat of the wagon with her rather than leaving me in the back like cargo as the other girl had done. She starts telling me as the wagon weaves through the city that we're ready to try to sign up again. I have a vague memory of trying to enlist in some sort of small army or something, but her not having something necessary so us both not signing up b/c I wanted her with me. I ask her if she has what she had forgotten last time, and she does. I'm really happy with her answer, I'm excited to join whatever cause we're signing up for, together. She stops the wagon, and we walk over to this little white fold up table with two people in casual clothes sitting behind it. There's already a guy with dark hair singing up, but one of the ladies behind the table asks if she can help us. She looks younger than me, maybe even still a teenager. Ambies tells her we want to enlist, and then she asks for something and Ambies gives her a bunch of papers. The woman/girl takes the papers and starts flipping through them. Then she says she's not sure what kind of job Ambies qualifies for, but that they have a spot reserved for me because I'm highly qualified for this fight. I shake my head and tell her no, I want to fight with my best friend or not at all. She kind of twists her face like she's trying to figure out how in the heck she can manage that, then the second woman at the desk says, "They're both short, We could put them on to help us with the faeries." The girl isn't sure how to do that, so the woman tells her to take Ambies to see someone and they'll arrange it. Then the woman hangs a sign from the table saying they're out for lunch before walking back to me and saying, "It's been a while? How have you been?" I suddenly recognize her as my teacher, but I don't in waking life recognize her at all, lol. We start waking towards a window, and I'm telling her how it's going ok, I just feel really stressed out lately. She nods and tells me that it's hard sometimes to juggle a normal life, but that she knows I can do it. Then, looking out the window I see a white truck drive on a lawn, the driver throws four yellow daffodils out the window in anger, and speeds off. The flowers look so sad broken and scattered on the ground with a white ribbon streaming in the wind where it can't quite be blown free from the weight of the three flowers on top of it. The woman tells me that the man is unhappy, she says that she told him she wasn't interested in him romantically, and he was so upset over it that he left our cause. She says more that I can't exactly remember, but the lesson I took away from it was that we should follow what we believe in, and not fight for a cause just because someone close to us is. I figured this had something to do with me not wanting to join without Ambies, and that if I really believed in the cause I shouldn't need my best friend to back me up. If I only do it for her, then if she leaves or we have an argument, then I'm likely to end up like the man who left because my teacher didn't share his romantic interests. The teacher asks me what my jobs were right now, and the dream fades with me watching out the window thinking of logs and how they must have cut them to build the fort. I apparently ignored her question, lol.

      Dream Three: This one is really confusing to me and very broken up so I'm apologizing in advanced for how confusing it is. It starts out I'm walking through a hallway with a mane and a woman and a little girl. The little girl seems to be around ten or so, and has light blond hair like my daughters. I don't think she's my daughter though, and she seemed really quiet and distant, like she was depressed and in her own little world or something. We pass by a little alcove like area, and there's a car wrecked inside the building. There's someone inside the car dying, and a man trying desperately to get the woman out. The woman I'm with says she can save the woman with a spell. Her and the man I'm with tell the other man that he needs to take the little girl somewhere and let her show him the things the woman needs for the spell. In reality, it's a ploy to get the man away from the car so the woman can work her magic without someone else's energies interfering. The man I was with walks outside with the other man and the girl and me. The other guy and the little girl get in a car an start to drive away. Then the man I am with says he forgot to tell them to park in the right pattern so they don't accidentally park in the energy field when they return. The he's pretty sure the little girl will tell him so it's ok. Then, (this is where the dream gets uber confusing) the guy takes my hand and starts to walk me out of the parking lot and down the street. The dream shifts completely. The busy street in front of the hotel becomes a quiet back street in a quiet little town. It's no longer dark, but now bright and sunny. I look at the guy, and realize he is Kurasawa, but I fail to become lucid at this revelation because he's talking to me. He's telling me that he's some sort of caretaker. He says it's his job to cut the grass, tend the flowers, deal with trees that fall down around the city. Then he tells me that another lesser known part of his job is to help the elderly in the area. I think he says these elderly people are council members or something. He tells me this is how me met someone, the old woman who introduced him to this whole world? He says she needed something fixed and he was sent to fix it. He gestures to a house on a hill above the road with little steps and flowers on it. He looks really happy, and at peace here, like this is his second home kind of thing. Then he smiles at me and takes both my hands and says it's time to go back. When we turn and start walking again, it does goes from day to night in the blink of an eye, and the quiet road becomes the busy road in front of the hotel. I can see lights on the hotel's facade, and I know everything is the way we left it, only the woman is done with her ritual and the man's car is back so he and the little girl must be back. We walk into the hotel, and then just like that Kurasawa is no longer at my side. I'm with someone, but I think it's my BFF, and she's on my other side not the one Kurasawa had been on. I don't notice it being odd though. She's asking me about unpacking from my trip, but I tell her we're still at the con I'll unpack later. I see people wandering around in costume as if I'm really still at Animazement. I see a guy that I kept seeing during the con, it's not that he was in costume or anything, I just felt an over whelming energy sometimes and would turn to see where it was coming from and there he'd be. This happens on occasion with people, it's not negative or anything... it's just the seem to hold a lot more energy naturally than others. Any who, I don't feel the energy from him, so I know it's not the same person, and then I think to myself that I'm hungry. I tell my BFF that I'm going to get breakfast. I wander off on my own to one of the concession areas at the con. I ask the girl for cookies and bacon, but she tells me they're all out of bacon and gives me almonds instead. Then someone asks for strawberry cheerios, and she tells them all they have left to sell is almonds, everything else was sold out. I had bought the last cookies, lol. I turn to find a table, and see someone left a half eaten bowl of cheerios in pink milk on a table. I think those must be the strawberry cheerios, I've never heard of them before but I guess they make your milk strawberry milk. Then I wake up.

      I slept so hard last night, probably because I didn't sleep much at all the night before, lol.

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 01:45 AM by 53224

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    12. 6/5/12, No notes

      by , 06-05-2012 at 12:04 PM
      I had a hard time sleeping last night, so I didn't take notes whenever I woke up, rather than move and spend another two hours trying to fall back to sleep, I tried to lay as still as possible so that it's only take a half hour or so to fall back asleep. I did jot down the notes I could think of when I woke up, but by then most of the details had left me.

      Spoiler for Music:

      Dream One: I'm glowsticking in the street again. (We live on the end of a street in one of those round turn arounds, so we never get any traffic except our close neighbors) I've got yellow glow sticks this time, and I'm alone. My husband walks up and tell me I need to stop so he can show me something. I think I'm semi lucid at this point because I stop, and I get this feeling that makes me very excited and happy. I'm thinking he's going to take me to Kurasawa because that's what I usually ask dcs to do, but then instead he takes me where our yard would be... but our house isn't there, all that's there is the ten we camped in at the beach a couple weeks ago. Inside, the lap top is set up and my husband is trying to show me something on the lap top. I'm only halfway paying attention, it's a video about glow sticking, but it's not a tutorial it's just some chic swinging her stick and I'm quickly growing bored and want to go back outside so I can do it myself. I feel my attention being pulled to outside, I just know Kurasawa is out there now. I rush out of the ten and a few steps towards the road, then I stop. Kurasawa is there, and he's glow sticking?! He's only spinning them forwards at his sides, but the circles are so even and his speed doesn't vary at all. I think, damn, he looks like he knows what he's doing... not just playing around like I am. Then He smiles at me with a mischievous smile, and I think he asks, "Miss me?" But them I woke up >.<

      Dream Two: I'm again on the road, this time after spending a good two hours trying to relax and fall back asleep from waking up the first time. My husband is there and we're walking. For some reason though, I think I become semi-lucid. I realize I can just leave my husband standing there on the road and it won't matter. I walk up to this strange house that I've never seen and is far too upscale for this little redneck "housing" development that has more trailers than houses. I knock on the door, and realize that I can open the door and it won't have any repercussions. I also realize that I need to visualize the inside of the house as I open the door, and what kind of person I want to find there. I imagine a guy who looks like Johnny Depp in the movie Sleepy Hollow being there when I open the door. For some reason though I'm scared someone in the house will see, so I slowly open the door, when I see the sleepy hollow guy walk by, I call out to him, and he comes to the door. He quickly but gracefully slides out the door and closes it without making a sound. He takes my hand and starts walking me towards the street. I tell him we can't go too close to the street because my husband is there. He starts pulling me closer to the woods then. We stop at the tree line, and he looks around for a moment as if to be sure no one's around, then he cups my face with one hand and wraps the other around my waist. He pulls me closer and kisses me lightly as he holds me, and says something about how he cherishes these stolen moments. I wake up, lol.

      Dream Three: I'm on a swing set, swinging with my kids. I'm at a strange house that I don't recognize though. A couple of guys, one with a lot of piercings, walk out of the house. They start talking to me, and I think they're related to my husband somehow. I ask them, and they tell me that they're not related, just share the same last name or something. Then they tell me I need to go inside and check out what they made. I walk inside, and my mom is at the kitchen table and there's a Christmas tree on the table made of green jello?! My mom claims the guys who just left showed her how to make it. Then she starts talking about what a pain in the ass it was to carve in all the little pine needle details. For some reason I think the thing needs to have more pine needle details and less "snow" because the snow makes it look weird.

      Dream Four: I'm in some sort of Classroom, then I leave and come back. When I come back, there are people arriving dressed in cosplay. There's one girl who's actually got four pony legs and feet instead of her normal arms and legs. I marvel over her cosplay for a moment, and think I've seen her before with shorter "legs" and ask her about it. She tells me that yeah she's put them on stilts to look more life sized. I see a box on the floor nearby, it's a box with the Disney movie Tangled's princess on the front (Rapunzel). For some reason I run over and grab it and try to open it. Then a guy comes up behind me and says, "Hey! That was my box!" then he sees I tried to open it and starts crying. I'm not sure what to do about a full grown man crying, then he cries, "That was my birthday present! I was supposed to open it, not you!" I appologize and make some weak excuse that I thought it was a classroom puzzel and didn't realize it was his, then I ask him if I could tape it back closed would that make him happy again? He says yes, so I start looking for tape, and he starts crying again, "There's no tape! You can't tape it back together!" I tell him there has to be tape we are in a classroom after all, and all classrooms have tape! Then I see some on the teachers desk and tape the box back and give it to him. Then I walk to where I think my seat is, and notice everyone is opening their text book. The textbook has Black Butler on the cover! I start looking for the page, number 835, but my book only goes up to 350, then I flip back through the book looking for a page that looks like the page everyone else is on, and I find it, but book 835 is out of order and in the 250s. The teacher starts talking about Japan and I realize this is a Japanese class. Our first lesson is on Desu, and when the teacher says desU, I point out that "Don't they say Des? isn't the U silent?" and she tells me she doesn't know where I heard that but it's not the case! And she goes on talking about japan with a horrible southern woman drawl... not the sweet kind you'd hear in a movie like gone with the wind, but like the catty and snobby white and trashy woman kind. I think to myself that there is no WAY I need to learn to speak Japanese from this woman, it'll only get me laughed at if I ever actually have to speak it! But then I realize that I can ignore the way she says shit, and just learn the meanings of the words so I could read Japanese manga and not have to wait for someone to translate them. Then I wake up.

      Dream Five (Fragment): I dreamed that my best friend went to her sisters house and washed her hair, then posted the video on face book. I was watching the video in the dream, so it's hard to remember exactly what was being said and done. I just remember her sister being uncharacteristically happy about having her wash her hair, and her normally straight dark hair looked lighter, curly, and frizzy. Oh, and they used the sink, so no one was naked lol

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 01:46 AM by 53224

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    13. 6/4/12

      by , 06-04-2012 at 12:54 PM
      Dream One (Fragment): I'm sitting "Indian style" on the ground and I have pink glow sticks in my hands. I'm just fiddling with them, giving my eyes something to focus on while I'm listening. Vesta is walking circles around me, and we're talking. I'm telling him about what's going on in my life right now, and apologizing for not calling him lately. He doesn't seem angry though, I'm not even sure if he's capable of being angry, lol. I can't remember what he said back to me though, it was mostly an emotional unloading for me.

      Dream Two: I dream that we're going to the beach again (my husband, kids, and me) but we decide to stop at a zoo on the way. When we pull in, it's obvious this isn't your typical zoo. The parking lot is small and made of dirt. There are two white tigers by the zoo entrance. Instead of having black stripes though, one has sky blue stripes and the other has cotton candy pink stripes. They're real, not statues, and when we park they slowly make their way towards us. They sniff me as I get out of the car, and I tell the kids to stay in the car until I've checked out if this place is safe or not. It scares me to think they let these tigers run loose because even though they may mean well, I've heard that tigers can think your playing with them and accidentally injure or kill you because they don't realize how much weaker than them people are. I walk to the gate to talk to proprietor, and I am assured that the zoo is safe and that the tigers wouldn't hurt me... they're just guarding the place. This seems like a contradiction, guards would hurt intruders... how do they know where not intruders? I start to go back to the car to tell my husband and kids that we should leave, but they're already out of the car walking up a wooden ramp into a side entrance in the zoo with my bff and her husband. I start to follow them, and there's a beeping sound at my side. I reach for it, and it's a pokewalker (the little things that come with Pokemon heart gold and soul silver that are like pedometers) It's beeping to alert me that there are hidden places in this zoo that I need to find to earn some sort of prize in game. I decide that since my family is already inside, I might as well go in also. A map appears on the pokewalker screen to lead me to the first point, but then I have to find the others on my own. The paths through this zoo are made of wood planks and some are even enclosed. The animals aren't in cages that I can see, they're just roaming free. What keeps the visitors separate from the animals is that the walkways are all up high. I remember seeing some rhinos, elephants, and giraffes in a field from one walkway. I also found a pond at one point full of giant goldfish. I think these are Goldeens (the pokemon) but then my rational brain kicks in for a minute and I realize that pokemon aren't real... so they must be regular goldfish or koi (that was such a missed reality check!) Then I pass a couple who are standing over a wooden door like what you might see leading to a cellar. The guy is telling his girl friend that through that door, under ground, is where the zoo is breeding it's snakes. He says something about how it was too dangerous for the snakes to be frozen and shipped here, so the zoo started breeding it's own. I walk back into an enclosed walk way wanting to put distance between me and the snakes, and I wake up.

      Dream Three: I wake up in a hammock, in a little two room house (not two bedrooms, but the bedroom is one room, then a kitchen/livingroom combo is the other room) I walk out onto the porch, and my uncle is walking up the steps. He's telling me good morning and saying that he came up for a visit. He says he arrived late last night and all my lights were off so rather than wake me up, he slept in the car. I express that I'm worried about him because it's dangerous outside. I tell him that some sort of animal has been breaking into the yard lately ripping apart my kids toys and digging holes. (true story actually... must bother me more than I thought if I'm dreaming about it) He asks me what sort of animal it is, and says he never saw anything while he was sleeping. I tell him that the rest of the family thinks it's a wolf (we are actually thinking it's the neighbors dog) but that I was wondering if it could be a fox. Then I talk about how I feel really bad for the foxes around because people are hunting them and I don't want them to die out then go on to tell him about Kitsune supposedly granting households their protection in legends. I'm pretty sure the dream the night before influenced this one, but I'm not sure why I dreamed of Kitsune then because I haven't read any manga or watched any anime with them in it in months. None the less, something has sparked them to appear in my dreams. Suddenly my uncle becomes my dad, and he's telling me that if I want to protect the foxes, I need to do something about the hunters hunting them. He leads me down the road, where I see this hut with tv cameras and such set up. A big hefty redneck man is walking into the hut carrying a couple dead rabbits over one shoulder, and three dead foxes over another. I learn that there is a reality TV show where hunters are competing to see who can kill the most animals and get the most points. Foxes are apparently the highest points, so the hunters are mostly going after them. My father asks them to stop hunting the foxes, and they tell him the show makes too much money to quit and they won't do it unless he can find them another profitable venture. My father tells me and the men to follow him, and he leads us through some woods into a field. The field looks like a normal grassy yard that hasn't been cut in a week or two, except that everything is HUGE, as if we've been shrunk (Like in the movie "Honey I Shrunk the Kids") There are some yellow flowers that remind me of tulips but they are shallower and have orange centers that fade to yellow and lots of little brown spots. My dad is saying that these giant flowers look similar to tiger lillies, but they're not. Still he says, they are very unique and the man could make a huge profit from them. The hunter man says that we can hold a competition to see what makes more money, our giant flowers or his hunting show, and if we win they will stop hunting foxes. I start to walk to another giant flower, they're so pretty and I'm shocked I've never seen them before if they're so close to home. I hear a sound at my feet and look down to see a copperhead at the base of the flower, I jump back as it lashes out. I barely miss getting bit and I run back to the tv station to escape. When I go inside the tv station, I end up inside a room with another girl who is sitting alone in the only chair in the room. She's really cute, and she has her bleach blond curly hair in pigtails as if she's trying to appear younger. She's offering me my prenatal vitamins, but I look at her and she is so skinny and I can just tell that she needs it more than me. I tell her no thanks, she needs the vitamin more than I do, she looks like she's about to cry and starts talking about how she's pregnant and how she doesn't want to be, apparently she thinks starving herself to death is going to solve her problem :/ I get down on my knees, and I hug her and tell her it'll be ok, having kids is actually a lot of fun and she'll feel differently when the baby is born. She's got to just barely be preggo though because her stomach looks normal. She starts crying more but smiling at the same time, and I lay my head in her lap for some reason, but it seems to help her relax. She' petting my hair and I realize that we're inside the tv station and they may be watching us. I remember that my dad doesn't have a clue that I get crushes on chics too, so if he's watching I'm going to get yelled at. Then suddenly I remember the foxes. I have to win. I look around and all the doors are gone. All I can see is a door above my head set into the ceiling. I can't reach the door, but I have an idea. I ask the girl if I can stand in her lap to reach the door so we can rescue the foxes. She nods, and i try to carefully stand on her knees, avoiding her body and belly, and reach up. I pull a cord hanging from the door, and the door falls open. Plushie rabbits with big empty hole like black eyes start falling through the door filling up the room. I can hear the redneck hunter man yell out, he's angry because I've somehow beaten him by opening this door. I wake up.

      Dream Four (fragment): I'm with two other girls. There's some sort of giant eyeball like monster with thick dark purple tentacles (anime fans, I SWEAR it's not THAT kind of dream, lmao) The girls have to defeat this monster, but they want me to help. They tell me I have the power, I just have to use it. Then the transform into animal like creatures. I can't remember what the one turns into, but the other one turns into a pokemon ( https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...xmhPjzBPfQ3JQJ ) and I feel like I'm glowing a whiteish blue, and then I feel myself falling forwards. Then I realize that I've transformed as well. I can see my feet are hooves, and I swish my head and feel like there's something on my head cutting through the wind. I'm a blue white unicorn! We charge after this eyeball creature, and I try to spear it with my horn, but I can't see to aim it and keep missing. I realize I need to practice before I can use my horn successfully in battle, and I should try something that I can see when I'm attacking with it. So I rear back and kick out my hooves and start trampling and kicking this monster while the pokemon chic tears into it with her teeth.

      Dream Five (HI?): I'm in a car about to be hit by a bus, I realize I'm dreaming and wake up just before it hits.

      Dream Six: I'm hanging out at Dominos, chatting with my old co workers while they work. My best friend's sister is there, and somehow she's now the manager. I'm talking about how much things have changed since I worked there six years ago. Ali (my bff's sister's nick name) asks me if I will come back and help because they're really busy. I say sure, I miss working there. I go back to find a shirt and hat, but I can't find them. I ask her where the hats are and she tells me that they must have run out and she's going to have to order some. I wonder if guys with long hair would have to wear hats only or pull their hair back in a pony tail under their hat like us girls, this causes me to wake up.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    14. 6/2/12

      by , 06-03-2012 at 01:48 PM
      Posting these today for yesterday since the Dream Journal system wasn't working

      Dream One (Fragment): I was dressed up in a pony costume :/ No clue where or why though

      Dream Two: I'm on the beach at night looking up at a sheer cliff. There are about ten women hanging on the cliff so that their backs are against the cliff. They seem to be suspended somehow by their upper arms or chest and all are wearing dark but flowing dresses. One woman with long curly black hair is talking, "We are the mermaids of this isle. We will rescue our friends from the depths of this ocean, and protect them from drowning. However if you should cross us we will not hesitate to drag you to those very depths and drown you. Murder is not beneath us if you threaten our harmony." Then the women kick their legs out and the dresses become tails as lightning crackles, then turn back into dresses when the darkness returns. They leap one by one off the cliff and land safely on the ground. The one who spoke motions to me and says this time, "Come." She leads me up a gentle slope cut into the cliff, and then we're entering some sort of house on the cliff. I see a bed, and a man who has fallen half out of the bed. There's a girl there who reminds me of Fluttershy for some reason and she's holding a green bottle of what I can only assume is medicine. I rush over to the man to help him back up into bed. The fluttershy girl seems very stressed and unsure of what to do, and she's wringing her hands as she paces from side to side saying something like, "Oh I just don't know what to do for him! He's been so very sick, and he just fell out of bed and bumped his head on the night stand. Do you think he's going to be alright? I can't even get him to take this medicine." I tell her to calm down, for some reason I fell like I know this guy and he's been waiting on me. Now that I am here he will be ok. I sit on the floor, and pull his body up into my lap. He groans weakly in his sleep, and I run my hand across his head shushing him and hoping to offer some comfort. I hear a door open nearby, and look in that direction, a younger girl walks out, she seems to be in her mid to late teens. She looks at me and scowls then says something. I can't remember what it was, but the dream continues that now I know that I'm in trouble of angering the mermaids because they've fallen in love with this man and they want me here to nurse him back to health, but they're afraid he'll fall in love with me and not one of them. The rest of the dream is kind of a blur. I get him back in the bed, I am washing my hand when someone interrupts me and my hands are covered in slimy pink soap but I can't rinse it off because they've pulled me away from the sink. The head mermaid is furious because all of the mermaids are fighting over this man, but she can't kill him because she's in love with him too and she isn't sure who to punish or how for disturbing their peace.

      Dream Three (Fragment): I'm hanging out with Tom Cruise in an apartment that he claims is his. We're talking about our kids, and then he starts showing off all the hard work he did in remodeling the apartment. I am flabbergasted to hear that he did all the work himself and tell him that celebrities should have enough money to hire someone else to do the remodeling for them. He tells me that He likes to do it himself because he feels accomplished in it and he knows it's done right. Real celebrities probably don't humble themselves this way, but the dream left me feeling like maybe they're not the stuck up and bad people the seem like on tv and in magazines. Maybe some of theme are like the rest of us, hard workers who take pride in what the can accomplish themselves.

      Dream Four (Fragment): I find my pokemon cards from when I was a kid. I'm so sad because the binder they're in is tattered and dirty. I can't even find my favorite cards! This dream woke me up for the day because as silly as it sounds, it's something that stressed me out so bad. I am so sure I never got rid of my pokemon cards from my childhood because they were such a big part of my life for a couple years. I may have gotten rid of all the common cards, but I for sure kept the foil cards! Only, now I can't find them anywhere and I worry that they were thrown away and I just don't remember. The dream made me anxious to look for them again to make sure they're ok and I couldn't fall back asleep I would so love to find those cards now that my kids are into Pokemon cards. They would love to see them.

      Updated 06-03-2012 at 02:52 PM by 53224

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. 6/1/12 An early but productive dream

      by , 06-01-2012 at 11:00 AM
      I'm going back to bed in a bit as it's only 5 am and I usually sleep until sometime between 10 and noon, but I just woke from a dream I wanted to write down asap!

      Dream One (Fragment): Pictures of water parks are flashing before me and I am to choose which one I want to go to. Rules and times are being explained for each.

      Dreams 2+: The earliest point I can remember I am standing with my kids behind me, my husband to my left, and a woman in a pencil skirt in front of me to my right. We're in a room with white walls, a pale blue office building style carpet, and double glass doors in front of us. We're preparing for an attack. A Buzzer sounds, and suddenly I see Dinosaurs running through the building. A T-Rex is the first to head our way. I start shooting at it through the double glass doors with my gun that fires like the Fammas I use in COD Black Ops. I nearly empty my clip on the damn thing before it finally goes down. My little boy is super curious about what's going on, and he starts to move forwards in front of me, I yell at him to stand back, just as a bunch of raptors come running in. I empty my clip on two of them, my husband takes one down and the lady takes one down. Another one gets past us though and gets my daughter. I panic for a split second, then think I might be able to find some sort of way to heal her if I move through the building. I start walking forwards, and this anime like chic with lavender hair and a white jump suit (think Rei from Evangellion (spelled?)) hands me a set of tweezers. Somehow, this sparks lucidity! I tell myself I'm just dreaming, so I'm going to pretend that these tweezers are some sort of medical secret weapon that can cure anything! Another T-Rex comes up some stairs towards me. I empty my clip on him, and breifly panic because I don't know how to change the clip in the gun or even if I have a spare! I try to calm down and tell myself again, this is a dream, all I have to do is pretend! I pull on the bottom handle of the gun, and this is apparently the clip. It slides out, and I pop it back in and tell myself that reloaded it. It worked like a charm Then a dino with a hard rounded head starts charging up the stairs. I try firing at it, but it closes it's eyes and it's skin and head are too hard to pierce with bullets! I retreat back to the room with my kids and husband, and hand the tweezers to the lady who is in there. She picks up my daughter and rushes her deeper into the room we were in away from the Dinos to miraculously cure her. My son decides to be a pain in the ass, and keeps moving in front of me and I am so scared he's going to be dino lunch. I tell him that if he doesn't get his butt behind me on the count of three, I'm going to drop this gun and spank his butt! Then I count, he cries on 1 and 2, but then scurries behind me just as I say three. Another one of the dinos with the hard skin and head comes charging in. I'm firing at him, but his eyes are closed. I empty my clip in him, as does my husband. I'm thinking this is the end while I reload my gun again, but it opens it's eyes at the last second and I shoot it's eyeballs to bits and it falls over dead. I decide I'm tired of this crap, and I'm out of here! I try to use the gun to cut a hole in the wall like in they do floors in the movies, but apparently the gun has lost it's bullets and is now firing paint balls. Fuck. I use the gun as a ram then and just bust a hole in the wall and tell myself that when I climb through that hole I'll come out at home. I come through at home, and my kids follow me. I tell them to go to the kitchen with Daddy, but they want to follow me and won't go! I want to find Kurasawa though, and I really don't want them around for that, so I run down the hall and lock myself in the bathroom, ha ha. I take the gun and break another hole in the wall. At first all I feel through the hole is ivy like I'm going outside into some sort of garden. I step back and take a moment to tell myself, "When I step through that hole, I'm going to come out in Kurasawa's dream. Not his house or a garden, but in his dream." I start through the hole again. I'm immediately overwhelmed by a strong but good manly smell. Like a whole bunch of mens scented soaps and body sprays all mixed together. The air is comfortable and warm, not cold or uneasy if that makes any sense. I know I've done it, I'm somehow Where I wanted to be. The carpets are dark blue, there's some blue green chairs and a couch, also the walls are a tan color and it looks like I'm in a trailer. I turn right because it looks like I'm on the far left end of this place. There's a kitchen where a couple of guys are goofing off getting beers, pouring shots, and eating/throwing food. They look college aged. They turn to look at me, and one of them asks who I am, I tell him I'm looking for Kurasawa and he just accepts this and they ignore me, lol. I walk down the hall by the kitchen, and walk into the first room on my left. As soon as I step in, I can just feel him there. There are a couple of twin beds, and I see him on the one farthest from me, laying down reading a magazine. I rush over towards him as fast as I can, and he sits up startled. He reaches out towards me and grabs my waist to pull me closer for a hug. A PSP game falls off the bed, and I notice there's a phone number written on it that starts with 718. I try to hug Kurasawa back but I end up getting too excited and wake up.

      No worries though, I keep my eyes closed and I try to re imagine my trip through the wall into the living room and then down the hall to Kurasawa.It works and I fall asleep right back into the dream. This time he laughs and tells me welcome back. I smile at him, but refuse to get close enough to touch him, and tell him that I need to be detached from the situation or I'm going to wake up again! Then I remember the PSP game that fell to the floor. I pick it up and start to look at it again. It's bright orange and has a silhouette of a child carrying an umbrella on it. the numbers are now ***, the first three digits of my own area code. This reminds me that I wanted to ask Kurasawa where he is. I ask him if we're in Hic town (the nickname for what passes for a city in my county, lol) He says no, we're actually closer to C (a big city about an hour away) Then he reaches out for me again, and pulls me onto the bed so I'm straddling his legs. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close before laying back so that now I'm laying on top of him. This embarrasses me a bit and I end up Blushing which is pretty out of character for me and the first sign that I am losing lucidity.
      A girl walks into the room, She's the girl friend of one of the guys in the kitchen. The guy is following her. He has long black hair half down his back, and he's topless. He's talking, but he doesn't sound very smart and also sounds kind of brutish as if he doesn't care about anyone elses opinions or thoughts and thinks he's always right. Kurasawa sits up, nearly knocking me off him in the process, and tells me he wants to show me something.He slides his legs out from under me, careful not to let me fall, the takes my hand and starts pulling me to the hallway. We make it out into the hallways, and he opens his front door. I'm astounded. It looks like there's a river right outside his door. Like you'd have to get in a boat to step out the front door! I'm marveling over this and how I didn't know such a place existed so nearby. He laughs, and so do the guys in the kitchen, so I turn to look at them and see whats so funny. He tells me it's just a parking lot, nothing amazing about it. I try to explain what I'm seeing, a river, and he tells me it's been raining for a few days (it really has in my area, lol) and that the parking lot just has some standing water in it, no big deal. When I turn again to look I see a parking lot with an inch or so of water sitting in big puddles here and there and not the river I saw before. I briefly wonder if the difference was in my perception and remember the shared dreams that were posted in a "to the moon!" thread and how they would be different in little ways but still obviously shared dreams. I brush off this thought though, and don't regain my lucidity. Kurasawa takes me across the parking lot and through a couple of decorative trees, onto a little black metal gazebo. From there I can see the lake. I realize now that we're on the lake, and wonder which lake it is as there are two in the area he claims we're in. I randomly want to show my BFF, so we walk back intot he parking lot, and I hear one of the guys ask where someone is. The reply is that he's at the LT Office and I think he must work with my husband. Then I ask Kurasawa to take me back to look at the water because I don't want to remember life right now. So he takes me back, but this time on the way we pass a bush covered in Ivy and I recall the ivy the first time I tried to climb though into his place (dream? house? world? lol) then a few steps later and we pass a bronze statue of a cartoony man who's caught a cartoonish catfish. The fish part is a fountain though and is spitting water. Back on the gazebo, Kurasawa puts an arm on my waist pulling me close to him and the other arm on my head to hold me against his chest and the dream fades out as I watch the tiny waves rippling across the water.

      Dreams from after going back to bed

      Dream 1, 2, and 3 (fragments) I dream of purchasing several pony figurines in the Alicorn shape like princess Celestia. One was a green pony, one was an orange pony, and one was a pink and purple pony. It so weird because they were all three pretty much the same dream of driving up to a yard sale and finding this pony, the only difference was the color of the pony in each dream.

      Dream 4 (Fragment): I was in a long and drawn out battle against some sort of shadowy demon like creature. I don't know how the fights started, but there were there rounds. The thing would press it's self into a flat black shadow and float around on the ground and then hoover in the sky. It would pop up to rush at me, or spit acid at me or shoot little disk shaped shadow balls at me. I was armed with a dagger and a steak knife of all things, so I didn't have much to work with. I could also tense my entire body up and growl out like an anime character "RAWR!" any my skin would crystallize for a quick moment so the monsters acid and attacks would have no effect on me (that's gotta be from reading Deadman Wonderland yesterday). I would leap on the demon and sink my knives into it then swish them around and cut it into think slices over and over again, but it kept regenerating. Still, somehow I managed to win all three rounds and at the end of the third it disappeared into a screaming cloud of ash. I remember thinking the whole time that it was just playing with me because it should have been harder to beat than it was and it should have attacked more. Also there were points where it didn't attack at all, just threw pictures of anime at me, lol.

      Dream 5: I was talking to a guy with tan skin and long dark hair in a button up shirt and dress pants. He was sipping coffee and telling me something about how he almost went too far, but thought it would be too cruel a punishment? He really seemed like the nice almost hippie peace loving guy who would bury himself in books, not the kind of person who would punish others or do something that might even be remotely cruel. I think he also said something about looking through yearbooks to find past students.

      Dream 6: My husband is playing Call of Duty with a friend of mine that my husband doesn't get along with in real life. I'm trying to talk to that friend at the same time on a set of head phones. He's saying he hasn't gotten any pictures of me since high school seven year ago, and wants a picture. I tell him I have tons on my facebook, but he wants one he doesn't have to get online to see. I tell him that next time he sees me he should just take a picture then. He wants to know when he'll see me again, and I tell him at exams tomorrow... and for some reason my dream self seems to think I'm back in high school and have end of semester testing the next day. He laughs and says the match is over, can't he just swing by now? I say sure, and he walks in. My husband is hungry and goes to the kitchen, so my friend and I sit down on the floor to hang out. Some how he ends up getting sad, so I try to hug him to comfort him, and he ends up latching onto me and laying me down and just holding me like I'm a stuffed animal he's sleeping with or something. This startles me awake and even though I haven't seem him in over a year I feel really awkward, lol.

      Updated 06-01-2012 at 05:13 PM by 53224

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
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